PC Emacs error in startup - windows

Following Installing Emacs, I set HOME environment variable to a directory (c:), and make a _emacs file in the directory. It has this one line of code (server-start).
When I execute emacs (GNU Emacs 23.3.1 (i386-mingw-nt6.1.7601)), I get this error message.
Warning (initialization): An error occurred while loading `c:/_emacs':
error: The directory `~/.emacs.d/server' is unsafe
What's wrong with this?

Emacs - Error when calling (server-start) has the answer.
"The problem is the ownership of the directory ~/.emacs.d/server when
you also have “Administrators” rights on your account. Create the
directory ~/.emacs.d/server and set the owner of this directory to
your login name and the problem is gone.

Are you running on Windows 7 (or perhaps Vista)? At some point after XP, Windows decided that putting things in c:\ is a no-no. I guess for security reasons. If you don't set a home environment variable, then emacs will look for your .emacs in c:\users\yourname\appdata\roaming (or something like that - Win 7 machine w/emacs is at work, can't check exactly). You can also create your .emacs.d directory there too if you want.

At the very least, the message is not clear enough. Probably, Emacs should not simply barf this way. In any case, my advice would be to use M-x report-emacs-bug to let the Emacs developers know about this. Hopefully they will address the problem one way or another -- at least provide a more helpful message to users.


libtinfo.so.6: no version information available

After installing cuda and cudnn with miniconda, whenever I start a new shell with the current user. I am always getting warnings about /usr/bin/zsh: /some/path/to/miniconda3/lib/libtinfo.so.6: no version information available.
It seemed that $LD_LIBRARY_PATH is set to /some/path/to/miniconda3/lib, but after extensive digging (examined all possible rc files in etc, $HOME, I am still unable to locate where exactly this variable is set. Also echoing $LD_LIBRARY_PATH on the top of every RC file yields this path (both login shell and non-login shell).
I would like to find out a way to disable this warning (presumably by unsetting LD_LIBRARY_PATH, is there any suggestions?
EDIT: After restarting my desktop, the error went away.. Is there any explanation why this happened? Is there some other config being executed prior to starting up the shell (in some cache file) which will be cleared after reboot?

WSL Not able to find file or directory due to space

The error I was originally getting was that wsl was not able to find JAVA_HOME. After I ran the command
export JAVA_HOME="/mnt/c/Program Files/JAVA/jdk-15.0.2"
And now the error it gives me is:
ERROR: JAVA_HOME is set to an invalid directory: /mnt/c/Program Files/Java/jdk-15.0.2
Please set the JAVA_HOME variable in your environment to match the
location of your Java installation.
When I run
to check the variable I get the response
bash: /mnt/c/Program: No such file or directory
Which I believe is due to the space in the file name. Online it said that the space shouldn't be an issue as it is enclosed in quotes so I don't know what to do here.
Any help would be appreciated!
It looks like you are trying to use the Windows version of Java from within WSL. That should be possible, but you are currently exporting a Linux-style path, which the Windows version won't handle (as you can see).
If you have both the Windows and Linux version of Java installed, then see this answer for some related information. The question there is about npm, but the core issue is the same -- The Windows version is getting picked up in the path before the Linux version.
If you just have the Windows version, then at least modify the JAVA_HOME to be 'C:\Program Files\JAVA\jdk-15.0.2' (watch out for potential quoting issues with backslashes in the Linux-shell string, though). I'm not sure that's going to take care of all of your issues -- I've never tried running the Windows Java version through WSL myself. But it's at least the first step you're going to need to take to get past the current error.
The second error when you just execute ${JAVA_HOME} is to be expected, as you are trying to execute this directory (with a space) as a command. The shell is interpreting the portion before the space as a command, and the portion after the space as the argument. If you were to set it to a directory without a space, you'd still get an error message when trying to execute it (as you are now), just that it would be something like bash: /mnt/c: Is a directory.
If you just want to check it, use echo ${JAVA_HOME}.

as.exe - entry point not found the procedure entry point __printf__ could not be located in the dynamic link library

Yt works early.when I try to use gcc commend it show me. I already uninstalled and re-installed gcc 4.8.
this is error:
as.exe - entry point not found
the procedure entry point __printf__ could not be located in the dynamic link library c:\mingw\bin..\lib\gcc\mingw32\4.8.1\..\..\..\..\mingw32\bin\as.exe"
this is code:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
I know it's too late to answer, but maybe it can help someone else.
I have just faced this problem, it is solved that change the directory name (in MinGW directory) from mingw32 to mingw32old. Because these two directory has as.exe in their bin directory, so they conflicts, and occures error. However, now it is working,
hope benefits to your problems.
(I'd rather post this as a comment, but I don't have enough reputation yet.)
The error seems to be related to the start of as, not to your code. You can check by running as --help (it should display a long list of options). Assuming this command also fails, continue with reading.
The whole error looks a bit weird, but I guess your issue is caused by multiple conflicting DLLs in your PATH. You should be able to test this hypothesis by going into c:\mingw\bin, clearing PATH completely (set PATH= in the Windows shell; export PATH= in Bash) and trying to execute as --help again. If that helped, you need to identify what program in your PATH is causing this and either remove it from PATH completely, or remember to set a custom, short, non-conflicting PATH everytime you want to use your mingw installation.
Sometimes as.exe can also be sourced from c:\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin\ which might conflict with c:\MinGW\bin\. I suggest to experiment as #DavidMacek did - remove c:\MinGW\bin from PATH and reboot the shell and then type as --help to see if things are fine. If things are fine. Goto your environmental variable and "move up" c:\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin\ above c:\MinGW\bin\ to let msys take precedence.
I just added a path to the as.exe to the system environment variables and it worked.
In my case it was path to the Code blocks gcc compiler on Windows 10:
C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeBlocks\MinGW\bin

Syntastic not working in gVim windows7

I have installed syntastic on gVim using pathogen. I can access syntastic documentation and stuff. But syntastic can't check my files for error. I have setup the path for php even then it wont check
Here is the screenshot of errors- http://i.imgur.com/I5akIkZ.png
After dong lots of googling I figured out the answer myself. The E484 error in VIM refers to the case when Vim is unable to execute system level commands, like creating temp files, directories etc.
To check this run echo system("echo hello")
In my case I couldn't run this successfully. So I went through my _vimrc and found that somewhere I was setting set shell=/bin/bash -> On a windows machine
After this the fix was simple. I just set the shell as
set shell=%System32%\cmd
Hope this helps anyone who is experience this kind of problem.

Error adding vagrant box in PHPStorm 7, ruby.exe error

My PHPStorm 7 installation is throwing this error whenever I try to add a box. Am I missing something?
I pointed to the vagrant.bat in installation directory as told here
Am I supposed to install ruby too? Didn't say something like that in vagrant's site though.
The path to the .bat file you are using (...\embedded\gems\...) suggests that it is ruby related .. and may require ruby for proper executing (the error message you see confirms such suggestion).
Instead, choose vagrant executable from C:\Program Files (x86)\HashiCorp\Vagrant\bin\ folder.
If .bat file is absent -- choose .exe one instead.
