FreeNX(nomachine) unable to connect after cloning of a working ubuntu EC2 instance - amazon-ec2

I have previously setup a EC2 instance on Ubuntu 10.04 and setup the necessary binaries to allow ssh and more importantly FreeNX(no machine) to work on my MacOS-10.6 machine.
As this was done on a micro instance, i was keen to try it on small instance today so i created a AMI image from the aws management console(browser) and launch a new small instance using the image with the exact same keypair and security setting.
Expecting the instance to work exactly the same(except much faster) i tried to connect to it using SSH and FreeNX again.
SSH is working fine and my env look exactly the same.
NX is unable to connect.
it complain username/password is incorrect.
I wonder why this is happen since i did an exact clone of the EC2 instance and i can connect fine using NX with the previous instance?

I had the same issue, and after a lot of searching fixed it. It seems freenx lost the usernames and passwords. I fixed it by doing the following:
log in with putty as ubuntu user then
cd /etc/nxserver
sudo vim node.conf
set ENABLE_PASSDB_AUTHENTICATION="1" and save the file
sudo nxserver --adduser xxxxxx
sudo nxserver --passwd yyyyyy
sudo nxserver --restart
after that I was able to log in using nomachine with the username and password I just set.


Can I develop with VS Code in containers on a remote host running Windows/WSL2?

Original Post
I have a Windows workstation with WSL2 and Docker installed that I am able to use for container based development in VS Code. I would like to be able to develop inside the containers on this system remotely. I am able to SSH directly into the WSL2 environment on the workstation and am able to start the docker daemon without logging directly into Windows by creating a Task to start the daemon automatically as described here:
However when I try to access Docker on the remote machine by following this guide:, I get the following error:
error during connect: Get http://docker/v1.24/version: net/http: HTTP/1.x transport connection broken: malformed HTTP status code "\x00c\x00o\x00m\x00m\x00a\x00n\x00d\x00"
I have also tried connecting via a SSH tunnel as outlined here: and am unable to connect to Docker as well.
Has anyone had success with a setup like this? Or is this not supported due to limitations with Docker on Windows, WSL2, and/or Windows OpenSSH implementation?
Update: 2021-01-21
When I SSH into the Windows machine remotely, I am able to see the docker containers in the VS Code extension. I am able to start them, stop them, and enter into them with the shell. However, when I try to attach VS Code I get same error shown above.
Things that may have possibly affected this over the past couple days:
Adding SSH keys on my local machine to the ssh-agent via ssh-add /my/key
Exposing Docker daemon on tcp://localhost:2375 without TLS on the remote Windows machine
Also I want to note that the I've tried using Windows, Mac, and Linux as the local machine. With Mac and Linux I am able to open a remote session into the Windows machine, but from the Windows local machine I am able to SSH into the remote Windows machine but cannot open a remote connection in VS Code for some reason.
Ok, I was able to get this working using the port/socket forwarding technique. For sake of clarity, I'll use:
local development workstation, local workstation, or just workstation to indicate the computer from which we wish to use VSCode to access Docker containers on ...
the remote Docker host, remote, or just Docker host
Sanity check -- Do you have Docker Desktop installed on both systems? On the local development workstation, you can skip the WSL2 integration, but you'll at least need the client tools, since the VSCode extension uses them.
Steps I took:
I already had Docker with WSL2 integration set up on my main system (which for the purposes of this exercise, became my remote Docker host), along with VSCode, so I knew everything was working there. It sounds like that was your starting point as well.
On another system on the same network (accessed with RDP to make it simple), I already had VSCode installed as well, with the Remote Development Extension Pack. I also have WSL on that system, but only a v1 instance there. Not that WSL on the workstation should be a factor at all for the purposes of this exercise.
I installed Docker Desktop for Windows on that local development workstation.
I also installed the Docker extension for VSCode, since I didn't yet have it on the local development workstation.
On the workstation, I was not yet set up to SSH from PowerShell into my WSL Ubuntu distro on the remote. From PowerShell on the workstation, I generated an ECDSA key (per this and other documents) and added the public key to my authorized_keys on the the remote.
On the workstation, I started the OpenSSH Authentication Service and added the newly created key to the agent (in PowerShell) with ssh-agent add ~\.ssh\id_ecdsa.
I logged out of the workstation and back in so that the path changes were picked up for the Docker desktop install.
I was then able to ssh from Powershell on the local to Ubuntu/WSL on the remote with the port forwarding. Since I'm using the Windows 10 OpenSSH server as a jumphost to my WSL SSH servers, my command looked slightly different (with a -o "ProxyCommand ... mainly), but overall the structure is the same as the one listed in the "SSH Tunnel" doc you linked in your question.
On the remote (manually, not through any integration from the local), I did a basic docker run -it --rm Ubuntu and left it open.
On the local, from PowerShell, I set the DOCKER_HOST environment variable via [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("DOCKER_HOST","tcp://localhost:23750").
I was then able to see the remote container using docker ps on the local. I could also docker exec -it containername bash into it remotely.
Of course, the above two steps aren't needed in the long term for VSCode, they were just part of my process to make sure everything was up and running (since, as you might expect, I did have several points at which I failed during this process).
So with that working, it was a simple matter in VSCode to change the Docker extension's DOCKER_HOST setting to tcp://localhost:23750. And voila, I could see all images on the remote as well as attach to them from VSCode.
Other thing(s) to check
I'll add to this list if we find additional reasons why it might not be working, but for now:
You mention that you are starting the Docker Desktop daemon automatically at startup via Task Manager, but you don't mention anything about the WSL2 instance. However, since you are able to ssh into it, I assume you have a way to bring it up as well? My experience has been that, unless the owning user is logged in, WSL terminates any instances after a few seconds, even if a service is running. There's a workaround, I believe, that I can dust off if this is a problem.

