Open .eml files in compose mode in outlook 2010 - outlook

I want my users to be able to open eml files in compose mode in outlook 2010, by default it opens in readonly mode. Is there any way out?
Use: We generate email templates which the users can download and customize it before sending.

If you can add the header "X-Unsent: 1" to your .eml, it should open in Compose mode.

Works on Microsoft Outlook but does not work on thunderbird.
A related discussion can be found here

Mail on MacOS adds this header internally:
Unfortunately, this will still not allow you to sent it directly. However, you can move any mail to your drafts folder and then sent it from there.


Command line or other tools to collect outlook add-in's installed?

Is there any tool or utility to see the list of admin-managed Outlook add-ins installed on a user machine?
This will be helpful to gather diagnostics using script rather than asking users to take screenshots and upload manually?
Can we get manifest info used by the add-in using any utility tool or from UI?
There is no such tools. You can find the list of web add-ins in the hidden items of your Inbox folder. If you try to use MFCMAPI and navigate to the associated content table of your Inbox where you can find the list of hidden messages:
Every message with a message class set to the IPM.Configuration.ClientExtension.* represents a web add-in installed for your mailbox.
Admins can run this powershell commandlet to get add-ins for individual users:
Get-App -Mailbox <userEmailAddress>

How can I open an Outlook data file programmatically?

In my current environment, I have to run Outlook as administrator on my workstation and that doesn't play well with some of my other software that is using the Outlook 2010 Developer Reference to move messages around in the Outlook mailbox.
The only thing I've been able to do to keep from getting the error code 0x8004010F is to "Close" the most current Outlook Data File I use as permanent storage and then reopen it. However, I need to do that now programmatically. I can't find anything in the Outlook 2010 Developer Reference about opening/closing the data files but surely Outlook can do it.
How can I do this?
Clarification: When I say that I need to 'close then open' the data file, it is within the current session of the Outlook mail client. The act of closing/opening the data file allows Outlook to receive/process the commands to move messages within the Exchange storage space.
The error is MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND. What exactly raises that error?
You can use Namespace.AddStore/AddStoreEx to add a PST store and Namespace.RemoveStore to close it. Keep in mind however that the PST provider will still keep the PST file locked for 30 minutes or until Outlook closes.

Creating link to Outlook messages

Outlook 2007
While composing a new message in outlook can a link be created to other messages?
Whww I am composing a new mail I would like to create a link to asent item, clicking this link should then open the message.
Can this be done?
Microsoft has a support KB on hyperlinks to access Outlook folders and items:
However, the Outlook: scheme is not registered by default with newer versions of outlook.
I verified that the registry editing technique to associate "outlook:" with opening Outlook items ( ) works for Outlook 2013 on Windows 8.1, so I imagine it would work for earlier versions too.
I needed to do the same thing in Outlook 2013. I was able to do so without any registry editing. (I believe such editing is only necessary if you want the links to work outside of Outlook)
I wanted to create a link to an email that I had stored in the following Outlook folder: My Projects\Set 1\. The subject line of the email was Testing links. Here's the steps to do so:
Right-click on the folder in which the target email is stored -> Choose Properties...
Copy the full Location path (in my case this was \\MyEmail#my.domain\My Projects. (Note that this doesn't include the parent folder itself; Use the description box (or some other convenient location) to paste that path, then append the folder. So in my case the full path looked like \\MyEmail#my.domain\My Projects\Set 1.
Open up the email that you want to paste the link into.
Create a normal hyperlink
In the Address field type Outlook: followed by the path you created in Step 2 above, followed by a backslash and tilde, followed by the subject line of the target email. So for me, that whole address looks like this: Outlook:\\MyEmail#my.domain\My Projects\~Testing links

Customizable Windows right-click file uploader?

I'm looking for a "right-click upload" application like RightLoad - an application that can upload media files to a remote FTP server from the Windows Explorer's context menu. I want to customize the application to serve as a customized image uploading tool to a PHP-based CMS.
The user would upload images and other media files to a defined FTP account (I'm also very open for other methods of transport, as long as they are supported by run-off-the-mill web hosting stacks) that they could then use in the CMS they log in to.
For me to be able to do these customizations, the application would have to be Open Source - RightLoad is "only" Freeware. Alternatively, I'm open for closed-source and commercial suggestions as long as they allow "pre-packaged" server settings that can easily be deployed to the user.
Does anybody know such a tool compatible with at least the most current versions of Windows (XP, Vista, 7)?
Thanks all for the great input. In the case at hand, I decided it's easiest for me to stick with RightLoad and create a workflow in which the URL presented by RightLoad after the upload is copy+pasted into the CMS. I am putting a bounty on this because I think it's a worthy question for future generations, and I want to be the first one to put up a 500 bounty under the new bounty system :)
You could just use the send to menu using window's My network Places like this
I think WinSCP might have everything you want:
Open Source under GNU GPL
Windows Explorer's 'Send To' Context Menu
Drag 'n Drop Shell Extension
lots of additional features
and it can be scripted and is more secure than FTP due to using SSH
If you insist on open source, why not create a custom context menu handler and send it using some open source FTP client?
I would have to check the details, if it's really viable, but I would start with it.
I just had an idea, tested and working:
use regedit to edit HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/*/Shell
add a key in shell called FTP to Mysite, in the default value set it to FTP to Mysite.
then add a key to the FTP key you just created called command, in the command default value use:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
what this will do is open IE and the address\path\to\file.jpg
now using $_GET you can get the file address, upload it via php to where ever, even add an interface...
now when the user right clicks on any file, they can upload it via your web site by clicking FTP
1) another software is RightLoad , i use it that this moment!
2) The nice software I used over years, was FLING. It adds Right Click menu in windows explorer... However, I have left the software, because till today (version 2.35) fling DOESNT support SFTP (And nowadays on all sites I use SFTP!!)
3) I DONT like SEND-TO menu! (because I think passwords saved in WINDOWS can be easily stolen by virus..)

Outlook programmatically avoid Attachment.SaveAsFile() Pop-up on XSL

I have developed a Outlook polling service that does the following:
The service is not a windows service but a rich client.
It is developed in Visual Basic 6.
The "robot" basicly polls outlook for new mails
If a new mail is found the Attachment.SaveAsFile(path) is used to save each attachment.
When I save Excel files (xls) extension. Outlook will launch Excel and Excel will pop-up with the following message with older xsl files (prior excel 2000).
"Do you want to save the changes to 'SaveAttFromBlaBla.xsl'?
"Microsoft Office Excel recalculates formulas when opening files last saved by an earlier version of Excel."
Does anyone know of a way to not have the pop-up occur? And by default select "Yes" to recalculate?
Excel.Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Works with Word as well.
