issues with backbone.js DELETE request and codeigniter restserver (phils) - codeigniter

I'm sure this is something I'm doing wrong, but I can't seem to figure it out. I'm using backbone.js to talk to my rest server (Philip Sturgeon's codeigniter restserver). I am running a normal model.destroy() on one of my backbone collections model.
//a basic example;
This creates a proper call to a url like:
When I get inside my "tag_delete" php function, and do:
This always returns nothing. I assume this has something to do with the way backbone.js sends it's requests, but nothing is jumping out at me. Details below.
Backbone is issuing a "DELETE" request.
Relevant code from my REST_Controller method:
function tag_delete () {
//delete the tag
$id = $this->delete('id'); //always empty
$result = $this->tag_model->delete($id);
if (! $result) {
$this->response(array('status' => 'failed'), 400);
$this->response(array('status' => 'success'), 200);
Any ideas? Any backbone.js experts run into this when using codeigniter and Philip Sturgeon's restserver?

This should be a cheap quick way to fix your delete request...
function tag_delete () {
$id = $this->uri->segment(4);
$result = $this->tag_model->delete($id);
if (! $result) {
$this->response(array('status' => 'failed'), 400);
$this->response(array('status' => 'success'), 200);
However, this is how I am structuring my requests using a combo of backbone and REST_Controller...
(get rid of the /tag/id/ segment of the url... it's implied that you are deleting a 'tag' row from the 'tags' collection by id, appending /tag/id is unnecessary)
function tag_delete ($id) {
$result = $this->tag_model->delete($id);
if (! $result) {
$this->response(array('status' => 'failed'), 400);
$this->response(array('status' => 'success'), 200);
for the collection:
url : '/tags'
Then add something like this to your routes:
$route['tags/(:num)'] = 'tags/tag/$1';
which will set up the structure necessary for the restserver controller... it is just much more manageable that way if you are doing a lot of Backbone work.

As per tgriesser's suggestion, the best way to do this is to use the url property on the collection. I have used the following before and it works like charm (the following controller implemented using silex framework + paris library for data access):
// DELETE /{resource}/{id} Destroy
$app->delete('/api/todos/{id}', function ($id) use ($app) {
$todo = $app['paris']->getModel('Todo')->find_one($id);
return new Response('Todo deleted', 200);
In your backbone collection, add the following:
window.TodoList = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Todo,
url: "api/todos",
Recently, I have written a tutorial on how to do GET/POST/PUT/DELETE with Backbone.js and PHP, might be helpful.


Laravel: Cache with pagination clear issue

I have laravel (7.x) application. I recently added the cache functionality for the performance boost. After implementing the cache functionality, I was having trouble with the pagination while loading the data in grid format, so I googled for the solution and found this Pagination with cache in Laravel.
Although, it did solve my problem. But, the case is that I have about 100 pages and due to the solution I found, each page has it's own cache. Now, if I create or update any record then it doesn't reflect in the grid because the data is loaded from the cache.
$arraySearch = request()->all();
# calculating selected tab
$cache = (!empty(request()->inactive)) ? 'inactive' : 'active';
$cacheKey = strtoupper("{$this->controller}-index-{$cache}-{$arraySearch['page']}");
# caching the fetch data
$arrayModels = cache()->remember($cacheKey, 1440, function() use ($arraySearch) {
# models
$Post = new Post();
# returning
return [
'active' => $Post->_index(1, 'active', $arraySearch),
'inactive' => $Post->_index(0, 'inactive', $arraySearch),
public function _index($status = 1, $page = null, $arraySearch = null)
$Self = self::where('status', $status)
->orderBy('status', 'ASC')
->orderBy('title', 'ASC')
return $Self;
How do I clear all this cache to show the newly created or updated record to with the updated values.?
1. Store All pages under the same tag:
As seen on the documentation:
You can use tags to group cached items.
$cacheTag = strtoupper("{$this->controller}-index-{$cache}");
$arrayModels = cache()->tags([$cacheTag])->remember($cacheKey, 1440, function() use ($arraySearch) {
2. Set an event listener on Post to clear the tag
You can run an Event listener on your Post update() or create() events.
You can then clear the tag cache using
I know this isn't the proper solution. But, until I find the proper way to do it, this is the option I am kind of stuck with.
public function index()
$arraySearch = request()->all();
# calculating selected tab
$cache = (!empty(request()->inactive)) ? 'inactive' : 'active';
$cacheKey = strtoupper("{$this->controller}-index-{$cache}-{$arraySearch['page']}");
# caching the fetch data
$arrayModels = cache()->remember($cacheKey, 1440, function() use ($arraySearch) {
# models
$Post = new Post();
# returning
return [
'active' => $Post->_index(1, 'active', $arraySearch),
'inactive' => $Post->_index(0, 'inactive', $arraySearch),
public function store()
I'll post the proper solution when I find one. Till then I am using this one.
There is a method in Laravel Model class called booted (not boot, which is having a different purpose). This method runs every time something is "saved" (including "updated") or "deleted".
I have used this as following (in a Model; or a Trait, included in a Model):
protected static function booted(): void
$item = resolve(self::class);
static::saved(function () use ($item) {
static::deleted(function () use ($item) {
"updateCaches" is a method in the Trait (or in the Model), that can have the code to update the cache.

