Change the text "Choose an option..." on Magento product page - magento

I created a configurable product, it has three option: color, size and style.
Now in product page, each option has the default text "Choose an Option..." in dropdown, but I want the text should be "Select color", "Select size" and "Select style".
I edited function getJsonConfig() in app\code\core\Mage\Catalog\Block\View\Type\Configurable.php
'chooseText' => Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Choose an Option...'),
'chooseText' => ('Select ').$attribute->getLabel(),
And edit line 39 of the file frontend/base/default/template/catalog/product/view/type/options/configurable.phtml to:
<option><?php echo $this->__('Select ') ?><?php echo $_attribute->getLabel() ?></option>
But the result is not good, it alway show the text "Choose style" in three options.
Please give me a hint for this issue, thank you very much!

My version of the same problem. You need to change only template
$_product = $this->getProduct();
$_attributes = Mage::helper('core')->decorateArray($this->getAllowAttributes());
<?php if ($_product->isSaleable() && count($_attributes)):?>
<?php foreach($_attributes as $_attribute): ?>
<dt><label class="required"><em>*</em><?php echo $_attribute->getLabel() ?></label></dt>
<dd<?php if ($_attribute->decoratedIsLast){?> class="last"<?php }?>>
<div class="input-box">
<?php $chooseText = $this->__('Select %s', $_attribute->getLabel()); ?>
<select data-choose-text="<?php echo $chooseText; ?>" name="super_attribute[<?php echo $_attribute->getAttributeId() ?>]" id="attribute<?php echo $_attribute->getAttributeId() ?>" class="required-entry super-attribute-select">
<option><?php echo $chooseText; ?></option>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
Product.ConfigDefaultText = new Class.create(Product.Config, {
fillSelect: function($super, element) {
var chooseDefaultText = element.getAttribute('data-choose-text');
$(element).options[0] = new Option(chooseDefaultText, '');
var spConfig = new Product.ConfigDefaultText(<?php echo $this->getJsonConfig() ?>);
<?php endif;?>
Note (extracted from comments)
If the selected default value happens not to be "Select %s", replace
$(element).options[0] = new Option(chooseDefaultText, '');
$(element).options[0].innerHTML = chooseDefaultText;

I was looking for a more simple way to do this. I didn't want to extend any core files or muck around with extending JavaScript. Instead I parsed the settings JSON, updated the chooseText setting, and converted back to JSON:
$jsonConfig = json_decode($this->getJsonConfig());
$jsonConfig->chooseText = 'Select..';
<script type="text/javascript">
var spConfig = new Product.Config(<?php echo json_encode($jsonConfig); ?>);
More information and further examples here.

The only way I think is just to modify the javascript class that populates that dropdowns. As we can see in frontend/base/default/template/catalog/product/view/type/options/configurable.phtml that class is:
<script type="text/javascript">
var spConfig = new Product.Config(<?php echo $this->getJsonConfig() ?>);
The file with needed class located in js/varien/product.js
The place where first <option> tag is set up is:
fillSelect: function(element){
var attributeId =[a-z]*/, '');
var options = this.getAttributeOptions(attributeId);
element.options[0] = new Option(this.config.chooseText, '');
The variable chooseText used there on line 368. This variable was created in function getJsonConfig() in app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Block/Product/View/Type/Configurable.php (you was digging the right way). You need to modify the javascript that I described earlier to achive what you need (based on var attributeId you can assign options with different text to elements you need)

