How do I return multiple xml elements/ attributes with linq, and create objects with them? - linq

I'm working with an xml document in C# that has multiple (100+) points of stock market data. I'd like to create objects and add them to a List<> by passing initialization values retrieved from an xml document via linq. At the moment I'm just able to run a linq query and return one of the xml fields, in the code below, the attribute "symbol." I'd also like to return the document's "LastTradeDate, DaysLow, DaysHigh, LastTradePriceOnly, Open, and Volume." From there, my custom constructor is: StockDataPoint(Symbol, TradeDate, Open, High, Low, Close, Volume). A nudge in the right direction would be great. Here's the current linq:
var makeInfo =
from s in doc.Descendants("quote")
where s.Element("LastTradeDate") != null
&& s.Attribute("symbol") != null
let dateStr = s.Element("LastTradeDate").Value
where !string.IsNullOrEmpty(dateStr)
&& DateTime.Parse(dateStr, enUS) == targetDate
select s.Attribute("symbol").Value;

Well it depends on your XML format, but you might just want something like:
select new StockDataPoint((string) s.Attribute("symbol"),
(DateTime) s.Attribute("TradeDate"),
(decimal) s.Attribute("Open"),
(decimal) s.Attribute("High"),
(decimal) s.Attribute("Low"),
(decimal) s.Attribute("Close"),
(long) s.Attribute("Volume"));
Note that by use the explicit operators on XAttribute, you can avoid performing the parse yourself. Indeed, you can use this earlier in your query too:
var makeInfo = from s in doc.Descendants("quote")
where s.Attribute("symbol") &&
(DateTime?) s.Attribute("LastTradeDate") == targetDate
select ...
If the target of the cast is a nullable type (either a nullable value type or a reference type) then if the attribute is missing, the result will be the null value for that type, which is very handy.

You need to create a class:
select new YourClass {
Symbol = s.Attribute("symbol").Value,


Spring JPA criteria builder greaterThan : Can I pass String value for comparing Number type in database

I am using Spring Data JPA criteria builder greaterThan API for doing a comparison.
The database field rating is of type NUMBER(5,0). Entity class has a field rating which is of type Integer. And I am passing the value of type String for the comparison.
Even though I am not passing the Integer value for the comparison, still it is returning valid results. Please help me understand how this is possible.
Does it mean, I can pass the java String version of the database field to the greaterThan method when the actual data type of the field in the database is of a different type.
and my comparison block of code looks like this
CriteriaBuilder cb = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery cq = cb.createQuery();
Root<Customer> root = cq.from(Customer.class);
//you can see here , value 20 I am passing as String
Predicate comparisonPredicate = cb.greaterThan(root.get("rating"), "20");
cq.where(comparisonPredicate );;
TypedQuery<Customer> query = entityManager.createQuery(cq);
This behavior is not documented.
Looking at the openJPA source code for Expressions.GreaterThan, and more specifically the toKernelExpression,
org.apache.openjpa.kernel.exps.Expression toKernelExpression(ExpressionFactory factory, CriteriaQueryImpl<?> q){
Value val1 = Expressions.toValue(e1, factory, q);
Value val2 = Expressions.toValue(e2, factory, q);
Expressions.setImplicitTypes(val1, val2, e1.getJavaType(), q);
return factory.greaterThan(val1, val2);
JPA uses the type of the first expression to build the query.
This behavior looks to be an accidental feature more than an intentional implementation. You should not rely on this and should explicitly cast the variable. You could also use a MetaModel to get a compiler error when trying to compare apples to oranges.

LINQ Query Result - dynamically get field value from a field name variable

LINQ newbie here
I am trying to get a value of a field - using a fieldName variable.
If I do a watch on row[FieldName] I do get a value - but when I do it on the actual code it will not compile.
string fieldName = "awx_name"
List<awx_property> propertyQry =
from property in crm.awx_propertyawx_properties
where property.awx_propertyid == new Guid(id)
select property
foreach (awx_property row in propertyQry)
fieldValue = row[fieldName];
Thanks in advance. Alternatives would be welcome as well
You keep us guessing what you are trying to do here... You need to specify the types of the objects, so it's easy for us to understand and help. Anyway, I think you are trying to get an object based on the ID. Since you are getting by Id, my guess would be the return value is a single object.
var propertyObj =( from property in crm.awx_propertyawx_properties
where property.awx_propertyid == new Guid(id)
select property
if(propertyObj != null) {
fieldValue = propertyObj.GetType().GetProperty(fieldName).GetValue(propertyObj, null);
Of course, you need to add validation to make sure you don't get null or any other error while accessing the property value.
Hope it helps.
What type is fieldValue? What does awx_property look like? This will only work is awx_property is a key/value collection. It its not, you could use reflection instead.
If it is a key/value collection you are probably missing a cast. (row[FieldName].ToString() or something) Also you are missing a semi-colon in the foreach block.