Laravel Ajax controller with single route

Just wondering if this is a good way to write ajax code to interact with Laravel routes?
Example my application's require to list all customer data and also list all country through ajax. I have 3 controller ApiController, CustomerController, CountryController.
So in my routes.php I have this routes
Route::get('api/v1/ajax/json/{class}/{function}', 'Api\v1\ApiController#ajaxreturnjson');
In the ApiController.php, I have below function to call other controller function to return the data I need.
class ApiController extends Controller
public function ajaxreturnjson(Request $request, $controller, $function){
$input = $request->input();
if($request->input('namespace') != ''){
$namespace = $request->input('namespace');
$namespace = 'App\Http\Controllers';
$data = array();
try {
$app = app();
$controller = $app->make($namespace.'\\'.$controller);
$data = $controller->callAction($function, array($request)+$input);
} catch(\ReflectionException $e){
$data['error'] = $e->getMessage();
return response()->json($data);
So example to use the ajax, I just need to pass the class name, namespace and also the function name to the ajax url.
Example to retrieve all customer info.
So in this way, I don't have to create so many routes for different ajax request.
But I am not sure if this will cause any security issue or is this a bad design?
Personally, I would not do it this way. Sure, you could do it this way, but it's not very semantic and debugging it could be a pain.
Also, if someone else begins working on the project, when they look at your routes file, they won't have any idea how your app is structured or where to go to find things.
I think it's better to have a controller for each Thing.

Javascript file not being able to make an Ajax call to laravel

Hi I was hoping someone can help me. my root folder for my app is is my public folder. So all my views are being rendered like so from my routes and controllers. It all workrs fine.
Route::post('/welcome1a', [
'as' => 'register',
Route::post('/welcome1', [
'as' => 'register1',
public function postRegister1(Request $request){
$data1 = $request->all();
$data = JSON.parse($data1);
return response()->json(['result' => 'data1']);
The issue I'm facing is I will be working on phone gap so my views need to be in html. My HTML files are stored in my public folder (ie so a view will be like
I am trying to send data from in my view like so to the url that is recognised by my laravel application;
url: url,
type: 'POST',
data: details,
dataType: "json",
success: function(result) {
but it seems that the js file and the url are not communicating to each other. Is my file structure wrong? when I use blade view to do an Ajax call its fine but with my html files calling the url via ajax, it doesnt work. Even when I try to get my old laravel views via;
$.get(""); it doesnt work.
I have triend making the ajax call to the following urls;
and /welcome1.
There are no errors, but just not communication to each other.
If anyone can help you will be a LIFE SAVER
public function postRegister1(Request $request){
$data1 = $request->all();
$data = json_decode($data1);
return response()->json(['result' => 'data1']);
JSON.parse is javaScript not PHP.
json_decode() is what you use in PHP.
But you shouldn't have to json_decode it either, $request->all() returns an array of the posted values.
I would say, remove the whole json stuff and then see if your ajax call is getting back the return value.
public function postRegister1(Request $request){
return response()->json(['result' => 'testing...']);
Then go from there...
You are calling a JS function JSON.parse in PHP.
So instead do
public function postRegister1(Request $request){
return response()->json([ 'result' => $request->all() ]);
Or if you simply return just an array, laravel will automatically cast it into JSON for you
public function postRegister1(Request $request){
return [ 'result' => $request->all() ];
You should try removing the <base> tag on your <head>

