Magento checkout register new user in one step - magento

I have a problem in magento checkout. When I checkout while user is logout, it asks for login or register new user, now when new user register, it first take its billing information after pressing cotinue button it then goes to shipping information and then next step to shipping method and then payment. Can I have all these in one form ? like if its new registration, user fill billing, shipping, payment etc info all at once.
See images for more details.

By default in Magento there is no such ability to have this information on the one form, you need custom extension for this. Try to search for one step checkout module.
By the way - user is being created in Magento only after completing all of 6 steps of default checkout process.


Magento PayPal Checkout Flow - user has to login twice?

we are working on optimisation for our Magento site. Here is the flow we found and not sure whether it could be improved.
When user clicks the PayPal checkout button, it is moved to Paypal login page. After login page, it shows the checkout page where user has to input password again. Is it normal? Can we skip the previous login page since user login twice during the checkout flow?
Are you using express checkout? Have you tried to change "Skip Order Review Step" to yes?

add payment method on account creation page magento

How to add payment methods on /index.php/customer/account/create/ i.e. on customer account creation page on magento. The main motive is to allow the customer to use simple account creation on magento website and allow them to save the payment method of later use.
I did not found any clues for adding the available payment method to show on account creation step on magento.
Hope someone has answer.

Magento checkout page login issue

I am having an issue with login. After coming to onepage checkout page, if customer registers or logs in using username and password, customer is TAKEN back to SHOPPING CART. This happens with both while registering and also for existing customer. The magento version is and custom theme does have customer, checkout, persistent folders, i.e, it uses base templates. Please help with this.

Magento PayPal module events

I recently set up some automatic scripts to help me manage incoming orders for a Magento store by using observers and Magento events. My problem is dealing with the question when exactly an order is placed and saved in the system depending on the selected payment type.
For example: if someone simply choses prepayment, the order is saved immediately and the customer is automatically forwarded to a success page - so no problems so far.
If a customer pays via Paypal, the whole situation is completely different. After being redirected to PayPal, logging into the account and confirming the payment, the customer is not redirected to the Magento store. He can click on a link to return there which will also forward him to the success page but surely not everybody will do that and the problem is that the observer event I use only executes code if the user lands on that page. (The event I am working with is "checkout_Onepage_Controller_Success_Action").
Therefore I need to know from where Magento gets the information whether a PayPal payment was successful, has been cancelled or whatever. I looked through some of the PayPal controller files under /app/code/core/Mage/Paypal/controllers/ and the only thing that looked close to a possible solution was the function successAction() in StandardController.php. However, this function also seems to be triggered only when a customer choses to return to the Magento store so it doesn't help me.
Does anybody have some experience with that issue?
I figured out a way to work around the problem:
Appearently there are no events in Magento which correspond with incoming payments on PayPal. A possible solution might be to provide a IPN URL which triggers a script as soon as the payment is confirmed but I managed to redirect the customer to my store so I did not have to do that.
In the profile settings of the PayPal account under "website settings", there is an option called "automatic redirect". If this option is enabled and a URL is entered, the customer will automatically be forwarded to that URL. At first I thought this would not help me because as I said there are multiple web shops involved which all would have their own individual return URL and you can't specify more than one. However, if a return URL is passed over when contacting PayPal, it will override the one that is specified within the profile settings and since the Magento module does that by default, I just had to enter a random URL in the textfield and enable the option, now the customers are redirected back to my shop when they place an order and pay via PayPal.

Magento cart stored client side or server side?

If a visitor adds items to their cart on a Magento site, could they follow a URL (maybe containing a session id?) from another machine an see the contents of their cart? Or is the cart stored in a cookie on the client side and therefore not available from another machine?
Thank You.
See the new persistent cart feature in 1.6 CE:
Magento stores a long-term cookie in each browser (per device) once the customer logs in or creates an account using that browser. The long term cookie allows us to re-create some of the session the user had when they were logged in previously. For example, a users shopping cart is re-created upon subsequent visits to the site. It does not allow the customer or another user to access sensitive information. The user will not be able to complete the checkout process or access account information unless they are officially logged in. Persistent shopping cart is completely configurable by merchants, provides an additional way for the merchant to strengthen customer satisfaction and loyalty and helps increase conversion rates.
