Get http session / request in hibernate interceptor - spring

I want to to implement an audit logging module to my existing system and I want to save actual logged user information and it's only the httpSession.
I'm using hibernate/spring/struts 2, and in order to get actual logged user information and call saveLog service I need the ServletContext to find those service bean or get the httpServletRequest...
I have been searching and seems binding the session to ThreadLocal usign Filter is the only way? something like this or this (last answer)
is there other suggestion? is this a commun pattern or a good practice ?

Spring can bind current request to the thread out of the box. If you use DispatcherServlet, it's done automatically, otherwise you need to declare RequestContextFilter.
Then you can access request properties via RequestContextHolder.

There was this article how to implement the Hibernate Listener as Spring bean to have full access to the Spring Context.
This may open complete new ways in your scenario (Depending on your app).

Depending on your version of Hibernate, you may be able to use Envers to accommodate fine-grained audit logging. This includes the ability to add the 'current user' from a session variable into the given Revision:
public class ExampleRevEntity extends DefaultRevisionEntity {
private String username;
public String getUsername() { return username; }
public void setUsername(String username) { this.username = username; }
This integrates with Hibernate nicely through a series of eventListeners, which you can call out in Spring like so:
<bean id="sessionFactory" class="org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.annotation.AnnotationSessionFactoryBean">
<property name="eventListeners">
<entry key="post-insert" value-ref="enversEventListener"/>
<entry key="post-update" value-ref="enversEventListener"/>
<entry key="post-delete" value-ref="enversEventListener"/>
<entry key="pre-collection-update" value-ref="enversEventListener"/>
<entry key="pre-collection-remove" value-ref="enversEventListener"/>
<entry key="post-collection-recreate" value-ref="enversEventListener"/>
Then you can query for audit revisions through the Envers query api.
After using this on a couple of recent projects, it's my preferred audit technique when using Hibernate.
To answer your question, you can then setup a Hibernate Interceptor or Envers RevisionListener to access the 'current user' by looking it up from the current Spring context:
applicationContext.getBean("currentUser", User.class);
as long as your user is setup as a scoped bean in Spring.

Example for spring boot (spring-boot-starter 1.2.4.RELEASE).
In some controller:
public UserBean login(#RequestParam("email") String email,
#RequestParam("password") String password,
HttpSession session) {
// getting usser
session.setAttribute("currentUser", user);
return user;
Register hibernate listeners
import org.hibernate.event.service.spi.EventListenerRegistry;
import org.hibernate.event.spi.*;
import org.hibernate.internal.SessionFactoryImpl;
import org.hibernate.jpa.HibernateEntityManagerFactory;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import org.springframework.web.context.request.RequestAttributes;
import org.springframework.web.context.request.RequestContextHolder;
import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;
public class UiDateListener implements PostLoadEventListener, PreUpdateEventListener {
#Inject EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory;
private void init() {
HibernateEntityManagerFactory hibernateEntityManagerFactory = (HibernateEntityManagerFactory) this.entityManagerFactory;
SessionFactoryImpl sessionFactoryImpl = (SessionFactoryImpl) hibernateEntityManagerFactory.getSessionFactory();
EventListenerRegistry registry = sessionFactoryImpl.getServiceRegistry().getService(EventListenerRegistry.class);
registry.appendListeners(EventType.POST_LOAD, this);
registry.appendListeners(EventType.PRE_UPDATE, this);
public void onPostLoad(PostLoadEvent event) {
final Object entity = event.getEntity();
if (entity == null) return;
final UserBean currentUser = (UserBean) RequestContextHolder.currentRequestAttributes().getAttribute("currentUser", RequestAttributes.SCOPE_SESSION);
// some logic after entity loaded
public boolean onPreUpdate(PreUpdateEvent event) {
final Object entity = event.getEntity();
if (entity == null) return false;
// some logic before entity persist
return false;


uniqueResult is deprecated in hibernate 5.2.2 ? how i can do?

