getElementById and innerText only changes one, not all - getelementbyid

I have searched up and down for days, no luck. Please help. This projec will only be used in IE7, it has a text box that you enter your name, and onclick should populate that name into all the spans. this is where I am at, but it only changes the first span.
Please Help. Thank you.
<input id="i" value="My_Name">
<input type="button" value="Enter"
onClick="document.getElementById('initials').innerText= i.value;">
<span id="initials">name</span>
<br />
<span id="initials">name</span>
<br />
<span id="initials">name</span>
<br />
<span id="initials">name</span>

An element's id should be unique in the document. You cannot use the same id for multiple elements. Some options:
Give the elements different IDs and retrieve them independently using multiple invocations of getElementById
Retrieve the elements by tag name using getElementsByTagName and loop over the results. (Consider wrapping the common span elements in a div and selecting by tag name relative to that wrapper.)
Give the elements a common class name and use some implementation of getElementsByClassName to retrieve the results
Give the elements a common value for the name attribute (which does not need to be unique) and use getElementsByName.

The rule is that id should be different where you are using same initials id for all span elements. You can give them different ids and try like this:
document.getElementById('initials1').innerText= i.value;
document.getElementById('initials2').innerText= i.value;
document.getElementById('initials3').innerText= i.value;
document.getElementById('initials4').innerText= i.value;
So you can modify your html like this:
<span id="initials1">name</span>
<br />
<span id="initials2">name</span>
<br />
<span id="initials3">name</span>
<br />
<span id="initials4">name</span>
<input id="i" value="My_Name">
<input type="button" value="Enter" onClick="doIt();">
function doIt(){
document.getElementById('initials1').innerText= i.value;
document.getElementById('initials2').innerText= i.value;
document.getElementById('initials3').innerText= i.value;
document.getElementById('initials4').innerText= i.value;
If you don't want to use ids, you can use getElementsByTagName and change function like this:
function doIt(){
var spans = document.getElementsByTagName('span');
for(var i = 0; i < spans.length; i++){
spans[i].innerText = document.getElementById('i').value;


How do i match the value which has a radio button checked

I have a list of similar looking DIVs without any Div ID, except one has a check box checked and others doesn't. What i need is to find the value from a child tag only if a radio button is selected.
Below is a simpler version of my code.
<div class = "XYZ">
<input type="radio" checked>
<input type="hidden" value="This is a great thing 1">
<div class = "XYZ">
<input type="radio">
<input type="hidden" value="This is a great thing 2">
Result needed is
This is a great thing 1
Unfortunately the source code cannot be changed.
Your xpath should look for a div that contains the checked input and to get the value for the one that has value attribute.
First selector returns the input, the second returns the value.
As an alternative you can use the following sibling:
If you want to also use the class of the parent div:

CSS selector path for text box that comes immediately after h3 with text "Company Name"

Below is my html
<div class="right" data-bindattr-13="13">
<h3>Company Name</h3>
<div class="input-row">
<input id="ember4258" class="ember-view ember-text-field" type="text"/>
<h3>Full Company Legal Name</h3>
<div class="input-row">
<input id="ember4259" class="ember-view ember-text-field" type="text"/>
<h3>Company Phone</h3>
<div class="input-row">
<input id="ember4260" class="ember-view ember-text-field" type="text"/>
<h3>Federal Tax / Employer ID (EIN)</h3>
<div class="input-row">
<input id="ember4261" class="ember-view ember-text-field" type="text"/>
Since class value off all the text fields and respective parent div class attributes are same I need to fill these text fields without using nth-of-type.
I have done work around to create a CSS selector that should point the text box that is immediately after <h3>Full Company Legal Name</h3> .
h3:contains(^Company Name$)+div>input
But my Capybara script is not recognizing the above way and throwing the below error.
annotateInvalidSelectorError_': The given selector h3:contains(^Company Name$)+div>input is either invalid or does not result in a WebElement. The following error occurred: (Selenium::WebDriver::Error::InvalidSelectorError)
InvalidSelectorError: An invalid or illegal selector was specified
Can any one provide a CSS that matches my requirement?
Avinash Duggirala
The contains pseudo class was deprecated, which is why the InvalidSelectorError occurs. There is currently no way to check text nodes using CSS-selectors.
Instead, you can use XPath to traverse the DOM to sibling elements.
text_field = page.find(:xpath, '//h3[text() = "Company Name"]/following-sibling::div[1]/input')
text_field.set('some value')

