Using Spring MVC 3.0 and #EJB annotation wtihout mappedName? - spring

I am making a new Java webapp with Spring MVC 3.0 and want to use as much standard Java EE 6 stuff as I can. (I'm on Glassfish 3.1.1.) The real driver is wanting to use an MVC web framework rather than JSF.
So I'm looking for the best way to inject EJBs into my Spring controllers. I had some success but I'm not happy with how it looks and I was hoping to find a better way.
This worked, by finding the EJB via JNDI:
// EJB
public class Service {
private EntityManager em;
public void doSomething() { .... }
// Spring
public class HomeController {
private Service service;
// controller methods use service
But I'm unhappy with needing the "mappedName" on the #EJB annotation in the controller.
Is there a better way to do this?
The good news, though, is that I can use the same #Inject annotation in EJBs and Spring beans and the only difference is which framework is creating the object and doing the injection.

If you use
instead of
you do not have to worry about the appname.
This makes the code more portable. I guess that will solve some of your problems

For Spring, you could wrap the JNDI lookup into JndiObjectFactoryBean:
<bean id="serviceBean" class="org.springframework.jndi.JndiObjectFactoryBean">
<property name="jndiName" value="java:global/springtest/Service" />
<property name="resourceRef" value="true" />
Then you'll probably (correct me if I'm wrong) be able to use it with #Inject without the #Named("serviceBean") annotation:
private Service service;


How to inject spring properties into wicket components?

I'm searching for a possibility to inject a property which is defined in a spring context (provided by a propertiesFactoryBean) into a wicket component. I know the way to inject beans into components by using the #SpringBean-Annotation, but whats the corresponding way for properties?
The way my property is defined:
<bean id="myPropertiesFactory" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertiesFactoryBean">
<property name="properties">
<prop key="mySpringProperty">mySpringProperty</prop>
Things I've tried. The way it works usually with self defined beans:
Using the name of the propertiesFactory to access the property value
Using the Value Annotation
Using SpringBean
None of these solutions works. So to get mySpringProperty injected i use the workaround to create a bean of the type String which get's injected properly by wicket when i annotate the corresponding member of my component with SpringBean but i think there must be a better solution.
<bean id="mySpringPropertyBean" class="java.lang.String">
<constructor-arg type="java.lang.String" value="" />
private String mySpringPropertyBean;
#SpringBean only supports injection of spring beans. I suppose someone could implement a #SpringValue annotation that does what you want, but as far as I know noone ever did.
What I usually do is:
My wicket application class is a spring bean.
It has properties with #Value annotations - as the object is a spring bean, these are evaluated and set properly
I access the actual values by calling MyApplication.get().getXXX() or ((MyApplication)getApplication()).getXXX()
If the app grows and the number of attributes approach a limit, I refactor them into separate Settings or Config classes - each one a spring bean of it's own, accessible from the application class.
In your Wicket class use instead of #Value("${mySpringProperty}"):
private PropertiesConfiguration propertiesConfiguration;
Create a new PropertiesConfiguration class:
public class PropertiesConfiguration {
private String mySpringProperty;
//getters & setters
Use in your wicket class:
System.out.println("mySpringProperty=" + propertiesConfiguration.getMySpringProperty());

spring: need for an example of using prototype bean in a web environment

I wonder how can I properly inject a prototype bean to a singleton one in a web app. Consider this example:
<bean id="order" class="" scope="prototype"/>
<bean id="orderService" class="">
<property name="userPreferences" ref="userPreferences"/>
I thought of using getBean() but isn't that a way to make my code dependent to spring itself?
I need a short java code example to demonstrate how to inject an order bean in my OrderService singleton.
You can use jsr-330 Providers, just put:
Provider<Order> orderProvider;
in your singleton bean, and then use the provider:
public Whatever yourMethod() {
Order order = orderProvider.get();

Spring Bean implements interface

public interface Service {
public void doSomething();
public class MyService implements service{
public void doSomething(){
public class MyController {
private MyService service;
In above scenario autowiring fails with exception "illegalArgumentException : argument type mismatch". When I remove implements service from MyService everything works fine.
I have searched and found that place <aop:aspectj-autoproxy proxy-target-class="true"/> in applicationContext.xml for successful autowiring and it worked.
I have also found that spring uses JDK proxy when #Transactional is used.
I have some confusions,
How #Transactional relates to Proxying
Why spring uses JDK Proxy for the beans which implements interfaces.
Why I need to place <aop:aspectj-autoproxy proxy-target-class="true"/> in applicationContext.xml
Can anyone please explain ? or refer me any article or blog
Proxying is how Spring implements declarative transaction management. Spring reference is the best place for all your questions on this.
The most important concepts to grasp with regard to the Spring Framework's declarative transaction support are that this support is enabled via AOP proxies, and that the transactional advice is driven by metadata (currently XML- or annotation-based). The combination of AOP with transactional metadata yields an AOP proxy that uses a TransactionInterceptor in conjunction with an appropriate PlatformTransactionManager implementation to drive transactions around method invocations.
and on <aop:aspectj-autoproxy proxy-target-class="true"/>
The proxy-target-class attribute on the
element controls what type of transactional proxies are created for
classes annotated with the #Transactional annotation. If
proxy-target-class attribute is set to true, class-based proxies are
created. If proxy-target-class is false or if the attribute is
omitted, standard JDK interface-based proxies are created. (See
Section 8.6, “Proxying mechanisms” for a discussion of the different
proxy types.)

