Where is the debug history in VS 2010 Ultimate? - visual-studio-2010

As far as I know, VS 2010 Ultimate (which is the version I'm using) should have a Debug History but I can't find it anywhere. Is it because I'm debugging a WinForms application? Could if be that my version just didn't come with the Debug History feature?
This is a version I got for free from BizSpark. Here is the full version: 10.0.30319.1 RTMRel. I do have the IntelliTrace thing, which I believe is related to the debug history.

The only debug history feature is IntelliTrace. There is some configuration needed, but it isn't too difficult. The fact that you are debugging a WinForms application makes no difference. The article below should help you get started.


Ungraded Visual Studio 2022 - Debugging Error

I just upgraded to Visual Studio 2022.
When running a project (developed in VS 2019) I get the following error/warning message:
enter image description here
You are debugging a Release build for APP_Name.exe. Using Just My Code with Releasae builds using compiler optimizations results in a degraded debugging experiance(e.g. breakpoints will not be hit)
Since I am fairly new to C#, I am lost as to what to do. The only "solution" I found online was to disable "Just My Code", but that seems to not be able to debug correctly.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Please setting the configuration to Debug in the Configuration Manger window.

Unable to open designer for DevExpress version 8.2 in Visual Studio

I've inherited an old project which uses Devexpress 8.2.4 - so i went and installed an appropriate DXperience Subscription v8.2.4. Now, when I try to open the designer through Visual Studio 2019, I get a:
"This method explicitly uses CM policy, which has been obsoleted by the .NET Framework. In order to enable CAS policy for compatibility reasons, please use the NetFx40/LegacySecurtyPolicy configuration switch. Please see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=155570 for more information."
Then I tried to open the project in VS 2010, and upon attempt at opening the designer, same CAS policy error happens.
After editing the VS2010 DevEnv configuration file (and respective config file for VS 2019), as Thomas suggested in his answer here, my Visual Studio 2019 just started crashing during start, and my Visual Studio 2010 successfully started but it then crashed upon trying to select the designer object.
Yes, I'm trying to get this designer for Devexpress 8.2 to run in either IDE - I just need to get it to work so I can hopefully add a QR Code(is this even possible in v8.2.4???).
I just don't know how to access designer to actually graphically update the report. I did some Devexpress projects myself but using v19 and newer, but I'm having trouble now, opening this designer for old Devexpress 8.21.
Any help would be appreciated as this HAS to be done by tomorrow.
Also, if v8.2.4 doesn't support QR Code (an XRBarCode object), what would be an alternative for adding that QR Code functionality? Would I have to upgrade to newer versions - would that break something?

How to extend CodeLens

I'm currently writing a tool to help maintain unit and integration tests (coded tests). I've started extending Visual Studio to make the developer experience nicer, which got me to notice the new-ish CodeLens feature.
The stuff I'm currently showing as a tooltip should probably actually be part of the CodeLens info.
Question: Does anyone know how to extend CodeLens in Visual Studio?
As #RichardBanks says, officially CodeLens is not extensible. Technically I think it may be possible at the moment. Look for *CodeSense*.dll in the visual studio directory for hints. There is no documentation at present and the API can still change going forward.
I suggest you'd venture into this for research purpose only, distributing any 'plugin' seems like a very bad idea until Microsoft opens up the API, which they probably will.
CodeLens is officially extensible since Visual Studio 2019 was released.
CodeLens for Everyone
CodeLens has been a feature found only in Visual Studio Enterprise, but that will change in an upcoming preview of Visual Studio 2019, when it will also be available for the Community edition, likely in 2019. CodeLens shows the number of references a type or method has, information about unit tests covering the method, and data directly from Application Insights.
In addition, Microsoft has made CodeLens fully extensible1, so third-party extensions can start to add their own experiences on top of it. CodeLens makes key information about your types easy to find, while keeping you in the source code. Lenses for source control history and IntelliTrace are still an Enterprise-only feature.
Looks like this is the best place to start looking at when implementing your own CodeLens extension.
1. Highlight mine.
Code Lens is not currently extensible.
I can't say for sure, but I think there are still some features the team wants to add before they open it up for extension (e.g. git support).

