Removing duplicates from the List-LINQ - linq

I have a situation Where I need to remove the duplicates from the list. This is coming because I have combined some lists togather.
List<Guid> CompleteListOfPeople = firstListGuids.Union(secondListGuids).ToList().Union(thirdListGuids).ToList();
What should I do to filer the list of Guids so that I get only unique Guids?
Thank you

Union should already give you unique values. Note that you don't need the intermediate ToList() call. Just:
List<Guid> completeListOfPeople = firstListGuids.Union(secondListGuids).


Finding items from a list in an array stored in a DB field

I have a legacy database that has data elements stored as a comma delimited list in a single database field. (I didn't design that, I'm just stuck with it.)
I have a list of strings that I would like to match to any of the individual values in the "array" in the DB field and am not sure how to do this in Linq.
My list:
List<string> items= new List<string>();
The DB field "Products" would contain data something like:
My first pass at the Linq query was:
var results = (from o in Order
.Where(p=> items.Contains(p.Products)
But I know that won't work. because it will only return the records that contain only "Item1" or "Item2". So with the example data above it would return 0 records. I need to have it return two records.
Any suggestions?
There is a simple clever trick for searching comma-separated lists. First, add an extra , to the beginning and end of the target value (the product list), and the search value. Then search for that exact string. So for example, you would search ,Item1,Item3,Item4, for ,Item1,. The purpose of this is to prevent false positives, i.e., Item12,Item3 finding a match for Item1, while allowing items at the beginning/end of the list to be properly found.
Then, you can use the LINQ .Any method to check that any item in your list is a match to the product list, like the following:
var results = (from o in Order
.Where(o => items.Any(i => (","+o.Products+",").Contains(","+i+",")))
One way would be to parse the list in the Products field:
var results = (from o in Order
.Where(o => items.Any(i => o.Products.Split(',').Contains(i))
But that would parse the string multiple times for each record. You could try pulling back ALL of the records, parsing each record once, then doing the comparison:
var results = from o in Order
let prods = o.Products.Split(',')
where items.Any(i => prods.Contains(i))
select o;

Imroving/Modifying LINQ query

I already have a variable containing some groups. I generated that using the following LINQ query:
var historyGroups = from payee in list
group payee by payee.Payee.Name into groups
orderby groups.Key
select new {PayeeName = groups.Key, List = groups };
Now my historyGroups variable can contain many groups. Each of those groups has a key which is a string and Results View is sorted according to that. Now inside each of those groups there is a List corresponding to the key. Inside that List there are elements and each one those element is an object of a particular type. One of it's fields is of type System.DateTime. I want to sort this internal List by date.
Can anyone help with this? May be modify the above query or a new query on variable historyGroups.
It is not clear to me what you want to sort on (the payee type definition is missing as well)
var historyGroups = from payee in list
group payee by payee.Payee.Name into groups
orderby groups.Key
select new {
PayeeName = groups.Key,
List = groups.OrderBy(payee2 => payee2.SomeDateTimeField)
Is most straightforward.
If you really want to sort only by date (and not time), use SomeDateTimeField.Date.
Inside that List there are elements and each one those element is an object of a particular type. One of it's fields is of type System.DateTime
This leads me to maybe(?) suspect
List = groups.OrderBy(payee2 => payee2.ParticularTypedElement.DateTimeField)
Or perhaps even
List = groups.OrderBy(payee2 => payee2.ObjectsOfParticularType
I hope next time you can clarfy the question a bit better, so we don't have to guess that much (and come up with a confusing answer)

