How do I permit Delphi XE2 to see the shared folder on my Mac from within a VirtualBox VM running Windows 7 - macos

I am running Windows 7 64-bit Ultimate under VirtualBox (latest version, 4.1.4) on my MacBook Air. I have created a shared folder on the Mac under my user folder. I have granted read/write privileges to this folder to my account. (I also configured it with read/write access to everyone, and that did not make a difference.)
In Windows 7 under VirtualBox, I have added that folder as a shared folder.
From within my Windows 7 VM, I can see this folder, create new folders and files in it, and read folders and files, using Windows Explorer.
The problem is with Delphi XE2. If I attempt to open or save a project to this shared folder, from the Save dialog box the share (which I have currently mapped to a network drive) appears with an red X icon indicating that there is something wrong with it. If I click on this folder, Delphi displays a dialog box with the title "Restoring Network Connection" and a message "An error occurred while reconnecting E: to \VBOXSVR\Demos VirtualBox Shared Folders: The request is not supported. This connection has not been restored."
That I cannot save projects in that shared folder inhibits my ability to easily create iOS apps and generate the necessary Xcode folders using Delphi's dpr2xcode.exe utility. What I have to do instead is to create the project folder locally, run dpr2code.exe to generate the Xcode project, and then to use Windows Explorer to copy the contents of the local folder to the shared folder, where I can then load the generated project in Xcode, compile, and run it.
Does anyone know of any configuration or steps I can take to permit Delphi to see the shared folder as a valid folder?
For the record, and I have seen a similar problem with other versions of Delphi with respect to Folders from a Delphi installation in VMWare Workstation (8.0) running under a Windows 7 host. In those cases, Delphi simply does not display the shared folder.

Switch your VM to "Bridged" networking as opposed to NAT.
In VBox, select your VM, go to Settings > Network > Adapter 1 > change "Attached to" to "Bridged Adapter"
I'm guessing you've already enabled SAMBA sharing on the OSX host (System Preferences > Sharing > File Sharing (switch it on) > Options > tick "Share files and folders using SMB (Windows)")
The reason you want Bridged networking is so that your VM is assigned its own IP address, rather than sharing the IP of your OSX host (which is what NAT does).
Give it a shot, let me know if it helps :)


I can not run Windows apps without Internet

My work computer doesn't have a network connection.
But I need to install specific appxs.
I installed Windows Terminal from .msixbundle file.
I installed Ubuntu 20.04 (WSL distro) from .appx file.
They were downloaded and moved to my pc from another pc with internet connection.
When I run one of them an error occurs:
We want to make sure this is you. User interaction is required for authentication.
The network location cannot be reached. For information about network troubleshooting, see Windows Help.
What does it mean? What do I need to do in order to run those apps without internet connection?

How to navigate Windows Libraries on Ubuntu

I need to recover the photos from a Windows 7 partition (Windows has been erased) external on a laptop running Ubuntu from a live USB stick. But I am not familiar with the Windows 7 file structure. I accidentally found a folder called Libraries containing all the photos. But now I don't seem to be able to find it again. I understand it is a virtual folder. How do I go about navigating to it again? I have tried systematically going through all the folders; I did find a folder called Libraries, but it is not the same as the one I found earlier on.
Thanks for any ideas.

TortoiseSVN - no overlay icons in a VM with Windows 10 on a shared Mac folder

I have a MacBook Pro with OS 10.11.5 and Vmware Fusion 8.1.1 is installed.
In Fusion I have a Windows 10 (64 Bit, Ent.) running, where I have a (vmware) shared folder from the Mac OS.
This shared folder contains a Subversion Repository which is on the Mac in an encrypted Volume (a TrueCrypt-Volume mounted with VeraCrypt).
To see these handy overlay icons in Windows (if files changed etc.) I installed TortoiseSVN (64 bit, 1.9.4), but no Overlay Icons are visible in W10.
I tried the solutions in: TortoiseSVN icons overlay not showing after updating to Windows 10 but all the hints there didn't help.
I think the issue is related to Fusion's shared folder, because local repos do show overlay icons in W10.
I activated all drive checkboxes in TortoiseSVN settings but nothing changed.
I know that it is not a good idea to share a repo through different OS: SVN control of a shared virtual machine folder
but I don't want to do any commit stuff (anymore) in Windows, I just want to see the overlay icons, which are missing in Mac's OS X subversion.
And even with TortoiseSVN installed, I can commit files on the Mac without errors, if I just never touch the commit or checkout functions in W10-TortoiseSVN.
Is there anything else, I can do to see these useful overlay icons?
TortoiseSVN does not show status icons for working copies located on network shares, by default. Read the FAQ | Why are the icons only visible on local and not on network drives?.
And don't confuse Subversion working copy with a repository.