hi,everyone i am a newcomer for hibernate. i write code with struts+spring+hibernate ,i encounter a trouble in this code
import org.hibernate.Query;
import com.integration.entity.User;
public class UserDAOImpl extends HibernateDaoSupport implements UserDAO {
public User getUser(String name) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
String hsql="from User u where'"+name+"'";
User result=(User)((Query) this.getHibernateTemplate().find(hsql)).uniqueResult();
return result;
the question is Query and uniqueResult() is deprecated ,how will i modify my code? thanks
The problem is not only in your method. The hole class HibernateDaoSupportis deprecated as it said here
I recommend you to configure your SessionFactory via Spring (as I see you use it) and use createQuery method to pass there your hql. Here is the example:
Configuring session factory:
<bean id="sessionFactory" class="org.springframework.orm.hibernate5.LocalSessionFactoryBean"
The DAO method:
private final SessionFactory sessionFactory;
// Injecting session factory via constructor
public UserDAO(SessionFactory sessionFactory) {
this.sessionFactory = sessionFactory;
String hql="from User u where";
public User getByUsername(String name) {
return sessionFactory.getCurrentSession()
.createQuery(hql, User.class)
.setParameter("name", name)
Also your code us not secure. You should use params of query for preventing sql injections. I show it in my method. Read about session factory and injecting it in DAO.
Good luck.
Also it's just an example. You can configure everything as you wish (via java code, not xml for example)

How can I add an entity listener to a JPA (EclipseLink) entity without an active session?

