How to correctly represent message class in SMPP - sms

I am currently trying to figure out how sms classes are correctly represented in SMPP. However I am by now completely confused by the standard and it's documentation.
In normal sms we have
Class0: Flash sms, which are shown on the display
Class1: Normal Sms to be stored on the sim or internally in the device
Looking at the SMPP spec, I first find the parameter data_coding in the submit_sm operation, which is used to set the DCS sent via MAP. As far as I understand this, if we want to explicitly set the message class we need to set the first four bits of this parameter to ones, then two bits indicating the coding and then another two bits indicating the message class. So for Class1 Sms, we would set 1111xx01. Is this correct so far?
If we try to set this DCS, however currently we also set the data coding to "8-Bit data". It seems, several phones are not able to understand this. Is this specified anywhere, and can we just change this, or is a special coding needed when sending other message classes.
More confusion arises, when we try to use the SMPPv3.4 recommended way of setting the Message class. Since 3.4 there is an optional parameter in the submit_sm operation, called dest_addr_subunit. According to the standard this parameter should be set to 0 for unknown, 1 for MS-Display, 2 for Mobile equipment, etc. If I look at this, it seems the parameters are shifted by one compared to GSM message classes. Class0 is encoded as 1, Class1 is encoded as 2 and so on. Is this correct or is there any more complicated mapping behind this?
Also, if we set dest_addr_subunit, do we still have to set DCS as well, or can we just leave this parameter at it's default value?

I recommend to read 3GPP TS 23.038 specification with detailed DCS (Data Coding Scheme) description.
In case of DCS bits 7654 are 00xx, you should check DCS for bit 4 value.
bit 4 == 0 - no message class for this message (bits 1 and 0 are reserved)
bit 4 == 1 - bits 1 and 0 contains message class
So you should set data_coding SMPP parameter in accordance to 3GPP TS 23.038 specification to handle message_class properly.
By default GSM SMS message has no message_class and this is not the same as message_class = 1.


SNMPv3 protocol and packets composition

With a friend we are currently working on a library to create and read SNMPv3 packet.
The idea is "only" to create the content of the packet and it will be sent independently.
I know that many libraries exist for that but not in the language that we need. Our major problem now is to specify the content of the different packets. Which part is mandatory? Which part comes in which type of request?
With some examples available on Wireshark's website and the RFCs we can have a beginning of an idea but as it is a protocol, we need to be very clear and sure of what is required in each type of request (get-request, set-request, get-bulk, trap, etc.).
Is there a way to know exactly how each type of packet is created or the only information sources are the RFCs?
First, I want to offer some clarification about the terminology. A UDP packet encodes an SNMP "message". The format of the message varies with the SNMP version, but in all cases, it contains a single PDU. I think when you say "packet", you really mean "PDU".
As for your question, there's no better source than the RFCs, and they are actually easier to read than you think, as long as you know which parts to read (that's the tricky part).
RFC 3416 specifies everything to do with PDUs, including the format (p. 8), a comprehensive list of PDU types (pp. 7-8), and an explanation of how each PDU is used (under section 4.2, starting on p. 10).
The format of all PDUs is the same (though the BulkPDU replaces error-status and error-index with two integer fields of different meanings):
request-id INTEGER (-214783648..214783647),
error-status -- sometimes ignored
noSuchName(2), -- for proxy compatibility
badValue(3), -- for proxy compatibility
readOnly(4), -- for proxy compatibility
error-index -- sometimes ignored
INTEGER (0..max-bindings),
variable-bindings -- values are sometimes ignored

Define "injected"

Reading the following documentation:
The bit 4 (counting from 0), is defined as - "Specifies whether the event was injected. The value is 1 if that is the case; otherwise, it is 0. Note that bit 1 is not necessarily set when bit 4 is set."
What is the actual definition of "injected event?" in this context?
You'd think it was an easier thing to google.
If you look at Microsoft's documentation for the SendInput function it describes what it does as inserting or injecting input:
"The function returns the number of events that it successfully inserted into the keyboard or mouse input stream. .... This function is subject to UIPI. Applications are permitted to inject input only into applications that are at an equal or lesser integrity level."
Keyboard input generated by the user and sent from the device driver will not have the bit set. Input created using API functions will have the bit set.

