Are dynamic UTIs stable? - macos

I have files of a format that has no declared UTI, so Launch Services has assigned to it a dynamic UTI (dyn.ah62d4rv4ge81g23wsmw1a5dbte). I have no control over the UTI of these documents.
It also happens that I would like to develop a Quick Look generator for that format, and that Quick Look generators only rely on the document UTI, and will ignore any other kind of document identification present in their property list (such as the creator code and the extension).
Is it safe for me to use the dynamic UTI until the developer adds one? Are those generated by a stable algorithm that has good chances of returning the same UTI for the same files on another machine?

Yes, dynamic UTIs are stable and even include information about the file content. Actually the random looking code after 'dyn.' is a base 32 encoding of the known type information.
This article by Alastair Houghton explains that in detail. (Unfortunately this was written several months after you posted your question :-) But it might help others.)

Dynamic UTIs are apparently generated in a deterministic way that makes them viable identifiers across different Macs.
So, it's safe to use a dynamic UTI for plugin bundles.


Whats the best way to include static information in my app?

I am currently working on my first small desktop menubar app (macOS, Swift 3). It needs to access
a) A list of words (Think word dictionary, 1k-5k words, per supported language)
b) A list of structured data (Think simple structs, ~500)
I am currently pondering, whether to build these in code - maybe a factory class per language. Or include them in my app as json and parse at runtime. Or maybe build an SQLite file and read that during runtime, although that approach would be harder to diff in source control ...
As I am new to the platform I was wondering whether there might be a better way that I am not aware of, or maybe performance considerations that render one of the mentioned approaches useless.
As usual, thanks in advance folks !
Your listed solutions can be used for this task. However I think for such kind of tasks the best solution is to use CoreData, where you can store a list of words as well as structured data, also make relations between them if you need it

Application To Help Translate XSL Transformations

There must exist some application to do the following, but I am not even sure how to google for it.
The dilemma is that we have to backtrace defects and in doing so this requires to see how certain fields in the output xml have been generated by the XSL. The hard part is spending hours in the XSL and XML trying to figure out where it was even generated. Even debugging is difficult if you are working with multiple XSL transformation and edits as you still need to find out primary keys that get in the specific scenario for that transform.
Is there some software program that could take an XSL and perhaps do one of two things:
Feed it an output field name and it would generate a list of all
the possible criteria that would generate this field so you can figure out which one of a dozen in the XSL meets your criteria, or
Somehow convert the xsl into some more readable if/then type
format (kind of like how you can use Javadoc to produce readable documentation)
You don't say what tools you are currently using. Tools like oXygen and Stylus Studio have some quite sophisticated XSLT debugging capability. OXygen's output mapping tool (see sounds very like the thing you are asking for.
Using schema-aware stylesheets can greatly ease debugging. At least in the Saxon implementation, if you declare in your stylesheet that you want the output to be valid against a particular schema, then if it isn't, Saxon will tell you what instruction in the stylesheet caused invalid output to be generated. Sometimes it will show you the error at stylesheet compile time, before you even supply a source document. This capability is greatly under-used, in my view. More details here:
It's an interesting question. Your suggestions are also interesting but would be quite challenging to develop; I know of no COTS or FOSS solution to either, but here are some thoughts:
Your first possibility is essentially data-flow analysis from
compiler design. I know of no tools that expose this to the user,
but you might ask XSLT processor developers if they have ever
considered externalizing such an analysis in a manner that would be useful to XSLT
Your second possibility is essentially a documentation generator
against XSLT source. I have actually helped to complete one for a client in
financial services in the past (see Document XSLT Automatically), but the solution was the property of
the client and was never released publicly as far as I know. It
would be possible to recreate such a meta-transformation between
XSLT input and HTML or Docbook output, but it's not simple to do in the
most general case.
There's another approach that you might consider:
Tighten up your interface definition. In your comment, you mention uncertainty as to whether a problem's source is bad data from the sender or a bug in the XSLT. You would be well-served by a stricter interface definition. You could implement this via better typing in XSD, addition of xsd:assertion statements if XSD 1.1 is an option, or adding a Schematron-based interface checking level, which would allow you the full power of XPath-based assertions over the input. Having such an improved and more specific interface definition would help both you and your clients know what should and should not be sent into your systems.

How do I reverse engineer Mac OS X language localisation files for natural language learning?

