MSBuild ItemGroup empty after Clean - visual-studio

I am seeing some strange behavior with the ItemGroup tag.
My application depends on several DLLs, and I am copying these DLLs as well as the executable to a deploy directory, which is used by NSIS to create an install package from a fresh build. However, I am running into an odd issue with this.
I define my ItemGroup as follows (at the top of the file before I define my build target:
<MyAppFiles Include="$(ProjectRoot)\$(OutputPath)\*.dll;$(ProjectRoot)\$(OutputPath)\MyApp.exe" />
So, this grabs all the DLLs in the directory as well as the binary MyApp.exe. But, if the project has been cleaned (i.e., there are no files in $(OutputPath)). The DLLs are not included in the ItemGroup list of files. Now, if I follow this up with another build, (i.e., there are files from the previous build in $(OutputPath)) the ItemGroup contains all the files I want.
Also, I have checked the output of the build script and the DLLs are copied to $(OutputPath) whether a clean happened or not.
So, my question is, how do I correct my build script such that ItemGroup always contains the DLLs? It seems like the ItemGroup populates with files before the build happens, so if the files aren't there before the build, they aren't included in the list, but if they exist before the build then they are.
For reference, here is the build target that I am using:
<Target Name="BuildProject">
<Message Text="BEFORE: #(ProjectFiles)" />
<MSBuild Projects="$(MyAppProject)" Targets="Build" Properties="Configuration=$(Configuration)">
<Output TaskParameter="TargetOutputs" ItemName="MyAppAssembly"/>
<Message Text="AFTER: #(ProjectFiles)" />

Presumably your item array is declared at the root level in your project, in XML as a child of the <Project> element. This means that MSBuild will evaluate the membership in the item array when the project file is first loaded. Whether or not the existance of those files changes during execution is irrelevant. If you want to populate the item array at a particular point in your build, you need to change the declaration from a static item array to a dynamic one, which means moving it inside a target, to the exact spot where you want to gather the files, as:
<Target Name="BuildProject">
...before message
...msbuild task
<ProjectFiles Include="$(ProjectRoot)\$(OutputPath)\*.dll" />
<ProjectFiles Include="$(ProjectRoot)\$(OutputPath)\MyApp.exe" />
...after message
(excerpted from trick #62 in the book "MSBuild Trickery")


Copy all TypeScript files to output directory after each build

I have a bunch of TypeScript files in my project, and I want them all to be copied to the output directory on each build, preserving their structure. Here's what I've tried, but it does not work:
<TypeScriptFiles Include="Scripts\*.ts" />
<Target Name="CopyTypeScriptsToOutput">
<Copy SourceFiles="#(TypeScriptFiles)" DestinationFolder="$(OutputDir)\Scripts" />
I've also used Include="Scripts\**\*.ts" but no success. What could be wrong?
I've also used Include="Scripts***.ts" but no success. What could be
The contents of the Include are the relative path of the files in your project.
The main problem is that you did not specify how the target runs. If you only use the Build UI to build your project, the target will not run. You should add build dependencies to the target, usually like BeforeTargets and AfterTargets, so that you run the target at build time.
Second, you have a problem with the properties of the target generated path like $(OutputDir). I tried to test this property in vs2015,2017,2019, MSBuild does not have this property by default. If the property is not defined by yourself, the value will never be reached. So I recommend that you can use $(OutputPath) and $(OutputDir).
In addition, please place TypeScriptFiles in the target to prevent confusion when the csproj file is first loaded. If you define it globally, it will be recognized by the system and mapped to the project again.
This is the target that I successfully completed.
<Target Name="CopyTypeScriptsToOutput" AfterTargets="Build">
<TypeScriptFiles Include="Scripts\*.ts" />
<Copy SourceFiles="#(TypeScriptFiles)" DestinationFolder="$(OutputPath)\Scripts" />
Hope it could help you.
in my package.json, I ma using cpx to copy files in the dist folder
"scripts": {
"copy-media": "$(npm bin)/cpx media/**/*.* dist/media",
"build": "tsc && yarn copy-media",
So it builds first tsc, and then copy all files from folder media to dist

VS 2017 builds code redundantly when switching from msbuild console build over to IDE (the first time)