CAN Bus Protocol Implementation

I want to learn and implement CAN BUS protocol. I have implemented UART,SPI,I2C and One Wire Bus protocol using MSP430 Launchpad in software. Now I want to learn about CAN Bus protocol. I have mBed LPC 1768 Cortex M3 Development board. mBed has Can Bus Library but I want to write my own library so that I can learn it in detail, i.e. the way I did for other communication protocols.
I am not able to find suitable resources to start with and the material appears to be scattered on net. Can any one guide how do i write and implement CAN Bus protocol with the development boards available with me.
Developing CAN library is relatively easy as compared to I2C or SPI. This is because CAN Controller of your Cortex will take care of most of complex things.
To transmit the data, You have to write ID and Data in designated registers and set bit to transmit data.
This Application note from NXP can be very useful for you.
I would recommend you to implement following functions:
InitCAN - This should set specified Baud Rate of CAN.
SetFilters - Most CAN Controllers come with Acceptance Filters, So it's good to have that
SendData - Make sure you accept Parameters like ID_Type and RTRs etc.
RecieveData - This can be blocking or Interrupt based.
Before beginning, do read CAN Basics to understand. Application notes AN713 and AN754 from Microchip is a good source. Also Vector's site and Wikipedia Article.
Plus, You can always post your doubts here or on :)
Okay so this post is quite old but people may look at it again so:
First of all Can bus is not user friendly protocol like USART or IC2 at all so you have to be very precise about your can bit timing there are tools for that but I suggest you to calculate them by hand. For a microcontroller I would suggest STM32 and be away from PIC series in my opinion. If it's only CAN-BUS without higher level protocols such as SAE J1939, steps are pretty simple and straight forward:
1)Initialize Can
2)Put CAN to configuration mode and remember that you can set baudrate, mask and filters only in configuration mode!
3) Set the baud rate registers.
4) Set the mask and filters. If you need to receive all messages just simply set mask to 0x00. Then filter will be do not care.
5) Set the CAN to the normal or loopback mode. (loopback mode is used for debugging purposes mostly.)
Some remarkable points people try to implement can at the beginning may miss:
*** You need at least 2 working CAN nodes for successfull transmission. (of course with matching baud rate). So if you want to send some data via CAN with 1 node it will not be succesfull. Because your transmitter node will not receive ACK.
*** Most likely you will need a CAN tranciever. Do not forget to put a 100 ohm or similar value resistor between Tx and Rx pins of your tranciever.
I used the software canking to talk to a mcp25050 when I learned how to implement can protocol using an hcs12 dragonboard. It helped a lot because canking will initialize everything for you when u go on the bus and all you have to do is learn how to write and recieve. If you want to learn how to initialize the steps are:
Enables can bus by setting bit on CAN Control Register 1
Enable can initialization Control Register 0
wait until can bus is in initialization mode by checking control register 1 bit
Enables can bus by setting bit on CAN Control Register 1 again and set clock source - Ethier bus clock or eclock
set prescaler baudrate and Tq with Bus timing register
set sample time and prop_seg1, prop_seg2, and phase_seg
set acceptance id on Identifier acceptance register 0-3 or 0-7 - to set your can to recieve everything set those to 00 because when doing a compare the can bus does a ones complement compare with the id coming in
set Identifier mask register 0-3 or 0-7, if you want to not care about any of the bits set them all to FF
set identifier acceptance control register to 32 bit extended or 11 bit - i use 32
set Control Register 0 back to normal mode
wait until bus is normal mode by checking Control Register 1
after this you can start changing registers or reading data to do this you must select the empty can buffer, write your id to write or request data, and then input the address, mask, and value in the 3 transmitter registers if writing and then specify the dlc (3 if writing and 8-1 if reading). to transmit the id and data you then have to set the can transmit flag to equal the can Transmit buffer selection.
** depending on what id you use bit shifting can be tedious so if you are having a problem I would suggest debugging and looking at what your Transmit buffer selection registers are holding. I had this error because i did not shift correctly when i was sending messages to the mcp25050
If your MCU supports CAN Bus, you should start from the related datasheet.

