Dialog box to abort a while-loop in C++/CLI - windows

I have a while loop executed in a function. While the loop is executed, I would like to have a dialog box with an "Abort" button to show up on the screen on Windows. If I press the Abort button, the program would terminate the while loop. It's like a dialog which pops up when a file is copied. Could anybody suggest a simple way to do this with C++/CLI or something similar?
Since I don't have a lot of experience with C++/CLI, I would appreciate if you could provide me with code snippets or sample codes.

Using a separate thread is the modern way to do this, but there is another approach.
You can take the guts of your while loop and put them in an event handler. Arrange to have the message loop call this event handler again and again until the job it done (e.g., with a timer or idle processing). In the mean time, you can display a non-modal pop-up dialog. This is how printing used to work in the pre-emptive multitasking era. See SetAbortProc.
I'd recommend that second thread approach listed by others. I just wanted to point out that it's not the only way.

The construction of the while loop is the easy part. What makes it hard is you'll have to put the abort dialog in a different thread and then coordinate a flag in the while condition with the dialog. This is usually handled with semaphores which are known to be difficult to code without subtle side-effects.
The while loop, at a minimum, will need to have a mechanism that allows the event queue to get processed AND periodically checks for a change in the status of the abort semaphore.
//psuedo-code below
bool f_abort = false;
while (!f_abort)
f_abort = checkForAbort();
sleep(0); // don't want to lock the CPU
I'm not an expert in threads so I'll have to point you to other resources for what to do in checkForAbort().
Windows Forms Threading and Events - ListBox updates promptly but progressbar experiences huge delay
Win32 synchronization
Is putting thread on hold optimal?
Thread for Windows form

One simple (but poor) example could be this one:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "windows.h"
#using <System.Windows.Forms.dll>
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
using namespace System::Threading;
DialogResult *res=new DialogResult(DialogResult::No);
void waitForUserAction()
*res=System::Windows::Forms::MessageBox::Show("Exit the loop ? YES/NO","TEST",
Console::WriteLine(L"Exit by user");
int main()
ThreadStart ^start=gcnew ThreadStart(waitForUserAction);
Thread ^pThread=gcnew Thread(start);
int a=0;
Console::WriteLine(L"Loop processing here...{0}",a);
return 0;
You can check this article for more info on the topic...


KSPIN_LOCK blocks when acquiring from Driver's main thread

I have a KSPIN_LOCK which is shared among a Windows driver's main thread and some threads I created with PsCreateSystemThread. The problem is that the main thread blocks if I try to acquire the spinlock and doesn't unblock. I'm very confused as to why this happens.. it's probably somehow connected to the fact that the main thread runs at driver IRQL, while the other threads run at PASSIVE_LEVEL as far as I know.
NOTE: If I only run the main thread, acquiring/releasing the lock works just fine.
NOTE: I'm using the functions KeAcquireSpinLock and KeReleaseSpinLock to acquire/release the lock.
Here's my checklist for a "stuck" spinlock:
Make sure the spinlock was initialized with KeInitializeSpinLock. If the KSPIN_LOCK holds uninitialized garbage, then the first attempt to acquire it will likely spin forever.
Check that you're not acquiring it recursively/nested. KSPIN_LOCK does not support recursion, and if you try it, it will spin forever.
Normal spinlocks must be acquired at IRQL <= DISPATCH_LEVEL. If you need something that works at DIRQL, check out [1] and [2].
Check for leaks. If one processor acquires the spinlock, but forgets to release it, then the next processor will spin forever when trying to acquire the lock.
Ensure there's no memory-safety issues. If code randomly writes a non-zero value on top of the spinlock, that'll cause it to appear to be acquired, and the next acquisition will spin forever.
Some of these issues can be caught easily and automatically with Driver Verifier; use it if you're not using it already. Other issues can be caught if you encapsulate the spinlock in a little helper that adds your own asserts. For example:
typedef struct _MY_LOCK {
ULONG OwningProcessor;
KIRQL OldIrql;
void MyInitialize(MY_LOCK *lock) {
lock->OwningProcessor = (ULONG)-1;
void MyAcquire(MY_LOCK *lock) {
ULONG current = KeGetCurrentProcessorIndex();
NT_ASSERT(current != lock->OwningProcessor); // check for recursion
KeAcquireSpinLock(&lock->Lock, &lock->OldIrql);
NT_ASSERT(lock->OwningProcessor == (ULONG)-1); // check lock was inited
lock->OwningProcessor = current;
void MyRelease(MY_LOCK *lock) {
NT_ASSERT(KeGetCurrentProcessorIndex() == lock->OwningProcessor);
lock->OwningProcessor = (ULONG)-1;
KeReleaseSpinLock(&lock->Lock, lock->OldIrql);
Wrappers around KSPIN_LOCK are common. The KSPIN_LOCK is like a race car that has all the optional features stripped off to maximize raw speed. If you aren't counting microseconds, you might reasonably decide to add back the heated seats and FM radio by wrapping the low-level KSPIN_LOCK in something like the above. (And with the magic of #ifdefs, you can always take the airbags out of your retail builds, if you need to.)