VS 2017 sets LastActiveSolutionConfig for a web application on its project load, thus triggering subsequent build of that project, because:
The property is set in the respective .csproj.user file, which is created, if needed.
The .csproj.user file is part of project dependencies
So by creating it, VS causes the project to be built the next time.
Imagine building it all on the command line with msbuild after cleaning up the workspace, then switching back to VS and hitting the build button. And it is building again!
So, there are these stupid auto generated CS files related to workflows, that are generated only by VS, not msbuild (TemporaryGeneratedFile_036C0B5B-1481-4323-8D20-8F5ADCB23D92.cs and friends) - our msbuild generates them on purpose to satisfy VS. Check.
Next we ensure all the Copy to Output Directory files use PreserveNewest - check.
I already forgot what else we had to do to make sure VS does not rebuild code redundantly when switching from msbuild to IDE. Now this one, which is new.
How can I prevent VS 2017 from adding this property? Is it absolutely necessary to have it?
In the mean-time, I will modify the .csproj files by adding it and see if it helps. Nobody builds Release locally at our place and it is always AnyCPU platform, so I do not care about other configurations, except Debug|AnyCPU.
This is what I would do:
Set the build verbosity to Diagnostic.
Build and look for where the msbuild file is located that generates this file:
Look for some conditions that you can alter to prevent the file from being
Set some property to alter the condition and prevent that file from being generated.
My solution is to generate the .csproj.user files if needed with the expected property. Which is incredibly annoying that one has to do it. Here is the build code that can go into your Directory.Build.Targets:
<Target Name="EnsureCSProjUserForWebApplications"
Condition="'$(IsWebApplication)' == True And !Exists('$(MSBuildProjectFullPath).user')">
<CSProjUserContent Include="<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>" />
<CSProjUserContent Include="<Project ToolsVersion="15.0" xmlns="">" />
<CSProjUserContent Include="<PropertyGroup>" />
<CSProjUserContent Include="<LastActiveSolutionConfig>Debug|Any CPU</LastActiveSolutionConfig>" />
<CSProjUserContent Include="</PropertyGroup>" />
<CSProjUserContent Include="</Project>" />
<WriteLinesToFile File="$(MSBuildProjectFullPath).user" Lines="#(CSProjUserContent)" ContinueOnError="true" />
IsWebApplication is computed like this:
Finally, the target is part of a larger series of targets that run at the beginning and validate the csproj matches our requirements or ensure certain conditions:
<Target Name="EnsureXyzProjectSettings"
Condition="'$(SuppressStrictXyzTargetsChecks)' != true" />

MSBuild missing output files in AfterBuild when solution is cleaned

I'm sure there is something small that I'm missing. Here's the problem:
I have a solution that has multiple projects which after each build will be zipped. Here is an example of the zip creation in one project (they are pretty much identical in others):
<CopySourceFiles Include="$(OutDir)\**\*.*" Exclude="$(OutDir)\**\*.pdb;$(OutDir)\*.mdf;$(OutDir)\*.ldf;$(OutDir)\*.vshost.*" />
<Target Name="AfterBuild" Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|AnyCPU' ">
<MakeDir Directories="$(OutDir)\..\zip_working" />
<!-- first copy the source files specified in the CorySourceFiles ItemGroup above. -->
<Copy SourceFiles="#(CopySourceFiles)" DestinationFiles="#(CopySourceFiles->'$(OutDir)\..\zip_working\%(RecursiveDir)%(Filename)%(Extension)')" />
<!-- Perform the zip by calling the UsingTask. Make sure the DestinationFiles above and the SourceDirectory below are pointing to the same place -->
<Zip SourceDirectory="$(OutDir)\..\zip_working" OutputFilename="$(OutDir)\..\zip\$(ProjectName).zip" />
<!-- Clean up. -->
<RemoveDir Directories="$(OutDir)\..\zip_working" />
There is a final project which has links to the zipped files that it combines into a package. All appears normal, but apparently only when the bin and zip_working folders already exist. I.e. if I clean the solution, delete the bin folders and then rebuild, the final zip that is created in the "zip" folder for each project is empty...
And then the zip files have content only after I build again.
So I'm guessing that during the build process, the AfterBuild target is running before the build output files exist. Does that sound right? I trigger the builds purely from within Visual Studio.
Regardless, how can I ensure that I can run a task on build output files only after they've been created?
Applies to Visual Studio 2013 Update 5 / MSBuild 12.0
If you delete everything in OutDir and then build the project, a top-level (as in, not inside a target) ItemGroup is evaluated before the build even starts. Some info can be found here for example. In other words, before a build and with an empty OutDir $(OutDir)\**\*.* evaluates to nothing and your CopySourceFiles item is empty.
The solution is simply to move the ItemGroup inside of the AfterBuild target. It will then be evaluated after the build and hence gets a proper view on the current files in outDir.

