JSF Session management and tunning - session

I am doing some investigation into how to shrink the amount of session memory our JSF application is consuming on a per user basis.
We are using MyFaces 1.1.7 and Tomahawk 1.1.5 running on IBM Websphere 7.0 patch 19. (Not able to upgrade either of these items at this time)
IBM’s guideline is that the session size should be less then 5k – average around 2.5k in order not to impact performance of the server and session replication. We are currently using Memory to Memory but looking at moving to database as suggested by IBM.
Our site was running at about 35M per user. We changed the number of view states from 100 to 10 and that dropped it down to around 4M.
We have several backing beans which are currently session scope and are looking at changing them to request scope.
I also found the following: http://www.econsulting.nl/images/pdf/Tuning%20JSF%20Applications-%20J-Spring%202008.pdf which seems to have a lot of information concerning how JSF handles certain content on the pages. This is still under investigation to make sure what is stated make sense.
I have also read somewhere that regardless if the managed backing bean is session or request scope is that the view state will still have the bean and its content. So the view state size will not change. Looking for clarification on this one.
The questions is are others facing the same issue in which JSF applications tend to consume a lot of memory for a given users session?
What are some of the best practices to reduce this size if any or is this just the way when using JSF?
Issues with session replication on IBM WebSphere when running a JSF application?
Is there any documentation out there on how JSF/MyFaces makes use of the heap memory - Young vs old or should it even be considered in this scope? Garbage collection tuning?
What we see as a result of this is that in the event a user hops to another server, the session data is not present due to how large the data is and how long it takes to replicate. User experience issues.
We had seen an issue in which it appeared that changes to the object in the session was not being updated correctly and have done some session management tuning in which we customize the settings so that all session attributes are written out. Looking at the .jar file it does appear that myFaces is making the call correctly when the contents of the object in the session changes. So WebSphere session listener should be picking up that change.

you can try saving view state on client, but I am not sure that MyFaces 1.1.7 already supports this


Can't use spring sessions on Vaadin

If i add spring-session jdbc to my vaadin-spring-boot-application the application is very slow and does a full page reload after a few seconds. Everything else looks like it is working normally.
I do not notice the problem and I have been researching on this issue for a few days and got this Github issue and Vaadin microservices configuration But in these, I did not find a suitable solution to solve this problem, Any one can give me an true example to implemention Spring sessions on Vaadin?
Session replication schemes like spring-session assumes that the session is relatively small and that the content isn't sensitive to concurrent modification from multiple request threads. Neither of those assumptions hold true for a typical Vaadin application.
The first problem is that there's typically between 100KB and 10MB of data in the session that needs to be fetched from the database, deserialized, updated and then again serialized and stored in the database for each request. The second problem is that Vaadin stores a lock instance in the session and uses that to ensure there aren't multiple request threads using the same session concurrently.
To serialize a session to persistent storage, you thus need to ensure your load balancer uses sticky sessions and typically also use a high performance solution such as Hazelcast rather than just deserializing and serializing individually for each request.
For more details, you can have a look at these two posts:

Can I use the Grails session to store entire domain objects?

If I have a number of Grails domain objects that I do not want to save just yet, but still access them throughout my application, is it wise to store them in the Grails / Hibernate session (especially as regards peformance)? If not, what is the alternative?
What do you mean by the grails / hibernate session?
If you really mean the Hibernate session, adding an object to it will provoke the object to be saved automatically when the session is flushed (unless the object doesn't validate, in that case it will be lost once the session is discarded). A session is created and discared per request.
If you mean the session object that gets automatically injected into controllers and views, it's nor grails neither Hibernate specific, but just the old, plain HttpSession from the Servlet specification (see http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest.html).
You can use that to store any kind of object if you need to access them across multiple requests of the same client. Meaning the session is private to a given client (who identifies it throught the jsessionid cookie) and survives multiple requests. If you don't need the multiple request bit, adding them as a request attribute would suffice.
Putting things in the session is generally fine and fast (since by default is based on memory), but it will increase the memory footprint of the application if abused, and will prevent horizontal scaling (i.e deploying the same application in multiple instances) unless sticky session mechanisms are used (or the session is persisted).
Bear in mind though that grails uses a new Hibernate session per request (not an Http session :), so if you add objects that are attached to a Hibernate session to the Http session, and then the Hibernate session is closed, you might encounter problems. This shouldn't affect non-saved objects (they don't come from a Hibernate session), but it might affect their associations (other domain classes that do come from the database and therefore a Hibernate session). If that's the case, you might need to re-attach them. See https://grails.github.io/grails-doc/latest/ref/Domain%20Classes/attach.html
Also, if the session is invalidated (because the user logs out, or the server is re-deployed) everything that was stored in there will be gone.
If you don't want to rely on sessions at all, you can create your own a MemoryBasedStoreService service and use a ConcurrentHashMap or a similar mechanism to store and retrieve the objects. Since services are singleton in Grails, you can use it across the whole application, regardless of requests or clients - as long as your application is deployed in a single instance of course :).

