NoClassDefFoundError with jetty-maven-plugin - maven

I am getting a:
he Cause java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError Msg:net/spy/memcached/MemcachedClient
When executing jetty:run -e in eclipse. Why isn't this dependency being added into the classpath?

Which classpath do you expect it to be added to? If something in your project is trying to load it, ensure you have a project dependency that has that class in it. It looks like it comes from ServiceMix. If you've added something to Jetty itself to make it require that class, then add the dependency to the jetty plugin.

Your code is missing a runtime dependency. I searched Maven Central for the missing class|ga|1|fc%3A%22net.spy.memcached.MemcachedClient%22
Try adding the following to your POM:

The dependency had a provided scope. Change this.


Unable to resolve #SpringBootTest with a maven dependency with scope test

I added this repository to pom.xml, but IntelliJ fails to resolve org.springframework.boot.test:
However, after adding the library to classpath, it happens to work:
What's so special about this repository that I should add it manually?
<scope></scope> was causing this problem. I had no idea of what it actually does, and it made IntelliJ ignore my main directory.
Deleted it manually from the local maven repository. If it still not working. Add the older version to pom.xml.
Hope it work
After adding the dependency to the pom.xml do a MAVEN REIMPORT. If it doesn't solve, go to main menu and do invalidate cache/restart ide. Then you are good to go.
Problems :
I was also facing the same issue but with the Gradle.
The #SpringBootTest and all JUnit dependency like #Test were not resolving.
In my build.gradle, I had dependency like this
testImplementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-test'
The problem is that the test dependency is not visible to the folder in which your test class is present. You need to have it in the same structure as shown below.
More things you can do
Then telling IntelliJ about my test folder as in the image below so that I can directly use the shortcut to create the test class at the right location.
After that to create a test class for a particular class, on a mac I use CMD+Shift+T and then select the test folder.
I also had the same issue wiht my project. I tried Maven->update project(Alt-F5). This will update the maven dependencies once and builds your project.
It helped me resolving the issue.

Dependency listed in pom file not found in deployed project

I asked a question here that I think I may have found the root of. I have a Spring Boot app using a datasource, net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver, that is supposed to be included transitively by Spring Boot 2.0.2 with spring-boot-starter-jpa. However, when I run
jar tf my.jar | grep jtds
the driver class isn't found (we don't have a maven executable on the server to list the classpath). Everything I do to inspect the classpath reflects that the jar isn't there.
I've done this in 2 scenarios: 1) When I didn't explicitly add the jar to my pom, I got the error reported in my previous post. 2) When I do add it explicitly to the pom, I get this error:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot load driver class: net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver
Can someone tell me what's going on?? I am confounded as to why this class can't be found and loaded.
Please mind, that in the Spring Boot Parent POM the jtds dependency is only included in test scope.
If you want to use classes of this dependency also in your production code, please change the Maven scope to compile.
Ok, the problem was solved by adding the dependency with a runtime scope.
In child pom where jar is packaged, you should have
spring-boot-maven-plugin. and dependency as below:
In parent pom :

In Maven project, a class is found in local jar file at compile time, but not run time. why?

In a Maven project, I can include the classes with no problem.
However, during the runtime, I get ClassNotFoundException when I try to create an instance of that class.
Part of the pom.xml file:
Why can a class be found during compile-time, but not in the run-time? What do I need to do in the pom.xml file? help.
You need more info. What is your execution environment: native java, tomcat, what? But my guess is your app is delivered as a jar file.
Unexpectedly the Java class loader cannot find classes in embedded jar files

A conflicting jar is being added to Maven dependencies - how to track down?

I have a dependency that I have added to my project:
When I compile and run I get an error indicating a mismatch of signatures. Looking at my Maven Dependencies in my Java Build Path (Eclipse) I see a jar being added by Maven for Vaadin version 6.8.8. I have scoured my pom.xml and do not see that I have added that. I assume that this dependency is being added by another dependency.
I definitely want to use Vaadin version 7.0.5. As long as version 6.8.8 keeps getting included it will be an issue. How can I resolve this?
mvn dependency:tree
Once you have its output you can add a suitable exclusion.