Rearranging active record elements in Yii

I am using a CDbCriteria with its own conditions, with & order clauses. However, the order i want to give to the elements in the array is way too complex to specify in the order clause.
The solution i have in mind consists of obtaining the active records with the defined criteria like this
$theModelsINeed = MyModel::model()->findAll($criteria);
and then rearrange the order from my php code. How can i do this? I mean, i know how to iterate through its elements, but i donĀ“t know if it is possible to actually change them.
I have been looking into this link about populating active records, but it seems quite complicated and maybe someone could have some better advice.
There is nothing special about Yii's active records. The find family of methods will return an array of objects, and you can sort this array like any other array in PHP.
If you have complex sort criteria, this means that probably the best tool for this is usort. Since you will be dealing with objects, your user-defined comparison functions will look something like this:
function compare($x, $y)
// First sort criterion: $obj->Name
if ($x->Name != $y->Name) {
return $x->Name < $y->Name ? -1 : 1; // this is an ascending sort
// Second sort criterion: $obj->Age
if ($x->Age != $y->Age) {
return $x->Age < $y->Age ? 1 : -1; // this is a descending sort
// Add more criteria here
return 0; // if we get this far, the items are equal
If you do want to get an array as a result, you can use this method for fetching data that supports dbCriteria:
$model = MyModel::model()->myScope();
$model->dbCriteria->condition .= " AND date BETWEEN :d1 AND :d2";
$model->dbCriteria->order = 'field1 ASC, field2 DESC';
$model->dbCriteria->params = array(':d1'=>$d1, ':d2'=>$d2);
$theModelsINeed = $model->getCommandBuilder()
->createFindCommand($model->tableSchema, $model->dbCriteria)
The above example shows using a defined scope and modifying the condition with named parameters.
If you don't need Active Record, you could also look into Query Builder, but the above method has worked pretty well for me when I want to use AR but need an array for my result.

Filtering Aggregate root entity and child entity by a property on the child entity

Hope that someone out there can help with this!
I'll give an example based on the standard Order-->OrderLine-->Product rather than the actual situation to make it easier to explain!
Basically, I want to run a query that returns all orders for which there is an order line containing a TV. Simple enough:
IEnumerable<Order> orders;
using (var context = new DataContext())
var source =
orders= source.Where(o => o.OrderLines.Where(ol => ol.Product.Name == "TV")).ToList();
return orders;
This works in the sense that I get the correct collection of Order entities, but when I use look at each Order's collection of OrderLines it contains all OrderLines not just those containing at TV.
Hope that makes sense.
Thanks in advance for any help.
I does make sense in that the query is fulfilling your original criteria "to return all orders for which there is an order line containing a TV", each order will of course have all the orderlines. The filter is only being used to select the Orders, not the OrderLines.
To retrieve just the OrderLines containing TV from an Order you'd use the filter again, thus:
var OrderLinesWithTV = order.OrderLines.Where(ol => ol.Product.Name == "TV");
The main point is to know if you need to keep (or not) a reference to the order header in the filtered lines.
I.e. do you want the list of all the orders with a TV, and more precisely only their TV lines ? or do you want all the TV lines nevermind their order header ?
You seem to prefer the first option.
Then the best solution would certainly be
var relevantOrders = orders.Where(order => order.OrderLines.Any(ol => ol.Product.Name == "TV"))
to get the relevant orders, and then, for each order in relevantOrders :
order.OrderLines.Where(ol => ol.Product.Name == "TV")
to consider only the TV lines.
Other techniques would result in a loss of information or force you to build a new orders collection similar to the initial one but double-filtered on the headers and on the lines, which seems fairly bad as far as elegance and performance is concerned.

Checking for duplicates in a complex object using Linq or Lambda expression

I've just started learning linq and lambda expressions, and they seem to be a good fit for finding duplicates in a complex object collection, but I'm getting a little confused and hope someone can help put me back on the path to happy coding.
My object is structured like list.list.uniqueCustomerIdentifier
I need to ensure there are no duplicate uniqueCustomerIdentifier with in the entire complex object. If there are duplicates, I need to identify which are duplicated and return a list of the duplicates.
Unpack the hierarchy
Project each element to its uniqueID property
Group these ID's up
Filter the groups by groups that have more than 1 element
Project each group to the group's key (back to uniqueID)
Enumerate the query and store the result in a list.
var result =
.SelectMany(x => x.InnerList)
.Select(y => y.uniqueCustomerIdentifier)
.GroupBy(id => id)
.Where(g => g.Skip(1).Any())
.Select(g => g.Key)
There is a linq operator Distinct( ), that allows you to filter down to a distinct set of records if you only want the ids. If you have setup your class to override equals you or have an IEqualityComparer you can directly call the Distinct extension method to return the unique results from the list. As an added bonus you can also use the Union and Intersect methods to merge or filter between two lists.
Another option would be to group by the id and then select the first element.
var results = from item in list
group item by into g
select g.First();
If you want to flatten the two list hierarchies, use the SelectMany method to flatten an IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> into IEnumerable<T>.