Why is WebViewControlProcess.CreateWebViewControlAsync() never completing?

I’m trying to write some Rust code that uses Windows.Web.UI.Interop.WebViewControl (which is a Universal Windows Platform out-of-process wrapper expressly designed so Win32 apps can use EdgeHTML), and it’s all compiling, but not working properly at runtime.
The relevant code boils down to this, using the winit, winapi and winrt crates:
use winit::os::windows::WindowExt;
use winit::{EventsLoop, WindowBuilder};
use winapi::winrt::roapi::{RoInitialize, RO_INIT_SINGLETHREADED};
use winapi::shared::winerror::S_OK;
use winrt::{RtDefaultConstructible, RtAsyncOperation};
use winrt::windows::foundation::Rect;
use winrt::windows::web::ui::interop::WebViewControlProcess;
fn main() {
assert!(unsafe { RoInitialize(RO_INIT_SINGLETHREADED) } == S_OK);
let mut events_loop = EventsLoop::new();
let window = WindowBuilder::new()
window.get_hwnd() as usize as i64,
Rect {
X: 0.0,
Y: 0.0,
Width: 800.0,
Height: 600.0,
.expect("Creation call failed")
.expect("Creation async task failed")
.expect("Creation produced None");
The WebViewControlProcess instantiation works, and the CreateWebViewControlAsync function does seem to care about the value it received as host_window_handle (pass it 0, or one off from the actual HWND value, and it complains). Yet the IAsyncOperation stays determinedly at AsyncStatus.Started (0), and so the blocking_get() call hangs indefinitely.
A full, runnable demonstration of the issue (with a bit more instrumentation).
I get the feeling that the WebViewControlProcess is at fault: its ProcessId is stuck at 0, and it doesn’t look to have spawned any subprocess. The ProcessExited event does not seem to be being fired (I attached something to it immediately after instantiation, is there opportunity for it to be fired before that?). Calling Terminate() fails as one might expect in such a situation, E_FAIL.
Have I missed some sort of initialization for using Windows.Web.UI.Interop? Or is there some other reason why it’s not working?
It turned out that the problem was threading-related: the winit crate was doing its event loop in a different thread, and I did not realise this; I had erroneously assumed winit to be a harmless abstraction, which it turned out not quite to be.
I discovered this when I tried minimising and porting a known-functioning C++ example, this time doing all the Win32 API calls manually rather than using winit, so that the translation was correct. I got it to work, and discovered this:
The IAsyncOperation is fulfilled in the event loop, deep inside a DispatchMessageW call. That is when the Completion handler is called. Thus, for the operation to complete, you must run an event loop on the same thread. (An event loop on another thread doesn’t do anything.) Otherwise, it stays in the Started state.
Fortunately, winit is already moving to a new event loop which operates in the same thread, with the Windows implementation having landed a few days ago; when I migrated my code to use the eventloop-2.0 branch of winit, and to using the Completed handler instead of blocking_get(), it all started working.
I shall clarify about the winrt crate’s blocking_get() call which would normally be the obvious solution while prototyping: you can’t use it in this case because it causes deadlock, since it blocks until the IAsyncOperation completes, but the IAsyncOperation will not complete until you process messages in the event loop (DispatchMessageW), which will never happen because you’re blocking the thread.
Try to initialize WebViewProcessControl with winrt::init_apartment(); And it may needs a single-threaded apartment(according to the this answer).
More attention on Microsoft Edge Developer Guide:
Lastly, power users might notice the apppearance of the Desktop App
Web Viewer (previously named Win32WebViewHost), an internal system app
representing the Win32 WebView, in the following places:
● In the Windows 10 Action Center. The source of these notifications
should be understood as from a WebView hosted from a Win32 app.
● In the device access settings UI
(Settings->Privacy->Camera/Location/Microphone). Disabling any of
these settings denies access from all WebViews hosted in Win32 apps.

Qt - Slow GUI - Thread

when use pthread (or QThread with moveThread function) to read data (with mutex) GUI slows.
GUI Thread and pthread worker (or Qthread) are two different thread right?
Precise that the GUI don't read/write anything of data, so they are two process not correlated.
Why this issue?
(Above example of pthred worker, while GUI Dialog is created simple with qt Creator and live in main thread)
void* task_camera_notifier(void*)
while(AppState::is_left_camera_in_grabbing && AppState::is_right_camera_in_grabbing)
camera_data left_data;
return NULL;
SharedData::SecureAccess_get_leftCameraFrame(left_data); seems a very heavy operation to me (possibly it needs to read in the image from the camera which can be pretty big, then copy it in the object). And then right after the data is just read in, the left_data goes out of scope and the image is deleted. And then again, and again. Try to include a small sleep in this while loop so that it does not eat up all system resources.
Final goal: What are you trying to achieve?

