how we use pageindiactor in pivot - windows-phone-7

i want to use page indicator control in pivot ,to show the user which page they attract.but i also want to add some functionality in page indicator to select the page with the help of page indicator like android .but i don't know how it is possible.if u know then send me a link or example

You could create the ui yourself and update the current page indicator by using the selectedIndex property. There are controls created by other developers, like here, which you could use. But for complete control over the functionality, I'd suggest you create your own or use the source code provided by other developers (see above link) to get ideas.
To make the implementation clearer:
You can add the same UIElement containing a list of dots equal to the number of pivots, and using the SelectedIndex property you can fill the corresponding dot. Add gesture events to this element and handle it to change the SelectedIndex appropriately.


MAUI Show/Hide controls based on mode New/Edit/View

I need an idea, please. I have a Details form which shows the fields of a model (about 10 fields in all). There are three modes in which I could show this view - in mode "Edit", in mode "New" (which, of course, is like an edit but without values), and in mode "View" (no changes allowed, just labels).
I could of course create three Details pages, one for each mode, and call them selectively, but I would like to have just one and pass the "DocumentMode" parameter to it. That View should bind to that mode and selectively show/hide controls, probably like "DocumentMode = VIEW => Show labels" or "DocumentMode = EDIT => Show Entry or Editor, show DatePicker, TimePicker, etc".
My question is this: How do I show/hide these groups of controls depending on the DocumentMode parameter ? Which would be the best way to do this ? I could probably bind the "IsVisible" property to my documentMode parameter, but I think that is a really ugly solution (and I assume that regardless of whether the controls are used or not in a specific mode, they will all be loaded anyway).
Thank you.
I think you can use a Listview or Collectionview to represent your data because you mentioned that you have 10 fields.
In addition, you said you need a "new" button, so you can set it at the top of the app as a button, when you click the button then you jump to another page which is blank and you can add the data.
This must refer to the shell you may need to set a navigation.
Then the "view" and the "edit" you can use the property SelectionChanged to control the item, I mean when you click the item in collectionview, the SelectionChanged method can be triggered and turn to another page which can show the detail about the item you clicked. In the page you can view and edit the data.
Here are some articles you might be able to use: Listview, Collectionview, Shell
If you have more information to add, please kindly share with me.

How create gmail like common control bar in Canjs?

For example we make a Gmail clone in canjs. Consider each item in the sidebar being rendered with a component of its own. Now I want a single control bar just like gmail to control the activities inside the components.
How should I approach it???
At present am looking at the change event of localStorage, is there a better solution to this???
I would recommend using an appstate Map or a page level component that holds the state for the features of your toolbar. If using an appstate, you could use to bind certain features of the appstate Map to the route, so the state of your app can be controlled by the URL. A page attribute, for example, would control which main page is displayed (say, the message list or the contacts list.) You could then listen for certain values of page in your stache template to switch to showing the correct page. This snippet would show the message-list whenever the page attribute of the appstate is 'messages': {{#is 'messages}}<message-list></message-list>{{/is}}
If you had more specifics of which feature is hardest to figure out how to implement, I might be able to give more specific advice.

Selecting a KendoUI TreeView That Does Not Have An ID

In KendoUI, how do I select a treeview element if it does not have an ID? Like by the style class or something.
I am writing an MVVM application and there are 2 tabs in a kendo tab strip with each containing a treeview. On selecting one tab, I want it's checkboxes to be updated based on what checkboxes were checked in the other tab and then I want to also call updateIndeterminate() on the treeview it contains within it.
Now, since I am using MVVM, I don't want to access the treeview by it's id. All I can find online on searching is $("#treeView") and in the Telerik forums, the example to call updateIndeterminate() is also this -
var treeview = $("#treeview").data("kendoTreeView");
Am I missing something here? I wonder why it's so hard to find.
I suppose the reason why it's hard to find is that it goes against the idea of declarative initialization and the separation of view and model. Your code is not supposed to interact with the widget itself. Instead, all your logic should be wired up in your view model which is bound to the UI.
You can certainly find it without an id, e.g. with something like this:
var treeView = $("ul[data-role=treeview]").first().getKendoTreeView();
or by using the .k-treeview class, but I wouldn't recommend it. If you really need to access it in code, you should give it an id.

Bind various panaroma/pivot items using MVVM

could someone help me with design/understanding the problem: what I need to achieve is page with Panorama/Pivot control, where its items (panos/pivots) will be set via binding, using standard MVVM pattern. Problem is I need to have different content (different user controls) on each pano/pivot, that means If I define a panorama/pivot item template, I doom all of them to be alike, which is not what I want.
I found this question here already asked: Databound windows phone panorama with MVVM design but its still not clear to me. Many thanks.
If you have a dynamic page count on panorama/pivot you could use selector to choose what template is right according to your content.
Implementing DataTemplateSelector
Also, Data Binding Pivot to MVVM may help you too
You could add a dependency property to the user control that you want to use as a data template, a dependency property named "Type" for example and depending on that property you can change the layout of your user control (data template) - for example you could have multiple grids inside your user control and you could show and hide them depending on the type.

jqGrid using radio buttons for editable rows

I'm currently using jqGrid and ASP.Net MVC. With my current project, my goal is to provide a grid of data to the end user, and they can then edit this. The data is machine-generated, and the users will be confirming if the machine is correct or not.
I think ideally for speed, I'd like to provide a row per item, with a radio button group as the editable. The users could then pick from the values 'Unknown', 'Correct', 'Incorrect'.
As there will be a lot of data, I'd also like to provide a control of some type that can set all rows in the grid to one of the available radio button choices, for the user experience.
Given that there seems to be no native support for this in jqGrid, I wanted to ask if anyone has had any experience writing something like this, and whether this is achievable and reliable, or whether I should stick with the drop-down editable approach that is native to jqGrid.
To implement radio button as the editable instead of the standard drop-down editable approach you can use so named custom editing feature of jqGrid (see This allows you to create any custom control to edit the cell value. An example of the implementation you can find here: Add multiple input elements in a custom edit type field.
To set all rows in the grid to one of the available radio button choices you can use either a control outside of jqGrid or add an additional custom button in the navigation bar (see If you search for navButtonAdd you will find a lot of examples how to implement this, for example, Jqgrid: navigation based on the selected row. Because you use server based data, you can just call a method on the server to make the changes which you need and then call trigger("reloadGrid") to refresh jqGrid data.
