Charles web debugging proxy not detecting vpn connection - debugging

I have a VPN connection on which I'm testing some websites using Charles Web Debugging Proxy, but Charles doesn't seem to detect my VPN connection because it doesn't detect the websites that I'm running on the VPN network. Any help please?
Thank you

I had the same problem on my Mac but was able to solve it. Essentially after connecting to VPN Charles would stop recording all http traffic regardless of whether it was started before or after VPN connection was established
The problem was with Auto Proxy configuration at the system level.
I had Auto Proxy Config and Automatic Proxy Configuration turned ON in System Preferences> Network Settings>You network>Advanced
I was not able to turn them off via UI because they were disabled/greyed out by the corporate policy on the VPN machine but I was able to run 2 shell commands from the terminal though which turned both options OFF before starting Charles and before connecting to VPN (you will need admin access on your account to run these I suppose).
networksetup -setautoproxystate Wi-Fi off
networksetup -setproxyautodiscovery Wi-Fi off
Wi-Fi happens to be the name of the network interface I am running. If you are hard wired, yours could be Ethernet.
This essentially unticked both options in Network Settings leaving the URL for auto proxy intact. If you can untick these 2 checkboxes via the UI - even better.
Great so far but you aren't done yet!!
You need to figure out the true IP address of your corporate proxy and enter it under External Proxy Settings in Charles. Your VPN configuration might be pointing to an external configuration file. When you uncheck "Automatic Proxy configuration", the URL with the configuration should show in the "Proxy Configuration File" text box. Download that file, find the proxy setting, and enter those in the External Proxy Settings in Charles.
Voila - start Charles, start VPN - all HTTP traffic is flowing through Charles even when I am on VPN - precisely what I needed.
Hope this helps and you are running this on a MAC :)

For Viscosity:
Add this
dhcp-option HTTPPROXY
dhcp-option HTTPSPROXY
in the connection settings, under the tab "Advanced".
Charles will now work with Viscosity :)

Start Charles before connecting to your vpn.

Charles proxy and Tunnel Bear
1. run Charles
2. Charles -> Proxy -> MacOS Proxy
3. Charles -> Stop Recording
4. Charles -> Stop SSL Proxying
5. run Tunnel Bear
6. Charles -> Start Recording
7. Charles -> Start SSL Proxying

Using Chrome and Viscosity as my VPN client, I'm unable to get any traffic from Chrome to go through Charles while the VPN is connected.
My solution is to use Firefox. It's probably because Firefox makes its own proxy connections (and therefore has its own proxy settings), while Chrome and Safari defer to MacOS to make the HTTP connection.

I managed to work Charles with my VPN with the next settings:
Open charles -> Help -> SSL Proxying -> "Install Charles Root
certificates on Mobile Device Or Remote Browser". This should show a
dialog with proxy IP and port
Open "System Preferences" -> Network. Select your VPN and press
Go to "Proxies", and do the next for "Web Proxy", "Secure Web Proxy"
and "SOCKS Proxy":
check the checkbox
for "web proxy server" enter ""
for port enter the port from Charles Help dialog
It should work till VPN and Charles is running. After relaunch VPN or Charles you may change settings again.
Not the best solution, but at least it works.


Charles can't see HTTP requests with VPN opened on IOS

I have a VPN (BIG-IP Edge) connection on which I wanted to test some websites using Charles Web Debugging Proxy, but Charles doesn't seem to detect my VPN connection because it doesn't detect the websites that I'm running on the VPN network.
Things I have tried so far:
Running Charles before establishing the VPN connection as mentioned here:
Enabling/Disabling “Proxy>macOS Proxy”
Disabling “Auto Proxy Config” in system preferences as mentioned here
Restarted system/Charles and Simulator, always simulator after charles.
Note: VPN does not even connect if I enable “Proxy>macOS Proxy” in Charles

How to run Charles Proxy over Tor?