Make visual studio build when output won't change?

In my project I have a json file I use for configuration that I have git set to ignore. When the repository is first cloned, the configuration file that is part of the project and that is copied to the output directory doesn't exist. I've gotten this to work using tasks in the 'BeforeBuild' target in the project that will copy the sample file to the actual config file if it doesn't exist.
<Target Name="BeforeBuild">
<MySourceFiles Include="Configuration.sample.json" />
<MyDestinationFiles Include="Configuration.json" />
<Message Importance="high" Condition="!Exists('#(MyDestinationFiles)')"
Text="Copying #(MySourceFiles) to #(MyDestinationFiles)" />
<Copy Condition="!Exists('#(MyDestinationFiles)')"
DestinationFiles="#(MyDestinationFiles)" />
So if I build the project, then delete the configuration file and do a build, nothing happens because no changes have been made that would change the outputs I think. Is there a way to change the project file so that a build will be flagged as necessary? It shouldn't come up very often and I can always do a 'Clean' or 'Rebuild' manually, but it's nagging at me since I'm just starting to learn MSBuild files.
From the documentation on a Target's Outputs attribute:
The files that form outputs into this target. Multiple files are
separated by semicolons. The timestamps of the files will be compared
with the timestamps of files in Inputs to determine whether the Target
is up to date
So if you add the paths to the outputfiles created by your Beforebuild target to it's Outputs attribute, at the start of every build msbuild will check if those files exist and if not it will start a build because now the project is considered to not be up-to-date anymore. In practice use:
<Target Name="BeforeBuild" Outputs="#(MyDestinationFiles)">

How to add a command line code generator to Visual Studio?

I'm working on a project that uses code generation to generate C# classes using a command line tool from a text-based description. We are going to start using these descriptions for javascript too.
Currently these classes are generated and then checked in, however, I would like to be able to make the code generate automatically so that any changes are propagated to both builds.
The step that is run manually is:
servicegen.exe -i:MyService.txt -o:MyService.cs
When I build I want MSBuild/VS to first generate the CS file then compile it. It is possible to do this using, by modifying the csproj, perhaps using a MSBuild Task with Exec, DependentUpon & AutoGen?
Normally I would recommend a pre-build command be placed in a pre-build event, but since your command line tool will be creating C# classes needed for compiling, this should be done in the BeforeBuild target in the .csproj file. The reason for this is because MSBuild looks for the files it needs to compile between the time BeforeBuild is called and the time when PreBuildEvent is called in the overall process (you can see this flow in the Microsoft.Common.targets file used by MSBuild).
Call the Exec task from within the BeforeBuild target to generate the files:
<Target Name="BeforeBuild">
<Exec Command="servicegen.exe -i:MyService.txt -o:MyService.cs" />
See the Exec task MSDN documentation for more details about specifying different options for the Exec task.
Antlr has an example of a process that can be used to add generated code to a project. This has the advantage of showing the files that are generated nested under the source file, although it is more complex to add.
You need add an item group with the file to be generated from, for example:
<ServiceDescription Include="MyService.txt"/>
Then add the cs file to be generated to the ItemGroup containing the rest of the source code.
<Compile Include="Program.cs" />
<Compile Include="Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs" />
<Compile Include="MyService.txt.cs">
<DependentUpon>MyService.txt</DependentUpon> <!--note: this should be the file name of the source file, not the path-->
And then finally add the build target to execute the code generation (using % to execute the command for each item in the ItemGroup). This could be put into a separate file, so that it can be included from many projects.
<Target Name="GenerateService">
<Exec Command="servicegen.exe -i:%(ServiceDescription.Identity) -o:%(ServiceDescription.Identity).cs" />
