MVC3 and Windows Azure: none of the images of my app appear -

I did all tests in my local machine, my project was all ok to run Windows Azure app locally, but when I published that it seems that the images folder didn't upload. I can't see any of the images in my application, and my app is full of images.
Anyone knows how to solve that?

It sounds like you have the images in the correct location and are referencing them fine but they are just not included in your solution.
I bet you cannot see them because you have "Show All Files" switched off. To toggle this setting, click the project that houses your images (the web project) once to select it. Then go to the top of the Solution Explorer pane and click the Show All Files button.
This should now display your images and/or their containing folder. Right click the folder and select "Include in project". When you package up your website now they will be included in the deployment.

Check images properties in Visual Studio solution.
Images should be marked as "Content" and "Copy always" or "Cope if newer"


whats is this icon in visual studio source control? [duplicate]

What does this dotted file icon mean? It's a .cs file but it is not behaving right in my project and I've noticed this separate icon in Solution Explorer:
I've checked the MSDN Documentation in three places
Another page at MSDN
Yet another page at MSDN
I've also checked the Visual Studio Documentation itself, which is rather obscurely organized.
I've even checked this website:
Lastly, I found this topic with a similar question but both the question page and the references inside do not have this icon. Thanks for your help.
This means that the file isn't included in the project.
You're only seeing it because you turned on Show All Files.
You should right-click the file and click Include in Project.
You have "Show all files" checked.
The dotted lines indicate files that have not been added to your project.
Right click on the file and click "Include in project" to include the file in your project.
That "dotted" icon mean that that file is not a part of your project or it is hidden and it is not included in your project.
That "dotted" icon is pretty similar to the icon in Solution Explorer called "Show all files". When you click on it you can see all the files and maybe you click on it or you have some issue and your file is not included in the project.
To include it you can right click one of those files go to Include In Project and that will add it to the project, which declares it in the manifest of your project. You can do it like this:
It is not included in your project and/or hidden.

What do these Multi-Document like TFS Icons Mean?

Does anyone know what these icons mean in TFS 2017 Source Control Explorer? The files are .cpp and .h... The icons for the two newly added files show up correctly (as seen below), but the existing files all turn into the multi-yellow-document... why is it replacing the icon for file type?
The icons initially load correctly, but seem to change after being analyzed...
I just came across a more specific solution than uninstalling all of the TFS Source Control Explorer Extension. The "icon change" functionality that is causing this can be optionally toggled on its own from Tools->Options. Set "Files icon change" = False to disable this icon behavior.
If file is branched to more than one location its icon is changed to icon as this.
File icon change
In the file list on the left side of Source Control Explorer
window are branched files displayed with changed icon.
I was wondering if you or your mates have installed TFS Source Control Explorer Extension. Please also check this link for more detail information:

Missing phpStorm project folder icons on OSX 10.10 in phpStorm explorer

I am working with the deployment feature to easily upload files to a server. So opening a specific project folder for which I have already set up deployment gives me the opportunity to work with the project files instantly and also upload them without any problems.
The problem is with opening the right folder. When setting up deployment for a project you choose a folder as the 'root' folder for this one project and when one wants to load this settings he has to choose the right folder when opening a project. Sometimes there are some differences which folder is chosen as root (most of the time the folder is 'domain', but sometimes it's another folder).
When I now want open a project folder to work with the files and have the deployment ready, I can not recognize in the popped up window which folder is the right one. Friends of mine (win8/Linux) tell me that they have a phpStorm icon instead of the standard folder icon.
On the other hand I told OSX to show me the hidden files on my system which results in following:
As you can see Finder shows me the .idea file, so at least I know the folder I am at right now is the project folder. But I in the future I don't want to check first in Finder, which folder the right one is and then open phpStorm to open it there.
I hope anybody understands my problem :). Thanks for any tips, really annoying topic.
Maybe the problem comes with the fact that phpStorm on OSX uses Finder as the explorer when trying to open a project folder. The explorer on Windows looks similar
I posted on the jetbrains helpforum, the 'answer' was:
Relates to:
Nothing anybody could have find out themselves, there does not seem to be a better answer than "give the folders related to PHPStorm the right icon, manually".

Visual Studio icon looks bad

I'm having trouble with my application icon looking bad after adding it into my project, building it, and creating a shortcut to it.
Here's what I've done:
1) I started with a 256x256 PNG file that looks great.
2) I used IcoFX to generate a .ICO file with all the recommended sizes.
3) I add the icon to my project as follows:
A) Open project properties -> Resources -> Add Resource -> Add Existing File
B) Choose the .ICO file that I created in step 2.
4) Go to "Application" section of project properties.
5) In "Icon and Manifest", drop down "Icon" and choose the icon that I added in step 3.
6) Save my project and build it.
7) Go to Windows Explorer and find the newly built EXE.
8) Create a shortcut to the EXE on the desktop.
The icon looks like this:
As you can see, it doesn't look very good. The edges are jagged, etc.
At first, I thought it was an issue with my .ICO file, but here's the kicker... I then did the following:
9) Right-click on the desktop icon, and go to Properties.
10) Go to the Shortcut tab and click "Change Icon".
11) Click "Browse", and select the EXACT SAME ICON FILE that I added to my project in step 3.
Now, my desktop icon looks like this:
Now, the icon looks pretty and smooth!
Again, both icons used the exact same source .ICO file. The only difference is that the first one was imported into Visual Studio and embedded in my .EXE, and the other one was directly used via the OS.
What is Visual Studio doing to my icon to make it look so crummy, and how can I prevent it?
This could be a problem with the windows icon cache. I had the same problem that I fixed by clearing the cache.
The first version of your code that you copied to the desktop - did this have a low res icon ?
Windows will cache the icon when it first sees the EXE, and then does not refresh even when you rebuild your executable if it has the same filename. You will also see the same behavior in windows explorer.
I think by changing the icon through the OS, you've just manually refreshed the icon cache.
You can quickly test this by renaming the EXE before copying it to the desktop. This will bypass the cache and show the actual icon in your EXE.
To get rid of any old icons in the icon cache, you can clear it as described in this link

Adding Resources to a MonoTouch project

I am a new user of MonoTouch and wondering how to add image files to a project. None of the ways described work. The MonoTouch Wiki says to right-click the project and a menu should appear allowing one to "add" new files. There is no such right-click menu that I see.
Also, someone posted a workaround where a dummy Xcode project is created using the same folder destination as the MonoTouch application and then Xcode would establish the Resources folder and allow for the import of resource files (in my case a .JPG file).
I am not even to the point of needing to attach the image file to a control using Interface Builder; I mean: I can't even get the image file into my MonoDevelop project.
I've also tried creating a Resources subfolder inside my project folder and dropping the image file in there. No luck.
Can anyone provide a thorough procedure for adding resources to a MonoTouch project? Much appreciated.
You should right-click on your project in the Solution pad:
The context-menu is there, trust me. The project is just below the solution.
After that, you have to set your image file's Build Action to Content, again by right-clicking on the image file this time:
And to use the image from your code, you type:
UIImage myImage = UIImage.FromFile("image.jpg");
And you are all set! You can create all the folders you want in the project, but NOT a folder named "Resources". You will get an error upon compilation. In MonoTouch 3.2.5 at least...