If you only change file configurable.js
It will only change first select when page load
So I must change template file
Get attached file for test.(I just write it to an small extension)
$_product = $this->getProduct();
$_attributes = Mage::helper('core')->decorateArray($this->getAllowAttributes());
<?php if ($_product->isSaleable() && count($_attributes)):?>
<?php foreach($_attributes as $_attribute): ?>
$_attributeId = $_attribute->getAttributeId();
$_attributeInfo = Mage::getModel('eav/entity_attribute')->load($_attributeId);
$_attributeLabel = str_replace(' ','-',strtolower($_attributeInfo->getFrontendLabel()));
<dd<?php if ($_attribute->decoratedIsLast){?> class="last"<?php }?>>
<div class="input-box">
<select name="super_attribute[<?php echo $_attribute->getAttributeId() ?>]" id="attribute<?php echo $_attribute->getAttributeId() ?>" class="required-entry super-attribute-select kevin-black-<?php echo $_attributeLabel;?>">
<option><?php echo $_attributeInfo->getFrontendLabel() ?></option>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
var spConfig = new Product.Config(<?php echo $this->getJsonConfig() ?>);
// Change Text follow attribute Label
function changeFristText(){
<?php foreach($_attributes as $_attribute): ?>
$_attributeId = $_attribute->getAttributeId();
$_attributeInfo = Mage::getModel('eav/entity_attribute')->load($_attributeId);
var label = '<?php echo $_attributeInfo->getFrontendLabel();?>';
var options = elem.childElements();
<?php endforeach;?>
<?php endif;?>
in file : js/varien/configurable.js replace line 171 = element.options[0] = new Option(element.config.label, ‘’);
It for all attribute set .

simplest answer:
replace js/varien/configurable.js line 172
element.options[0].innerHTML = 'Choose ' + this.config.attributes[attributeId].label;

I extended class Product.Config (method fillselect) by these code:
fillSelect: function(element){
var attributeId =[a-z]*/, '');
var options = this.getAttributeOptions(attributeId);
element.options[0] = new Option('Select '+element.config.label,'');
It's ok!

<script type="text/javascript">
$jsonConfig = $this->getJsonConfig();
$jsonConfig = str_replace("Choose an Option...", "Select Size", $jsonConfig);
var spConfig = new Product.Config(<?php echo $jsonConfig; ?>);

file catalog/product/view/type/options/configurable.phml
$_product = $this->getProduct();
$_attributes = Mage::helper('core')->decorateArray($this->getAllowAttributes());
<?php if ($_product->isSaleable() && count($_attributes)):?>
<?php foreach($_attributes as $_attribute): ?>
$_attributeId = $_attribute->getAttributeId();
$_attributeInfo = Mage::getModel('eav/entity_attribute')->load($_attributeId);
$_attributeLabel = str_replace(' ','-',strtolower($_attributeInfo->getFrontendLabel()));
<dd<?php if ($_attribute->decoratedIsLast){?> class="last"<?php }?>>
<div class="input-box">
<select name="super_attribute[<?php echo $_attribute->getAttributeId() ?>]" id="attribute<?php echo $_attribute->getAttributeId() ?>" class="required-entry super-attribute-select kevin-black-<?php echo $_attributeLabel;?>">
<option><?php echo $this->__('Select '.$_attributeLabel) ?></option>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
var spConfig = new Product.Config(<?php echo $this->getJsonConfig() ?>);
//Change Text follow attribute Label
function changeFristText(){
<?php foreach($_attributes as $_attribute): ?>
$_attributeId = $_attribute->getAttributeId();
$_attributeInfo = Mage::getModel('eav/entity_attribute')->load($_attributeId);
$_attributeLabel = str_replace(' ','-',strtolower($_attributeInfo->getFrontendLabel()));
var label = '<?php echo $_attributeLabel;?>';
var options = elem.childElements();
options[0].update('Select ' + label);
<?php endforeach;?>
<?php endif;?>
and add one line changeFristText(); after line 171 (element.options[0] = new Option(this.config.chooseText, '');) in file js/varien/configurable.js
It for all attribute set.