Unable to create new docker instances with docker-machine

I am using AWS with docker-machine to create and provision my instances. I would use this command to create a new instance:
docker-machine create --driver amazonec2 --amazonec2-instance-type "t2.micro" --amazonec2-security-group zhxw-production-sg zhxw-production-3
About a month ago, that worked fine. I just went to create a fresh machine, and I can no longer connect to it. When I run the above command, it gets stuck on "waiting for SSH to be available..."
Running pre-create checks...
Creating machine...
(zhxw-production-3) Launching instance...
Waiting for machine to be running, this may take a few minutes...
Detecting operating system of created instance...
Waiting for SSH to be available...
It just hangs at that point. If I cancel the command, and check the AWS EC2 console, it suggests that it's running:
When I run docker-machine ls, it also suggests that it's running, but with errors:
$-> docker-machine ls
zhxw-production-2 - amazonec2 Running tcp:// v19.03.12
zhxw-production-3 - amazonec2 Running tcp:// Unknown Unable to query docker version: Cannot connect to the docker engine endpoint
I'm able to connect to the zhxw-production-2 machine (which has been running for a month). Just not the new one zhxw-production-3 one I just launched.
$-> docker-machine env zhxw-production-3
Error checking TLS connection: Error checking and/or regenerating the certs: There was an error validating certificates for host "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
You can attempt to regenerate them using 'docker-machine regenerate-certs [name]'.
Be advised that this will trigger a Docker daemon restart which might stop running containers.
The regenerate-certs command doesn't help either. I'm not really sure where to start debugging, because as far as I can tell, the docker-machine create command is the very beginning.
Turned out to be a problem with SSH to my AWS environment. I had my public IP address whitelisted, but it had changed.
I came across a problem like this and I found out that the AWS EC2 AMI did not have SSH installed, so I had to use different AMI, eg. Ubuntu.
I went through the same problem recently and found that the cause was the public ip change when I enabled elastic ip on the machine. I don't know if this is your case. Maybe my solution will help you or help others. He follows:
usually the file path is: /User/<name_your_user>/.docker/machine/<name_machine_ploblem>
edit parameter value: "IPAdress"
After making the change, run the command: docker-machine regenerate-certs <name_instance_ec2>
With these procedures, my problem was solved. I hope it helps! hug to everyone.

Vagrant box setup

I am trying to setup Hyperledger fabric on my Windows 7 machine. I installed all the prerequisite for environment setup like: Go, Oracle VM, Vagrant.
I cloned the fabric folder from hyperledger site. While trying to run vagrant up, it throws me error like:
connection aborted ,Retrying ....
It took SSH user name as: ubuntu and SSH password: password
I followed the steps from link1 and link2 for my setup.
Can any one suggest me how to solve this problem?
It would be great help for me if anyone share some solutions.
Please find the error screenshot for your reference.
Have you tried the docker setup? Seems to be the recommenced development environment.
To answer your question, Vagrant wants to use SSH keys for password-less access by default. Your Vagrantfile should point to SSH keys to use. Since you're on Windows you may need to generate these keys.