Following situation:
intercepting web traffic with Charles Proxy works fine if i set the browsers http/https proxy to the port Charles is configured for (
surfing over anonymously over Tor works also fine if i set the browsers socks proxy to the one which Tor is configured for (
Now i want to chain both proxies in the way, that i can intercept the web traffic of my browser with Charles while being anonymously over the Tor network. So i set my browsers http/https proxy to Charles and in Charles i set up the "external Proxies" to Tor.
But somehow this doesn't work. Do i have some misconceptions? Thanks for help!
Open command line (C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe) and type this command in the console window:
"C:\TorBrowserBundle\Browser\TorBrowser\Tor\tor.exe" --HTTPTunnelPort 8118. Adjust path according to where your Tor Browser Bundle is located.
In Charles go to menu Proxy→External Proxy Settings
Select Use external proxy servers checkbox at the top
Clear Web Proxy (HTTP) and SOCKS Proxy checkboxes on the left side
Select Secure Web Proxy (HTTPS) on the left side
On the right side under Secure Web Proxy Server enter and 8118
At the bottom select Always bypass external proxies for localhost checkbox
Click OK to save changes
Try opening in the web browser configured to use Charles (better in Incognito window to make sure that your Google account settings do not interfere with Google language detection by geo-location). You should see localized Google page in some random language.
Tor provides SOCKS proxy out of the box. By default Tor uses port 9050. You mentioned port 9150. This is default port used by Tor Browser Bundle. So I assume you use Tor Browser Bundle. But specifying SOCKS Proxy settings in External Proxy Settings in Charles won't allow you to open websites via https:// links. If you take a look at the Charles documentation, you might notice that only non-HTTPS traffic is being sent via SOCKS proxy. Quote (emphasis mine):
If you have a SOCKS proxy Charles will use it for all non-HTTP(S) traffic such as for Port Forwarding.
So in order to chain Charles via Tor, you must use non-SOCKS proxy.
By the way, I was unable to open http:// links via Charles when specified Tor as SOCKS proxy and disabled Secure Web Proxy (HTTPS). No idea why.

how to redirect network traffic in windows 8 to burp suite?

I have googled for this days and days. I have tried a lot of things but unfortunately did not succeed with any of them.
I have burp suite on my laptop running and listening to port 8080 on as localhost, in order to intercept request from my iPhone I created Adhoc network which has ip addresses like this 192.168.137.xx.
My iPhone did connect to the Internet via the Adhoc network but I could not intercept any HTTP request in burp suite, I don't know what to do with this, I am totally frustrated.
In my iPhone network settings I defined proxy server which has the IP of my laptop running the burp suite which is and the port 8080 but nothing is intercepted by burp what do I miss here?
Firstly, we must make sure that we share the wifi on the windows computer correctly.
> netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid="<SSID>" key="<PASSWORD>"
> netsh wlan start hostednetwork
You can take a look at all the steps.
After sharing wifi, we need to connect with the phone and check that we have IP address.
if there is no problem we can go to burp suite settings.
In the Burp suite proxy options we have to select the proxy listeners setting all interfaces option.

Windows 7 vpn lose internet connection

When I connect to Cisco VPN client I lose internet connection. The option to uncheck default gateway doesn't appear for me. all i could see is the below screen when i click on 'IP V4' advanced settings.
I had ip conflict with vpn server

Configuring iTerm and Git to use a proxy on OS X

I am successfully connecting to the internet using an application called tether for a jailbroken iphone. (I know there's better options now).
My iphone is connected to my laptop's wifi "device network".
I have in my OS X network settings a location called iphone and the proxy is configured to use the correct IP and port for the phone.
I can browse the internet using Chrome over http and https perfectly.
iTerm cannot ping google. Git cannot pull. I've googled for days and don't see anything "easy" or that I understand. Any advice is appreciated.
Command-line tools usually only support HTTP proxy. For providing a HTTP proxy out of a SOCKS one you have Privoxy. After you've set up Privoxy you have an HTTP proxy. In terminal usually saying export http_proxy=ip:port is enough for most applications. For Git specifically consult here.
But if that's too much for you, you can use sshuttle. It transparently transfers all your connections through a SOCKS proxy. That is, all the connections in your computer, and after that you don't have to change proxy settings for your GUI apps.
I use Homebrew as my package manager in Mac, and both Privoxy and sshuttle are available in it.