MIDIPacketList, numPackets is always 1

I'm processing Midi on the iPad and everything is working fine and I can log everything that comes in and all works as expected. However, in trying to recieve long messages (ie Sysex), I can only get one packet with a maximum of 256 bytes and nothing afterwards.
Using the code provided by Apple:
MIDIPacket *packet = &packetList->packet[0];
for (int i = 0; i > packetList->numPackets; ++i) {
// ...
packet = MIDIPacketNext (packet);
packetList->numPackets is always 1. After I get that first message, no other callback methods are called until a 'new' sysex message is sent. I don't think that my MIDI processing method would be called with the full packetList (which could potentially be any size). I would have thought I would recieve the data as a stream. Is this correct?
After digging around the only thing I could find was this:, which mentions the exact same thing but was not much help. I understand I probably need to implement buffering, but I can't even see anything past the first 256 bytes so I'm not sure where to even start with it.
My gut feeling here is that the system is either cramming the entire sysex message into one packet, or breaking it up into multiple packets. According to the CoreMidi documentation, the data field of the MIDIPacket structure has some interesting properties:
A variable-length stream of MIDI messages. Running status is not allowed. In the case of system-exclusive messages, a packet may only contain a single message, or portion of one, with no other MIDI events.
The MIDI messages in the packet must always be complete, except for system-exclusive.
(This is declared to be 256 bytes in length so clients don't have to create custom data structures in simple situations.)
So basically, you should look at the declared length field of the MIDIPacket and see if it is larger than 256. According to the spec, 256 bytes is just the standard allocation, but that array can hold more if necessary. You might find that the entire message has been crammed into that array.
Otherwise, it seems that the system is breaking the sysex messages up into multiple packets. Since the spec says that running status is not allowed, then it would have to send multiple packets, each with a leading 0xF0 byte. You would then need to create your own internal buffer to store the contents of these messages, stripping away the status bytes or header as necessary, and appending the data to your buffer until you read a 0xF7 byte which denotes the end of the sequence.
I had a similar issue on iOS. You are right MIDI packets number is always 1.
In my case, when receiving multiple MIDI events with the same timestamp (MIDI events received at the same time), iOS does not split those multiple MIDI events in multiple packets, as expected.
But, fortunately nothing is lost ! Indeed instead of receiving multiple packets with their correct number of bytes, you will receive a single packet with multiple events in it and the number of bytes will be increased accordingly.
So here what you have to do is:
In your MIDI IN callback, parse all packets received (always 1 for iOS), then for each packet received you must check the length of the packet as well as the MIDI status, then loop into that packet to retrieve all MIDI events in the current packet.
For instance, if the packet contains 9 bytes, and the MIDI status is a note ON (3 bytes message), that means your current packet contains more than a single note ON, you must then parse the first Note ON (bytes 0 to 2) then check the following MIDI status from byte 3 and so on ..
Hope this helps ...
There is a good reference of how to walk through a MIDI packet in this file of a GitHub project :
(Not mine, but it helped me solve the problems that got me to this thread)

Embedding GSM cellids in Short Messages

I'm using the WML function "providelocalinfo" to put location information into Short Messages send via a WIB menu on a GSM handset.
I'm using the WIG WML v.4 Spec from SmartTrust. The relevant section is "9.4 providelocalinfo Element"
I use the code as in the example, and then transmit the variable via SMS, and use Kannel to retrieve the message from the SMSC.
Here's the code that I'm using, with the exception of [myservicecentre] being my actual service centre:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC "-//SmartTrust//DTD WIG-WML 4.0//EN"
<wml wibletenc="UCS2">
<card id="s">
<providelocalinfo cmdqualifier="location" destvar="LOC"/>
<setvar name="X" value="loc=" class="binary"/>
<destaddress value="367"/>
<userdata docudenc="hex-binary" dcs="245">
<servicecentreaddress value="[myservicecentre]"/>
What I see in my received messages is "loc=" followed by 7 bytes (octets) or binary data. I have tried to find documentation explaining how to decode this data, but found nothing the explains this clearly.
Of the decoded 7 octets,
the first 3 octets are always the same,
The next 2 octets tend to vary between three unique values,
the last 2 octets appear to be the cellid.
So I have coded the receiver to pull the last two octets and construct a 16-bit GSM cellid. Most of the time it matches known cellids from the network. But quite often, the value does not match.
So I'm trying to find information on the following:
How to properly transmit the location information in a safe manner (encodings, casts, etc)
How to decode the information properly
How to configure Kannel to honor binary location data
I've examined the following documents in my vain searching, but not found the relevant data:
GSM 03.38, GSM 04.07, GSM 04.08, GSM 11.15, as well as the WIG WML Spec V .4
Any insight into what I might be doing wrong would be appreciated!
To decode the location info, you need to look in GSM 11.14 page 48
Byte(s) Description Length
1 Location Information tag 1
2 Length (X) of bytes following 1
3-5 Mobile Country & Network Codes (MCC & MNC) 3
6-7 Location Area Code (LAC) 2
8-9 Cell Identity Value (Cell ID) 2
The mobile country code (MCC), the mobile network code (MNC), the location area code (LAC) and the
cell ID are coded as in TS GSM 04.08 [8].
From personal experience, the first octet mentioned here is usually left off, so your first three unchanging bytes are the length and the country. The next 2 are the network operator code.
Not too many bites on this question! I wanted to summarize my findings in case others can find them useful:
Need to send messages with a dcs setting not equal to 0. dcs="0" sends data packed (honoring the lower 7-bits of each octet; this allows 160 character SMS messages when the max message size is actually 140 octets)
Need to parse the data in a binary safe manner: regex expressions that stop searching when 0x0A is encountered will fail when the binary data itself can be that value.
I found no need to change Kannel's default configuration.
Disclaimer: Safe transmission of 16-bit GSM Cell-Ids requires dealing with a few settings that I understand only because they weren't configured by default. There are probably other defaults that I've depended on but am unaware that they can vary.