This worked for me on CE 1.8.1. It's based off Shein's answer, and addresses the wrong option getting selected on load. I basically just copied/pasted the Product.Config.fillSelect() method from /js/varien/product.js. Within the pasted code I changed:
element.options[0].innerHTML = this.config.chooseText;
element.options[0].innerHTML = element.config.label;
This allows keeping product.js unmodified, and just override the method. The only drawback is any future core updates to that method will need migrating.
Since the new code just gets the "label" setting, the data-choose-text attribute on isn't needed on the select tag
$_product = $this->getProduct();
$_attributes = Mage::helper('core')->decorateArray($this->getAllowAttributes());
<?php if ($_product->isSaleable() && count($_attributes)):?>
<?php foreach($_attributes as $_attribute): ?>
<dt><label class="required"><em>*</em><?php echo $_attribute->getLabel() ?></label></dt>
<dd<?php if ($_attribute->decoratedIsLast){?> class="last"<?php }?>>
<div class="input-box">
<select name="super_attribute[<?php echo $_attribute->getAttributeId() ?>]" id="attribute<?php echo $_attribute->getAttributeId() ?>" class="required-entry super-attribute-select">
<option><?php echo $_attribute->getLabel() ?></option>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
Product.ConfigDefaultText = new Class.create(Product.Config, {
fillSelect: function (element) {
var attributeId =[a-z]*/, '');
var options = this.getAttributeOptions(attributeId);
element.options[0] = new Option('', '');
element.options[0].innerHTML = element.config.label;
var prevConfig = false;
if (element.prevSetting) {
prevConfig = element.prevSetting.options[element.prevSetting.selectedIndex];
if (options) {
var index = 1;
for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
var allowedProducts = [];
if (prevConfig) {
for (var j = 0; j < options[i].products.length; j++) {
if (prevConfig.config.allowedProducts
&& prevConfig.config.allowedProducts.indexOf(options[i].products[j]) > -1) {
} else {
allowedProducts = options[i].products.clone();
if (allowedProducts.size() > 0) {
options[i].allowedProducts = allowedProducts;
element.options[index] = new Option(this.getOptionLabel(options[i], options[i].price), options[i].id);
element.options[index].config = options[i];
var spConfig = new Product.ConfigDefaultText(<?php echo $this->getJsonConfig() ?>);
<?php endif;?>


Magento product page options selector - adding custom select text, while removing "Incl Tax"

So I'm trying to merge two solutions together to form one..
I've been using the code from this answer to remove the "(Incl. Tax)" from the product page option selector for configurable products, and it works well.
As shown in the linked answer, in app/design/frontend/rwd/myTheme/template/catalog/product/view/type/configurable.phtml i've changed the line
<script type="text/javascript">
var spConfig = new Product.Config(<?php echo $this->getJsonConfig(); ?>);
to the following:
<?php // get current drop down string
$currentstring = $this->getJsonConfig();
// create new string with true set to false using str_replace function (string replace)
$newstring = str_replace( '"showBothPrices":true,"','"showBothPrices":false,"', $currentstring );?>
<!-- render dropdown but with new var ($newstring) -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var spConfig = new Product.Config(<?php echo $newstring ?>);
This has the desired result of hiding the (Incl. tax) and makes me happy.
Later, I was asked if we could change the text in the select box from reading "Choose an option" to the name of the option or "Select (option name):"
I found the following answer which works perfectly - it replaces the complete contents of the same file with
$_product = $this->getProduct();
$_attributes = Mage::helper('core')->decorateArray($this->getAllowAttributes());?>
<?php if ($_product->isSaleable() && count($_attributes)):?>
<?php foreach($_attributes as $_attribute): ?>
<dt><label class="required"><em>*</em><?php echo $_attribute->getLabel() ?></label></dt>
<dd<?php if ($_attribute->decoratedIsLast){?> class="last"<?php }?>>
<div class="input-box">
<?php $chooseText = $this->__('Select %s', $_attribute->getLabel()); ?>
<select data-choose-text="<?php echo $chooseText; ?>" name="super_attribute[<?php echo $_attribute->getAttributeId() ?>]" id="attribute<?php echo $_attribute->getAttributeId() ?>" class="required-entry super-attribute-select">
<option><?php echo $chooseText; ?></option>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
Product.ConfigDefaultText = new Class.create(Product.Config, {
fillSelect: function($super, element) {
var chooseDefaultText = element.getAttribute('data-choose-text');
$(element).options[0] = new Option(chooseDefaultText, '');
var spConfig = new Product.ConfigDefaultText(<?php echo $this->getJsonConfig() ?>);
Now this works great, we can set the option labels to anything we like, but in the process our "(Incl. tax)" returned to ruin my day.
I'm looking for someone to show me how i can merge these two bits of code and make them play nicely together so I can have both custom product option text and prevent the "(Incl. tax)" string from appearing.
Any help most appreciated.
Found my own solution:
Firstly, scrap the code from the first answer, use the code from the second, and then change your varien/configurable.js (or for better better form, create an overridden version) as follows:
var str = option.label;
if (this.taxConfig.showBothPrices) {
//str+= ' ' + this.formatPrice(excl, true) + ' (' + this.formatPrice(price, true) + ' ' + this.taxConfig.inclTaxTitle + ')';
str+= ' ' + this.formatPrice(price, true);
} else {
str+= ' ' + this.formatPrice(price, true);
return str;

