CakePHP 2 AJAX redirections - ajax

I'm using AJAX in my web-app stuffs like search but if the user has been logged out, the ajax function return nothing because the redirection (from the action 'search' to the action 'login') has not been handled correctly.
Is it possible to redeclare the method 'redirect' in AppController to render the right action when a redirect hapend in an AJAX call ?
Thank you,

I think your best bet would be to setup you ajax to call to respond correctly to an invalid response. As it seems to be an important part of your app I would pass a 'loggedin' variable with every ajax request, so the client can tell as soon as the user has been logged out.
In the case you want to keep a user logged in, you simply have to put the logged in/cookie check in something like your AppController::beforeFilter() that gets run with every request. for example:
public function beforeFilter() {
if($this->Auth->user() {
// USer is logged in, it's all gravy
} else {
// User is not logged in, try to log them in
$userData = $this->Cookie->read('User');
if(!empty($userData)) {
// Function that grabs info from cookie and logs in user
This way there will be no redirect as the user will be logged in as long as they have a cookie.

Another approach would be to allow everyone access to the Ajax function:
public function beforeFilter() {
And then check the user is authenticated in the method itself:
public function my_ajax_method() {
if (!$this->Auth->user()) {
//user not authenticated
$result = "requires auth";
else {
// use is authenticated
// do stuff
$result = 'result of stuff';
You will need to check the result of the ajax call in your javascript and act accordingly.


How can I return authentication errors from a custom Laravel UserProvider?

I have built my own UserProvider that is authenticating against another database. Everything is working great; I'm able to log in/out etc. I'm down to returning error messages and running into a snag.
Here is what an example of my code looks like:
$auth = json_decode($response, true); // response from Guzzle to 3rd party auth
if ($auth) {
if ($auth['errors']) {
return redirect('login')
->withErrors(['auth' => 'Invalid username or password']);
} else {
$myUser = $auth['data']['user']; // auth object from 3rd party.
$user = User::where('id', $myUser['id'])->first(); // find user in local db.
The part I am struggling with is how to handle the redirect. The error I am getting is:
validateCredentials() must be an instance of Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Authenticatable, instance of Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse given
Which make sense, I'm returning a redirect, not an authenticatable object (a user). But, I don't have a user -- my username or password was wrong.
How can I redirect the user back and display a flash message telling them what happened?
Thank you for any suggestions!

Laravel stuck on email/verify

I just applied the laravel email-verification and wanted to make sure my users are verified, before entering page behind the login.
I added the follwing code:
class User extends Authenticatable implements MustVerifyEmail
Auth::routes(['verify' => true]);
Route::get('management', function () {
// Only verified users may enter...
If a user registers he gets a note and an email to verify his mail. He clicks the button in the mail, gets verified and everything works perfectly well.
But I discovered another case:
If the user registers and won't verify his mail, he will always get redirected to email/verify.
For example if accidentally having entered a wrong email, he can't even visit the register page, because even on he gets redirected to!
Is this done on purpose by Laravel? Did I miss something? Do I have to / is it possible to exclude the login/register pages from verification?
Thank you in advance
I have this issue before, I have this way to resolve that, if you want to customize it you can consider this way.
In LoginController.php you can add this a little bit code, I overwriting the default login method:
public function login(Request $request)
$user = User::where($this->username(), $request->{$this->username()})->first();
// If the class is using the ThrottlesLogins trait, we can automatically throttle
// the login attempts for this application. We'll key this by the username and
// the IP address of the client making these requests into this application.
if (method_exists($this, 'hasTooManyLoginAttempts') &&
$this->hasTooManyLoginAttempts($request)) {
return $this->sendLockoutResponse($request);
if ($user->hasVerifiedEmail()) {
if ($this->attemptLogin($request)) {
return $this->sendLoginResponse($request);
// If the login attempt was unsuccessful we will increment the number of attempts
// to login and redirect the user back to the login form. Of course, when this
// user surpasses their maximum number of attempts they will get locked out.
return $this->sendFailedLoginResponse($request);
You can overwrite and add a new parameter to the sendFailedLoginResponse too to let the method know when to redirect to email/verify page or just add else in $user->hasVerifiedEmail() if block to redirect him to email/verify page
You can delete $this->middleware('guest') in LoginController and RegisterController to make logged in user can go to register and login page, but it will be weird if someone who already logged in can login or register again.
I had the same problem and I solved it very user friendly... (I think!)
First: Inside View/Auth/verify.blade.php put a link to the new route that will clear the cookie:
My mail was wrong, I want to try another one
Second: On your routes/web.php file add a route that will clear the session cookie:
// Clear session exception
Route::get('/clear-session', function(){
Cookie::queue(Cookie::forget(strtolower(config('')) . '_session'));
return redirect('/');
This will clear the cookie if the user press the button, and redirect to home page.
If this doesn't work, just make sure that the cookie name you are trying to forget is correct. (Use your chrome console to inspect: Application -> cookies)
For example:

How to hide login form after reaching the total of failed login attempts?

