Aptana and Jaxer - jaxer

I have been looking for a server side javascript platform and seen references to Aptana Jaxer which looked ideal, but the Jaxer aspect appears not to be supported any more, is this correct?
I have seen the Jaxer site and installed the standalone server and it looks excellent but cannot see where (or why) I would use Aptana if it doesn't integrate with it or have I missed something?
I am trying to avoid the effort learning a technology that is no longer supported?

Yes, Jaxer is dead.
I've explained my reasoning elsewhere in this answer.


Xamarin thrift pcl Implementation

I have been trying to find a way to use apache thrift in my Xamarin Forms app but I could not manage since thrift.dll needs System.Web.dll and there is no mono implementation for System.Web.dll. Do you know any workaround to achieve this?
In general, Thrift works fine with Mono, so that's not the issue. As you already found out, the problem starts where the limited capabilities of mobile devices' .NET framework implementations end. Regarding your specific problem: There is a Windows Phone 7.x project file around which has these dependencies:
The WinPhone7 *.csproj has of course limited capabilities, e.g. there is no server code available for some technical reasons. The compatibility mostly relies on SILVERLIGHT being defined, and yes, it may not be perfect, but works Good Enoughâ„¢. You may try this one, see how far it supports your needs, and what changes need to be made (if any).
As of now, there are no Xamarin-specific things in the code, but you know, this is open source and we always appreciate pull requests or patches, especially valuable ones like this. If you think you could make a contribution, join the mailing list and/or the freenode #thrift IRC channel and ask for whatever support you need with this. We will be happy to help you.

Is SparkViewEngine dying?

I am building a email service based on templates. I thought of using the spark view engine but it seems that It doesn't get much updates anymore.
Support on .NET4.0 is not even yet complete and it fails at runtime when used in a console app.
The little Intellisense support that was there in VS2008 doesn't seem to work on VS2010 (from the information I have found)
Should I avoid it?
What do you think?
There has also been talk, from Phil Haack and Louis Dejardin (both on the ASP.NET team) about getting some form of support "in the box" for Spark. That "support" may just be intellisense.
Louis Dejardin, the author is speaking about the view engine at NDC2010, in Norway. I guess it's far from being a dying project then :) good.
If you need to do email based on templates, DotLiquid (http://dotliquidmarkup.org) could be a nice solution, expecially if you need your end users to edit templates without tampering your system.

Is there a Wiki with a Web 2.0 UI (like StackOverflow's)?

I need to use MediaWiki at work. It used to be okay, but with sites s.a. StackOverflow, there's some user interface issues that simply don't do any more.
Most importantly, I'd want to see the live preview when typing. There shouldn't be need for a preview mode.
What Wikis are you using? Which would be the best for a recent (easy) Web experience?
Can MediaWiki be updated to have more recent UI behaviour?
Two products seem to be above others, both "open source commercial" (= you get a skinny version free, standard and enterprise levels with more goodies cost).
MindTouch DekiWiki
Judge for yourself. I sure found my liking in one of these. :)
There is a WYSIWYG extension for mediawiki. See Fckeditor:
Well there is StackExchange (which is the StackOverflow engine), but you have to pay for it.
A discussion on Confluence vs Mediawiki: http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/DISC/Confluence+Vs+Mediawiki
It doesn't have the preview feature you talk about, but you asked for "favorite wikis", so here's mine (at least favorite for ease of use/setup):

Does anyone has any suggestions on WEbAii, Watin and Selenuim

Please give me your valuable suggestions regarding the WebAii, Watin and Selenuim.
Actually i have been using WebAii and its working fine for me but at the same time i have not used other frameworks to test Ajax supported web applications.
Please share your thoughts or issues you faced while using one of these frameworks.
We used both watir, watin, and webaii and have opted for webaii because of it's predictability in dealing with AJAX.
The webaii framework is priced right :) but it would have made some people on the team more comfortable if it had been open source.
Even after the merger with Telerik. WebAii is still free. It can be downloaded from here:

Any suggestions for effectively testing AJAX enabled web pages using MSVS Tester Edition Tools?

It seems like MS really left a massive gaping hole in their automated testing tools in Visual Studio for web pages with AJAX components and I have been hard pressed to find any commentary or third party add-ons that remedy the problem. Anyone have any advice on automating web tests in MSVS for AJAX pages?
I eventually gave up trying, and just stuck with WATIR
I don't know if this will help, but you can try this:
EDIT:Sorry I reread your Q and realized you meant specific to VS. I don't know if you are familiar with Script#, but I had read some talk a little while back that someone was building a testing framework to use with that, and Script# can be used with MSAjax. Might be worth some investigation.
