Batch script connect to ftp sever? - windows

I am trying to connect to my ftp server by running a batch script. I can log into it fine by typing the following:
cd Public
put FILENAME.txt
But if I put this into a script in this order, it connects to the server, but still asks for a username. Can anyone point me in the right direction on how to make it login? Thanks.

please see the following msdn article:
ftp reference from msdn
i think you need to place the commands in a text file and pass it to the ftp command with the -s parameter


Shell Script to Copy file from one server to another

I have 2 solaris servers. I want to write a shell script which will copy a file from one server to the other.
scp /tmp/test/a.war tomcat#
The above command when executed in PUTTY will ask me to enter a password for the destination. This is fine when using PUTTY.
How can iI enter the password while running the scp command through shell script?
Thanks in advance
You have to setup SSH private/public key.
Once generated place the public key line entry on the target server's and user's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file.
Make sure the file on the source machine (for the user which will run the scp/ssh command) will have file permission (400) recommended. or or similar online help can help you.

Pause for password sftp bash script file

I am trying to write a script to automatically upload files to a sftp server. My problem is authentication.
I know it is not possible to store a password in a bash script for sftp.
I can't use keys because the admin of the server won't allow me.
I don't want to use any extras (sshpass/expect) because I can't
guarantee they will be on the machine I'm using (the script are wanted so that the processes are not tied down to a particular machine).
Manual entry of the password is not a problem I just need to get the script to wait for the user to put the password in. At the minute when I run the script it opens terminal, prompts for the password, but when this is entered nothing else happens. If I enter the lines of code manual after it uploads everything correctly.
cd /remote_directory
lcd /local_directory
put some_file.txt
After months of looking for an answer I have finally found the solution. It was in a comment on an answer in some other thread I can't even remember. Hope this can help others out there.
Your bash script should look like this and will connect to the sftp server, prompt the user for the password, and then execute the remaining commands.
sftp user#server <<!
cd /the/remote/directory
lcd /your/local/directory
put/get some.file

shell script to check ftp and sftp communication

First I have to say you that I'm a newbie, but I wanna learn!
I need a script which suppose to check the ftp and sftp communication. This is for 26 ftp and sftp.
Script has to execute just 1 times and script suppose to login to ftp and sftp servers using username with password, easy from an extern list.
If ftp works also it has to send an mail and even if it is fail also it suppose to send the mail. Or just a print on screen with status : alive or not alive should be ok.
I am starting with the below script:
I found something like :
"You can use your script with a regular user, creating the file .netrc in the user's homedir (~/.netrc), with the following contents:
login usename
password user-passwd"
ftp -v -n <<EOF > ${LOG_FTP} 2>&1
I need now to understand how I can send the email to my email adres or just print on screen the results.
Please can you suggest me the right way or help me write the script.
It would be great help for me.
Thanks in advance for all your help!
you can use sendmail for sending emails to your email id. IF you're working on bash, then pre-pend this line to your script:
Then do this on terminal:
chmod +x <scriptname> #setting executable permission for script
./<scriptname> #executing the script

how to log-in and execute ftp commands in native windows telnet client program using only one command

What I want to do is issuing one command that contains ftp commands that I want to execute. I want my command to contatin username, password and commands.
I only can use windows native ftp client program, and it seems it does not provide any help regarding this. What should I do?
did you read 'ftp /?' for example
Ftp -s:YouFileWithFtpCommands

How do you connect to FTP server via a shell-script

I am writing my first shell-script ever and I am trying to connect to an FTP server. However, I am utterly at a loss for how to do this. I tried a google search, but I am still stumped.
I am trying to connect with a username and password (not a ssh id).
Thanks for your help. Again this is my first shell-script ever.
The command man ftp should give you the necessary pointers.
This being said, this page might help you build a complete shell script
Here how you connect to FTP server via a shell-script :
quote USER $USER
put $FILEtoPut
get $FILEtoGet
delete $FILEtoDelete
exit 0
chmod +x
and execute :
I hope these will be helpful.
