Make include in makefiles be relative to the file's location - makefile

Directly related to this question. How can I make the include directive in makefiles behave relatively to the location of the current script?
Assume that the current path is arbitrary and you have no control over it. Only the makefile location is known. Your makefile is not the root one - it's included. That's exactly how it is in Android NDK.
Is there a builtin variable with the current makefile's name? Can I strip filename away from it, leaving just the path? Using make 3.81 on Cygwin.

You can get the name of the makefile being currently processed from MAKEFILE_LIST builtin variable.
Given that the current makefile is the last one that has been included (in other words you didn't use another include directive since the beginning of the current script), the path to the script itself would be:
SELF_DIR := $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
Now you are able to include a script in the same directory as such (note an absence of slash, it has already been added by $(dir ...)):
include $(SELF_DIR)
Note: In GNU Make 3.80 there was no lastword builtin function. In that case you may implement it as follows replacing $(lastword ...) with $(call lastword,...):
lastword = $(if $(firstword $1),$(word $(words $1),$1))

Is there a builtin variable with the current makefile's name?
Yes, there is, use ${CURDIR}. This is the directory where top-level Makefile is located, so you don't need to strip anything from it.

I find that relative paths work (GNUMake 3.81), but if they don't for you, try this:
include $(abspath ../whatever)


gnu make, include path for `include` directives

Apart from the standard directories used by make to locate files loaded by include directives, is there any way to specify additional include paths within the makefile itself? I'm aware of the -I command-line GNU make option but I would like to know if there's any make variable to specify the same.
I suggested using the .INCLUDE_DIRS variable, but as pointed out in the comment below, that variable is read-only.
The only other way I can think of is to have a top-level file invoke the real makefile, and have the top level one update MAKEFLAGS:
# Top level -- Call it GNUmakefile?
INCLUDE_DIRS := first second third
MAKEFLAGS += $(foreach dir,$(INCLUDE_DIRS),--include-dir=$(dir))
.DEFAULT all:;$(MAKE) -f Makefile $(MAKECMDGOALS)
Then the real Makefile is invoked with the three directories in .INCLUDE_DIRS.

How to figure out current Makefile location in gmake at runtime

I would like to tell (g)make to include some common initializations from a separate file knowing the relative location of the included file with respect to the main Makefile.
However in the manuals I cannot find any built-in variable that would, for example, give you the name of the current Makefile.
For example if I want to include the content of a file in the same directory as the current make file, instead of hard-wiring the location of the include:
# MAIN Makefile : ./scripts/make/
include ./scripts/make/
I would like to write something like the following assuming that _MAKEFILE_ contains the location:
# MAIN Makefile : ./scripts/make/
MAKEFILE_DIR=$(dirname $(_MAKE_FILE_))
include $(MAKEFILE_DIR)/
Doesn't the manual give a recipe based on MAKEFILE_LIST?
this_makefile := $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
before any include directives should do the trick.
Look at GNU make - Other Special Variables. MAKEFILE_LIST includes all Makefiles read. So, if you take the first one and extract the directory, you're done.
MAKEFILE_DIR=$(dir $(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
include $(MAKEFILE_DIR)

Obtaining directory makefile resides in

What is the correct way to get the directory where the currently executing makefile resides?
I'm currently using export ROOT=$(realpath $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))) and am running into some problems where when running make with the exact same options will result in different values for ROOT. About 90%of the time it has the correct value, but in the remaining 10% there are a number of invalid paths.
realpath,abspath,lastword and a couple of more functions were only introduced in GNU Make 3.81 [See ref]. Now you can get the current filename in older versions using words and word:
But I am not sure of a workaround for realpath without going to the shell. e.g. this works with make v3.80:
THIS_DIR:=$(shell cd $(dir $(THIS_MAKEFILE_PATH));pwd)
#echo "This makefile is $(THIS_MAKEFILE) in the $(THIS_DIR) directory"
Which gives
$ make -f ../M
This makefile is M in the /home/sandipb directory
$(shell pwd) is not correct since the makefile might exist in a directory other than pwd (as allowed by make -f).
The OP's proposed
export ROOT=$(realpath $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))
is fine, except, s/he probably wants to use firstword instead, especially if the top level makefile (potentially) includes other makefile(s) prior to assiging to ROOT.
The OPs 10% problem could be explained if there was a conditional include 10% of the time prior to the assignment, but, hey, that's a guess...
For your convenience, when GNU make starts (after it has processed any -C options)
it sets the variable CURDIR to the pathname of the current working directory. This value
is never touched by make again: in particular note that if you include files from other
directories the value of CURDIR does not change. The value has the same precedence it
would have if it were set in the makefile (by default, an environment variable CURDIR will
not override this value). Note that setting this variable has no impact on the operation of
make (it does not cause make to change its working directory, for example).
echo $(CURDIR)