MVC3 memory management

What is the best way to check memory usage in an ASP.NET MVC3 application?
I have been told by my hosting provider to recyle the IIS application pool every so often to improve the speed of the site. Is this what is 'recommended practice'? Surely I shouldn't need to restart my application every so often? I'd much rather find out if it is an issue with memory usage in my application and correct it. So any tips & best practices you use would be quite helpful too.
The application is based on ASP.NET MVC3, C# and EF Code First. Any guidance, links appreciated.
I found this page after I posted, which is quite useful. But I'd still like to hear any other views.
ASP.NET MVC and EF Code First Memory Usage
Thank you
I have a site that never recycles (until the machine is rebooted weekly)
Your application generally should keep performing fine. If it doesn't, there is some leak.
This can occur because
Cache never expires
Cache never expires
Session storage keeps growing and never times out
ObjectContexts are never disposed and kept in the session, etc
Objects that should be disposed aren't
Objects that are created via a dependency injection container aren't setup to release after each request, and thus potentially have internal collections that keep growing.
There are more causes - but these are a few main ones.
So the question really is 'there is no best practice - it depends on your app'
If you are worried about current sessions during a restart, keep in mind a restart can be quick and current requests are allowed to finish (sometimes) and forms authentication tokens will survive the restart, however sessions will not unless you configure an out of process state server.
If your memory usage keeps growing, then setup a restart schedule, otherwise do once a week or never - or setup once memory goes to XYZ then reset. ASP.NET will restart automatically once a certain threshold is reached as well based on what the hoster has setup on memoryLimit:
By default IIS recycles the application pool automatically at an interval (I think is 29 hours or so) but that is surely set by the host, no matter how little or how much memory you're the process is using. THe recycling trigger can be a time interval or when the process hits a certain memory usage limit. I'm sure any shared host has both of them set.
About memory usage, you can use the GC.GetTotalMemory method which will give you an approximate usage. Even when using Perfmon the readings aren't very accurate but it gives you an idea.
void Application_EndRequest(object o,EventArgs a)
var ctype=Context.Response.Headers["Content-Type"];
if (ctype == null || !ctype.Contains("text/html")) return;
Context.Response.Write(string.format("<p>Memory usage: {0}</p>",GC.GetTotalMemory(false)));
Be aware that you'll see the usage increasing increasing until the GC kicks in and the usage will drop to a more 'realistic' value.
If you have the money I recommend a specialized tool such as the Memory profiler
Other things you can do to at least be ready if the application has memory or performance problems:
Proper layering of the application, means you can refactor the more inefficient parts without affecting the others.
The Repository pattern will be very helpful, because you can start using EF , find out that EF uses to much memory (like in the link you've found), but then you could switch the repository implementation to use PetaPoco or Dapper.net.
In general an OR\M is more of a heavy library, if the application doesn't need ORM features but just a quick way to work with a db, use from the beginning a mico-Orm like those mentioned above.
Always dispose objects implementing IDisposable.
When dealing with large db records, use pagination. It's good for both server resources usage and user experience
Apply the YAGNI (You Aint Gonna Need It) principle as much as possible, this somehow implies a bit of TDD :)

How does session replication across containers work?

I would be interested in some timing details. For example I place in session some container, which can keep different data. I do change of content of the container frequently. How can I assure that the container session value get replicates across nodes for any change?
You don't need to make sure; that's the application server's job.
The J2EE specification doesn't deal with session-information synchronization amongst distributed components.
Theoretically, all you have to do is code thread-safe. In your example, simply make sure that access to the container is synchronized. If your application server is bug-free, then you can safely assume that the session information is properly replicated across all nodes in a seamless manner; if your application server has bugs around session synchronization... well... then nothing is really safe anymore, now is it.
Application servers use different strategies to synchronize session information between nodes. Session content can be considered as dirty and required synchronization at
put data in session
get data from session
get data from session falls in two categories as
get structured object
get scalar object or immutable object
So if session data get modified indirectly by modifying an structured object, then simple re-read it from session can assure that the object content got replicated.

Is Terracotta used professionally?

Today at work I had a discussion with my co-workers and my boss about stateless / stateful beans (we just finished a project using JSF, it was the first time anyone at this company did something JSF related) and my boss said that he doesn't really like Session scoped beans (or even conversation / KeepAlive scoped ones). One of his arguments was that if we have for example 4 Tomcats and there is a request from the user then we aren't really sure that it will be "captured" by the same Tomcat every single time and the problem is that if during the first time a request comes and a session bean is created it's created only on that one Tomcat and the others don't know about it.
One of the solutions he mentioned was a so called "sticky session" which enforces requests from a given user to be handled by the same Tomcat every time. A second solution according to him would be storing all the data in the "view", but that would mean storing the whole state in the POST, somehow I don't really like that idea. Then he mentioned storing the state in the DB and querying it if a request that requires it arrives. I thought that it would be a really huge performance hit, but he said that it really wouldn't be a concern since the DBs should be prepared for such tasks.
The last solution which I'm interested in was the Terracotta Server which, from what he told us, is supposed to store the session bean for all Tomcats (which are synchronized with it and then if a requests comes in they look for session beans inside Terracotta). Seems kinda cool and scalable, but he said that he didn't really see it ever used in large professional systems, is that right? I tried some info on it but failed, is there something wrong with Terracotta that stops people from using it?
It is used by professionals, just look a their customers page.