I am trying to do the following inside a spring bean:
public void registerTorchEntityListeners()
Session session = entityManager.unwrap(Session.class);
for (EntityType<?> entity : entityManager.getMetamodel().getEntities())
if (entity.getJavaType().isAnnotationPresent(TorchEntityListeners.class))
TorchEntityListeners annotation = (TorchEntityListeners) entity.getJavaType().getAnnotation(TorchEntityListeners.class);
for (Class listenerClass : annotation.value())
Map<String, DescriptorEventListener> map = applicationContext.getBeansOfType(listenerClass);
for (DescriptorEventListener listenerBean : map.values())
The problem is I get the following exception because (I think) I am not in a transaction and therefore do not have a session available to grab the ClassDescriptor so that I can add a listener to a particular entity:
org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'torchEntityListenerConfigurer': Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: No transactional EntityManager available
at org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.InitDestroyAnnotationBeanPostProcessor.postProcessBeforeInitialization(
Basically I am trying to do the EclipseLink equivalent of this: I would prefer to annotate the entity with the listener rather than doing something like this: Injecting a Spring dependency into a JPA EntityListener.
Of course I figure it out 30 minutes after I add a bounty :)
I finally got this to work by getting the entityManager from a wired in EntityManagerFactory instead of using: #PersistenceContext to inject it into the TorchEntityListenerConfigurer
Here is the working solution...and it works great!
Here is the config:
<bean id="approvalEntityListener" class="com.prometheus.torchlms.core.activity.approval.ApprovalEntityListener">
<property name="activityRepository" ref="activityRepository" />
<property name="notificationFactory" ref="notificationFactory" />
<property name="notificationService" ref="notificationService" />
<bean id="springEntityListenerConfigurer" class="com.prometheus.torchlms.core.SpringEntityListenerConfigurer">
<constructor-arg ref="entityManagerFactory" />
Here is where the magic happens (in case this is useful to someone):
public class SpringEntityListenerConfigurer implements ApplicationContextAware
private ApplicationContext applicationContext;
private EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory;
public SpringEntityListenerConfigurer(EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory)
this.entityManagerFactory = entityManagerFactory;
public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext)
throws BeansException
this.applicationContext = applicationContext;
public void registerTorchEntityListeners()
EntityManager entityManager = entityManagerFactory.createEntityManager();
Session session = entityManager.unwrap(Session.class);
for (EntityType<?> entity : entityManagerFactory.getMetamodel().getEntities())
if (entity.getJavaType().isAnnotationPresent(SpringEntityListeners.class))
SpringEntityListeners annotation = (SpringEntityListeners) entity.getJavaType().getAnnotation(SpringEntityListeners.class);
for (Class listenerClass : annotation.value())
Map<String, DescriptorEventListener> map = applicationContext.getBeansOfType(listenerClass);
for (DescriptorEventListener listenerBean : map.values())
ClassDescriptor classDescriptor = session.getClassDescriptor(entity.getJavaType());
if (null != classDescriptor)
So now I can add my #SpringEntityListeners({ApprovalEntityListener.class}) to any entity I want with any listener that I want and those listeners can be spring beans!
In case it helps here's the annotation:
public #interface SpringEntityListeners
Class<?>[] value();
In fact you can do your registrations without getting an EntityManager, because you only use it to get a client session, and you only use the client session to register listeners with the server session without any direct interaction with the database nor changing any object.
The EntityManagerFactory is actually an EntityManagerFactoryImpl that can directly expose the ServerSession with unwrap. I had to dig through classes explicitly marked as INTERNAL, to find that, and the ServerSession (also marked as INTERNAL) explicitely states in his javadoc : All changes to objects and the database must be done through a unit of work acquired from the client session, this allows the changes to occur in a transactional object space and under a exclusive database connection.
But for your use case, I think it is correct to use it like that, using the server session only to get access to the Project that actually contains the class descriptors and is a public class in EclipseLink :
public void registerTorchEntityListeners()
// no entityManager here and Session is only used to get access to Project
Project proj = entityManagerFactory.unwrap(Session.class).getProject();
for (EntityType<?> entity : entityManagerFactory.getMetamodel().getEntities())
if (entity.getJavaType().isAnnotationPresent(SpringEntityListeners.class))
SpringEntityListeners annotation = (SpringEntityListeners) entity.getJavaType().getAnnotation(SpringEntityListeners.class);
for (Class listenerClass : annotation.value())
Map<String, DescriptorEventListener> map = applicationContext.getBeansOfType(listenerClass);
for (DescriptorEventListener listenerBean : map.values())
ClassDescriptor classDescriptor = proj.getClassDescriptor(entity.getJavaType());
if (null != classDescriptor)

How can we switch between different Implementations in Spring Context XML with an Boolean?