Display message is Not working for out of stock products

please visit link1 , you can see there is option to find shipping is available or not for particular zip code : image1
here shipping charges are working for instock products but not for out-of -stock products.
<?php if ($this->isFieldVisible('postcode')): ?>
<li class="item">
<label for="search"<?php if ($this->isFieldRequired('postcode')):?> class="required" <?php endif;?>>
<?php if ($this->isFieldRequired('postcode')):?>
<?php endif;?>
<?php echo Mage::helper('webdevlopers_productpageshipping')->__('') ?>
<div class="search">
<input placeholder="Enter your PIN Code"
class="input-text validate-postcode<?php if ($this->isFieldRequired('postcode')):?> required-entry<?php endif;?>"
type="text" id="estimate_postcode"
value="<?php echo $this->htmlEscape($this->getFieldValue('postcode')) ?>"
onkeydown="if (event.keyCode == 13) { return false;}" />
<?php endif; ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
var $ = jQuery.noConflict();
(function($) {
var items = $$(['.shipping-estimation-form input',
'.shipping-estimation-form select',
'#product_addtocart_form input',
'#product_addtocart_form select']);
var estimationUrl = '<?php echo $this->jsQuoteEscape($this->getEstimateUrl());?>';
var parameters = Form.serializeElements(items, true);
console.log("zipcode onkeypress worked");
if (!e) e = window.event;
var keyCode = e.keyCode || e.which;
if (keyCode == '13'){
//disable default enter action
console.log("Enter button was pressed");
new Ajax.Updater('shipping-estimate-results', estimationUrl, {
parameters: parameters,
onComplete: function() {
console.log("ajax updater worked");
}) ( jQuery );
function estimateProductShipping()
var estimationUrl = '<?php echo $this->jsQuoteEscape($this->getEstimateUrl());?>';
var items = $$(['.shipping-estimation-form input',
'.shipping-estimation-form select',
'#product_addtocart_form input',
'#product_addtocart_form select']);
var validationResult = true;
// Check the valid input
if (! {
var parameters = Form.serializeElements(items, true);
new Ajax.Updater('shipping-estimate-results', estimationUrl, {
parameters: parameters,
onComplete: function() {
console.log("ajax updater worked");
// $('#unique_id').hide();
complete code of the file :
<div class="block block-shipping-estimate block-shipping-results">
<div class="block-title">
<?php echo Mage::helper('webdevlopers_productpageshipping')->getShiptitle(); ?>
<div class="block-content">
<?php if ($this->getResult()):?>
<?php foreach ($this->getResult() as $code => $_rates): ?>
<dt><?php echo $this->getCarrierName($code) ?></dt>
<?php foreach ($_rates as $_rate): ?>
<li<?php if ($_rate->getErrorMessage()) echo ' class="error-msg"';?>>
<?php if ($_rate->getErrorMessage()): ?>
<?php echo $_rate->getErrorMessage() ?>
<?php else: ?>
// echo $_rate->getMethodTitle()
<?php $_excl = $this->getShippingPrice($_rate->getPrice(), $this->helper('tax')->displayShippingPriceIncludingTax()); ?>
<?php $_incl = $this->getShippingPrice($_rate->getPrice(), true); ?>
<!-- sat -->
<?php echo "Shipping is available";?>
<p class="vship1">
<?php echo "Selling Price + " . str_replace('.00','',$_excl) . " Delivery ";?>
<!-- sat -->
<?php if ($this->helper('tax')->displayShippingBothPrices() && $_incl != $_excl): ?>
(<?php echo Mage::helper('webdevlopers_productpageshipping')->__('Incl. Tax'); ?> <?php echo $_incl; ?>)
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php else: ?>
<?php //echo $this->getMessagesBlock()->toHtml(); ?>
<?php echo Mage::helper('webdevlopers_productpageshipping')->getResult(); ?>
<?php endif;?>
app/code/community/webdevolopers/productpageshiping/Block/estimate/ Result.php
class WebDevlopers_ProductPageShipping_Block_Estimate_Result extends WebDevlopers_ProductPageShipping_Block_Estimate_Abstract
public function getResult()
return $this->getEstimate()->getResult();
public function hasResult()
return $this->getResult() !== null;
public function getCarrierName($code)
$carrier = Mage::getSingleton('shipping/config')->getCarrierInstance($code);
if ($carrier) {
return $carrier->getConfigData('title');
return null;
public function getShippingPrice($price, $flag)
return $this->formatPrice(
public function formatPrice($price)
return $this->getEstimate()
->convertPrice($price, true);
changing the settings in System > Config > Inventory
Easiest way to do this is select all products you want to allow to be backordered, then select Update attributes from the actions drop down and click submit. then shipping problem will not be problem.