OK, the goal of this question is not strictly programming related but it is a question programmers can answer using programming tools, and programmers may find useful answers here. Bear with me.
I find changing the system language in Mac OS X a useful way to augment my learning of natural languages, eg French. However sometimes I find a menu item or dialog box in French that I can't understand and it's a bore to google the translation or change the system language back to English. But I know that the English translation is hidden away somewhere in the localisation file and maps somehow to the French phrase. So what I want to do is extract all the text from all the localisation files to develop a mapping of this phrase in English = that phrase in French so I can look it up easily.
I know that the localisation files are stored in something like Localizable.strings, lproj files and nib files but I can't make head or tail of how they are stored or how to work with them. I can program but I've never written anything in Xcode. All the information I can find is for Mac OS / iOS programmers to localise their software, not for hackers to extract already made localisation information.
How can I extract the foreign language information as plain text from Mac OS X system and 3rd party software localisation files? Thanks!
Strings files are easy. They're simply dictionaries serialized as property lists. The dictionary keys are used by the program to look up the given string for a particular localization. You can build a mapping from English to another language by loading both dictionaries, iterating over the keys, and using the value from the English dictionary as the key in your output and the value from the other language dictionary as the value in your output.
NIBs are harder. The build process "compiles" NIB files in to a form that's not conduicive to editing or parsing. If you have access to uncompiled NIB files then you can use ibtool --export-strings-file to dump a strings file, which you could then process as per above. If you don't then I think you may have a hard time.

Localization best practices

I'm starting to modify my app, which uses all hardcoded strings for errors, GUI, etc. I'm considering these two approaches, but let me know if there is an even better way:
-Put all string in ressource (.rc) files.
-define all strings in a file, once for each language. Use a preprocessor define to decide which strings get compiled in.
Which of these two approaches is generally prefered?
Put all the strings in resource files. Once you've done that, there's several good translation packages available. One useful thing these packages do is allow you to get translation done by somebody who doesn't program.
Remember, also, that internationalization (i18n) is a large subject, and there's a lot of things to consider. It isn't just a matter of translating strings. Do a web search on it, at the very least. You might want to read a book on it: I used International Programming for Windows by Schmitt as a guide. It's an old book from Microsoft Press, and I had to get it through a used book service; most of the more modern stuff seems to be on internationalizing .NET apps.
Without knowing more about your project (what sort of software, who the intended audience is, what sort of organization you have, what sort of budget, why you're interested in internationalization, etc.), this is about the most I can tell you.
Generally you see locale specific resource files containing strings referenced by key. Compiling different versions for different locales is a very rigid solution and will be a maintenance nightmare. Using resource files also allows the user to have fallback locales.
There's another approach of just putting strings in the source with somethign like tr(" ") and usign one of the tools that strips them out and converts them.
It works with any toolkit/GUI library.
You can mark text to be converted and text not to change (such as protocol strings or db keys).
It makes the source easier to read and search, isntead of having to lookup what IDS_MESSAGE34 means.
One problem with resource files, at least with Windows/MFC, is that you can't use the stringtable in dialogs. So you have some text in the stringtabel and some in the dialog section which you have to dela with separately.