Favourite Features of VS 2010

With the general public release of Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 today, this latest version has created a lot of hype and interest.
Indeed, the opinion I've gauged is that VS 2010 has resolved a great deal of the minor flaws left over from previous versions, as well as added some particularly useful new code editor and project development tools (in particular the Premium/Ultimate versions).
My question here is: what are you favourite new features in VS 2010 that have really got you excited? Or similarly, what are the flaws of VS 2008 that you are most glad to have resolved?
There is a wealth of changes in VS 2010, of course, but these are some of the ones that have interested me most (about which I know!).
Integrated support for F# (with multi-targeting for .NET 2.0 - 4.0)/
Much improved WPF designer. The VS 2008 was more than a bit buggy at times.
Great improvements to the code editor, such as call hierarchy viewing.
A decent add-in framework.
A greatly expanded testing framework (now capable of database testing, for example) in Premium/Ultimate.
Project planning and modelling features in Premium/Ultimate.
If I could request one point/feature per post, I think that would be best, so we could vote them individually.
Visual Studio 2010's true Multi-Monitor Support sounds pretty fantastic.
The feature I'm most looking forward to having a decent play with is actually more .net 4 than visual studio. Parallel Extensions looks like it will be very interesting.
The new, clean web.config should make my managers happy.
"Just change the option in the web.config"
"Where is it?"
"Under 'AppSettings.'"
"Ugh ... there's so much junk in that file."
The built in profiler and historical debugger!
The 'Navigate To' window (Ctrl+,) is fantastic. Eclipse has something similar, and I've always thought Visual Studio needed it. Now if they would just add a 'Collapse All' button to the Solution Explorer...
One-click web publishing will be handy.
Favorite feature? Requiring 4 gigs of RAM to run it's bloat.
I liked many features
Gated checkin
Parallel Programming
Faster debugging
Separate debugger for x86 and x64
These are just few.... The more you explore VS2010 the more you will get. Try to go through the videos by microsoft.
Sunil Agarwal

Ironruby IDE

Which IDE if any, are people using to develop Ironruby in?
If you are looking for an integrated Visual Studio editor, with intellisense etc, Microsoft has nothing in plan yet (according to this article with John Lam -> http://www.infoq.com/articles/state-of-ironruby). But there is an integrated editor which works pretty good - SappireSteel - at http://www.sapphiresteel.com/Ruby-In-Steel-For-IronRuby.
If you just want to edit in VS and don't care about intellisense and such, you could try and set up an external tool from within VS and call the ir.exe (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/68c8335t%28VS.80%29.aspx)
There are numerous editors with support for ruby highlightning which you can try out as well, but there is no one (I think) with intellisense-like support for the .NET framework. Scite (http://www.scintilla.org/SciTE.html) is pretty popular, Scott Hanselman blogged about Ruby support/highlightning in Notepad2 (http://www.hanselman.com/blog/NewNotepad2WithRubySyntaxHighlighting.aspx). On Codeplex you can find a tool called IronEdit (http://www.codeplex.com/IronEditor) which I've not tried myself yet.
I ran RubyMine (http://www.jetbrains.com/ruby/index.html) for a while, which seems to be a really good Ruby IDE (costs money), but doesn't have any specific support for IronRuby. I hope the JetBrains will release something which plugs into Visual Studio eventually...
Personally I think Sapphire will come up with something really good eventually. I hope this helps.
I use Vim as my IDE with some custom settings that I blogged about some time ago.
Visual Studio?
According to the IronRuby website Visual Studio C# Express can be used (and in turn, any commercial version of Visual Studio 2005+ I'll assume).
From the IronyRuby.net home page:
Today, you must check the source code out of the IronRuby Subversion repository on Rubyforge. You will need a Subversion client: we recommend TortoiseSVN. To build the sources from the command line, you must also have Ruby installed on your computer already: we recommend the Ruby one-click installer. You can also build the sources using Visual Studio; if you don't already own a copy, you can download a free copy of Visual C# Express 2008.
Ruby in Steel from Sapphire Steel is build on the Visual Studio Shell (integrated mode) that will merge with Visual Studio 2008 if you already have it installed or simply be a standalone installation if you don't have Visual Studio already installed.
Also, no use to you, but Microsoft are going to be releasing IronRuby Studio (and IronPython Studio) at some point in the future. I couldn't find much about these on the web though - they were mentioned by a speaker at Teched Europe a few weeks ago.
You might interested in IronEditor. which similar to SciTE. get it at http://www.codeplex.com/IronEditor
Sapphire has a version now specifically targeted at IronRuby. Furthermore, not only is the alpha free now but they claim production will be free as well.
edit:forgot to include linkage
IronRuby integration in VS2010 can be found here: http://ironruby.net/tools/
The IronRuby tools are a good place to start but I think the best IDE for doing Ruby or in more detail Rails is VIM. by using a plugin such as rails.vim you can keep all your shortcuts and scripts across the boundaries such as Windows / Linux or IronRubyOnRails / RubyOnRails ...
JetBrains is offering a great IDE with RubyMine. I can remember that I've read an article about how to configure RubyMine to support IronRuby.
But as already mentioned IronRuby Tools for VS2010 are a good place to start.
The current version(s) of IronRuby now contain Ruby Tools for Visual Studio, which install along with IR itself. This is true for versions 1.1 and later.
