Uninstalling OSX-AVR from Mac OS X 10.7.2 - macos

Does anyone know how to completely remove OSX-AVR from Mac OS X? I need newer support for avr-gcc, so I am going to install CrossPack for AVR, but I do not want any collisions from having multiple avr-gccs in my system. I have not found any documentation about uninstalling OSX-AVR, so I do not know how to get rid of everything.

Took me a while to find this but sometimes you have to install to uninstall, from the readme that popups after you install (located locally at /usr/local/CrossPack-AVR/manual/installation.html):
sudo /usr/local/CrossPack-AVR/uninstall

Have you checked whether there is a bom file for this installation. It might be in /Library/Receipts or ~/Library/Receipts. This file (you can view its content with lsbom) contains a list of all files belonging to an installation.
But I'm not sure whether OSX-AVR writes one.

The which command will tell you in what directory your program is installed, and then you can move that file into the trash.
sudo mv `which <yourProgramName>` ~/.Trash/
I used this to uninstall AVRDUDE from my crosspack installation and it worked fine. Someone has commented that this will not get rid of any extra files that may have been installed in other directories which is true but hopefully those files would be overwritten upon reinstall. This worked fine in my case.

brew remove avrdude worked for me (mac os x 10.11.4).


MacVim on OSX / Yosemite: no editor windows visible at all

Installed MacVim on my Yosemite 10.10.2 Macbook Pro today from http://www.macupdate.com/app/mac/25988/macvim
The problem is that no editor window(s) are visible. If I open a file using the menu, there's simply no effect: no editor window appears. It's not hidden behind other windows, it's not listed in the Windows menu, it's just entirely undisplayed.
Strangely, the file will appear in the MRU list, though. So this renders the entire editor completely useless. Should I just build gvim myself? Is this app actually being maintained by anyone?
I'd read some answers which suggest running:
brew install macvim
... does the trick.
You might want to try that first.
What worked for me...
However, this didn't work for me because although it updated my macvim, the one being linked to in the /Applications folder was not the version being updated by brew.
So, here are the steps I had to take.
Quit MacVim if open.
Delete the MacVim file in /Applications.
In the terminal, run:
brew install macvim --override-system-vim
Run (this will add the link to your Applications file):
brew linkapps macvim
I can't be sure every step above is required, or that the --override-system-vim flag is required, but I can tell you that doing the above steps worked for me.
Hope this helps.
It looks like MacVim development has been moved to a new repository (and maybe a different group of developers?):
This repo has had changes applied to fix MacVim's graphical problems under Yosemite. (This is the same location that brew's macvim formula currently pulls its source from, which is why MacVim works on Yosemite when installed via brew.)
They also have a set of precompiled binary releases:
The latest ("snapshot 76") has worked fine for me in Yosemite so far. You just need to download the .tbz archive, double-click it to unpack to a folder, then drag the MacVim.app icon to Applications -- much easier and less invasive than installing a whole package management system and build environment! :)
Note: I had to execute a command given in another StackOverflow answer to correct a rendering glitch seen in full screen mode for snapshot 76:
$ defaults write org.vim.MacVim MMNativeFullScreen 0
I got the same problem today.
The solution:
mv ~/.vimrc ~/.vimrc_bak
It looks like there is something wrong with my .vimrc file.
I was having the same issue, and one of the answers in here helped me, but not for the reason explained so I thought this might be useful for others.
Some plugins might depend on the version of vim, and may work in version 7 but not in version 8, when you install MacVim this could be version 8, and the terminal vim version might be 7, both will use the same .vim folder and .vimrc to load the plugins and configuration, when you open the vim from terminal it might still work because the plugins were depending on vim version 7, but when you try to execute MacVim it will try to load the plugins using version 8 and then it will crash, the reason some of the answers worked it's because they are replacing the system vim, therefore MacVim and vim will be in the same major version, if you have upgraded from the previous version the best you can do it's to clear up the plugins folder and then load MacVim or vim and check that everything is working, then start applying the plugins one by one checking that they are not breaking vim. At least with this method I found that one of the plugins was not working as expected and removing it solved the "MacVim" issue.
In summary:
- move your .vim as .vim_bak
- move your .vimrc as .vimrc_bak (suggested by #hai feng kao)
And test if this solves the issue, if that's the case then a plugin is breaking your installation and you will need to activate some and figure out which is the one that causes the issue.
Hope this helps to others, I've followed a lot of these recommendations without success until I decided to upgrade vim (terminal) and this started to break as well, that pointed me in the right direction.
Again hope this saves some hours for some.
I had the same symptom with MacVim launching with no window and command-N doesn't start any a new one. brew re-install didn't help.
It turned out there was another instance of macvim installed on my system somehow, in the Downloads folder. I found out by clicking "MacVim" --> "About MacVim" and it was a version from 2014. I found the instance and deleted it.
I created an alias for the newly installed version and copied that into Applications folder so spotlight search can find the new one. That solved my problem.
I had this problem upon updating from MacOS 10.12.5 to 10.12.6.
I uninstalled MacVim by moving it to the trashcan and downloading it again.
I would guess that the new version fixed whatever issue it had with the new operating system.