i18n - best practices for internationalization - XLIFF, gettext, INI, ...? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 10 years ago.
EDIT: I would really like to see some general discussion about the formats, their pros and cons!
EDIT2: The 'bounty didn't really help to create the needed discussion, there are a few interesting answers but the comprehensive coverage of the topic is still missing. Six persons marked the question as favourites, which shows me that there is an interest in this discussion.
When deciding about internationalization the toughest part IMO is the choice of storage format.
For example the Zend PHP Framework offers the following adapters which cover pretty much all my options:
Array : no, hard to maintain
CSV : don't know, possible problems with encoding
Gettext : frequently used, poEdit for all platforms available BUT complicated
INI : don't know, possible problems with encoding
TBX : no clue
TMX : too much of a big thing? no editors freely available.
QT : not very widespread, no free tools
XLIFF : the comming standard? BUT no free tools available.
XMLTM : no, not what I need
basically I'm stuck with the 4 'bold' choices. I would like to use INI files but I'm reading about the encoding problems... is it really a problem, if I use strict UTF-8 (files, connections, db, etc.)?
I'm on Windows and I tried to figure out how poEdit functions but just didn't manage. No tutorials on the web either, is gettext still a choice or an endangered species anyways?
What about XLIFF, has anybody worked with it? Any tips on what tools to use?
Any ideas for Eclipse integration of any of these technologies?
POEdit isn't really hard to get a hang of. Just create a new .po file, then tell it to import strings from source files. The program scans your PHP files for any function calls matching _("Text"), gettext("Text"), etc. You can even specify your own functions to look for.
You then enter a translation in the appropriate box. When you save your .po file, a .mo file is automatically generated. That's just a binary version of the translations that gettext can easily parse.
In your PHP script make a call to bindtextdomain() telling it where your .mo file is located. Now any strings passed to gettext (or the underscore function) will be translated.
It makes it really easy to keep your translation files up to date. POEdit also has some neat features like allowing comments, showing changed and dropped strings and allowing fuzzy matches, which means you don't have to re-translate strings that have been slightly modified.
There is always Translate Toolkit which allow translating between I think all mentioned formats, and preferred gettext (po) and XLIFF.
you can use INI if you want, it's just that INI doesn't have a way to tell anyone that it is in UTF8, so if someone opens your INI with an editor, it might corrupt yout file.
So the idea is that, if you can trust the user to edit it with a UTF8 encoding.
You can add a BOM at the start of the file, some editors knows about it.
What do you want it to store ? user generated content or your application ressources ?
I worked with two of these formats on the l18n side: TMX and XLIFF. They are pretty similar. TMX is more popular nowdays, but XLIFF is gaining support quickly. There was at least one free XLIFF editor when I last looked into it: Transolution but it is not being developed now.
I do the data storage myself using a custom design - All displayed text is stored in the DB.
I have two tables.
The first table has an identity value, a 32 character varchar field (indexed on this field)
and a 200 character english description of the phrase.
My second table has the identity value from the first table, a language code (EN_UK,EN_US,etc) and an NVARCHAR column for the text.
I use an nvarchar for the text because it supports other character sets which I don't yet use.
The 32 character varchar in the first table stores something like 'pleaselogin' while the second table actually stores the full "Please enter your login and password below".
I have created a huge list of dynamic values which I replace at runtime. An example would be "You have {[dynamic:passworddaysremain]} days to change your password." - this allows me to work around the word ordering in different languages.
I have only had to deal with Arabic numerals so far but will have to work something out for the first user who requires non arabic numbers.
I actually pull this information out of the database on a 2 hourly interval and cache it to the disk in a file for each language in XML. Extensive use of the CDATA is used.
There are many options available, for performance you could use html templates for each language - My method works well but does use the XML DOM a lot at runtime to create the pages.
One rather simple approach is to just use a resource file and resource script. Programs like MSVC have no problem editing them. They're also reasonably friendly to other systems (and to text editors) as well. You can just create separate string tables (and bitmap tables) for each language, and mark each such table with what language it is in.
None of those choices looks very appetizing to me.
If you're sending files out for translation in multiple languages, then you want to be able to trust that the encodings are correct, especially if you no one in your team speaks those languages. Sometimes it's difficult to spot an encoding problem in a foreign language, and it is just too easy to inadvertantly corrupt file encodings if you let your OS 'guess'.
You really want a format that declares its encoding. Otherwise, translators or their translation tools might select something other than UTF-8. For my money, any kind of simple XML format is best, but it looks like you'd need to roll your own in Zend. XLIFF and TMX are certainly overkill.
A format like Java's XML resources would be ideal.
This might be a little different from what's been posted so far and may not be exactly what you're looking for, but I thought I would add it, if for nothing else but a different approach. I went with an object-oriented approach. What I did was create a system that encapsulates language files into a class by storing them in an array of string=>translation pairs. Access to the translation is through a method called translate with the key string as a parameter. Extending classes inherit the parent's language array and can add to it or overwrite it. Because the classes are extensible, you can change a base class and have the changes propagate through the children, making more maintainable than an array by itself. Plus, you only call the classes you need.
We just store the strings in the DB and have a translator mode built into the application to handle actually adding strings for different languages.
In the application we use various tricks to create text ids, like
The translations is loaded from the db when the system boots, or when a reload is manually triggered. The £ method takes care of looking up the translated string according the the language specified in the user session.
You can check my l10n tool called iL10Nz on
You can upload po/pot files, xliff, ini files , translate, download.
you can also check out this video on youtube
