Site, Store, View. product visibility - magento

I have searched and searched and can’t seem to find much on this that helps me out , so I have given up and decided to post. What I am looking for is to have:
4 different web stores all with only one associated view.
The aim is that each of these different stores will be maintained by different people. The products in one store will not be viewable in another store, etc.
To top it all off I would like to have a 5th store that has the ability to show all of the products from all stores and which store they are from. eg if you browse the catalog in this store you will be shown the catalogues from all the 4 other stores combined.
I thought I had it, but I don’t seem to be able to. If someone can point me in the right direction here for how to set this up, I am open to purchasing an extension if it is required…
Any help appreciated.

4 different web stores all with only one associated view.
The aim is that each of these different stores will be maintained by different people. The products in one store will not be viewable in another store, etc.
You create one website then 4 stores (e.g. English, French, German, Italian) for each store you create only one store view, you define a top category (e.g. Top Category English, top Category French, etc) in each store (not store view).
See in backend System > Manage Stores.
You set your products inside of a subcategory of the top category wished. E.g. you want a product only in the French Store, you set this product in a subcategory of the Top Category French. You can set the category in the Product Edit Page, in the tab "Category" or in the Category Edit Page itself
To top it all off I would like to have a 5th store that has the ability to show all of the products from all stores and which store they are from. eg if you browse the catalog in this store you will be shown the catalogues from all the 4 other stores combined.
The only way I see now is that you have to create a 5th store with a new top category and you set all of your products into this Top category too. You will have your products for example in the Top Category English + in the Top Category 5th Store. You set the product in this 5th top category in the same way as my previous paragraph.
The drawbacks with this solution, you can only display a product in one language. It will be the default one. The products management will be difficult too if you have a big catalog.
Maybe a module exists for that but I don't think.
You have to know that the search is global and search per Website and not per store.


Translate Magento Shop Categories

I want to translate categories in magento but I didn't found any way but only to add products multiple times and set different store view but that is really very time consuming if I have lots of categories and lots of site views.
Any short way to translate categories?
Yeah, that one is one of these things that can be done without extensions but are not intuitive. I had to check a video from youtube to get to the solution, which is:
Go to Catalog->Manage categories.
Select the category you want to translate. I am assuming that this category applies to the whole store, all store views included.
Then at the top left box select the store view that you want to display the category in a different language, i.e. "English".
Now the general information tab of the category shows checkboxes with the option "Use default value". Uncheck the checkbox for the field "Name" and change the name for the translated text.
Save category.
In case you find difficult to follow my instructions check this video:

I want to create a category just to show products in a particular attribute

Hope you can help Magento users,
I have a clothing store selling big mens clothing. One of my best categories in my old store was allowing the customer to view all the products in his size in one feed. Whilst I am aware they can choose the top level category (menswear) and use the attributes down the left side to select their own size, I would like to have a specific category for instance (All 3xl products) all ready setup in the mega menu. So far I have been able to set a category up and set a url rewrite to the required url attribute. Works fine but I can not add text at the top of the page (for seo purposes).
I was considering if it is possible to create a static block with only 3xl products in, then I can design the page around the static block?
Depending upon category structure if you are using anchor categories you could create a link directly to an attribute filter.
I have an attribute called material
and the value of polycarbonate id is "4"
you can append the values of layered navigation/anchor categories to the end of the url
Say for example, you have an attribute of "size", with the id of 3xl = "10"
and mens was your anchor category. It would look like
Then you would just create a simple html link to

magento link product to specific store view

I have 6 languages defined using store views.
i have 6 simple products - one product for each language.
I did not create those products using attributes or configurable product or so, since this is the main product in my store and i would like to promote the product in each language separately.
now, I try to link a productX to default store view X (means if someone clicks to view that product, he will move to the store view with the language of the product.
- store view_EN
- store view_IT
product X_EN
product X_IT
being in store view_EN, clicking product x_IT should redirect to store view_IT/product X_IT...
is that possible with little tweaks only?
First of all, you don't need 6 different products, one for each language. You can have the same product, and translate the text fields to all the languages (like name, description, short description, ...).
You can do that by changing the scope from the top-left dropdown on the product edit page, in admin.
Now here is how you can get a product url for a specific store. Let's say that the product id is $productId, and the store id is $storeId
$url = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->setStoreId($storeId)->load($productId)->getProductUrl()