How can i get manufacturer image in manucarturer page in opencart2.0.2.0?

I am using opencart version and now i am trying to get image or image url in manufacturer page.
I have added the code in catalog/controller/product/manufacturer.php
$manufacturer_image = $this->model_catalog_manufacturer->getManufacturer($manufacturer_id);
$this->data['manufacturers_img'] = $this->model_tool_image->resize($manufacturer_image['image'], 120, 120);
$this->data['manufacturers_img'] = false;
and call it in catalog/view/theme/default/template/product/manufacturer_list.tpl
<div class="row">
<?php foreach ($manufacturers as $manufacturer) { ?>
<div class="col-sm-3"><?php echo $manufacturer['name']; ?>
<?php echo ($manufacturers_img) ? '<img src="'.$manufacturers_img.'" alt="'.$manufacturers.'" />' : $manufacturers ;?><br />
<?php } ?>
But it's getting error in my /index.php?route=product/manufacturer page
Notice: Undefined variable: manufacturers_img in
on line 32Array
lets be clear ControllerProductManufacturer index() shows list and info() shows detail of the mfg,
$data['categories'][$key]['manufacturer'][] = array(
$manufacturer_image = $this->model_catalog_manufacturer->getManufacturer($result['manufacturer_id']);
$mfg_img = $this->model_tool_image->resize($manufacturer_image['image'], 120, 120);
$mfg_img = false;
$data['categories'][$key]['manufacturer'][] = array(
And in catalog/view/theme/default/template/product/manufacturer_list.tpl:30
inside loop
<?php if($manufacturer['image']):?>
<img src="<?php echo $manufacturer['image']; ?>" alt="<?php echo $manufacturer['name'];?>">
<?php endif;?>