Why doesn't just autowiring a field in a GWT servlet in Spring work?

Simply marking a field as #Autowired in a GWT servlet does not work as intended. The code will compile and the web application will start up - which means Spring was successfully able to autowire the field, but when the servlet is actually hit by client-side code, it will yield a NullPointerException - like there's a different, uninitialized copy of the servlet being hit.
I've found several ways on the web to get this working, one is by using a base servlet class that does some Spring logic but doing this means every GWT servlet must extend this base class. The other way was by using AspectJ and the #Configurable Spring annotation. There was very little configuration involved here and it just magically worked.
My question is why doesn't just autowiring the field just work as intended? What is GWT doing that causes this to break.
The code will compile and the web application will start up - which
means Spring was successfully able to autowire the field
Not necessarily. The web container can instantiate a servlet without any help from Spring. Which you could be experiencing:
but when the servlet is actually hit by client-side code, it will
yield a NullPointerException - like there's a different, uninitialized
copy of the servlet being hit.
try overriding Servlet's init():
public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {
When the RPC service is called from the client, the "server-side" looking at the called URL and the servlets mapping will find the class, will make the instance and it will serve the request. Meaning if you have #Autowired annotation, or you already have an instance of the RPC class in the spring context, it does not matter. The new instance will be created and it won't "know" about Spring.
I resolve this by implementing a class which extends RemoteServiceServlet and implements Controller (from Spring MVC) and ServletContextAware.
This way you can map every RPC service by URL using the Spring MVC approach, for ex:
<bean id="publicUrlMapping"
<property name="mappings">
<prop key="/myFirstRpc">firstRpcServiceBeanRef</prop>
<prop key="/mySecondRpc">secondRpcServiceRef</prop>
You also avoid the declarations for every single RPC servlet in web.xml, the mappings are clean and you have the Spring injection.
You declare only a single mapping in web.xml for org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet which will serve all RPC calls.
There are couple of examples on the web with explanation about GWT RPC and Spring MVC controller integration.
Hope this will help.
It turns out that when using Spring at least, there's a MUCH simpler way to do this such that you can use #Autowired and it doesn't involve massive configuration or base classes. The caveat is that you must also use AspectJ. Here's what you need for your GWT servlet:
public class MyGwtServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements MyGwtService
private MyService service;
// ...
And in your Spring config make sure you also have:
<!-- enable autowiring and configuration of non-spring managed classes, requires AspectJ -->
One final note. If you are also using Spring security with your GWT application (and in your GWT servlets), you will need to make sure you define the correct mode to ensure the AspectJ weaving is done correctly (i.e., you get both #Secured annotation processing AND the #Autowired processing) you will need:
<!-- turn on spring security for method annotations with #Secured(...) -->
<!-- the aspectj mode is required because we autowire spring services into GWT servlets and this
is also done via aspectj. a server 500 error will occur if this is changed or removed. -->
<security:global-method-security secured-annotations="enabled" mode="aspectj"/>

aspectj and spring with aspectj-autoproxy

I've declared my aspects using the #Aspect annotation, but the advice does not seem to get applied. The aspect works in a few other projects that I have, and the key difference seems to be that the other projects are completely wired using annotations, and this particular project is xml wired. The only bean that is annotation wired is the Aspect. So I'm wondering if spring's aspectj support, when using aspectj-autoproxy is sensitive to order that the beans are defined in the xml.
For example, will beans declared after aspectj-autoproxy in xml be considered for AOP pointcuts?
I moved the <aop:aspectj-autoproxy /> until after all beans are created and still no luck.
Basically my code consists of:
public class SomeAspect {
public void isX() {}
public void XX() {
System.out.println("Called aspect");
And my controller has something like:
public class XController extends AbstractCommandController {
public void handleX(...) {
// do stuff
protected void handle(...) {
return handleX(...);
And then the spring xml is:
<context:component-scan base-package="package.of.some.aspect" />
<aop:aspectj-autoproxy />
<!-- the rest of the beans below -->
<bean id="someController" class="..." />
My previous projects captured and loaded all beans via the component-scan. That's what's different this time.
The other difference is that the other projects are using #Controller, and #RequestMethod. And in this case I'm using a derived class of AbstractCommmandController. I'm wondering if this applies:
Namely that I can't apply advice to any method except handleRequest().
My latest try is to override handleRequest() and apply my annotation there. Under the assumption that when spring proxies my controller it will see the annotation and apply the advice, since it's calling through the public, externally called method. This still doesn't work.
I see that you are calling the method handleX directly from another method in the same class. This will not respect the annotiation, as the work of processing AOP annotations is done by a JDK proxy that wraps your class and exposes the same interfaces.
It's possible that you can work around this by using CGLIB instead of JDK proxies, but in my experience, the most reliable solution is just not to rely on any AOP annotations for methods called internally.