Brands in sub categories in Magento

I'm trying to solve a problem with the top navigation in Magento.
The top navigation I have, currently shows a top level category and it's sub categories. What I want to do is add another level underneath each sub category containing brands in that sub category as shown here (
I want the brand items to be retrieved from the "brands" attribute of products in the parent sub category (Jackets etc.) rather than creating a bunch of brand sub categories in each product type sub category as that is a nightmare for administrating the system.
If anyone knows of a good extension free or paid that does this, I'm willing to go down that route too.
Thanks for the help.
I'm working on something similar right now. It's not an exact fit as it wouldn't integrate with your menu but I would recommend using Amasty's Improved Layered Navigation for this.
It allows you to add a horizontal layered navigation block and set it up so that you can filter by brand based on an attribute. You could use the default manufacturer attribute but I've found it less problematic to add a new one called Brands. The module allows you to assign images to attribute values, so you can have all the logos for your brands listed and the user can filter the products by clicking on the logo.
You can also then use the same brand images in the product list page and the product view page.
This is very easy for your client to manage, they just assign the product it's brand attribute when they create it.
Here's a screenshot of the site I'm working on so far (still not finished so some rough edges) so you can see what I mean. Just a few test products in there and I have used the vertical block rather than the horizontal one but you get the idea. The user just clicks on a logo to filter the list.
And apart from that there's lots of other handy aspects to the module, including sliders for filtering other attributes (weight, price and anything numeric).

Setup multiple Magento designs on single website

I'm setting up a Magento site and have some design requirements that we can't quite get right. What is the best way to setup for the website, store, store view and then the categories for the needs below?
One domain name, one set of customers
3 similar product lines that appeal to different industries
Specific Requirements:
The home page should show static content about the company and featured products from all three main categories of products
Each main category of products should have a distinct visual design that carries through when looking at any of the products in those categories
It should be seamless for customers to move from one category of products to another and have the design change without having to choose a store from a dropdown etc.
Home Page: Design A, any and all products may show.
Category 1: Design 1, products only from cat 1 show
Category 2: Design 2, products only from cat 2 show
Category 3: Design 3, products only from cat 3 show
Every combination of websites and stores and store views that we have tried results in strange behavior like changing a store and getting "There was no Home CMS page configured or found." instead of seeing the unique design and category it should be showing. So far we can only get the designs to be different by making new CMS pages which doesn't seem practical.
This seems like something that Magento is made to do and I have to be missing something.
Thank you for any help.
Your design needs imply work and considerations from multiple areas of configuration. I'll tackle them in turn. The tl;dr is that there may be more than one way to accomplish what you want, with the number of options at your disposal depending on your needs.
1) One domain name, one set of customers
Domain names (URLs) are configurable for all configuration scopes: Global (aka "Default"), Website, and Store (aka "Store View"). Ultimately, Magento configuration comes down to the most granular/specific scope, which is the store ("Store View") scope. If a configuration value is not specified at the store scope, its value is derived (inherited) from the website or global scope.
Customers are configured to "belong" to all websites or to an individual website (System > Configuration > Customer Configuration: Account Sharing Options). There is no out-of-box capability to restrict customers to a particular store.
2) 3 similar product lines that appeal to different industries
Depends on things discussed below.
1) The home page should show static content about the company and featured products from all three main categories of products
Assuming that you are using the standard configuration of having the Mage_Cms module serve up the home page (System > Web > Default Pages), that CMS page should be visible for all store views. CMS blocks and pages are restricted based on store. Now, later on in your post you mention that you see different behavior in the home page "instead of seeing the unique design and category it should be showing", which indicates that you would like to have different but analogous content for each store's home page. You can use one homepage to do this, but rather than specify content in the content area, you'll need to include your content by specifying a block in Layout XML Update - this block will load a particular category based on the store.
2) Each main category of products should have a distinct visual design that carries through when looking at any of the products in those categories
Establishing theme variants from global scope is possible at the website- and store-wide scopes. Theme variants can also be specified per CMS page, product, and category [each entity having a tab in its admin panel for effecting this change], with the latter having the option of "waterfalling" its custom theme settings to "child" categories and products. Which approach you take depends on your catalog hierarchy as well as the variations present in your themes.
It should be noted that if you need to present different category structure, or if you need to enable/disable products differently based on context, then you will be dealing with multiple websites. This is because category structure relies on root categories, and only websites are associated with root categories. As a reminder, "websites" in Magento have no implicit connection to distinct URLs, it's just an unfortunate naming convention for a scope level.
3) It should be seamless for customers to move from one category of products to another and have the design change without having to choose a store from a dropdown etc.
Based on this final stated requirement, and assuming that you are relying on Magento's native navigation, you are locked into one category structure, and will be using the approach of waterfalling category design, which you will set for each top-level main category under your single root using the "Custom Design" tab:
Another approach would be to create three distinct websites with distinct root categories and then build a menu by hand which links to each of the three stores, but I think this is less ideal based on your stated needs. You could also use one root category and then hide categories by website. Again, less likely that this will be appropriate for you.
Based on the information above you might end up clarifying or adding to your question. I'll update my answer in response if necessary.
