Magento layered navigation attribute issue - magento

Somehow the color attribute BLACK is showing up in my layered navigation options even though the category does not feature any items with the mentioned color. I've noticed this happens in all of my store (Magento 1.5.10) categories and ONLY with configurable products.
Someone got an idea how I can prevent this from happening?

Try to reindex indexes if you didn't yet. Start with Product Attributes


Magento - show simple products on listing page

I'm using rwd theme of Magento, but this theme shows the configurable products on listing page. I have different colours (red, blue, yellow) in the same configurable product, and I want to show 3 simple products on listing page instead of configurable.
Is that possible? How can I do it? I'm looking for the solution but I didn't find it.
Change Visibility of simple product to "Catalog, Search", It will showing in product list page.
PS: you may need to disable Configurable products.
Have you tried to use the "Simple configurable" product plugin?
This might help you to achieve something along this line...
The other way is to do it with code using a custom template / backend php override...

How to show layered navigation in both left and content area in Magento

We have a layered navigation in magento. I've styled it and everything is ok.
We just want another layered navigation below the toolbar and above the products but just for single filters like Price, Manufacturer and Color as Dropdowns.
I tried very hard to find a solution but the solutions are just for changing the position of the layered navigation.
I hope one of you can help me.
You cant able to figure Layered Navigation in both the side.
If you configure both the sides its showing index(you can use only one index) error

Magento Layered Navigation ( ia acting strange with configurable products

I am using Manadev SEO Layered Navigation Plus ( as my layered navigation, but it's acting strange with configurable products.
My configurable products use only one attribute to create configurables (Size). However I have a Color attribute, also used in the layered navigation (dropdown not used to create configuragles, because every product comes in one color and many sizes).
The problem is that Size attribute shows all the simples of the configurable product, even if they are disabled in the admin. When you see the product page, the disabled simples are not showing up, but they do in the layered navigation. What do you think may be the problem?
Btw I may have imported values for Color in the configurable product as well as in it's simples. And Re-Indexing doesn't work.
SEO Layered Navigation Plus extension relies on standard Magento functionality which prepares special index tables for use in layered navigation (and decides which products should be shown when an option is selected). Unfortunately, this functionality does not consider quantity of simple products when preparing index tables for configurable products.
Standard Magento layered navigation has the same issue because it relies on the same indexes.
There is no quick fix. We consider altering Magento indexing functionality to address this issue.
To keep you posted on this issue please contact us through website.

Layered Navigation in magento is not working with Configurable products

I am using this extension in my magento web store (Layered navigation)
This extension working fine for simple products.
But in my case, I have two attributes that would be used to create configurable products, i.e Size and Color. Now when I create my configurable products, and associate my simple products of different sizes and colors to that configurable product and browse the Category Landing page, In layered navigation I don't see any Color or Size from the associated products of configurable products, neither it searches for the selected color or size in the associated child products of a configurable products. This has become a serious problem for me and it seems like this extension doesn't work with configurable products, I have already them too, but no reply as yet.
Has anyone went through the same problem ?
Try to re-index all. That should solve your problem.
This issue is closed for noor. For the record the reason for misbehavior is in attribute setup he had and in general is not related to SEO Layered Navigation Plus. What should be avoided:
Attributes used both in Layered Navigation should be allowed to set either on Configurable Product label or on simple product level. If you have not done it from the beginning, disabling attribute usage in configurable products is not enough as to that moment values can already be stored in database. So after disabling you should additionally delete values of that attribute assigned to all configurable products in catalog_product_entity_int table.

Magento add custom option in the left side filter

I have products that has custom options like size, color etc. All are unique to the products and not shared by attributes. How can i add these filters on the product listing pages. I hope i write my question clearly. Please let me know if you want more information. Thanks for your help.
In Magento, two properties will appear as layered navigation filters without you having to do anything: Price and Categories
Its better to store them as attributes and make them filterable , then it will be displayed in the layered navigation.
You can see here how layered navigation works.
And if you want to know how to include this layered navigation widget in any of the page, read this tutorial