How to Force install location from OSX .pkg

I'm attempting to create a package installer for our product. Previously we installed with a .dmg, and the process was to just drag it to the /Applications folder. Now we want it to install to /Application/Company/Suite/product.
Problem is: If we use the .pkg installer on a system that previously had our product installed it creates the folders, but installs the product over the old location.
How can I make the pkg installer do the following:
Remove the old version
Install new version to proper location
I've had very little experience with OSX - so maybe I'm just missing something? Also looking in the applications folder - it doesn't appear that anything else is installed to a subdirectory, is it unusual to do things this way?
Thank you!
I'm looking into the answers located here OSX .pkg installer sometimes does not install .app file, differently worded problem - but the answer might be just what I need.
EDIT2: OSX .pkg installer sometimes does not install .app file Does not apply. We didn't install with any package manager - so there isn't a previous entry.
EDIT3: We were using dmg, but are now moving to pkg.
So I found the answer.
In order to have it install to a new location:
The plist inside the app package (product.app/Contents/Info.plist) has an identifier "CFBundleIdentifier", these needs to be different from the old application. For instance ours was "Company.Product-Name", I've changed it to "Company.Product.Name". This will allow the new installation to go to the new location.
In order to remove the old installation:
I simply added this line to the preinstall script:
"sudo rm -Rf '/Application/Product Name.app'"
Thank you for your assistance.

-bash : rvictl: command not found, Mac book pro OS X 10.7.5 & Xcode 4.6

I want to debug some network bug with my application ,I found a way to create rvi to trace, But I even can't finish step 1 :
rvictl -s
-bash : rvictl: command not found
what should I do ?
I follow the site:
help! thanks
Mavericks and beyond: You need to install XCode from the App Store, and then you need to launch XCode once, and accept installation of additional tools. Restart your terminal. Good to go.
I found the solution here.
In summary, the link above explains that the issue may stem from installing Xcode without installing the additional components.
Check rvictl is installed by looking for the /usr/bin/rvictl folder. If it does not exist, then rvictl is not installed. To install the packages, open your application folder through finder, right click on the Xcode app, and follow the path below to find the items which need to be installed manually:
Restart your terminal and.... Voila !! it should work now.
Based #KarthicRaghupathi's comments. the rvictl location was changed in Catalina. The rvictl file is now located at /Library/Apple/usr/bin.
The rest of the process stays the same as above.
I'm using macOS Catalina and Xcode 11, Could able to find rvictl file in /Library/Apple/usr/bin. but still got the same error
-bash : rvictl: command not found
Tried all provided solution nothing worked for me. Adding sudo saved me,
sudo rvictl -s [DEVICE UDID]
sudo /Library/Apple/usr/bin/rvictl -s [DEVICE UDID]
This may help some one.
You need to install the Command Line Tools for Xcode, available here:
That includes the rvictl program.
It seems like default location and installed location of rvictl on Catalina are different.
rvictl should be installed by Xcode. Look for it at path: /Library/Apple/usr/bin/rvictl. The default shell has /Library/Apple/usr/bin/ in its path, either customise it or provide full qualified path i.e
/Library/Apple/usr/bin/rvictl -s 00008020-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Source: https://forums.developer.apple.com/message/392193#392193
When you say: the command line tools for 10.10 apparently do not include the rvictl program - I get the error message: command not found
You need to see the comment above: Mavericks and beyond: You need to install XCode from the App Store, and then you need to launch XCode once, and accept installation of additional tools. Restart your terminal.
It will then appear.