Create multiple row product slider

I'm using magento and I have a new product slider on my homepage that shows the new products but it is only one row big and I want to decide if it's 2 rows or more on my homepage but i don't know what i need to change in the .phtml file so it is 2 rows instead of one.
If you go to you can see what i mean underneath Nieuwe Artikelen that is the new product slider I'm talking about.
This is the code:
$_productCollection = $this->getProductCollection();
<?php if ($_productCollection && ($_collectionSize = $_productCollection->getSize())): ?>
$theme = $this->helper('fortis');
$helpLabels = $this->helper('fortis/labels');
$helpTemplate = $this->helper('fortis/template');
$helpImg = $this->helper('infortis/image');
$sliderClasses = '';
$gridClasses = '';
//Default image size
$imgWidth = 168;
$imgHeight = 168;
//Image aspect ratio
if ($theme->getCfg('category/aspect_ratio'))
$imgHeight = 0; //Height will be computed automatically (based on width) to keep the aspect ratio
//Basic slider block parameters
$isResponsive = $this->getIsResponsive(); //param: is_responsive
$breakpoints = $this->getBreakpoints(); //param: breakpoints
$showItems = $this->getShowItems(); //param: show_products
if (!$showItems)
$showItems = 5; //IMPORTANT: set default number of visible products
//Slider timeout (if set: automatic slideshow)
$timeout = $this->getTimeout(); //param: timeout
if ($timeout === NULL) //Param not set
$timeout = intval($theme->getCfg('product_slider/timeout'));
$timeout = intval($timeout);
//Slider initial delay
$initDelay = intval($this->getInitDelay()); //param: init_delay
//Number of items that should move on animation
$move = $this->getMove(); //param: move
if ($move === NULL) //Param not set
$move = intval($theme->getCfg('product_slider/move_items'));
$move = intval($move);
//Additional slider classes
$sliderClasses .= ' itemslider-responsive';
if ($_collectionSize == 1)
$sliderClasses .= ' single-item';
//Additional grid classes
//Size of grid elements
$size = $this->getSize(); //param: size
if ($size)
$gridClasses = ' ' . $size;
if ($showItems >= 8)
$gridClasses = ' size-xs';
elseif ($showItems >= 6)
$gridClasses = ' size-s';
//Align elements to the center
if ($this->getCentered()) //param: centered
$gridClasses .= ' centered';
//Set equal height for all items
if ($this->getEqualHeight()) //param: equal_height
$gridClasses .= ' equal-height';
<h3 class="section-title padding-right"><?php echo $this->getBlockName(); ?></h3>
<div class="itemslider-wrapper new-itemslider-wrapper">
<div class="nav-wrapper gen-slider-arrows1 gen-slider-arrows1-pos-top-right"></div>
<div class="itemslider itemslider-horizontal<?php if($sliderClasses) echo $sliderClasses; ?>">
<ul class="slides products-grid<?php if($gridClasses) echo $gridClasses; ?>">
<?php foreach ($_productCollection->getItems() as $_product): ?>
<li class="item">
<div class="product-image-wrapper" style="max-width:<?php echo $imgWidth; ?>px;">
<a href="<?php echo $_product->getProductUrl() ?>" title="<?php echo $this->stripTags($this->getImageLabel($_product, 'small_image'), null, true); ?>" class="product-image">
<img src="<?php echo $helpImg->getImg($_product, $imgWidth, $imgHeight, 'small_image'); ?>" alt="<?php echo $this->stripTags($this->getImageLabel($_product, 'small_image'), null, true); ?>" />
<?php if ($theme->getCfg('category/alt_image')): ?>
