how to get xtragrid focused cell's entity property - xtragrid

I want to get xtragrid focused cell entity property. Because of this :
I'm trying to get, focused cell isnull property, for this i need to get focused cell entityproperty
I tried to get object like (EdmScalarPropertyAttribute)gird.focusedrowvalue, but i got null value exception
How can i do this ?

Another way to get the RowHandle of the XtraGridView is this:
int rowHandle = gridView1.GetSelectedRows()[0]
hope it helps, and if you are trying to get the value of the cell you can use the following code
object obj = gridView1.GetRowCellValue(gridView1.GetSelectedRows()[0], gridView1.FocusedColumn.FieldName);


CKEditor5 getSelectedElement()

I am working with CKEditor 5 (Baloon Editor) and trying get selected text.
How can I do it?
I tried below code and got NULL:
editor.model.change( writer => {
var selection = editor.model.document.selection;
} );
Thanks for help.
I guess, selection.getSelectedElement() returns null for text elements. It returns an element object when figure objects selected. You can use

jqGrid custom recordtext and using loadComplete to get records count

I am trying to change the recordtext of a display grid to a custom format. I am using a treeview as the selector that refreshes the display grid. I need to find the total records for the grid and I am able to get this value using the getGridParam records method when I click on the treeview node and load the display grid.
However, after I get this value and try to create the custom recordtext, the record count is the previous value, not the current records count. I know that the gridComplete happens before the loadComplete, but even placing the get in the gridComplete and the set int he loadComplete, it still doesn't work, even with a reloadGrid trigger. If I click on the treeview node twice, I get the correct value.
I am thinking it is a timing issue as to when the new value is ready to set the recordtext. Any help would be great, thanks in advance.
I recommend you to try updatepager method, which updates the information on the pager. Alternatively you can do for example the following:
loadComplete: function () {
var p = $(this).jqGrid("getGridParam");
p.records = 123;
p.recordtext = "My View {0} - {1} of <i>{2}<i>";
to see the viewrecords

selecting by attribute ala select(["name=Myriel"])

i am missing something basic about d3 selection. using the basic d3 force layout example, i want to select a particular node, say Myriel and make it fixed. following previous hints like this and this, it seems myrielNode =["name=Myriel"]) should do it but does not? i've also tried filter() based strategies, ... what am i doing wrong, please?
var myrielDomNode ='[name="Myriel"]');
var myrielDatum = myrielDomNode.datum();
myrielDatum.fixed = true;
This of course assumes a DOM node exists that has an attribute name="Myriel" and is bound to data such that datum() is an object controlled by the force layout.
Turns out that name was not an attribute of the DOM node, but rather an attribute of the data. In this case, finding the Myriel node becomes a find operation (via filter) on the data array:
myrielNode = nodes.filter(function(d) { return == 'Myriel'; })[0]
You probably want'[name="Myriell"]');

Programmatically select and clear selection on an ADF DVT piegraph

I am using a pieGraph and doing some page interactions based on clicking on the pie-graph. These work just fine.
<dvt:pieGraph id="graph1" tabularData="#{dc.bean.tabularData}" dataSelection="single"
However I am not able to support the following use cases
Clicking outside the graph(or clicking a selected data set again) should cause the pie-graph to lose its selection.
Having a clear button on the page which forces the graph to lose its current selection.
Programmatically select one of the data sets in the graph
I checked the UIGraph API but couldn't find much information.
Any hints would be really helpful.
please add the right code to your original post. this is what your code look like
transfersGraphSelectionListener(SelectionEvent selectionEvent){
Set<GraphSelection> selectionSet = selectionEvent.getGraphSelection();
for (GraphSelection selection : selectionSet) {
if (selection instanceof DataSelection) {
DataSelection ds = (DataSelection) selection;
Set seriesKeySet = ds.getSeriesKey().keySet();
for (Object key : seriesKeySet) {
Object selectedKey = ds.getSeriesKey().get((String) key))
Looks like something is missing!

Telerik MVC grid-How to set default row selected

Is it possible to render a Grid with one row selected as default (set the right page number and highlight the row)?
For highlighting, try using the "OnRowDataBound" event
.ClientEvents(events => events.OnRowDataBound("onRowDataBound"))
with something like
function onRowDataBound(e) {
var myId = $('#MyId').val();
if (e.dataItem.Id == myId)
e.row.className = 't-state-selected';
I'm still trying to figure out how to set the correct initial page number. This bloke might be on to something.
Use the Grid RowAction method, eg:
.RowAction(row => row.Selected = row.DataItem.CustomerCode.Equals(ViewBag.ID))
It is perhaps possible if you iterate in the grid source, locate the row which has to be selected in it, than use a formula to detect on which page will be displayed, and finally change the page index on initial load and select it.
