Showing power to every user harms Usability of a Requirement Management software? [closed] - user-interface

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am working on a Requirement Management software which is truly powerful in features. But now its cluttered with usability issues & I have never seen such complex user xperience like this one. What I found, all features/powers are accessible to every users whoever uses this product.Whether its super Admin or end user. Also found every user base uses some specific features, not all features.
My thought is, can I off/hide secondary user controls which are not that much navigated? Should I provide configurable user controls to different users? Please let me know your thoughts.

Yes you can, and this is exactly what many apps do:
It is common to have a set of easily reached, commonly used gui elements (think the tool palette in Photoshop, or the ribbon in Office) meanwhile less often accessed commands are hidden behind the application menus (File, Edit, View etc) and usually duplicate the commands in the palette / ribbon.
Configurable or not is difficult to give an answer to that is more useful than 'it depends'.
This is really super-power user territory, and I'd suggest that you do some research with your target users.
Don't ask them if they configure menus, just ask them to show you how they use a common set of applications (which have configurable menus) and observe whether they have or have not changed anything outside of the default.
The reasons you shouldn't ask direct are that:
1) People might not know what you're on about
2) They might just tell you what they think you want to hear (this is very common)
3) People will oftewn say 'yes' when you ask them if they want something, whether it's useful or not (it's probably to do with loss aversion)


In a user interface, is it better to "gray out" or hide features that are unavailable? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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In my particular situation, I have a comment form than cannot be used until the user has logged in and joined a specific topic. Then, they can comment on that topic.
In your opinion, should I hide the comment form completely, or disable it and prompt the user to complete the necessary requirements.
Disabling them saves the user from effortlessly looking for functionality she knew to exist before. So in general, hiding something completely from view just generates frustration. Remember the dynamically populated menus in Office 2000 to 2003? Then you know what I mean (cf. Jensen Harris' blog posts on that topic).
I suggest you should disable them and make it clear in what states they are available and how to achieve that.
In some cases, however, such as the application we are developing right now, functionality being there or not depends more on the user's permissions than on the current state of the program. In such cases it can be helpful to just hide things that shouldn't be accessible since users never get to the point where they could use the controls. Simply because they're lacking privileges. See for example Stack Overflow's moderation tools which are accessible once you get above 10k rep but are never shown before, not even as disabled.
If you don't want the user to know there is a comment form you should hide it.
If you want the user to know there's a comment form, but it is not (yet) available to them, you should disable it (gray it out).
There are good reasons why you might want to hide instead of gray. If you are security-trimming the interface, for example.
Gray out.
You want users to be aware of what options are available. If they're hidden a user may never know that additional setting exists.
I guess what I'm trying to say is if you really should hide an option you'll know. IE spacing issues, security, whatnot.
No matter what you do to visually imply something is disabled, old/inexperienced/hasty users will lose time trying to comprehend that the form looks like a form but it isn't.
I would go with a clear message instead.
gray them out. if they click on them provide a message stating why they are unavailable.
Hide the form and provide a message such as:
"Comment on this article by signing in or registering" which links to the login and registration form, once they have registered they should be directed back to the comment form so they can leave a comment.
Leaving the form visible but inactive would make the user think they have to click somewhere special to activate it.