Laravel 4 : Route to localhost/controller/action

I'm more or less new to Laravel 4. I've never used routes before but normally what I'm used to is url/controller/action and then the backend routing for me. I've read the documentation for routes and controllers a few times as well as read through some tutorials and so, I'm trying to figure out how to get this to work without writing a route for every controller and action.
I tried something like
Route::get('{controller}/{action}', function($controller, $action = 'index'){
return $controller."#".$action;
Now then, I know this is wrong since it doesn't work, but what am I missing? On most tutorials and stuff I'm seeing an route for more or less every controller and action like:
Route::get('/controller/action' , 'ControllerName#Action');
Which seems silly and like a waste of time to me.
Is there anyway to achieve what I want?
If you are looking for a more automated routing, this would be the Laravel 4 way:
Route::controller('users', 'UsersController');
Controller (in this case UsersController.php):
public function getIndex()
// routed from GET request to /users
public function getProfile()
// routed from GET request to /users/profile
public function postProfile()
// routed from POST request to /users/profile
public function getPosts($id)
// routed from GET request to: /users/posts/42
As The Shift Exchange mentioned, there are some benefits to doing it the verbose way. In addition to the excellent article he linked, you can create a name for each route, for example:
Route::get("users", array(
Then when creating urls in your application, use a helper to generate a link to a named route:
$url = URL::route('dashboard');
Links are then future proofed from changes to controllers/actions.
You can also generate links directly to actions which would still work with automatic routing.
$url = URL::action('UsersController#getIndex');
Route::get('/admin/{controller?}/{action?}', function($controller='Index', $action='index'){
$controller = ucfirst($controller);
$action = $action . 'Action';
return App::make("Admin\\{$controller}Controller")->$action();
Route::get('/{controller?}/{action?}', function($controller='Index', $action='index'){
$controller = ucfirst($controller);
$action = $action . 'Action';
return App::make("{$controller}Controller")->$action();
I come from .Net world and routing is typically done:
Which looks like:
/Products/Show/1 OR /Products/Show/Beverages
In Laravel I accomplish this routing like so:
Route::get('/{controller?}/{action?}/{id?}', function ($controller='Home', $action='index', $id = null) {
$controller = ucfirst($controller);
return APP::make("{$controller}Controller")->$action($id);
The controller would look roughly like so:
class ProductsController extends BaseController {
public function Show($id) {
$products = array( 1 => array("Price" => "$600","Item" => "iPhone 6"),
2 => array("Price" => "$700", "Item" => "iPhone 6 Plus") );
if ($id == null) {
echo $products[1]["Item"];
} else {
echo $products[$id]["Item"];

Backbone.js Collections not applying Models (using Code Igniter)

I'm attempting to develop a site using CodeIgniter and Backbone.js, but I'm running into an issue when attempting to set Models to a Collection I have called fetch() on. I am using the REST API by Phil Sturgeon, and am receiving a JSON response when using fetch() on the Collection, but no children Models are added to it.
Here's the javascript I'm using:
$(document).ready(function() {
window.Person = Backbone.Model.extend({});
window.People = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Person,
url: "/api/content/users/format/json"
And my CI Controller:
require APPPATH.'/libraries/REST_Controller.php';
class Content extends REST_Controller {
function users_get() {
$users = array(
array('id' => 1, 'name' => 'Some Guy', 'email' => ''),
array('id' => 2, 'name' => 'Person Face', 'email' => '')
if($users) {
$this->response($users, 200); // 200 being the HTTP response code
} else {
$this->response(array('error' => 'Couldn\'t find any users!'), 404);
And when attempting to fetch() the Models for the Collection via the console like:
peoples = new People();
It gets the JSON response, but still says 'There are no child objects' (see image):
Any idea what is going wrong? Totally stumped!
It's normal that people.models is empty directly after the fetch() call, you need to wait the end of the ajax request.
Indeed, fetch() is asynchronous and the Backbone JS documention says :
[...] The options hash takes success and error callbacks which will be passed (collection, response) as arguments.
You need to use :
peoples = new People();
success: function (collection, response) {
// The collection is filled
console.log('Models : ', peoples.models);