getelementbyclassname instead of getelementbyid is not working

I have read many times that you can NOW get getElementsByClassName. This below works fine IF I replace ClassName by Id, but using the word ClassName does not work. Anyone know why? (I tried on Chrome and Firefox)
<script type="text/javascript">
function makeDisable(){
var x=document.getElementsByClassName("mySelect");
function makeEnable(){
var x=document.getElementsByClassName("mySelect");
<select class="mySelect" id="mySelect">
<input type="button" onclick="makeDisable()" value="Disable list">
<input type="button" onclick="makeEnable()" value="Enable list">
The function is called getElementsByClassName. Plural. It returns not an element, but an array of all the elements that have the class name.
So even if the array consists of only one item, even there is only one element in the array, you still need to index it.
instead of

how to assign value directly to kendo data-bind

how to assign value directly to kendo data-bind
here is the code
<script type="text/x-kendo-template" id="add-new-user-template">
<a class="user-result">
<span class="row-name">Create New User</span>
<input type="hidden" class="hf-user-role-id" data-bind="value: 0"/>
<input type="hidden" class="row-party-id" data-bind="value: "/>
hav to set first input field value to 0 and second to empty string
Ok, I don't really know if I understood what you try to achieve, but if you want to set static values, why not just doing <input type="hidden" name="user-id" value="0" class="hf-user-role-id" /> since there is (in my opinion) no sense of binding static values.
The data-bind attribute needs a variable or some JSON to be bound to not a static value.
If I understand correctly you want to do this:
$('.hf-user-role-id').attr('data-bind', "value: 0");
$('.row-party-id').attr('data-bind', "value:");
The jquery attribute method allows you to change the values of an attribute.
If you are using kendo ui then you will almost certainly have included jquery.

Form fields added via AJAX fail to load into the $_POST array

I've got a plain and simple HTML form which allows people to order some brochures. The form first loads with something looking a little like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
var tableRowN = 1;
<form id="Order" name="Order" method="post" action="includes/orderCheck.php">
<input id="name" type="text" name="name" width="100" />
<table id="orderingTable">
<tr class="lastRow">
<td><div id="itemGroupdiv1">
<input type="text" class="disabled" name="itemGroup1" id="itemGroup1" />
<td><div id="itemCodediv1">
<input type="text" name="itemCode1" id="itemCode1" class="disabled" />
<td><div id="itemCodeVersiondiv1">
<input type="text" class="disabledSmall" id="itemcodeversion1" name="itemcodeversion1" />
<input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit"/>
Then when the user wants to add a new line to the table he can click a button which fires the following javascript function to grab the new table code via AJAX and insert it.
function createItemLine() {
$('tr.lastRow').attr('class', '');
$('#orderingTable').append('<tr class="lastRow"></tr>');
url: "/orderingTable.php?rNumber=" + tableRowN,
cache: false,
success: function(html){
The AJAX function then runs off to a PHP script which creates the next line, rolling the IDs and Names etc with +1 to the number.
<td><div id="itemGroupdiv2">
<input type="text" class="disabled" name="itemGroup2" id="itemGroup2" />
<td><div id="itemCodediv2">
<input type="text" name="itemCode2" id="itemCode2" class="disabled" />
<td><div id="itemCodeVersiondiv2">
<input type="text" class="disabledSmall" id="itemcodeversion2" name="itemcodeversion2" />
So so far, nothing suprising? Should all be pretty straight forward...
The problem is that when I add new lines (In Firefox and Chrome) the new lines are completely ignored by the form submission process, and they never get passed through into the $_POST array.
Is this a known problem? I've not come across this before...
Thanks for any pointers,
use jQuery.trim(data) but this is not pretty sure because can affect the
content of your data. or see this one may help u
Is your table missing an html id? The jQuery selector $('#orderingTable') is looking for something with id="orderingTable"
On some thorough (and boy do I mean thorough) it turned out that the following simple (yet obvious) HTML errors can cause this issue:
Badly formed code EG missing etc
Duplicate or missing form "name" attributes
On creating properly validated HTML, the form submitted and all values were passed correctly into the _POST array. An object lesson in making sure your developers pay attention to the basics before trying to get all fancy in their coding approach ;)
I've found that using .html() to insert the content instead of .append() or .prepend() causes the inserted form fields to work as expected.
I've just spent quite a while laboring over a problem like this.
I was ajax-ing an input field into a form and that input field was not showing up in the $_POST submission array, was completely annoying!!!! Aaaaanyway, I fixed it by just checking over all my html and it turns out that my form 'open' was inside one of the main div's on page and not outside.
<input type="text" name="input_field">
is now fixed to be:
<input type="text" name="input_field">
Silly, I know, but in a massive form, it was tricky to spot! So in short just be tidy with your html and it WILL work, I hope that helps someone somewhere :-)