Maven 3 and JUnit 4 compilation problem: package org.junit does not exist

I am trying to build a simple Java project with Maven. In my pom-file I declare JUnit 4.8.2 as the only dependency. Still Maven insists on using JUnit version 3.8.1. How do I fix it?
The problem manifests itself in a compilation failure: "package org.junit does not exist". This is because of the import statement in my source code. The correct package name in JUnit 4.* is org.junit.* while in version 3.* it is junit.framework.*
I think I have found documentation on the root of the problem on but the advice there seems to be meant for Maven experts. I did not understand what to do.
Just to have an answer with the complete solution to help the visitors:
All you need to do is add the junit dependency to pom.xml. Don't forget the <scope>test</scope>
#Dennis Roberts: You were absolutely right: My test class was located in src/main/java. Also the value of the "scope" element in the POM for JUnit was "test", although that is how it is supposed to be. The problem was that I had been sloppy when creating the test class in Eclipse, resulting in it being created in src/main/java insted of src/test/java. This became easier to see in Eclipse's Project Explorer view after running "mvn eclipse:eclipse", but your comment was what made me see it first. Thanks.
my problem was a line inside my pom.xml i had the line <sourceDirectory>${basedir}/src</sourceDirectory> removing this line made maven use regular structure folders which solves my issue
removing the scope tag in pom.xml for junit worked..
I had the same problem. All i did was - From the pom.xml file i deleted the dependency for junit 3.8 and added a new dependency for junit 4.8. Then i did maven clean and maven install. It did the trick. To verify , after maven install i went project->properties-build path->maven dependencies and saw that now the junit 3.8 jar is gone !, instead junit 4.8 jar is listed. cool!!. Now my test runs like a charm.. Hope this helps somehow..
Add this dependency to your pom.xml file:
<!-- -->
I had my files at the correct places, and just removing <scope>test</scope> from the JUnit dependency entry solved the problem (I am using JUnit 4.12). I believe that with the test scope the dependency was just being ignored during the compilation phase. Now everything is working even when I call mvn test.
My case was a simple oversight.
I put the JUnit dependency declaration inside <dependencies> under the <dependencyManagement/> node instead of <project/> in the POM file. Correct way is:
<!-- Other elements -->
<!-- Other dependencies-->
I had a quite similar problem in a "test-utils" project (adding features, rules and assertions to JUnit) child of a parent project injecting dependencies.
The class depending on the org.junit.rules package was in src/main/java.
So I added a dependency on junit without test scope and it solved the problem :
pom.xml of the test-util project :
pom.xml of the parent project :
How did you declare the version?
Be aware of the meaning from this declaration explained here (see NOTES):
When declaring a "normal" version such as 3.8.2 for Junit, internally this is represented as "allow anything, but prefer 3.8.2." This means that when a conflict is detected, Maven is allowed to use the conflict algorithms to choose the best version. If you specify [3.8.2], it means that only 3.8.2 will be used and nothing else.
To force using the version 4.8.2 try
As you do not have any other dependencies in your project there shouldn't be any conflicts that cause your problem. The first declaration should work for you if you are able to get this version from a repository. Do you inherit dependencies from a parent pom?
Me too had the same problem as shown below.
To resolve the issue, below lines are added to dependencies section in the app level build.gradle.
compile 'junit:junit:4.12'
androidTestCompile ''
Gradle build then reported following warning.
Warning:Conflict with dependency ''.
Resolved versions for app (25.1.0) and test app (23.1.1) differ.
See for details.
To solve this warning, following section is added to the app level build.gradle.
configurations.all {
resolutionStrategy {
force ''
I had a similar problem of Eclipse compiling my code just fine but Maven failed when compiling the tests every time despite the fact JUnit was in my list of dependencies and the tests were in /src/test/java/.
In my case, I had the wrong version of JUnit in my list of dependencies. I wrote JUnit4 tests (with annotations) but had JUnit 3.8.x as my dependency. Between version 3.8.x and 4 of JUnit they changed the package name from junit.framework to org.junit which is why Maven still breaks compiling using a JUnit jar.
I'm still not entirely sure why Eclipse successfully compiled. It must have its own copy of JUnit4 somewhere in the classpath. Hope this alternative solution is useful to people. I reached this solution after following Arthur's link above.
I also ran into this issue - I was trying to pull in an object from a source and it was working in the test code but not the src code. To further test, I copied a block of code from the test and dropped it into the src code, then immediately removed the JUnit lines so I just had how the test was pulling in the object. Then suddenly my code wouldn't compile.
The issue was that when I dropped the code in, Eclipse helpfully resolved all the classes so I had JUnit calls coming from my src code, which was not proper. I should have noticed the warnings at the top about unused imports, but I neglected to see them.
Once I removed the unused JUnit imports in my src file, it all worked beautifully.
Find the one solution for this error if you have code in src/main/java Utils
Changing the junit version fixed this for me. Seems like version 3.8.1 didn't work in my case. Issue fixed upon changing it to 4.12
I met this problem, this is how I soloved it:
SpringBoot application
Use maven to manage multiple modules
Add junit's maven dependency in root POM's dependencyManagement(rather than dependencies, their differences can be found here)
Intend to test class or folder inside one of the root module's child module
PS: If your situation does not match the context above, this solution may not solve your problem.
right click at the class or folder you want to test:
Choose More Run/Debug -> Modify Run Configuration
Change the module option to the one you want to test from root module
By default , maven looks at these folders for java and test classes respectively -
src/main/java and src/test/java
When the src is specified with the test classes under source and the scope for junit dependency in pom.xml is mentioned as test - org.unit will not be found by maven.