How can we switch between different Implementations in Spring Context XML with an Boolean?
for example:
<bean id="detailsController" class="com.something.detailsController" >
if true then
<property name="dao" ref="firstDao"/>
<property name="dao" ref="secoundDao"/>
I know in Spring3 we can work with profiles
You could do that by modifying your Java code and use Spring EL together with ApplicationAware and InitializingBean.
public class DetailsController implements ApplicationContextAware, InitializingBean {
private DetailsControllerDAO dao;
private String daoName;
private ApplicationContext applicationContext;
public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) {
this.applicationContext = applicationContext;
public void afterPropertiesSet() {
dao = applicationContext.getBean(daoName);
public void setDaoName(String daoName) {
this.daoName = daoName;
<bean id="detailsController" class="com.something.detailsController">
<property name="daoName" value="#{myCondition ? 'firstDao' : 'secondDao'}" />
Of course, this solution has the disadvantage to add dependency to Spring code in your controller. To avoid that, you could move that code in a proxy class, as described by Guillaume Darmont.
I dont think this can be done at the XML level.
Spring really cannot do that. See the bean lifecycle. Been classes are created, than properties are injected and than afterPropertiesSet() or #PostConstructor methods are invoked. Of course when I omit lazy initialized beans.
But if you want for testing etc. and so you need just the firstDao or the secondDao in your application at the sametime that depends just on your settings, you can use a bean factory. The bean factory creates your bean as you want. I also use it for to split development environment, test environment and production environment.
package com.dummyexample.config;
import javax.annotation.Resource;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
* Factory bean to create real or test dao.
* The result depends on realDaoEnabled configuration parameter.
* #author Martin Strejc
public class DaoBeanFactory {
// mapping to servlet context configuration
#Resource(mappedName = "realDaoEnabled")
private Boolean realDaoEnabled = true;
// TestDao extends or implements Dao
private TestDao testDao;
// ProdDao extends or implements Dao
private ProdDao prodDao;
public DaoBeanFactory() {
public Dao getDao() {
if(realDaoEnabled) {
return prodDao;
return testDao;
Since your DAOs are exchangeable, they inherits the same type (abstract class or interface). Thus you can write a RoutingDetailsControllerDAO.
Let's say that your common interface is named DetailsControllerDAO, with two methods getDetails and getMoreDetails inside, the code would be :
public class RoutingDetailsControllerDAO implements DetailsControllerDAO {
private DetailsControllerDAO firstDAO;
private DetailsControllerDAO secondDAO;
protected DetailsControllerDAO getDAOToUse() {
return YOUR_BOOLEAN_CONDITION ? firstDAO : secondDAO;
public Details getDetails() {
return getDAOToUse().getDetails();
public Details getMoreDetails() {
return getDAOToUse().getMoreDetails();
// Insert firstDAO and secondDAO setters below
Your Spring XML config is now :
<bean id="detailsController" class="com.something.detailsController" >
<property name="dao" ref="routingDetailsControllerDAO"/>
<bean id="routingDetailsControllerDAO" class="com.something.RoutingDetailsControllerDAO">
<property name="firstDao" ref="firstDao"/>
<property name="secondDao" ref="secondDao"/>
Few possibilities:
You can either use profiles (<beans profiles="profileOne">).
You can use FactoryBean to create the correct DAO
You can use SPeL
The last one is the easiest:
<bean id="detailsController" class="com.something.detailsController">
<property name="dao" ref="#{condition ? 'firstDao' : 'secondDao'}" />
Of course you can load bean name from properties file via property configurer:
<bean id="detailsController" class="com.something.detailsController">
<property name="dao" ref="${}" />

