Heroku app change: db migration (pg and MongoHQ) - heroku

I had and app on heroku
then I decided to create another app (on cedar stack which does not support stack:migrate).
How can I migrate databases PG and MongoHq?

You can migrate MongoHQ by logging into heroku and clicking on addons => mongohq. From the application, create a new user under Database Users named "backup" with a simple password. Below, my password was "temppw". Then click the Database Info tab for your connection information (host:port [flame.mongohq.com:27049] and dbname [appXXXXXX]). Then just call mongodump to get a backup.
mongodump -h flame.mongohq.com:27049 -d appXXXXXX -u backup -p temppw
This will make a local directory called "dump" containing your data. Verify it is there by loading it into a local db (just run mongorestore and look in your local mongo install) - because when you destroy your old app, it destroys the MongoDB (heroku also destroys your postgres db - so you should do this for that as well).
Anyway, do the same as above to your new application database, except use mongorestore.
mongorestore -h flame.mongohq.com:27049 -d appXXXXXX -u backup -p temppw dump/appXXXXXX
DO NOT JUST POINT THE ENVIRONMENT URLS. This is dangerous, because deleting your initial app will destroy all of your data.

I'm not sure about MongoHQ but as for PostgreSQL, you can use Heroku Taps to pull the data from the remote database to your local machine. You could then push it to the new app.
Alternatively you could change the environment variable DATABASE_URL of your new Cedar app to point to the database being used by the old app - assuming you're not using the shared database.
This last approach would also work for MongoHq.


Forgot to migrate free tier Postgres and now my app is empty

My project is again live no problems whatsoever, but the database is empty.
I am either trying to restore an old backup to the new Postgres instance or upload a backup from my local disk.
I tried to do pg:restore but I don’t know where to grab the backup (from the free Heroku tier).
I got the answer I was looking for by going into some of the most hidden help articles in heroku.
pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -U YOUR_USERNAME-d CONNECTION_URL mydb.dump
Had to recreate the backup from the local imported database but at the end it worked flawlessly.

Can I import .dump file to heroku through travis

I am having a QA instance which contains a very limited data(approx 30-35 MB) it contains images etc, thumbnails hence cannot put them into seed.
I have a private repo at github(synced with heroku) which contains a .dump file say abc.dump file and I want to run my test cases from travis, in the before script I will be restoring this dump.
I would like to know how to import this dump to heroku although this is available at heroku bash as well. I looked into the documentation here they say make it asseccible through http somewhere. I am trying using the pg_restore commands using the database username, passwords available at the application database overview available through UI, but not working.
Can someone suggest me a good way out to simply restore by not making my database public ?
Also. how often the database user/password is changed at heroku ?
As travis would be having access to abc.dump beforehand it can perform basic pg_restore function of postgresql.
PGPASSWORD=<PASSWORD> pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner -h <PG_HOSTNAME> -U <PG_USER> -d <PG_DATABASE_NAME> -p <PG_PORT_NO> <DUMP_FILE>.dump
The above details for the heroku database hostname, user, pass, port etc. can be fount easily using :-
heroku pg:credentials DATABASE --app application_name

