Oracle 10g express and 11g express DB homepage is not showing up - oracle

I just installed Oracle for the first time and the last step of the installer is to ask if I want to check the home page. I checked it, the browser opened a local website, but this website does not exists. So I am simply stuck here.
I tried 10g first, I uninstalled it and tried 11g. I always get a non-running webpage. I tried it because I saw in some answers that 10g was not supported by Windows 7 32 bits and that 11g was.
Each time, I checked if all the Oracle services were up and they are. I also checked if the port 8080 was used and it is not. Also, disabling the Windows firewall gives nothing.
I know nothing about Oracle so please give me some links if you are talking about Oracle specific things.
If you don't know the problem with the website, could you tell me which service is supposed to start the website and were is its logfile so that I could see the error?
In a side note, in the project install guide, I am supposed to run "sqlplus system#xe" after Oracle is installed. When I do it, I have to enter the password and then I get "ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor". Each questions about that error was about "it worked fine for a week and now no more" which is clearly not my situation, so this is not my question, just a side note.

One of my teammate found the answer. The problem was in the installation and here is what worked:
Warning for Windows7 only:
Oracle 10g installation on windows 7
32-bit completes without error but it is incomplete. In order to fix
the problem, before installing Oracle, shut down your PC, unplug your
network cable, boot your PC and install Oracle (not a joke), and
reconnect only after the installation of Oracle 10g.
That is weird, but it worked
NOTE----This method doesn't worked with 11g express R2 . (ofcourse i am talking of windows 7)

Try this:
1) First, make sure it's running. It sounds like it is from the error message you got in step 2, but double check that the Services (OracleServiceXE and OracleXETNSListener) are both started. Those are the only two services you need, and it does sound like the OracleServiceXE may not be running.
2) Make sure it's not running on a non-8080 port. From a command prompt, run netstat -an and see if anything is listening on port 8080. I've seen it get installed on alternate ports (including 9080) in the past.
3) If there's something listening on port 8080, try http://localhost:8080/ in your browser. If there's something on 9080, try that.

I too faced the same issue and fixed by following the below steps.
go to your Oracle XE 10g console using sqlplus. Replace mypassword with that your SYS user password (as specified during the installation process). Note that the number 2, 3, 4 at the left side is generated by the sqlplus tools prompt (you don't need to type them in).
[sourcecode lang="sql"]
C:\> sqlplus sys/mypassword#xe as sysdba
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Jun 18 17:53:47 2009
Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Connected to:
Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release - Production
SQL> begin
2 dbms_xdb.sethttpport('8484');
3 end;
4 /
Oracle XE should reply:
[sourcecode lang="sql"]
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
After that check to ensure that the configuration has been changed properly:
[sourcecode lang="sql"]
SQL> select dbms_xdb.gethttpport as "HTTP-Port is " from dual;
You should get a message like this:
[sourcecode lang="sql"]
HTTP-Port is
Exit from sqlplus by typing "exit" at the prompt.
Now restart the PC and check.e same issue.


SQL*Plus does not open anymore - Oracle Database 18c Express Edition

I have been using Oracle 18c since March for my college classes. I have always worked using SQLplus. The issue now is that I cannot start SQL*Plus when I tried to start it 2 days before.
When I try to launch it, it opens and closes in less than a second. I tried to open sqlplus via command prompt, but it shows an error saying:
Error 57 initializing SQL*Plus Error loading message shared library
I have no clue what went wrong so I thought re-installing the entire 18c product would solve something. Now that I go for uninstalling Oracle 18c, it shows an error message like shown here
Can someone please suggest me what is going wrong here? I would really like to have the SQLPlus working again like normally it would, so I can complete my DBMS projects.

Sql developer problem. No ocijdbc21 in java.library.path

So I downloaded Oracle 19c DBMS. Then I downloaded Sql Developer. When I try to add a new connection, I get the message
How do I get past this. I have seen some other threads on this but none of the solutions that I understand seem to fix it. I need to keep the connection type as local. Is there somewhere I can go and just adjust this path?
I used just a basic connection and the name database name in the service name box and it worked. The initial setup instructions I had were dated and not set up for 19c. One of the comments in the answer below suggested this.
For 20.4.1 and bequeath connection you must have a 21c instant client as we're using a 21c jdbc driver.
If you're not on Linux, that means you'll need version 20.4.0 so you can use a 19c Instant Client.
Windows 21c Clients should be available later this Summer.
Edit/Update: Version 21.2.1 now supports 19c and 21c Clients. 21c Instant Clients are rolling out across supported platforms. Currently avail for Linux, soon to include Windows and OS X.
In my case, the DB connection changed from Network Alias to Connect Identifier post a company pushed update, simple fix after hours /days of trouble shooting.
enter image description here
Ran into this error with Oracle SQL Developer and the fix for us was to in Oracle SQL Developer:
Tools -> Preferences
In the tree view on the left Expand Database and select Advanced
In Use Oracle Client click Configure...
Set the path to your Oracle home (should looks something like C:\Path\To\Oracle\19.n)
Check the Use Oracle Client box
In the Tnsnames Directory set it to the folder containing the tnsnames.ora file (should looks something like C:\Path\To\Oracle\19.n\network\admin)
Click OK
Relaunch Oracle SQL Developer