After upgrade to OSX 10.8.2 "latex: command not found"

I've been using the vim-latex suite on my mac (10.7.?) for months with no problem. Over the weekend, I upgraded the OS to 10.8.2, and now my tex files fail to compile. The compile command
produces no errors within vim, but no pdf-file gets produced. If I drop to the command line in a terminal, the following command
latex document.tex
-bash: latex: command not found
Similarly, for pdflatex. I'm not sure if this is a path error, or if latex for 10.8.2 needs to be reinstalled. I'm not sure how to proceed in either case.
I had the same problem and typing:
export PATH=/usr/texbin:$PATH
seems to work fine in a shell. Although it no longer works if I open a new shell, this is a faster solution to re-downloading and re-installing the huge MacTeX program.
This happened to me after upgrading to OS X El Capitan. I found the latex executables in /usr/local/texlive/2014/bin/x86_64-darwin. So, I just added this to my .bashrc
export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/texlive/2014/bin/x86_64-darwin"
No need to reinstall.
On OS X, the standard way for third party installers to add a directory to the path is to put a file under /etc/paths.d. TeXLive does this as part of the installation, but the OS upgrade probably blew it away.
You should be able to just create a new file under that directory containing just one line, the path the directory containing the TeX executables.
When setting the path via #petew's answer, /usr/local/texlive/2014/bin/x86_64-darwin may not be the correct version. On my system /usr/local/texlive/2021/bin/universal-darwin was what was needed. Make sure to check your texlive binaries to see what file you downloaded.

Unable to build mercurial on OSX - Python.h not found

For what I've read I need Python-Dev, how do I install it on OSX?
I think the problem I have, is, my Xcode was not properly installed, and I don't have the paths where I should.
This previous question:
Where is gcc on OSX? I have installed Xcode already
Was about I couldn't find gcc, now I can't find Python.h
Should I just link my /Developer directory to somewhere else in /usr/ ???
This is my output:
$ sudo easy_install mercurial
Searching for mercurial
Reading http://pypi.python.org/simple/mercurial/
Reading http://www.selenic.com/mercurial
Best match: mercurial 1.5.1
Downloading http://mercurial.selenic.com/release/mercurial-1.5.1.tar.gz
Processing mercurial-1.5.1.tar.gz
Running mercurial-1.5.1/setup.py -q bdist_egg --dist-dir /tmp/easy_install-_7RaTq/mercurial-1.5.1/egg-dist-tmp-l7JP3u
mercurial/base85.c:12:20: error: Python.h: No such file or directory
Thanks in advance.
I was struggling with this problem all day today.
I eventually discovered a site that claimed that all one needed to do was to reinstall Xcode, or install the latest version (4.3.2, as of this writing).
So I tried that. It did not help; not on its own. But then I went a step further: I fired up Xcode.app, and once I had done that, I opened the Xcode..Preferences menu item, and then go to the Downloads tab, and say that you want to install the "Command Line Tools"
Once I did that, and then re-ran easy_install (in my case I was trying to "easy_install dulwich" to satisfy a hg-git dependency), it was able to properly find Python.h for me.
Might depend on what version of Mac OSX you have, I have it in these spots:
Also I believe the version of python that comes with Xcode is a custom build that plays well with xcode but you have to jump through some hoops if you use another dev environment.
Are you sure you want to build Mercurial from source? There are binary packages available, including the nice MacHg which comes with a bundled Mercurial.
