changing favicon in joomla 1.6 - joomla

How can we change the favicon in Joomla 1.6?
Do I just create a 16x16 px images, convert it to a .ico format and store it as
favicon.ico under images?

You need to store file favicon.ico in your template root folder. (/templates/template_name)
And - browsers like to cache favicons, so you should clean your browser's cache or wait to see the results.


How do I solve the nuxt static image caching problem?

I have a static image cache problem in the browser.
I am displaying an image from the static folder in my project and when I change the content of the image without the image name change, the browser cannot detect it.
I want Nuxt to cache this image based on the modified date, or somehow detect this change and display the image over. is there a solution to this?
Actually nuxt does this out of the box - at least in the production builds and when you load the images from the assets folder.
For assets in the assets folder, webpack generates a hash and appends it to the filename at build time. If the content of the image changes, the hash changes as well. This way the browser knows when to load the updated image from the server.
Check here for reference:
The static folder is not processed by webpack by default and therefore the hash is not added to the filename.
So try to make use of the assets folder, then the caching problem should be solved.

How to fix inefficient cache policy on static assets with drupal website?

How to reduce the caching of static assets (image,js,css,fonts) on drupal 7 website.
enter image description here
Navigate to /admin/config/development/performance and enable "Aggregate and compress CSS files." and "Aggregate JavaScript files."
Or you can use the more advanced AdvAgg contrib module
Leverage Image Styles to reduce the dimensions of images by going here /admin/config/media/image-styles and setting the image field display settings to use the corresponding image style.
You can also navigate to /admin/config/media/image-toolkit and reduce the global quality of images generated by image styles
Or you can use the more advanced ImageMagick contrib module
Consider switching font hosting to a cloud host like Google Fonts or Adobe Fonts which are optimized

Magento Gif upload

I try to upload gif from admin panel of Magento2 for a feature, but it is not looping gif but a jpg at the frontend.
Looking for your advices which is also ok for Cache
Why dosent the uploaded Gif animated ? why isnt it looping ?
When you upload images to Magento i the Wysiwyg editor. it "prepares" your images for frontend. By doing so a version of the image is stored in cache preparation.
The function that handles this is not compatible with the .gif format, and therefore i takes the first image in the row of images contained in the .gif file.
You can upload you image with a FTP client like Filezilla or through Cpanel, and overwrite the gif you already uploaded. that way the function is not run on your file, and you will keep your animated image.
There is also modules that makes the Wysiwyg editor compatible with the .gif format, for more permanent soloutions.

Drupal theme - change slideshow images

Using Drupal 7, "business" theme, I want to change the default slideshow images of the theme to my own images.
The documentation says:
To change the Slide Images, Replace the slide-image-1.jpg,
slide-image-2.jpg and slide-image-3.jpg in the images folder of the
Business theme folder.
I did that, but images won't change.
I changed the images in sites/all/themes/business/images. And kept these original names.
The old images are not there anymore, but slideshow still displays the old images.
I tried clearing Drupal cache, wasn't the problem.
I'm guessing maybe a wrong dir?
Thanks in advance.
That is the correct directory for the slider images. Try clearing the cache in your own browser.
I would suggest, Don't go with hard-coded slideshow in theme, rather remove that slideshow from there and create new region. then create slideshow using view and flexslider which uses same CSS and javascript which makes you dynamic slideshow and you can add as many image you want.....

Where to upload fonts and for use in a custom Magento theme?

I am creating my first custom Magento theme and in my mockup I am using a couple of non-standard
fonts. Where do I upload these the /fonts folder that contains these fonts? Also, where do I
I would suggest you to put all fonts and under,
skin/frontend/default/[Your Theme]/