Installing Arango Cluster on Gcloud

I am trying to install an ArangoDB cluster on google cloud. I run the install script. At every try I run up against and issue with an SSH onto the server. In the script there is an SSH user "core" and the script is looking for a password for this user to do SSH onto the server to set it up. I have no idea what that could be and have searched everywhere.
I am running the script from my local machine using gcloud SDK.
Any thoughts welcome!

How to enable Docker API access from Windows running Docker Toolbox (docker machine)

I am running the latest Docker Toolbox, using latest Oracle VirtualBox, with Windows 7 as a host OS.
I am trying to enable non-TLS access to Docker remote API, so I could use Postman REST client running on Windows and hit docker API running on docker-machine in the VirtualBox. I found that if Docker configuration included -H tcp://, that would do the trick exposing the API on port 2375 of the docker machine, but for the life of me I can't find where this configuration is stored and can be changed.
I did docker-machine ssh from the Toolbox CLI, and then went and pocked around the /etc/init.d/docker file, but no changes to the file survive docker-machine restart.
I was able to find answer to this question for Ubuntu and OSX, but not for Windows.
#CarlosRafaelRamirez mentioned the right place, but I will add a few details and provide more detailed, step-by-step instructions, because Windows devs are often not fluent in Linux ecosystem.
Disclaimer: following steps make it possible to hit Docker Remote API from Windows host, but please keep in mind two things:
This should not be done in production as it makes Docker machine very not secure.
Current solution disables most of the docker-machine and all docker CLI functionality. docker-machine ssh remains operational, forcing one to SSH into docker machine to access docker commands.
Now, here are the steps necessary to switch Docker API to non-TLS port. (Docker machine name is assumed to be "default". If your machine name has a different name, you will need to specify it in the commands below.)
Start "Docker Quickstart Terminal". It starts Bash shell and is the place where all following commands will be run. Run docker-machine ip command and note the IP address of the docker host machine. Then do
docker-machine ssh
cd /var/lib/boot2docker
sudo vi profile This starts "vi" editor in elevated privileges mode required for editing "profile" file, where Docker host settings are. (If as a Windows user you are not familiar with vi, here's is super-basic crash course on it. When file is open in the vi, vi is not in editing mode. Press "i" to start edit mode. Now you can make changes. After you made all the changes, hit Esc and then ZZ to save changes and exit vi. If you need to exit vi without saving changes, after Esc please type :q! and hit Enter. ":" turns on vi's command mode, and "q!" command means exit without saving. Detailed vi command info is here.)
Using vi, change DOCKER_HOST to be DOCKER_HOST='-H tcp://', and set DOCKER_TLS=no. Save changes as described above.
exit to leave SSH session.
docker-machine restart
After doocker machine has restarted, your sould be able to hit docker API URL, like http://dokerMachineIp:2375/containers/json?all=1, and get valid JSON back.
This is the end of steps required to achieve the main goal.
However, if at this point you try to run docker-machine config or docker images, you will see an error message indicating that docker CLI client is trying to get to the Docker through the old port/TLS settings, which is understandable. What was not expected to me though, is that even after I followed all the Getting Started directions, and ran export DOCKER_HOST=tcp:// and export DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY=0, resulting in
$ env | grep DOCKER
DOCKER_TOOLBOX_INSTALL_PATH=C:\Program Files\Docker Toolbox
the result was the same:
$ docker-machine env
Error checking TLS connection: Error checking and/or regenerating the certs: There was an error validating certificates for host
If you see a problem with how I changed environment variables to point Docker CLI to the new Docker host address, please comment.
To work around this problem, use docker-machine ssh command and run your docker commands after that.
I encountered the same problem and thanks to #VladH made it working not changing any internal Docker profile properties. All you have to do is correctly define Windows local env variables (or configure maven plugin properties, if you use io.fabric8 docker-maven-plugin).
Note that 2375 port is used for non-TLS connections, and 2376 only for TLS connections.
DOCKER_TOOLBOX_INSTALL_PATH=C:\Program Files\Docker Toolbox