Get makefile directory

I am distributing my cpp files along with a makefile. Now the makefile is located in the same directory as the cpp file.
What is the variable (if any) in makefile that allows me to retrieve the current directory where the makefile is located? In this way I can use that variable to specify my cpp path for compilation.
My makefile is as follows:
g++ ($makeFileDir)/main.cpp ($makeFileDir)/hello.cpp ($makeFileDir)/factorial.cpp -o ($makeFileDir)/hello.exe
Edit: I am running my makefiles on Windows
I remember I had the exact same problem. It's not possible, as far as I remember.
The best bet you can have is to pass it as a variable. That is both cross platform and guaranteed to work, as you know the makefile dir at invoke time (otherwise you can't invoke it).
In alternative, you can do a very dirty trick, meaning you try to combine your current path (you can obtain with $(CURDIR) in gnu make) with the path of the invocation of the makefile (which can be tricky, and depends on your make)
Here is a cross-platform way to get the directory of the Makefile, which should be fully shell-agnostic.
makeFileDir := $(dir $(abspath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))
Note that this will give you the directory of the Makefile being currently interpreted. You might have bad (or good!) surprises if you include a Malefile using this statement from another.
That should be enough if you use a recent implementation of make for windows, i.e. Chocolatey's.
Issues with older make for Windows
Depending on the version of make you're using on Windows, there can be inconsistencies in the handling of backslashes. You might need one of the following variant. That's the case for GnuWin's make 3.81 binary for example.
Make the path separator consistent. The statement below uses forward slashes only, just swap \ and / to get the opposite behavior. From my experience (with GnuWin's make), you might have to use forward slashes to use such a variable for make include statements or to use it in VPATH.
But you would of course need backslashes in the DOS shell, and therefore in recipes... You might need two versions of the variable, but at least the substitution makes sure that the path separator is consistent!
makeFileDir := $(subst \,/,$(dir $(abspath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))))
The abspath function of GnuWin make 3.81 is broken and doesn't handle paths with drive letters in it. Here is a workaround to handle Windows absolute paths (with drive letter) as well. You can then use it to get the directory of the Makefile (here with the path separator substitution as well).
I won't explain the details, but the workaround simply returns the argument if that's already a Windows absolute path, i.e. if there is : in the root of the path, and uses the builtin abspath otherwise.
define fixabspath
$(if $(findstring :,$(firstword $(subst /, ,$(subst \,/,$(1))))),$\$
$(abspath $(1)))
makeFileDir := $(subst \,/,$(dir $(call fixabspath,$(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))))
There might be sources I'm omitting here and I'm sorry for that. It's been a long time ago.
In the fixabspath definition, $\ are just here to split the line for readability.
The MAKEFILE_LIST variable contains a list of the Makefiles being interpreted, the last one being the current one. See the corresponding manual page.
If I remember correctly, this also works with macOS' native make.
For 'cygwin' and 'linux' use I've solves this by calling pwd directly from the rule in the makefile:
do.%: %.cpp
echo "Running command in " `pwd`
somecommand $^
you can use $(srcdir)
then ./configure --srcdir="/your/path/to/the/source/directory"

Common GNU makefile directory path

I'm trying to consolidate some build information by using a common makefile. My problem is that I want to use that makefile from different subdirectory levels, which makes the working directory value (pwd) unpredictable. For example:
# Makefile.common
TOP := $(shell pwd)
COMPONENT_DIR := $(TOP)/component
COMPONENT_LIB := $(COMPONENT_DIR)/libcomponent.a
If I include Makefile.common from a subdirectory, like so, the $(TOP) directory is incorrect and everything else follows suit:
# other_component/Makefile
include ../Makefile.common
# $(COMPONENT_LIB) is incorrectly other_component/component
What's the best way to get Makefile.common to use its own directory path instead of the more fickle pwd?
You should be able to use the MAKEFILE_LIST variable, like this:
# This must be the first line in Makefile.common
TOP := $(dir $(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
From the documentation:
As make reads various makefiles, including any obtained from the MAKEFILES variable, the command line, the default files, or from include directives, their names will be automatically appended to the MAKEFILE_LIST variable. They are added right before make begins to parse them. This means that if the first thing a makefile does is examine the last word in this variable, it will be the name of the current makefile. Once the current makefile has used include, however, the last word will be the just-included makefile.
Try this:
ROOT_DIR := $(dir $(realpath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))
Edit: Be sure to use := instead of = because the latter causes make to use late-binding and MAKEFILE_LIST may have changed due to later includes.
Have you tried doing:
# Makefile.common
TOP ?= $(shell pwd)
COMPONENT_DIR := $(TOP)/component
COMPONENT_LIB := $(COMPONENT_DIR)/libcomponent.a
# other_component/Makefile
TOP ?= ..
include ../Makefile.common
Using the ?= construct will keep TOP from being redefined if it is already set. You can set it to the appropriate value based on where you are in the tree when you invoke make. I confess it's been awhile since I've used GNU make so this may not work or may need some tweaks.
My solution:
cwd := $(shell readlink -en $(dir $(word $(words $(MAKEFILE_LIST)),$(MAKEFILE_LIST))))
This also works for calls like make -f /opt/some/dir/Makefile whenn your in /opt/other/path/subdir.
write the common stuff in Then put the in the default directories that Make looks for when it encounters an include statement. See the manual for common directories Make looks for.
You could also put the in custom directory, and then type make -I customdir.
Inside the Makefile in each subfolder, you do
That is all. No need to worry about path and moving things around.