<?php echo $theme->getAltImgHtml($_product, $imgWidth, $imgHeight); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php echo $helpLabels->getLabels($_product); //Product labels ?>
<?php //Add-to links
if ($theme->getCfg('category_grid/display_addtolinks') != 0
&& $theme->getCfg('category_grid/addtolinks_simple'))
if ($theme->getCfg('category_grid/display_addtolinks') == 1) //Display on hover
echo $helpTemplate->getCategoryAddtoLinksComplex_2(
$_product, $this->getAddToCompareUrl($_product), 'addto-links-icons addto-onimage visible-onhover');
else //Always display
echo $helpTemplate->getCategoryAddtoLinksComplex_2(
$_product, $this->getAddToCompareUrl($_product), 'addto-links-icons addto-onimage');
</div> <!-- end: product-image-wrapper -->
<h3 class="product-name"><?php echo $this->escapeHtml($_product->getName()) ?></h3>
<?php echo $this->htmlEscape($_product->getSku()); ?>
<?php echo $this->getReviewsSummaryHtml($_product, 'short') ?>
<?php echo $this->getPriceHtml($_product, true, '-new') ?>
<div class="actions">
<?php if($_product->isSaleable()): ?>
<?php if ($this->getHideButton() == false): ?>
<button type="button" title="<?php echo $this->__('Add to Cart') ?>" class="button btn-cart" onclick="setLocation('<?php echo $this->getAddToCartUrl($_product) ?>')"><span><span><?php echo $this->__('Add to Cart') ?></span></span></button>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php else: ?>
<?php if ($this->getHideButton() == false): ?>
<p class="availability out-of-stock"><span><?php echo $this->__('Out of stock') ?></span></p>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php //Add-to links
if ($theme->getCfg('category_grid/display_addtolinks') != 0 && !$theme->getCfg('category_grid/addtolinks_simple'))
if ($theme->getCfg('category_grid/display_addtolinks') == 1) //Display on hover
echo $helpTemplate->getCategoryAddtoLinks($_product, $this->getAddToCompareUrl($_product), 'addto-gaps-right addto-texticons display-onhover');
else //Always display
echo $helpTemplate->getCategoryAddtoLinks($_product, $this->getAddToCompareUrl($_product), 'addto-gaps-right addto-texticons');
<?php endforeach; ?>
</ul> <!-- end: slides -->
</div> <!-- end: itemslider -->
</div> <!-- end: new-itemslider-wrapper -->
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(function($) {
$('.new-itemslider-wrapper .itemslider').flexslider({
namespace: "",
animation: "slide",
easing: "easeInQuart",
<?php if ($timeout): ?>
slideshowSpeed: <?php echo $timeout; ?>,
animationLoop: true,
<?php else: ?>
slideshow: false,
animationLoop: false,
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($initDelay): ?>
initDelay: <?php echo $initDelay; ?>,
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($speed = intval($theme->getCfg('product_slider/speed'))): ?>
animationSpeed: <?php echo $speed; ?>,
<?php endif; ?>
pauseOnHover: true,
controlNav: false,
controlsContainer: ".new-itemslider-wrapper .nav-wrapper",
itemWidth: 188,
<?php if ($showItems): ?>
minItems: <?php echo $showItems; ?>,
maxItems: <?php echo $showItems; ?>,
<?php endif; ?>
move: <?php echo $move; ?>
<?php if ($breakpoints): ?>
.data("breakpoints", [ <?php echo $breakpoints; ?> ] )
<?php elseif ($showItems): ?>
.data("showItems", <?php echo $showItems; ?> )
<?php endif; ?>
; //IMPORTANT: don't remove semicolon!
<?php endif; ?>
This seems like an incredibly convoluted implementation. I recommend that you seriously invest some time building your own slider rather than attempting to hack this to work the way you desire. Super cereal.

