how to read a file from HDFS through browser - hadoop

How to provide a link a HDFS file, so that clicking on that url it will downlaod the HDFS file..
Please provide me the inputs..

Check the HDFS Proxy Guide.
There is also Hoop which is being contributed to Hadoop by Cloudera. Currently it's targeted for the 0.24 release. But, it can be build, installed and configured manually using the instructions at the Hoop Site.
While HDFS Proxy supports only W, HOOP supports R/W to HDFS. Plan is to replace HDFS Proxy with Hoop.
While the above options are proxy based, another option is to to directly access the NameNode without a proxy. Browse the file system (http://namenode:50070/nn_browsedfscontent.jsp) and go to the file for which the URL has to be shared.
Edit: Also check WebHDFS.

If you have hue installed in your cluster you could try
or they also have standard chrome extension at this link that will basically covert the hdfs link for you

There is the Hue File Browser: upload/download files, list directories, change permissions, view directly different types of file... from any client with a Web Browser


Unable to open/download files in HDFS using Hadoop Web UI

I have configured a standalone single node Hadoop environment in an external RHEL server. I am trying to view the files in HDFS using Hadoop Web UI:
http://<host ip>:50070/explorer.html#/user. I am able to browse through the directories and even delete files in HDFS. But i am unable to download or Open(Preview) and view any files in HDFS using web UI. I can see all the files and open them from command line in the server.
I am getting an error as displayed in below screenshot when i am trying to open a file:
Similar error is thrown while uploading files too. I am not using HUE due to some restrictions imposed on the server for the time period.
I am new to Hadoop. Can some one please help me out here?
The main reason for failure of some operations via webui is permissions issue as the default user for it is drwho ex: Permission denied: user=dr.who, access=WRITE, inode="/":suyash:supergroup:drwxr-xr-x.
Workaround is to to use the console to do these operations if HUE is unavailable. Also could you try changing the browser/ clearing cache?

Download a file from HDFS cluster

I am developing an API for using hdfs as a distributed file storage. I have made a REST api for allowing a server to mkdir, ls, create and delete a file in the HDFS cluster using Webhdfs. But since Webhdfs does not support downloading a file, are there any solutions for achieving this. I mean I have a server who runs my REST api and communicates with the cluster. I know the OPEN operation just supports reading a text file content, but suppose I have a file which is 300 MB in size, how can I download it from the hdfs cluster. Do you guys have any possible solutions.? I was thinking of directly pinging the datanodes for a file, but this solution is flawed as if the file is 300 MB in size, it will put a huge load on my proxy server, so is there a streaming API to achieve this.
As an alternative you could make use of streamFile provided by DataNode API.
wget http://$datanode:50075/streamFile/demofile.txt
It'll not read the file as a whole, so the burden will be low, IMHO. I have tried it, but on a pseudo setup and it works fine. You can just give it a try on your fully distributed setup and see if it helps.
One way which comes to my mind, is to use a proxy worker, which reads the file using hadoop file system API, and creates a local normal file.And the provide download link to this file. Downside being
Scalablity of Proxy server
Files may be theoretically too large to fit into disk of a single proxy server.

Locating Cloudera Manager HDFS config files

I've installed a cluster via Cloudera Manager, and now I need to launch the cluster manually.
I've been using the following command:
$ sudo -u hdfs hadoop namenode / datanode / jobtracker
But then the is set up /tmp. I can't seem to find where cloudera manager has the HDFS config files. The ones in /usr/lib/hadoop-02*/conf seem to be minimal. They're missing the which is what I'm looking for particularly. I'm on an RHLE 6 system, by the way. Being lazy, I though I could just copy over cloudera manager's HDFS config files, so I don't have to manually create them, the copy them over to 6 nodes :)
I was facing same problem.
I was changing configuration parameters from cloudera manager ui but was clueless where my changes were getting updated on local file system.
I ran grep command and found out that in my case configuration were stored at /var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/*-hdfs-NAMENODE directory.
So David is right, whenever we change configs from ui and restart service, it creates new config. settings in /var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/ directory.
Using CentOS 6.5, the Cloudera Manager special files do not show up in a SEARCH FILES result because their permissions are set to hide from all but the 'hdfs' user. In addition, there are multiple versions of hdfs-site.xml on the local drive some of which have partial amounts of real settings. The actual settings file is in the DATANODE folder not the NAMENODE folder as evidenced by the lack of values in the latter.
Cloudera manager deploying config file each time you start cluster, each time in different directory. Directories are named after process id or something like this.
The configuration is passed explicitly to each deamon as parameter. So if you will look into command line of each hadoop deamons you can see where is configuration sitting (or just grep over disk for hdfs-site.xml. Names of config files are the same as usual.
I was in the same boat and found this answer:
To allow Hadoop client users to work with the HDFS, MapReduce, YARN
and HBase services you created, Cloudera Manager generates client
configuration files that contain the relevant configuration files with
the settings from your services. These files are deployed
automatically by Cloudera Manager based on the services you have
installed, when you add a service, or when you add a Gateway role on a
You can download and distribute these client configuration files
manually to the users of a service, if necessary.
The Client Configuration URLs command on the cluster Actions menu
opens a pop-up that displays links to the client configuration zip
files created for the services installed in your cluster. You can
download these zip files by clicking the link.
See Deploying Client Configuration Files for more information on this
On our system I got there via http://your_server:7180/cmf/services/status and clicked the Actions popup under the Add Cluster button. Hope that helps.