Dynamic Spring Security using SQL Query

Hello I want to make an intercept url pattern and access dynamically by using sql query in spring security.
Generally we use this type of notation in XML and I want to take these values (/add-role and ROLE_ADMIN) from database.
<intercept-url pattern="/add-role*" access="ROLE_ADMIN" />
Is it possible to do this dynamically?
As the Spring Security FAQ mentions, the first thing you should do is ask should I really do this? Security is complicated and the configuration should be tested extensively. Allowing the configuration to change dynamically only further complicates things making the application that much more vulnerable. If you really want to do this, the FAQ outlines a basic method to accomplish this. I have expanded upon the FAQ's answer below.
Implement Custom FilterInvocationSecurityMetadataSource
To obtain the security URL mappings dynamically you can implement your own FilterInvocationSecurityMetadataSource. An example implementation is given below.
NOTE: Keep in mind that getAttributes will be invoked for every request that Spring Security intercepts so you will most likely want some sort of caching.
public class JdbcFilterInvocationSecurityMetadataSource implements FilterInvocationSecurityMetadataSource {
public Collection<ConfigAttribute> getAttributes(Object object) throws IllegalArgumentException {
FilterInvocation fi = (FilterInvocation) object;
String url = fi.getRequestUrl();
HttpServletRequest request = fi.getHttpRequest();
// Instead of hard coding the roles lookup the roles from the database using the url and/or HttpServletRequest
// Do not forget to add caching of the lookup
String[] roles = new String[] { "ROLE_ADMIN", "ROLE_USER" };
return SecurityConfig.createList(roles);
public Collection<ConfigAttribute> getAllConfigAttributes() {
return null;
public boolean supports(Class<?> clazz) {
return FilterInvocation.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz);
Create a BeanPostProcessor
You cannot use the namespace to wire it up, so taking another tip from the FAQ you can use a BeanPostProcessor which might look like:
public class FilterInvocationSecurityMetadataSourcePostProcessor implements BeanPostProcessor, InitializingBean {
private FilterInvocationSecurityMetadataSource securityMetadataSource;
public Object postProcessAfterInitialization(Object bean, String name) {
if (bean instanceof FilterSecurityInterceptor) {
return bean;
public Object postProcessBeforeInitialization(Object bean, String name) {
return bean;
public void setSecurityMetadataSource(FilterInvocationSecurityMetadataSource securityMetadataSource) {
this.securityMetadataSource = securityMetadataSource;
public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {
Assert.notNull(securityMetadataSource,"securityMetadataSource cannot be null");
XML Configuration
Then, assuming both of the above beans are in the package sample, you would add the following configuration
<bean class="sample.FilterInvocationSecurityMetadataSourcePostProcessor">
<property name="securityMetadataSource">
<bean class="sample.JdbcFilterInvocationSecurityMetadataSource"/>
Possible Problems
If you end up getting a ClassCastException, you are likely running into SEC-1957 which was fixed in Spring Security 3.1.1+ Try updating to the latest version to resolve this.
You cant really get those values from the databse, but you can write a custom code called DecisionManager that evaluates if the resource is allowed to execute. With that code you can even read data from the database.
<bean id="MyDecisionManagerBean" class="">
<property name="decisionVoters">
<!-- <bean class=""/> -->
<bean class="" >
<bean class="" factory-bean="roleHierarchyImplFactory" factory-method="createRoleHierarchyImpl"/>
<bean class="com.mycompany.RoleDenyVoter"/>
<bean class="com.mycompany.RoleAllowVoter"/>
Your class will be like this :
public class RoleDenyVoter implements AccessDecisionVoter {
public int vote(Authentication authentication, Object object, ConfigAttributeDefinition config) {
//read from the DB and decide if access is granted
the process is documented here :
I have created this entry for update purpose
Implement Custom FilterInvocationSecurityMetadataSource
This class only obtains the URL in every request and lookup their permissions from the database or third party applications
public class CommonFilterSecurityMetaDataSource implements FilterInvocationSecurityMetadataSource {
private final Map<String, UrlRequestModel> permissions;
private UrlRequestDao urlRequestDao;
public CommonFilterSecurityMetaDataSource() {
permissions = new Hashtable<>();
public List<ConfigAttribute> getAttributes(Object object) {
final FilterInvocation fi = (FilterInvocation) object;
final String url = fi.getRequestUrl();
final String httpMethod = fi.getRequest().getMethod();
final String key = String.format("%s %s", httpMethod, url);
final UrlRequestModel urlRequestModel;
List<ConfigAttribute> attributes = null;
// Lookup your database (or other source) using this information and populate the
// list of attributes
if(permissions.containsKey(key)) {
urlRequestModel= permissions.get(key);
} else {
urlRequestModel= catRequestDao.findByUrl(url);
if(catRequestMapModel != null) {
permissions.put(key, urlRequestModel);
if (catRequestMapModel != null) {
List<RoleModel> roles = ulrRequestModel.getRoleList();
if(!roles.isEmpty()) {
attributes = new ArrayList<>(roles.size());
for (RoleModel role : roles) {
attributes.add(new SecurityConfig(role.getDescription()));
return attributes;
public Collection<ConfigAttribute> getAllConfigAttributes() {
return null;
public boolean supports(Class<?> clazz) {
return FilterInvocation.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz);
Java configuration
For java configuration only add this to your class wich extends from WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
antMatchers( "/javax.faces.resource/**").permitAll().
logoutSuccessUrl("/login.jsf").logoutRequestMatcher(new AntPathRequestMatcher("/appLogout")).
and().addFilterAfter(filterSecurityInterceptor(), FilterSecurityInterceptor.class);
public FilterSecurityInterceptor filterSecurityInterceptor() throws Exception {
FilterSecurityInterceptor filterSecurityInterceptor = new FilterSecurityInterceptor();
return filterSecurityInterceptor;
public AccessDecisionManager accessDecisionManager() {
AuthenticatedVoter authenticatedVoter = new AuthenticatedVoter();
RoleVoter roleVoter = new RoleVoter();
List<AccessDecisionVoter<? extends Object>> voters = new ArrayList<>();
return new AffirmativeBased(voters);
public FilterInvocationSecurityMetadataSource securityMetadataSource() {
return new CommonFilterSecurityMetaDataSource();
I tested it using Spring security 5.0.8