Where does an application store "I'm deactivated" on Windows? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Applications often have registration keys.
It can arguably be placed in a file or in the registry.
Sometimes, an application is deactivated by entry of another key,
or the passing of a date, etc. Where can one safely
store such information about an application be deactivated?
A file isn't the answer; a backup copy can be restored to
defeat this. The registry is a weak answer, only because
most people don't know its there, and don't think to restore it,
and if they do they restore the whole thing which usually
has other discouraging side effects.
It seems to me that storing deactivation information is
hopelessly unsafe, as old copies can always be restored.
At best one can hide this data by obfuscation under
cryptically named files or registry keys.
Is there a standard trick I don't know, or a standard
scheme supported by Windows, that helps with this problem?
Round 2: I've seen a number of answers. None of them
specifically say "you can't do this" but several imply
that phoning home is the only good choice (for "deactivation").
Let's assume phoning home and dongles are NOT the answer,
and one has to leave something on the machine. What do
typical licensing schemes actually do in this case?
In contrast to the IPhone and other closed environments on an open platform like windows/linux you always run a very high risk that the protection is easily circumventable (local serial protection) or will be cracked by reversing and patching your code. Virtually every modern single player game has this problem. Additionally it is very hard to find a solution that does not annoy the user too much. We all remember the Sony-CD-Rootkit disaster and in the game industry its the always the newest DVD-protection that doesn't work on all drives the way its supposed to. But what can you do? You can try the usual serial, call-home option and ban certain serials in newer updates (Adobe, FlashFXP, Windows). If you have a very low consumer base, this probably is enough for you. If - for whatever reason - that is not an option, what about an USB-Dongle that is needed to use your software. Heard of quite some CAD-programs using this. One last thing you can look into, what about watermarking your application? If it shows up on certain p2p networks you will maybe be able to see where the leak is. Basically nothing will give you a 100% guarantee, but there are options to make it more difficult for the average user... Please keep in mind that most of your money should be spend on creating a great product not in buying mostly useless protection!
Create and sign a license file on a server. If you use public key cryptography, the license file can't be faked easily. Your application can be of course cracked to not need the license, but that's a different thing.
Here is a short but pretty good overview of different options.
Ya,you could encrypt things,that's what they do!.Check the net for various licensing schemes.Even microsoft has one...Microsoft Software Licensing and Protection
You can use the Microsoft Cryptographic API to develop you code.Plus obscure you assemblies or dlls.Force user activation.
All protection schemes are vulnerable to some type of attack. Encryption of information does help prevent attacks because the information is stored in an obfuscated way, but even this isn't unbreakable.
Another possible option is to store the actual activation state information remotely and leave a reference to this information on the machine, possibly encrypted. There are many ways to do this but one that comes to mind is to store a GUID of some kind that you could then look up in your database
One downfall of this is the requirement of an internet connection, I don't know if that is prohibitive or not but the general idea is to remove the activation state from a machine you don't control and put it on one that you do

How to promote a new product/service? [closed]

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Closed 13 years ago.
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This is often a bit of a problem for lone developers working on a product or a service. How can they get the word out about their product?
I recently finished a project of mine and I'm struggling a bit to spread word of it.
What do you think is the best way to promote your new product/service?
Although this question isn't strictly programming related, it's a good question for programmers wanting to get their creation out and about.
You should have a short tutorial explaining what your product does and how to use it without having to install anything or fill out a single form. I'm not exactly sure what AnyHub (The OP's website) does with my files, how I would share or manage them or why you are doing it for free.
Look at Web 2.0 sensations and see how they streamline the process from hit to customer. For example Twitter has the What, Why and How buttons right there on the front page and nothing else to distract you from them. It also has motivating testimonials there too, and is themed to represent the idea.
Also, you should be trying to find a point of pain that many people have and try to ease that. Twitter knows it is getting impossible to tell your friends what you are doing via email, sms, blogs, feeds, rss and so on so takes care of it. What do you provide (other than an alternative pricing model?) Tell me on your website.
The internet (obviously).
If you're going at it alone, grassroots via Blogging, Facebook, and Twitter work.
You can also purchase google ad words, and other ad-related venues.
You can consider an open source version of your project, or joining tradegroups/ forums related to whatver problem your product addresses, and start to build a following (but please DONT spam these groups).
Mobile phone applications are really easy to promote nowdays, thanks to Apple's iPhone App Store paradigm. Now all major players (RIM, Nokia, Palm, etc) are opening their own application stores which takes away much of the promotion effort from the developer. As long as your application, game, etc is interesting it will sell by itself. Nevertheless, everything depends on the first week you launch your app and it is up on the list of the newest arrivals.
In the desktop world things are more difficult although Sun recently announced a similar promotion scheme for Java applications. More might follow, but it will depend on Sun's success or failure.
I believe (and actually hope) that centralized "selling services" will be the primary way of buying applications, games, plug-ins, services, etc in the near future. It is far too convenient to pass.

