Best place to install Jython on Mac - macos

I'm trying to install Jython on my Mac (Snow Leopard). The installer prompts me to install it under
However this seems to be an inappropriate place to install an interpreter core, library modules etc...
Any suggestions as to where might be a more appropriate folder... What about
Would there be any side-effects of doing this?

I would go with /usr/local/bin, as that is the standard directory for user-installed binaries in the rest of the *nix world. Plus, it's already in your PATH. Using Homebrew helps managing these things.

If you use Homebrew you don't have to worry about these things.
brew install jython


How to install System Python 2.7 on a Mac

I need to know How to install System Python 2.7 on my Mac. This is because, I unknowingly uninstalled it (I thought I was removing the Python I downloaded from
I followed this Stack Overflow answer, and after the damage had been done, I read the comments telling me NOT TO do that.
The current reason I am wanting to install System Python 2.7 is because it is needed to install PyGame. Below is a screenshot of what I am facing when trying to install PyGame:
I recommend installing packages on OS X using Homebrew as it keeps everything you install in one place. Allowing you to upgrade or uninstall easily and not needing to remember how or where you installed it.
Once it is installed you simply type brew install python in your terminal. This will install Python 2.7.10 and it will be available at /usr/local/bin/python.
The only supported way to restore the system Python framework on macOS is to reinstall the operating system. It is treated as a component of the core operating system, so there is no way to selectively reinstall it.

Uninstall qt 4 from mac os

I just installed wrong qt version on my Mac OS. Qt version is 4.8.5. Qt5 is installed into a separate folder, but version 4 is spread over the system, I cannot just delete one folder.
Is there an easy way to uninstall it?
If I remember correctly, there is python script somewhere in /Developer/qt/tools.../
I'm not sure about the names, but you'll recognise the script.
Also, you'll have to run it with sudo, smth like this:
sudo python ./
I hope it helps.
With later versions of macOS and Qt, the solution seems to be to run the MaintenanceTool, as described on the Qt wiki and in another answer.
You should find the tool in ~/Library/Qt.

Install Perl module WWW::Mechanize on Mac

I fail to install perl module with CPAN on Mac OS X. Do you have any idea or link for my reference? Thank you.
I urge you to install perlbrew to create a local environment into which you can safely install Perl modules from CPAN without clobbering or worrying about the standard OS Perl. You will also gain the benefit of a current Perl version, far above what comes standard with your MAC.
You will need a C compilation environment 'XCode 4' in order to install perlbrew. Your install disks or the online Apple APP store offers those. Sign-up as an Apple Developer and you can download the toolset.

Where can I find instructions on how to install Vala on my Mac?

I'm looking into learn the Vala programming language where can I find somewhere to show me how to install it on my Mac?
Another way to install it is using Homebrew.
brew install vala
The advantage of Homebrew over Macports is that it tries to rely as much on what is provided by the native OS as possible without installing any additional duplicate libraries.
A good way to install it is to use MacPorts. MacPorts gives you access to Vala and many of the libraries often used with Vala.
I'd start with MonoDevelop and it's installation instructions. There's a Vala plug-in for it.

confused about macports

I am using MacBook Pro Mac OS 10.5 with related version of XCode. I am new to this development environment. I am learning macports, and I read information about macports from But I am still confused what macports is after reading information from this site.
I am previous working on Windows and Linux, could anyone let me know what macports is (in easy words) and what is the similar item on Windows/Linux?
thanks in avdance,
macports is a way of getting executables and other compiled code installed on your computer without having to work out the details of compiling/linking each apllication.
It is equivalent to a package manager under Linux and other Unicies. There is no direct equivalent under Windows.
It is just a convenient way to install a lot of *nix soft on your mac book. They are installed separately (not overwriting) from binaries/daemons/libs already installed on your mac (by default in folder /opl/local). Also they are much fresher than those installed on your mac.
For example 10.6 ships with bash 3.2, but after running sudo port install bash, you will get version 4.x (to make it your default shell add /opt/local/bin/bash to file /private/etc/shells, run chsh -s /opt/local/bin/bash and reopen terminal).
Note other os x package managers: fink and homebrew (superuser question)