Identify and intercept function call

I'm developing a launcher for a game.
Want to intercept game's call for a function that prints text.
I don't know whether the code that contains this function is dynamically linked or statically. So I dont even know the function name.
I did intercepted some windows-api calls of this game through microsoft Detours, Ninject and some others.
But this one is not in import table either.
What should I do to catch this function call? What profiler should be used? IDA? How this could be done?
Finally found function address. Thanks, Skino!
Tried to hook it with Detours, injected dll. Injected DllMain:
typedef int (WINAPI *PrintTextType)(char *, int, float , int);
static PrintTextType PrintText_Origin = NULL;
int WINAPI PrintText_Hooked(char * a, int b, float c, int d)
return PrintText_Origin(a, b, c , d);
HMODULE game_dll_base;
/* game_dll_base initialization goes here */
BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved)
PrintText_Origin = (PrintTextType)((DWORD)game_dll_base + 0x6049B0);
DetourAttach((PVOID *)&PrintText_Origin , PrintText_Hooked);
It hooks as expected. Parameter a has text that should be displayed. But when calling original function return PrintText_Origin (a, b, c , d); application crashes(http://i46.tinypic.com/ohabm.png, http://i46.tinypic.com/dfeh4.png)
Original function disassembly:
After Detours:
After Detours:
PrintText_Hooked disassembly http://pastebin.com/FPRMK5qt w3_loader.dll is the injected dll
Im bad at ASM, please tell what can be wrong ?
Want to intercept game's call for a function that prints text.
You can use a debugger for the investigative phase. Either IDA, or even Visual Studio (in combination with e.g. HxD), should do. It should be relatively easy to identify the function using the steps below:
Identify a particular fragment of text whose printing you want to trace (e.g. Hello World!)
Break the game execution at any point before the game normally prints the fragment you identified above
Search for that fragment of text† (look for either Unicode or ANSI) in the game's memory. IDA will allow you to do that IIRC, as will the free HxD (Extras > Open RAM...)
Once the address of the fragment has been identified, set a break-on-access/read data breakpoint so the debugger will give you control the moment the game attempts to read said fragment (while or immediately prior to displaying it)
Resume execution, wait for the data breakpoint to trigger
Inspect the stack trace and look for a suitable candidate for hooking
Step through from the moment the fragment is read from memory until it is printed if you want to explore additional potential hook points
†provided text is not kept compressed (or, for whatever reason, encrypted) until the very last moment
Once you are done with the investigative phase and you have identified where you'd like to inject your hook, you have two options when writing your launcher:
If, based on the above exercise, you were able to identify an export/import after all, then use any API hooking techniques
EDIT Use Microsoft Detours, making sure that you first correctly identify the calling convention (cdecl, fastcall, stdcall) of the function you are trying to detour, and use that calling convention for both the prototype of the original as well as for the implementation of the dummy. See examples.
If not, you will have to
use the Debugging API to programatically load the game
compute the hook address based on your investigative phase (either as a hard-coded offset from the module base, or by looking for the instruction bytes around the hook site‡)
set a breakpoint
resume the process
wait for the breakpoint to trigger, do whatever you have to do
resume execution, wait for the next trigger etc. again, all done programatically by your launcher via the Debugging API.
‡to be able to continue to work with eventual patch releases of the game
At this stage it sounds like you don't have a notion of what library function you're trying to hook, and you've stated it's not (obviously at least) an imported external function in the import table which probably means that the function responsible for generating the text is likely located inside the .text of the application you are disassembling directly or loaded dynamically, the text generation (especially in a game) is likely a part of the application.
In my experience, this simplest way to find code that is difficult to trace such as this is by stopping the application shortly during or before/after text is displayed and using IDA's fabulous call-graph functionality to establish what is responsible for writing it out (use watches and breakpoints liberally!)
Look carefully to calls to CreateRemoteThread or any other commonly used dynamic loading mechanism if you have reason to believe this functionality might be provided by an exported function that isn't showing up in the import table.
I strongly advice against it but for the sake of completeness, you could also hook NtSetInformationThread in the system service dispatch table. here's a good dump of the table for different Windows versions here. If you want to get the index in the table yourself you can just disassemble the NtSetInformationThread export from ntdll.dll.

win32 threads in Qt

Is there a way to create a thread in Qt without using subclassing (ie. making a QThread class)? It's getting difficult sending data into the thread. Is is possible to use win32 threads in Qt if so can someone give me an example on how to?
You shouldn't necessarily subclass QThread - See discussion here http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2010/06/17/youre-doing-it-wrong/
Or if you have many simple tasks and want to have them processed in threaded fashion. QRunnable and QThreadPool provide a quick and easy approach without dealing with threads themselves.
If you just want to run a function in another thread you should check the QT Concurrent Namespace.
The following example will run the function 'aFunction()' in separate thread and will not block on the line where calling the function. Of course there are mechanisms to understand when a function ends, to get a result, to wait for it.
void aFunction(int arg1, double arg2, const QString &string);
int integer = ...;
double floatingPoint = ...;
QString string = ...;
QtConcurrent::run(aFunction, integer, floatingPoint, string);