BootCamp drivers, lost $WinPEDriver$ folder, how to create it

I have an macbook air 2012, I recently installed Windows 10 in it using bootcamp.
I also downloaded the bootcamp drivers, and a folder named "BootCamp" and "$WinPEDriver$" were created in my Windows10 bootable usb. I was able to use it to install Windows10 and use it.
Then due to space issues I deleted the Windows partition, thinking I can always reinstall it, if needed.
Now I wish to reinstall it, but when I took a backup of the bootcamp drivers, I only backed up the "BootCamp" folder, I forgot to backup the "$WinPEDriver$" folder. Without "$WinPEDriver$" folder, Windows10 get installed without the drivers. When I try to manually start the setup.exe in BootCamp folder, it quits saying "$WinPEDriver$" folder is missing. So I created a empty folder named "$WinPEDriver$". With this the driver installation does proceed, but everything except the Broadcom_Bluetooth_Driver are getting installed. I tried to install the Bluetooth driver alone manually, that also didn't help.
So my question is,
Is there a way were I can download the "$WinPEDriver$" folder alone from Apple site. I live in a place where bandwidth is very low, so downloading another 2 GB of drivers will take 3 more days, and may also get interrupted frequently.
Or can I create the "$WinPEDriver$" folder manually, just as BootCamp Assitant creates it.
Or Is there a way to download the bluetooth drivers alone from apple site.
My bluetooth chipset information is Broadcom USB 20702A3.
Just create a blank folder called '$WinPEDriver$'and it'll work, I know you've probably sorted it by now but i thought i'd leave this here in case anyone else runs into the same problem.
I was able to download Apple bluetooth for windows drivers from a Parallels KB article on titled Unable to use Apple Bluetooth USB Host Controller in Virtual Machine
As for the "$WinPEDriver$" it is included in the newest version of Boot Camp Support Software 5.1.5769 although it is still large at 542.3 MB it is not the 2 GB you feared it would be.
The download includes both the BootCamp and $WinPEDriver$ folders.
Good luck!
Incase anybody needs this when you open up Bootcamp Assistant below the 'Action' tab there is a download button to install 'Windows Support Software'. You can download from there and plug in to the Windows by using flash drive or hard disk and make the setup.

Running XAMPP on Windows through VMWare Fusion on a MAC, how do I configure apache to use my shared folders (Z:) as the web root?

Main platform: MAC OSX 10.6
Secondary platform via VMWare Fusion: Windows 7 64-bit
Background: I'm running MAMP Pro on the MAC side with a webroot at "/www". I need to test websites in IE thus requiring a Windows installation. I installed XAMPP on my Windows side and changed the apache root directory to "Z:\www", the location of my MAMP webroot which is a shared folder between MAC and Windows.
When I try to access a local site from windows (http://localhost/asite) I get a 403 Forbidden error:
Access forbidden!
You don't have permission to access the requested object. It is either read-protected or not readable by the server.
If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.
Error 403
07/30/10 14:21:07
Apache/2.2.14 (Win32) DAV/2 mod_ssl/2.2.14 OpenSSL/0.9.8l mod_autoindex_color PHP/5.3.1
What other configuration changes need to be made for this to work if it will work at all?
Thanks to those who responded. I did a little research on the types of network connections and here's how I resolved the issue without using XAMPP at all.
To recap, I'm running Win7 on my Mac via VMWare Fusion as a virtual machine. I have MAMP running a local web server on my Mac with a webroot at /www and I want to be able to also access the web server from browsers in Windows.
In short, I want to be able to go to http://localhost/mysite from Safari (Mac) or IE (Windows).
Changed my Fusion Network Adapter to Bridged, since I am working from a home office.
Refreshed my network connections using the ipconfig commands in the command prompt.
Edited my windows hosts file to reflect: localhost
Done and done.
I hope someone else can find this useful.
Is there any specific reason you're trying to serve your site from XAMPP, rather than just MAMP? I worked in a similar environment a couple of years ago, and I simply set the virtual machine's networking type to NAT (so that the guest has a different IP from the host), and then pointed IE at the IP address of the host running MAMP.
Maybe I didn't quite understand your problem completely, but:
"I need to test websites in IE"
you don't need to setup a Web server to do that...
Keep using Apache on your Mac host and point IE from your Windows VM to the host machine IP, as peterjmag suggested.
Also, wasn't there a Mac version of IE?
Again, my apologies if i misunderstood you - I don't want to sound arrogant;)
"Z:\www ... a shared folder between MAC and Windows"
What's this - a network share? Do you get the same error if you use a local folder in your VM (eg: C:\www)?
Try mounting /www from your VM - go to it's settings > options tab > shared folders. Select Always Enabled. Click Add and browse to your /www host folder. This should make /www accessible in your VM Windows.
Finally, just in case: check Windows permissions on the www folder.
Hope that helps!