linq problem with distinct function

I am trying to bind distinct records to a dropdownlist. After I added distinct function of the linq query, it said "DataBinding: 'System.String' does not contain a property with the name 'Source'. " I can guarantee that that column name is 'Source'. Is that name lost when doing distinct search?
My backend code:
public IQueryable<string> GetAllSource()
PromotionDataContext dc = new PromotionDataContext(_connString);
var query = (from p in dc.Promotions
select p.Source).Distinct();
return query;
Frontend code:
PromotionDAL dal = new PromotionDAL();
ddl_Source.DataSource = dal.GetAllSource();
ddl_Source.DataTextField = "Source";
ddl_Source.DataValueField = "Source";
Any one has a solution? Thank you in advance.
You're already selecting Source in the LINQ query, which is how the result is an IQueryable<string>. You're then also specifying Source as the property to find in each string in the databinding. Just take out the statements changing the DataTextField and DataValueField properties in databinding.
Alterantively you could remove the projection to p.Source from your query and return an IQueryable<Promotion> - but then you would get distinct promotions rather than distinct sources.
One other quick note - using query syntax isn't really helping you in your GetAllSources query. I'd just write this as:
public IQueryable<string> GetAllSource()
PromotionDataContext dc = new PromotionDataContext(_connString);
return dc.Promotions
.Select(p => p.Source)
Query expressions are great for complicated queries, but when you've just got a single select or a where clause and a trivial projection, using the dot notation is simpler IMO.
You're trying to bind strings, not Promotion objects... and strings do not have Source property/field
Your method returns a set of strings, not a set of objects with properties.
If you really want to bind to a property name, you need a set of objects with properties (eg, by writing select new { Source = Source })

Entity Framework - Linq - Unable to create a constant value of type ‘System.Object’. Only primitive types

I have a method to build an expression for a linq query for a given type, property, and value. This works wonderfully as long as the property on the type is NOT nullable. Here is the example I am working from ( I am calling the Equals method on the property. However I have discovered that the Equals method for Nullable types takes an Object as a parameter instead of the Nullable type. I attempted to use GetValueOrDefault to hide the null values but EF doesn't support that method. As a simple example the following code will throw an error:
decimal? testVal = new decimal?(2100);
var test = (from i in context.Leases where i.AnnualRental.Equals(testVal) select i).ToList();
However if you use == instead of the Equals() method it will work OK. I am not sure how to convert the code to use == instead of Equals() however. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
If you say ==, you generate a BinaryExpression with NodeType as ExpressionType.Equal.
If you say .Equals(x), you generate a MethodCallExpression. The MethodCallExpressions that LinqToEntities may translate into Sql is a limitted list (for example none of your own undecorated methods are in that list). Nullable<T>.Equals(x) is apparently not on that list.
Don't say .Equals(x) to LinqToEntities.

Request Genres by MovieId using LINQ to Netflix OData

I am trying to create a LINQ query to return genres by movieid. The LINQ works in LINQPAD4. Can someone help me with the proper syntax? I am getting the following errors:
Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Linq.IQueryable' to 'System.Linq.IQueryable'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?)
Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Collections.Generic.List' to 'System.Collections.Generic.List'
Code:(note I have wrapped Title in the following line with parenthesis, but are actually brackets in my code.
public List(Genre) GetGenresByMovieId(string movieid)
var genres = from t in MovieCatalog.Titles
where t.Id == "BVlLx"
select t.Genres;
return genres.ToList();
The right query would look like
public IEnumerable<Genre> GetGenresByMovieId(string movieId)
return from title in ctx.Titles
from genre in title.Genres
where title.Id == "BVlLx"
select genre;
In the method call syntax, you need to use SelectMany, not Select, since the filter on titles returns a list of titles (which will always contain just one title, but the compiler doesn't know that) and so you want to "concatenate" all genres for each title in the results.
The return type is actually IQueryable, but if you only plan to enumerate over it, you can use IEnumerable, or call ToList() to force execution right there in the method (the way I wrote it the query would actually execute only once you try to enumerate it).
Your problem is your projection:
select new { Name = g.Name }
That is projecting the query into an anonymous type.
You need to project into the IQueryable you have declared (IQueryable<Genre>)
When working with LINQ queries, it's preferable to use implicitly-typed variables (var).
Also, not sure why you have that extra "from" in your query, you don't need that.
Something like this should work:
var genres = from t in MovieCatalog.Titles
where t.Id = "BVlLx"
select t.Genres;
return genres.ToList();
var genres should be typed to an IQueryable<Genre>.
That is assuming you want to return a collection of Genre objects.
If you just want the name, do this:
select t.Genres.Name
But that will return a collection of string objects (and var genres should be typed to an IQueryable<string>).
However, i have no idea about the NetFlix OData API, but that should get you on the right track.