Push database to heroku: how to use heroku pg:push

I want to push my local postgresql database to heroku, using heroku pg:push command. The command looks like this: heroku pg:push mylocaldb DATABASE --app sushi according to the heroku document: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/heroku-postgresql.
Here is my local database info:
Name: mysitedb
User: bill
Password: bill
The DATABASE_URL environment variable in my machine is set to: postgres://bill:bill#localhost/mysitedb.
My app's name is secure-gorge-4090. I tried heroku pg:push mysitedb DATABASE --app secure-gorge-4090. The output was:
! Remote database is not empty.
! Please create a new database, or use `heroku pg:reset`
I was surprised that I have put nothing into my DATABASE. But I still ran heroku pg:reset DATABASE to reset my DATABASE. After that, I tried heroku pg:push mysitedb DATABASE --app secure-gorge-4090 again but the output was still the same.
I tried heroku pg:push postgres://bill:bill#localhost:8000/mysitedb DATABASE --app secure-gorge-4090. The output was:
! LOCAL_SOURCE_DATABASE is not a valid database name
I don't know how to use this command to move my local database to heroku. I need your help. Thanks!
Are you actually typing in the token DATABASE in your commands, or is that a placeholder you're using for this question? From the docs you linked to:
Like pull but in reverse, pg:push will push data from a local database into
a remote Heroku Postgres database. The command looks like this:
$ heroku pg:push mylocaldb HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_MAGENTA --app sushi
This command will take the local database “mylocaldb” and push it to the
database at DATABASE_URL on the app “sushi”. In order to prevent accidental
data overwrites and loss, the remote database must be empty. You will be
prompted to pg:reset an already a remote database that is not empty.
Usage of the PGUSER and PGPASSWORD for your local database is also supported
for pg:push, just like for the pg:pull commands.
When you do heroku config -a secure-gorge-4090, you should see an entry for HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_[SOME COLOR NAME]. Make sure you're using whatever that token is instead of DATABASE in your commands.
Since you have a username and password on your local database, you also need to do the part mentioned about PGUSER and PGPASSWORD. Here's the example from the pg:pull docs:
$ PGUSER=postgres PGPASSWORD=password heroku pg:pull HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_MAGENTA mylocaldb --app sushi
So you should do something like:
$ PGUSER=bill PGPASSWORD=bill heroku pg:push mysitedb HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_[SOME COLOR] -a secure-gorge-4090
I know this is a old discussion but I had the exact same problem. Though it's not quite as convenient, I managed to achieve this via pg:backups instead.
This is detailed pretty nicely on the heroku support site
Start by installing the free pgbackups addon:
heroku addons:add pgbackups
Then backup the database using your local pg_dump utility (included in PostGreSQL distro)
pg_dump -Fc --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -U myuser mydb > mydb.dmp
Then put that dump file somewhere URL-addressible (e.g. Dropbox) and run the heroku import(make sure it's double quotes for Windows):
heroku pg:backups:restore 'https://dropbox.com/dYAKjgzSTNVp4jzE/mydb.dmp' DATABASE_URL
You need the following command
PGUSER=root PGPWD=root heroku pg:push (local database name) DATABASE_URL --app heroku (app name)
make sure that you have entered correct postgres username and password
I'm a lazy programmer and efficient so this is much more easier rather than paying for AWS backup store them in excel sheets.
This save cost and not use PUSH: PULL which is not efficient.
Using CMD as ADMIN to insert Excel data to Heroku Postgres Database.
2. heroku pg:sql postgresql-rugged-08088 --app sample
What worked for me without any issues was
pg_dump -f database_output_name --no-owner --no-acl -U user_name name_of_your_local_database
database_output_name name of the output file you can rename it whatever backup, database ...etc
user_name: the postgres sql user_name mainly postgres
name_of_your_local_database: is the name of your database: mydb or whatever the name you gave if you forgot it you can check in PgAdmin
pg_dump I have export it to global path that is why I am using it like this, other ways you can call it with the absolute path ie: C:\"Program Files"\PostgreSQL\14\bin\pg_dump
the grenerated ourput file shoule look something like this
-- PostgreSQL database dump
-- Dumped from database version 14.1
-- Dumped by pg_dump version 14.1
SET statement_timeout = 0;
SET lock_timeout = 0;
SET idle_in_transaction_session_timeout = 0;
SET client_encoding = 'UTF8';
SET standard_conforming_strings = on;
SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '', false);
SET check_function_bodies = false;
SET xmloption = content;
SET client_min_messages = warning;
SET row_security = off;
SET default_tablespace = '';
SET default_table_access_method = heap;
-- Name: alembic_version; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
CREATE TABLE public.alembic_version (
version_num character varying(32) NOT NULL
Now run this command to create the database on heroku
heroku pg:psql --app heroku_app_name < database_output_name
If you want to reset your database you can run this command
heroku pg:reset -a heroku_app_name
Now you can check the database on heroku by clicking on postgres link
Please check this answer for more detail: pg_restore: error: unrecognized data block type (0) while searching archive while trying to import postgres database to heroku

Heroku mysqldump to remote host

I created a nice little Rake task to backup our Mysql database on ClearDB to a remote Google storage bucket. Works great locally but running it on Heroku I get this error:
sh: mysqldump: not found
Of course, Heroku doesn't have mysqldump, how silly of me, but is there any way to do this?
The command I'm using is something like this:
system "mysqldump -h host.cleardb.com -u user -p'password' --single-transaction database | gz > #{backup_directory}/#{file_name}"
Of course gzip doesn't exist either on Heroku.
I know there are a couple of gems to backup PostgreSQL databases but I haven't seen anything for Mysql.
This is for a Rails 3.2 app.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
I'd say your best option would be a custom build pack that adds the mysql binaries that you need.

Transfer specific tables using heroku pg:transfer

With the taps gem it was possible to do:
heroku db:pull -f '^(?!requests).*' --app AppName --confirm AppName"
which would transfer the schema and all tables and indexes except for those of the requests table would be left in the production database.
Is there any option to do this yet with pg:transfer? I can't see one.
You can use the full pg_dump command on your local computer against your remote heroku postgres database. pg_dump has several options, including selectively dumping tables.
See http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/app-pgdump.html for the complete information on pg_dump