I want to hide the login form and display an error message instead, but I can't.
I tried to put the code below that rewrites the action on the controller that shows the form, but the method that checks for too many login attempts doesn't seem to work and never returns true.
public function showLoginForm(Request $request)
if (method_exists($this, 'hasTooManyLoginAttempts') &&
$this->hasTooManyLoginAttempts($request) ) {
$seconds = $this->limiter()->availableIn($this->throttleKey($request));
return view('auth.block', array(
'seconds' => $seconds
return view('auth.login');
I managed the authentication process with php artisan make: auth login controller is the default generated by Laravel, the only change is in the action that displays the form.
The function hasTooManyLoginAttempts() needs, in the $request, the username (usually the email) as a key to know if the user has reached his max login attempts.
If, in the $request, there is not the username with a value the function is unable to verify the user login attempts.
So you cannot really know who is the user that wants to get your login form, you know who is only after he submitted the form.
IMHO the only way could be to add a username parameter to the GET request but you shoud provide it with some workarounds: cookies, session etc.
Looking at Laravel's code, it checks for hasTooManyLoginAttempts based on throttleKey and maxAttempts.
The throttleKey is dependent on the user's email and IP address. So the output of the following code is something like:| and that is your throttleKey.
protected function throttleKey(Request $request)
return Str::lower($request->input($this->username())).'|'.$request->ip();
Now Laravel gets the user's email (username) from $request->input($this->username()) when you send a POST request, which you don't have access to in the showLoginForm method because it's called on the GET request.
Anyway, if you want to block the login form you'll need to come up with your own unique throttleKey and then override the method. Say you want your throttleKey to be based only on the IP address - which is not recommended. Here's how you do it:
// In LoginController.php
protected function throttleKey(Request $request)
return $request->ip();

Best practice passing data to view model

I have a login view which lives in its own shell. Also I have adjusted the HttpClient to automatically redirect to the login shell if any http request returns an unauthorized state.
Additionally I'd like to show some textual info to the user on the login page, after he has been "forcefully" logged out. How can I pass the information (logoutReason in the code below) from MyHttpClient to the login shell/view model?
Here's some conceptual code:
// ...
export class Login {
username = '';
password = '';
error = '';
// ...
login() {
// ... login code ...
this.aurelia.setRoot('app'); // Switch to main app shell after login succeeded...
// ...
// ...
export default class {
// ...
configure() {
this.httpClient.configure(httpConfig => {
response(res) {
if (401 === res.status) {
let logoutReason = res.serversLogoutReason;
// How should i pass the logoutReason to the login shell/view model?
return res;
// ...
I've chosen to take the "event" path as suggested in bluevoodoo1's comment with some adjustments:
MyHttpClient fires/publishes a new HttpUnauthorized event which holds the needed information (description text, etc.)
MyHttpClient doesn't change the shell anymore since the concrete handling of the 401 shouldn't be his concern
login.js subscribes to the HttpUnauthorized event, changes the shell & shows the desciption text...
I'm still open to any suggestions/improvement ideas to this solution since I'm not quite sure if this is the best way to go...
You could set a localStorage or sessionStorage value and then clear it after you have displayed it. What you are asking for is known as a flash message where it displays and then expires.
Within your response interceptor add something like the following:
sessionStorage.setItem('message-logoutReason', 'Session expired, please login again');
And then in the attached method inside of your login viewmodel, check for the value and clear it, like this:
attached() {
this.error = sessionStorage.getItem('message-logoutReason');
Then in your view you can display it:
As Bluevoodoo1 points out, you could also use an event, but I personally try and avoid using events as much as possible, harder to test and debug when things go wrong.

How to redirect to the method of a controller after user doing authentication on codeigniter?

I am using the Default Controller to make the user authentication. What I am trying to do is whatever is the page the user request news/add or news/index or themes/all or maps/view, if he is not logged in, he or she will be directed to the log in page and then redirected to the page he wanted to go, not always the same page.
You can your the
CodeIgniter User Agent Library and Session Library to store and use the referring url. The user agent library is basicly accessing the $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] value.
NOTE: from the website:
Not all user agents will set this, and some provide the ability to modify HTTP_REFERER as a feature. In short, it cannot really be trusted.
so this is not a foolproof method.
if ($this->agent->is_referral()) {
$this->session->set_userdata('prev_url', $this->agent->referrer());
// later, when login is successful
$prev_url = $this->session->userdata('prev_url');
if( $prev_url ) {
one way is to do it in the constructor of your controller. that way they are redirected before going to the news/add etc.
so for example you create a model called "sentry" and a "getUser()" method to check the browser cookie to see if the user is authorized. if they are not authorized have it return false. if they are authorized have it return $user so then you have it available for your other methods.
function __construct() {
$this->load->model( 'sentry' );
if ( ! $this->user = $this->sentry->_getUser() )
{ redirect( '/login/', 'refresh' ); }
so then for example you could have $this->user->name etc etc available to any method in the controller. And $this->user will also automatically be available in all the view files of this controller.
I do this by extending my controller and I check in constructor if person is logged in or not, if person is logged in I save to the session current URL, and redirect person to the login page (if same constructor is applied (controller one) I make exception to not save current URL to the session) after logging in I call redirect function to the session variable.
How to extend your controller is done here
note that when your controller is extended you use $this->data['variable_sent_to_view'] and you can omit second parameter of $this->load->view()
here is some example code assuming you know how your login controller works
<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
class MY_Controller extends CI_Controller {
function __construct() {
if ($refer = $this->session->flashdata('refer')) {
$this->data['refer_page'] = $refer; // $this->data['refer_page'] is variable that you are interested in
} else {
$this->data['refer_page'] = base_url(); //default refer_page
//check if user is NOT logged in
if (!$logged_in) {
$this->_setRefer(); //this is private function
// else dont care about it
private function _setRefer() {
$invalid_method = array('search', 'login'); // if method is 'search' or 'login' url will not save in session (it will stay same as was before)
$valid_refer = TRUE;
if (in_array($this->router->method, $invalid_method)) {
$valid_refer = FALSE;
if (!(count($_POST) > 0) && $valid_refer === TRUE && !$this->input->is_ajax_request()) {
$this->session->set_flashdata('refer', current_url());
} else {
$this->session->set_flashdata('refer', $this->data['refer_page']);
now in after succesful login redirect to $this->data['refer_page'], but note that login controller must by extended by MY_Controller.
this script also takes care about what happens if user made mistake and inserted wrong password (page will reload but "old" url stays)
