subscribing to Yahoo search feed with google reader? - yahoo

Is it possible to subscribe to Yahoo search results with google reader through reader api?

Yahoo search results can be returned in RSS format, which can then be passed to the Google Reader API for subscription.
The Yahoo RSS feed URL format is (for search term 'nascar'):
Unfortunately it looks like these feeds are not returning results at the moment. It's possible that they've been discontinued.
As an alternative, you can use the Bing search RSS feeds which have the format:
Bing search results power Yahoo search, so you'll get the same (or close to the same) results either way.


Google API for the Search Result Events

I'm looking for the correct API for the events that show up in a regular Google Search, the ones that are structured (with name, datetime, location)
Any help or guidance is appreciated
I have tried the Custom Search with no luck, and also the Calendar API (which seems to require a calendar ID, more so for personal calendars or targeted public ones)
We've actually just made an API to scrape the Google event results. You can query it directly like this:
Or if you are using Ruby, you can do something like this:
require 'google_search_results'
params = {
engine: "google_events",
q: "Events in Austin",
client =
events_results = client.get_hash[:events_results]
Some documentation:
I had a quick look - while I didn't find a fully programatic API yet, here are two things that can get you started on more:
How to search the events page directly: use the following URL schema:;events&rciv=evn - replacing "cool+conferences" with any string you like - this can let you create dynamic URLs for event searches.
How to access event metadata for a given page - google is pushing a standard to structure data on webpages to support "smart" searches such as for events. They are using a data structure called JSON-ld. More details. If you want to read such metadata from a webpage, here is one scraper I have found that does that - extruct (though I didn't get a change to test it yet).
Hope this helps :)

Filter results from YouTube data API based on date

I am trying to filter data from YouTube data API (using commentThreads).
Goal here is to get all the comments published for the channel after 2018-03-25. I have tried different date formats and it looks like the filter is not working as I get all the results back.
Any ideas?
I've never used the Youtube google api, but assuming that this is the API reference:
It doesn't mention the publishedAfter-option, which leads me to believe that it doesn't exist?
This probably means that you'll need to use the order option along with maxResults to achieve your goal.

Use of indexing JSON response by Google and other search engines?

Usually JSON responses for AJAX are not full stories. But succinct structured response to specific queries. Does google index them? How important I submit those AJAX URLs to Google? Because the google crawler will get only the JSON string - not the whole context? Am I missing few things?

Youtube API v3 Search own videos by tag

Is it possible to search videos by tags using Youtube API v3 ?
I would like to search among my own videos.
Use search method with ##tagname search string for q parameter and set type:video parameter. You can find other search operators here. Old one - tag:tangle doesn't work with new api for me. ## works fine.
Recently tried the solution given by user 350D, but q=##{YOUR_TAG} does not appear to work with the latest YouTube API. It appears that the tag can only be retrieved when the video ID is provided as a parameter. I found that the following works for me:
First, retrieve a list of videos (returning minimal needed information, e.g. the video ID, title, and the high quality thumbnail URL):{YOUR API KEY}&fields=items(id(videoId),snippet(title,thumbnails(high(url))))&part=id,snippet;
Then batch the video IDs into one request to retrieve the associated tags:{YOUR API KEY}&fields=items(id,snippet(tags))&part=snippet&id={videoID01,videoID02,etc};
You can do a videos->list with with settings video ids as the ones in your playlist and iterate through them checking with tags. But searching by tags is not available in API anymore.

Yahoo Finance Api - Missing data for symbols

I'm using Yahoo Finance Api to extract stockrates. To find the symbols using Yahoo Finance - but oddly a few of the symbols that Yahoo presents, doesn't return any data when using the API?!
Here are a few examples (Try looking them up with the above url):
But when trying to extract data. The symbol seems to be unknown.
Using the YQL, it says "Unknown ticker symbol"
YQL Example
Why o' why?
Thanks in advance
I would not use the yahoo YQL, but rather their older web-service that returns a CSV. I have an open-source plugin on Grails framework called yahoofinance that gets stock data from yahoo finance. I tested your stock symbols and it does return a response but like I said since these particular stocks have very low trading data, the data returned is mostly 0.0 and N/A
Try using the yahoo web-services (using example symbol)
-> f=snl1d1t1cc1p2pohgvmlt7a2ba, represents the statistics you are requesting.