examples of both good and bad application user interface design? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I'm a blind student who's taking a required UI class. One of the assignments is to take screen shots of both a good and bad application user interface and comment on what's good and bad about it. I'll have a reader help describe the interface to me but would like pointers on applications to check out. They must be windows apps. In answers I'd like a link to the application as well as brief comments on what to focus on in the UI, for example color scheme is horrible, badly labeled controls, cluttered layout, etc.
An interface experience for a Blind person is a relevant aspect of UI design. If I were in your position I wouldn't focus so much on the visual aspect of user interfaces. Go from your personal experience. What is an application that you, as a blind person had a great degree of difficulty using? What applications are a joy to use?
If I were in your teacher's position, I would find such descriptions far more valuable than an attempt at pretending as though you can see, and that things like colors or fonts are relevant to you. (unless you are only partially blind, in which case font size may indeed be a relevant factor)
There are a great many people in my field that are keenly and constantly interested in such testimonials and evaluations from blind people. Not just in an academic context. I work for a government organisation that is required to make its resources accessible to disabled people. Don't sell your own perspective short, just because of a poorly worded assignment.
A little bit old, but quite well written, with plenty of examples:
Good: Microsoft Office 2007
Bad: Microsoft Office 2003
As far as Windows applications go, I like Microsoft Outlook as a positive example UI. The layout of Microsoft Outlook has been imitated in a lot of other software. It allows/facilitates quick and easy navigation and searching of a variety of information with very little user effort. It allows the user to see their information in different formats (message preview, list,est.) and to adjust the UI to meet their needs and make the information that is most valuable to them most prevalent/easily acceptable.
I have to assume that you have already done this assignment, but I want to give Breton a thumbs-up for his suggestion. If there is one thing that is most often overlooked, it is consideration for visually impaired users. I often steer aspiring web developers to so that they can run their pages through the various filters. If one takes a screen shot of their application, they can embed it in a web page and run it through the tester also.

Looking for some examples of GUI apps with great design [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I will start developing my next desktop application in about a month. In the past I have delivered functional software that hasn't wowed anyone, including myself, in the usability or aesthetics department.
Does anybody know of any resources or guides or even books that could showcase examples of good design in desktop software?
There seems to be a lot of resources for web apps, but such resources for desktop applications are rather slim.
I enjoyed these dot net rocks tv videos by Mark Miller on The Science of a Great User Experience really got me thinking about good ui:
Where you can really make a difference with GUI design is if you are addressing a difficult to understand concept in a GUI.
When you are doing that, creativity is critical. When dealing with complex hardware configurations (something I had to do a lot, but probably doesn't apply to you), I've had good luck going to tech manuals and tech support people and trying to completely understand the problem. Then I took the methods they used to show me (diagrams from the manuals, whiteboard drawings, etc) and tried to code them into a GUI.
Had a couple massive successes with this.
Iteration is also critical. Prototype something quickly then beg everyone you see to try it. Ask them to solve a problem, then watch where they go first and watch what they have problems with.
Address every problem and stumbling block.
Don't be afraid to throw it all away and start over, it was only prototype code.
Separate your GUI from your implementation so that you can swap out the GUI if you find a better approach.
If you want to concentrate on just one feature, have a look at ITunes' search box which filters as you type. Other software may have had this before, but this was I think the first place I encountered it.
The difference between this and classic search was an eye opener for me in terms of readability.
Auto-complete which you see in so many places is another one. I'd recommend IntelliJ IDEA for the way it took auto-completion which emacs, Visual studio etc had for ages and added autocompletion for variable names and method names in a manner which almost seemed psychic the first time you encountered it.
You can look at Thirteen23 Experiences
To make things usable, you need to make sure that you follow existing conventions for your target platform and application type.
For example, if you're developing a Windows App you'd better make sure that control-c copies, control-v pastes, control-s saves, etc. The File menu better be the leftmost item in the menu bar, and the Help menu better by the rightmost item.
If you don't follow existing conventions, users are going to get annoyed with your application very quickly.
Google for HIG. Human Interface Guidelines typically include lots of research into best-practice in user interfaces, and explain in great detail how to design each aspect of a program. Also, have a google for "user-interface hall of shame" or something like that.
In this question I mentioned GUI bloopers. Part of great design is knowing what makes bad design and why. It is actually a great book, although I don't know how much of it is available on the website.
You can check case studys on websites of GUI companys. I fund few at
Check there and also other sites.