Spring MBeanExporter - giving name to MBean

I'm trying to run a simple application with jmx-exported method. I do it like (spring-context and cglib for "#Configuration" are in classpath):
package com.sopovs.moradanen.jmx;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.jmx.export.MBeanExporter;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
public class SpringJmxTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext("com.sopovs.moradanen.jmx");
while (true) {
public MBeanExporter createJmxExporter() {
return new MBeanExporter();
public interface FooBarMBean {
public String hello();
public static class FooBar implements FooBarMBean {
public String hello() {
return "Hello";
However when I run it I Key properties cannot be empty. I tried to debug and solved it with:
public static class FooBar implements FooBarMBean, SelfNaming {
public String hello() {
return "Hello";
public ObjectName getObjectName() throws MalformedObjectNameException {
return new ObjectName("fooBar:name=" + getClass().getName());
But is there a better way to supply a name for MBean?
You can use the descriptions annotations provided by Spring Context #Managed* :
To do this, you must NOT implements the interface with "MBean" or "MXBean" suffix, neither SelfNaming.
Then, the bean will be detected as a standard spring "managed bean" when MBeanExporter will registerBeanInstance(..), and will be converted to a ModelMBean using all spring annotations, including descriptions of attributes, operations, parameters, etc..
As a requirement, you should declare in your spring context the MBeanExporter with AnnotationJmxAttributeSource, MetadataNamingStrategy, and MetadataMBeanInfoAssembler attributes, which can be simplified like this (as described here):
<bean id="mbeanExporter"
class="org.springframework.jmx.export.annotation.AnnotationMBeanExporter" />
<context:mbean-export />
or, using programmatic approach:
public class AppConfig {
And your managed bean should look like this :
description="My MBean goal")
public class AnnotationTestBean {
private int age;
#ManagedAttribute(description="The age attribute", currencyTimeLimit=15)
public int getAge() {
return age;
#ManagedOperation(description = "Check permissions for the given activity")
#ManagedOperationParameters( {
#ManagedOperationParameter(name = "activity",
description = "The activity to check")
public boolean isAllowedTo(final String activity) {
// impl
Remember to not implements an MBean interface, which would be a StandardMBean, and SelfNaming interface, which would bypass Spring naming management !
You can use KeyNamingStrategy to define all JMX-related properties inside XML configuration without adding any compile-time dependencies to Spring into the source code of your MBean:
<bean class="org.springframework.jmx.export.MBeanExporter" lazy-init="false">
<property name="namingStrategy" ref="namingStrategy"/>
<bean id="namingStrategy"
<property name="mappings">
<prop key="someSpringBean">desired.packageName:name=desiredBeanName</prop>
If you can live with somewhat arbitrary object names, then you can use the IdentityNamingStrategy as a naming strategy for MBeanExporter and minimize the XML configuration event further:
<bean class="org.springframework.jmx.export.MBeanExporter" lazy-init="false">
<property name="namingStrategy" ref="namingStrategy"/>
<bean id="namingStrategy"
Check spring documentation: section 22.3.2 explains the JDK 5.0 annotations that are available.
Section 22.4 explains mechanisms available for object naming.