How to install Procedural Option in Oracle 11gr2

I've been trying to create PL/SQL packages and running procedures on a local installation of Oracle 11gR2 on my computer, and I kept getting ORA-00900 error. Based on this article, it seems like Procedural Option has not been not installed.
This is the output of sqlplus when I logged in:
SQL*Plus: Release Production on Thu Feb 14 13:11:34 2013
Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Enter user-name: system#orcl
Enter password:
Connected to:
Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production
How can I install it? If I've to reinstall Oracle, what are the options I must choose in the installer? I chosen Enterprise Edition, Desktop Class.
This is very simple package code I tried to execute in DBeavor (64-bit) v2.0.6, to a local Oracle database with Oracle thin connection:
hello_world constant varchar(20) := 'hello world';
Error from DBeavor:
Error occurred during SQL query execution
SQL Error [900] [42000]: ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement
I've followed the advice in the comments and learnt that my problem isn't with my Oracle database installation at all.
I was using DBeaver while attempting to run some pl/sql script, and for some reason I don't know it failed with the ORA-00900. After posting the question I ran the same script in Toad for Oracle, and it works without any problem. Running the same script in SQL Plus also works okay.
I don't know what causes the error in DBeaver yet, but at least now I know the error code ORA-00900 does not mean my database is missing any Procedural Option function. In hindsight I probably should have tested my script in SQL Plus first before posting the question.
Anyway, thanks for the comments guys, it really helped me tons.
DBeaver cannot execute PL/SQL as they view it as Oracle specific, which it is. This may be implemented some time in the future.

ora-12560 :TNS: protocol adapter error after installing ODP.NET

I have installed Oracle Database Win64 and also Client Win64 in my windows 7 Ultimate and I was able to access Oracle database using Sql*plus
using sqlplus / as sysdba. After that I installed ODP.NET ODTwithODAC1120320_32bit to work with Oracle using C# in Visual Studio 2010. When i tried to add connection to Oracle database using ODP it pops out ora-12560 :TNS: protocol adapter error and even during logging to Oracle using SqlPlus / as sysdba.
I have read several articles that say stopped service will cause but mine is running.
What could be the problem???
The main problem that I faced Connecting to Oracle 11g using Server explorer in VS 2010 was not version compatibility of ODP with Oracle database but it's architecture. After such errors I uninstalled Oracle Database 11g using deinstall.bat file then cleaned Registry Key ../Software/Oracle and cleaned up temp files, did a system restart. Then installed Oracle 11g Database x32 Database server, ODP.NET x32, checked Env vars.
First success was that I was able to connect to DB using SQL*Plus. After that started VS 2010 and tried to connect ..... Connected! wow has worked in VS IDE. I was so happy :)
I remember how many times I reinstalled Oracle(cleaning,configuring checking listeners, restarting services). Then my hard work really paid off.
here is a screenshot
Generally, I advise to install Oracle server under different credentials than what you usually use. The Oracle server (under Windows) makes use of a few environment variables; and the same is the case with ODP.NET as well. And while you can't easily switch between different sets of env variables in your user profile, you can assign different env var values to a (different) user under which the Oracle server is installed and/or being run.
If you already have your Oracle server installed (which, I suspect, is your case), then try:
Create a new user in your Windows, make him sufficiently privileged. ("Admin" rights will do fine. :-))
Log in as the new user.
Set up ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_SID, NLS_LANGUAGE and PATH environment variables for that particular user (not globally for the whole Windows!) to point to your Oracle server.
Log in as the original user.
Start the Services management console ("services.msc").
Change "Log On" credentials for the OracleServiceSOMETHING and Oracle SOMETHING VSS Writer Service and OracleJobSchedulerSOMETHING and OracleOraDb11g_home1TNSListener to that new user+password you just created. (... where SOMETHING is usually the name of your instance)
Stop all Oracle services.
Set up ORACLE_HOME and PATH env var to point to your ODP.NET root and root\bin folders respectively; set up the ORACLE_SID and NLS_LANGUAGE vars to whatever values you need.
Start all Oracle services. (After this moment they should be running under their own credentials.)
Let's pray that it works.
I myself would have to improvise, too, if this scenario didn't work. But so far I have successfully run two Oracle servers and one Oracle client on the same machine this way with no problems, so I hope it works for you too. If it does not, then there's still the option of reinstalling your Oracle server completely.
Don't forget about backing up your database ... just in case something horrible happens.

I have problem to connect oracle DB with SQL developer

I try connect to my oracle db with oracle SQL developer and received that message:
pic (pictures 1 and 2)
if i try connect with sql plus, all well.
command : select userenv('LANGUAGE') from dual;
Connected to:
Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release - Production
SQL> select userenv('LANGUAGE') from dual;
(picture 3)
check\uncheck "Skip NLS Settings", nothing changed.
what the issue is?
I've seen this problem before in an installation with Oracle 10g on AIX. The problem was that NLS files weren't accessible due to wrong file protection.
The problem is most likely not with SQL Developer but on the server side. When you log in, the server will always try to set regional settings that match the one on your client. That's when the error occurs because the required files aren't accessible.
If you haven't already I think it might be worth asking this question in the OTN SQL Developer Forum
I suspect you installed the Western European edition instead of the Universal. If that's not the case, post the file list from the nls/data directory.