Access hdfs from outside hadoop

I want to run some executables outside of hadoop (but on the same cluster) using input files that are stored inside HDFS.
Do these files need to be copied locally to the node? or is there a way to access HDFS outside of hadoop?
Any other suggestions on how to do this are fine. Unfortunately my executables can not be run within hadoop though.
There are a couple typical ways:
You can access HDFS files through the HDFS Java API if you are writing your program in Java. You are probably looking for open. This will give you a stream that acts like a generic open file.
You can stream your data with hadoop cat if your program takes input through stdin: hadoop fs -cat /path/to/file/part-r-* | You could hypothetically create a bridge with this command line command with something like popen.
Also check WebHDFS which made into the 1.0.0 release and will be in the 23.1 release also. Since it's based on rest API, any language can access it and also Hadoop need not be installed on the node on which the HDFS files are required. Also. it's equally fast as the other options mentioned by orangeoctopus.
The best way is install "hadoop-0.20-native" package on the box where you are running your code.
hadoop-0.20-native package can access hdfs filesystem. It can act as a hdfs proxy.
I had similar issue and asked appropriate question. I needed to access HDFS / MapReduce services outside of cluster. After I found solution I posted answer here for HDFS. Most painfull issue there happened to be user authentication which in my case was solved in most simple case (complete code is in my question).
If you need to minimize dependencies and don't want to install hadoop on clients here is nice Cloudera article how to configure Maven to build JAR for this. 100% success for my case.
Main difference in Remote MapReduce job posting comparing to HDFS access is only one configuration setting (check for mapred.job.tracker variable).

Writing data to Hadoop

I need to write data in to Hadoop (HDFS) from external sources like a windows box. Right now I have been copying the data onto the namenode and using HDFS's put command to ingest it into the cluster. In my browsing of the code I didn't see an API for doing this. I am hoping someone can show me that I am wrong and there is an easy way to code external clients against HDFS.
There is an API in Java. You can use it by including the Hadoop code in your project.
The JavaDoc is quite helpful in general, but of course you have to know, what you are looking for *g *
For your particular problem, have a look at:
(this applies to the latest release, consult other JavaDocs for different versions!)
A typical call would be:
Filesystem.get(new JobConf()).create(new Path("however.file"));
Which returns you a stream you can handle with regular JavaIO.
For the problem of loading the data I needed to put into HDFS, I choose to turn the problem around.
Instead of uploading the files to HDFS from the server where they resided, I wrote a Java Map/Reduce job where the mapper read the file from the file server (in this case via https), then write it directly to HDFS (via the Java API).
The list of files is read from the input. I then have an external script that populates a file with the list of files to fetch, uploads the file into HDFS (using hadoop dfs -put), then start the map/reduce job with a decent number of mappers.
This gives me excellent transfer performance, since multiple files are read/written at the same time.
Maybe not the answer you were looking for, but hopefully helpful anyway :-).
About 2 years after my last answer, there are now two new alternatives - Hoop/HttpFS, and WebHDFS.
Regarding Hoop, it was first announced in Cloudera's blog and can be downloaded from a github repository. I have managed to get this version to talk successfully to at least Hadoop 0.20.1, it can probably talk to slightly older versions as well.
If you're running Hadoop 0.23.1 which at time of writing still is not released, Hoop is instead part of Hadoop as its own component, the HttpFS. This work was done as part of HDFS-2178. Hoop/HttpFS can be a proxy not only to HDFS, but also to other Hadoop-compatible filesystems such as Amazon S3.
Hoop/HttpFS runs as its own standalone service.
There's also WebHDFS which runs as part of the NameNode and DataNode services. It also provides a REST API which, if I understand correctly, is compatible with the HttpFS API. WebHDFS is part of Hadoop 1.0 and one of its major features is that it provides data locality - when you're making a read request, you will be redirected to the WebHDFS component on the datanode where the data resides.
Which component to choose depends a bit on your current setup and what needs you have. If you need a HTTP REST interface to HDFS now and you're running a version that does not include WebHDFS, starting with Hoop from the github repository seems like the easiest option. If you are running a version that includes WebHDFS, I would go for that unless you need some of the features Hoop has that WebHDFS lacks (access to other filesystems, bandwidth limitation, etc.)
Install Cygwin, install Hadoop locally (you just need the binary and configs that point at your NN -- no need to actually run the services), run hadoop fs -copyFromLocal /path/to/localfile /hdfs/path/
You can also use the new Cloudera desktop to upload a file via the web UI, though that might not be a good option for giant files.
There's also a WebDAV overlay for HDFS but I don't know how stable/reliable that is.
It seems there is a dedicated page now for this at
These projects (enumerated below) allow HDFS to be mounted (on most
flavors of Unix) as a standard file system using the mount command.
Once mounted, the user can operate on an instance of hdfs using
standard Unix utilities such as 'ls', 'cd', 'cp', 'mkdir', 'find',
'grep', or use standard Posix libraries like open, write, read, close
from C, C++, Python, Ruby, Perl, Java, bash, etc.
Later it describes these projects
contrib/fuse-dfs is built on fuse, some C glue, libhdfs and the hadoop-dev.jar
fuse-j-hdfs is built on fuse, fuse for java, and the hadoop-dev.jar
hdfs-fuse - a google code project is very similar to contrib/fuse-dfs
webdav - hdfs exposed as a webdav resource mapR - contains a closed source hdfs compatible file system that supports read/write
NFS access
HDFS NFS Proxy - exports HDFS as NFS without use of fuse. Supports Kerberos and re-orders writes so they are written to hdfs
I haven't tried any of these, but I will update the answer soon as I have the same need as the OP
You can now also try to use Talend, which includes components for Hadoop integration.
you can try mounting HDFS on your machine(call it machine_X) where you are executing your code and machine_X should have infiniband connectivity with the HDFS Check this out,
You can also use HadoopDrive ( It's a Windows shell extension.