Display Dynamic SKU on configurable product view Magento

I have this script to show the dynamic sku on select option, but i cannot get working.
Is loading the correct sku, but on select nothing happen.
This code get list of sku on Javascript and update a div on select option for product on configurable product view.
$_product = $this->getProduct();
$_attributes = Mage::helper('core')->decorateArray($this->getAllowAttributes());
<?php if ($_product->isSaleable() && count($_attributes)):?>
<?php foreach($_attributes as $_attribute): ?>
<dt><label class="required"><em>*</em><?php echo $_attribute->getLabel() ?></label></dt>
<dd<?php if ($_attribute->decoratedIsLast){?> class="last"<?php }?>>
<div class="input-box">
<select name="super_attribute[<?php echo $_attribute->getAttributeId() ?>]" id="attribute<?php echo $_attribute->getAttributeId() ?>" class="required-entry super-attribute-select" onchange="return changeSku(this);">
<option><?php echo $this->__('Choose an Option...') ?></option>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
var spConfig = new Product.Config(<?php echo $this->getJsonConfig() ?>);
<?php endif;?>
$conf = Mage::getModel('catalog/product_type_configurable')->setProduct($_product);
$col = $conf->getUsedProductCollection()->addAttributeToSelect('*')->addFilterByRequiredOptions();
echo '<script type="text/javascript">';
echo '
document.observe("dom:loaded", function() {
$("sku-container").update("<strong>Product Id: </strong> Select an option to display Product Id");
echo ' function changeSku(sel){';
$itemId = array();
foreach($col as $simple_product){
$itemId[] = array($simple_product->getSelectLabel() => $simple_product->getSku());
//echo "<pre>";
//echo "</pre>";
foreach($itemId as $val){
foreach($val as $k => $v){
echo "\n".'if(sel.options[sel.selectedIndex].value == "'.$k.'"){'."\n";
echo '$("sku-container").update("<strong>Product Id: </strong>'.$v.'");'. "\n";
echo '}';
echo "\n".'if(sel.options[sel.selectedIndex].value == ""){'."\n";
echo '$("sku-container").update("<strong>Product Id: </strong> Select an option to display Product Id");'. "\n";
echo '}';
echo "}";
echo "\n</script>";
I appreciate any help.
The script is almost correct except for $simple_product->getSelectLabel() being a wrong key. No such method/property exists in a simple product model. In order to make the script work, this key should be replaced with a right one - a Product Id. Utilizing product id, it is possible to find the sku of the product being selected.
So, first of all you need to reorganize itemId array to make it a "productId => productSku" map:
$productMap = array();
foreach($col as $simpleProduct){
$productMap[$simpleProduct->getId()] = $simpleProduct->getSku();
Then you need to change the "onchange" function call to pass Configurable's attribute id to the changeSku() function. Thus the underlying logic is able to search appropriate simple product's attributes.
onchange="return changeSku(<?php echo $_attribute->getAttributeId() ?>, this);">
And after that you need utilize configurable's config in order to map selected simple product's attribute id to the product id selected:
function changeSku(confAttributeId, sel) {
var productMap = <?php echo Mage::helper('core')->jsonEncode($productMap);?>;
var selectedAttributeId = sel.options[sel.selectedIndex].value;
if (selectedAttributeId) {
var options = spConfig.config.attributes[confAttributeId].options;
var productId = options.find(function (option) {return == selectedAttributeId}).products[0]
$("sku-container").update("<strong>Product Id: </strong>" + productMap[productId]);
} else {
$("sku-container").update("<strong>Product Id: </strong> Select an option to display Product Id");
For your reference, below is the summary of how the whole template looks like (I've beautified it a little):
$_product = $this->getProduct();
$_attributes = Mage::helper('core')->decorateArray($this->getAllowAttributes());
<?php if ($_product->isSaleable() && count($_attributes)):?>
<?php foreach($_attributes as $_attribute): ?>
<dt><label class="required"><em>*</em><?php echo $_attribute->getLabel() ?></label></dt>
<dd<?php if ($_attribute->decoratedIsLast){?> class="last"<?php }?>>
<div class="input-box">
<select name="super_attribute[<?php echo $_attribute->getAttributeId() ?>]" id="attribute<?php echo $_attribute->getAttributeId() ?>" class="required-entry super-attribute-select"
onchange="return changeSku(<?php echo $_attribute->getAttributeId() ?>, this);">
<option><?php echo $this->__('Choose an Option...') ?></option>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
var spConfig = new Product.Config(<?php echo $this->getJsonConfig() ?>);
<?php endif;?>
<div id="sku-container"></div>
$conf = Mage::getModel('catalog/product_type_configurable')->setProduct($_product);
$col = $conf->getUsedProductCollection()->addAttributeToSelect('*')->addFilterByRequiredOptions();
$productMap = array();
foreach($col as $simpleProduct){
$productMap[$simpleProduct->getId()] = $simpleProduct->getSku();
<script type="text/javascript">
document.observe("dom:loaded", function() {
$("sku-container").update("<strong>Product Id: </strong> Select an option to display Product Id");
function changeSku(confAttributeId, sel) {
var productMap = <?php echo Mage::helper('core')->jsonEncode($productMap);?>;
var selectedAttributeId = sel.options[sel.selectedIndex].value;
if (selectedAttributeId) {
var options = spConfig.config.attributes[confAttributeId].options;
var productId = options.find(function (option) {return == selectedAttributeId}).products[0]
$("sku-container").update("<strong>Product Id: </strong>" + productMap[productId]);
} else {
$("sku-container").update("<strong>Product Id: </strong> Select an option to display Product Id");
This will do the task you originally needed.
Also note the following
Your approach won't work for a configurable product with two or more configurable attributes. For that product a final simple product is not known until a user selects values for all the select inputs. So an approach should be changed to check all the selects before outputting SKU.
The code doesn't consider a case, when user edits product configuration, rather than specifying configuration for a new product. You can go to editing mode from the Shopping Cart clicking the Edit link. In such a case all the select inputs will be pre-filled with previously chosen values. But the text will say "Select an option to display Product Id". The script might also produce other Javascript errors in Edit mode. The code should be slightly modified in order to support Edit mode as well.
The template is overfilled with logic. A Magento template should have only simple prints and foreach-iterations. All the methods like $conf->getUsedProductCollection()->addAttributeToSelect('*')->addFilterByRequiredOptions() are better to be moved to block. This reduces code complexity.
Hope it helps.
