Writing an IDE, use GCC to compile - macos

I want to write an own c/c++ IDE with syntax-check etc. And of course I need a compiler-functionality. For this I want to use gcc, I think it is a good option, isn't it? The IDE should not call a gcc-binary to compile, it should include the gcc source code, because after compiling the IDE I want a stay alone executable.
So my question: Is there sth like a tutorial or a good hint how to realize this?
btw it's for Mac, I'll write the IDE with XCode
Thank you!

Use LLVM's Clang and its libClang API, it's built for this purpose. GCC is not made to be used as a library.

You might develop a plugin for GCC, or a GCC MELT extension. But it could be that on MacOSX GCC plugins are not supported yet. You might also look into GCCSense which might fill some of your goals (but I never used it).


Can I use GCC compiler AND Clangd Language Server?

I am working on a project that uses a GCC library (SFML), which is not available for clang, as far as I know. I am using COC with vim for code completions, but for C++ it needs clangd. Is there a way to use GCC as my compiler, but still use the clangd language server?
I have also heard that there may be a way to make clang recognize GCC libraries/headers, but I've never been able to make it work right. If somebody could point me in the right direction there that would be helpfull too. But I'm used to GCC (I've been using it since I started programming C++), so being able to use clangd and GCC would be preferable.
Yes it is. I do it with ccls (which is clang based as well).
Given my installation of clang is not the standard one (I compile it, tune it to use libc++ by default, and I install it somewhere in my personal space) I have to inject paths to header files known by clang but unknown by other clang based tools.
I obtain them with
clang++ -E -xc++ - -Wp,-v < /dev/null
Regarding the other options related to the current project, I make sure to have a compile_commands.json compilation database (generated by CMake, or bear if I have no other choice), and ccls can work from there. I expect clangd to be quite similar in these aspects.
Ops, answered the wrong question.
But for those who use ccls:
create a .ccls file in your project directory and append --gcc-toolchain=/usr to it.
use this tool to generate a compile_commands.json file
see https://github.com/MaskRay/ccls/wiki/FAQ#compiling-with-gcc

How to create visual studio projects that use LLVM

I'm trying to use LLVM to implement a compiler for a toy language. Something like the Kaleidoscope Tutorial. I'm using Visual Studio on 64 bit Windows.
I've managed to build LLVM and clang using VS, but now I want to use the LLVM libraries in my own project. It seems like a silly question but how to I do this? What compiler options do I need? What libraries should I link with etc. etc.
As far as I can see this isn't covered anywhere in the LLVM documentation although I could have easily missed it.
I discovered llvm-config which is designed to solve the problems I'm having. It often seems to give incorrect information (for instance llvm-config --includedir is wrong) but it at least gives me a list of libraries to link with.
I suppose I could also use CMake to generate project files, but CMake seems to be difficult to learn from free resources.

How can I separately build and develop libgomp (openMP runtime)?

I am trying to make changes to the openMP runtime library (GOMP). As far as I know, the library comes with GCC compiler but my goal is to work on GOMP alone. So I wonder how I can build and develop GOMP separately from GCC. Any help would be highly appreciated. Thank you!
Building libgomp separately of GCC is not supported upstream. It can be done (you'd need to figure out some "lengthy" configure command lines, and so on), so you're mostly on your own if attempting that. But: why wouldn't you just build libgomp in its standard GCC build environment?

How does an ide compile code?

Thinking about NetBeans or Eclipse I was wondering how an IDE compiles code when you click run. Does it open a command line in the background to compile it? How exactly does it work?
Each IDE will have it's own approach for how they actually achieve compilation. Usually they will have their own compilers or wrappers around existing compilers to which they delegate actual compilation.
Eclipse comes with a built in compiler of its own:
How does Eclipse compile classes with only a JRE?
I don't actually personally know much about how other ones achieve the compilation in any detail; somebody else may provide a better answer in that regard.
IDEs use compilers. That's actually the difference between them.
For instance, Code::Blocks uses MinGW Compiler which is a port of the GCC set of compilers.
Every compiler has its own method, some use their own wrappers and ports for known compilers. (See Codeblocks)
I also noticed that some basic IDEs out there, just run the simple command line using gcc, clang, etc and let you pass parameters from an option window.

How to integrate a custom clang into Xcode 5?

What is the best way to integrate a custom clang toolchain
into Xcode5?
I tried to replace the standard clang with mine and got many errors about missing header files.
You can't. Apple patches Clang before it ships it with XCode, to accept certain options that the IDE uses when calling Clang.
You can always use a non-XCode project build system and build outside the IDE. Or use a different IDE.
If you still want to try, it sounds like you didn't configure Clang correctly to find all your system's header files. You need to configure Clang to use the ones you want using
or something like this. Inspect LLVM's configure --help output on the real options and what they should be, I can't seem to find any decent documentation currently.
