Generate a random number in C - random

I am trying to generate a random number, but it should not be a particular number. So i am passing the number which should not be the random number and the range in which it has to be generated to the function, and i am reinvoking the function if the random number generated is the number, which should not be generated, so this is taking a long time and resulting in termination of my program. I am using the following code, let me know how effecient i can generate the random number without waiting for long or even without reinvoking the function.
here rank1 is the number passed to it, which should not be generated and size1 is the number, denoting the range of the maximum accepted value
int rgenerator(int rank1, int size1)
int iseed, k;
time_t seconds;
iseed=(unsigned int) seconds;
return k;

The standard caveat applies here: you want to call srand exactly once during initialization, and never call it again.
As for not generating rank1, I think I'd just reduce the range by 1, and then if the result you get is >= to rank1, add one to it to create a "hole" at rank1.

A few comments:
You don't need to srand() every time. You really shouldn't seed it more than once during the running of a program anyway. Put this early in your main() method, or create a static flag here and only seed it once.
Because time() gives seconds, srand will re-seed the generator to the same state every time it's called during the same second, which (especially with this recursion) could be thousands to millions of times, returning the same random number. Note that recursion will produce a stack overflow (potentially part of your problem) after ~5,000 levels of recursion. Therefore:
Change the recursion to a while loop.
What kind of size are your rank1 and size1 going to be? If, e.g. size1 is RAND_MAX and rank1 is zero, you ought to be fine. If, however, size1 is 1 and rank1 is 0, you can never return.
This might be a better implementation:
int rgenerator(int rank1, int size1) {
// Prevent division by zero.
assert(size1 > 0);
// Prevent infinite loops from no valid returns
assert(rank1 != 0 || size1 > 1);
int randnum;
do {
randnum = rand() % size1;
} while (randnum != rank1);
return randnum;
Now comments on this code:
There are more... terse... ways to write that loop, but this way should be the most understandable.
You should probably change the asserts to return zero if you haven't learned them yet.
You could also produce size1 - 1 numbers and split them so as to skip rank1, but I'll leave that code as an exercise to the reader.


Is this a good Primality Checking Solution?

I have written this code to check if a number is prime (for numbers upto 10^9+7)
Is this a good method ??
What will be the time complexity for this ??
What I have done is that I have made a unordered_set which stores the prime numbers upto sqrt(n).
When checking if a number is prime or not if first check if its is less than the max number in the table.
If it is less it is searched in the table so the complexity should be O(1) in this case.
If it is more the number is put through a divisibility test with the numbers from the set of number containing the prime numbers.
#define sqrt10e9 31623
using namespace std;
unordered_set<long long> primeSet = { 2, 3 }; //used for fast lookups
void genrate_prime_set(long range) //this generates prime number upto sqrt(10^9+7)
bool flag;
set<long long> tempPrimeSet = { 2, 3 }; //a temporay set is used for genration
set<long long>::iterator j;
for (int i = 3; i <= range; i = i + 2)
//cout << i << " ";
flag = true;
for (j = tempPrimeSet.begin(); *j * *j <= i; ++j)
if (i % (*j) == 0)
flag = false;
if (flag)
bool is_prime(long long i,unordered_set<long long> primeSet)
bool flag = true;
if(i <= sqrt10e9) //if number exist in the lookup table
return primeSet.count(i);
//if it doesn't iterate through the table
for (unordered_set<long long>::iterator j = primeSet.begin(); j != primeSet.end(); ++j)
if (*j * *j <= i && i % (*j) == 0)
flag = false;
return flag;
int main()
//long long testCases, a, b, kiwiCount;
bool primeFlag = true;
//unordered_set<int> primeNum;
cout << primeSet.size()<<"\n";
cout << is_prime(9999991,primeSet);
return 0;
This doesn't strike me as a particularly efficient way to do the job at hand.
Although it probably won't make a big difference in the end, the efficient way to generate all the primes up to some specific limit is clearly to use a sieve--the sieve of Eratosthenes is simple and fast. There are a couple of modifications that can be faster, but for the small size you're dealing with, they're probably not worthwhile.
These normally produce their output in a more effective format than you're currently using as well. In particular, you typically just dedicate one bit to each possible prime (i.e., each odd number) and end up with it zeroed if the number is composite, and one if it's prime (you can, of course, reverse the sense if you prefer).
Since you only need one bit for each odd number from 3 to 31623, this requires only about 16 K bits, or about 2K bytes--a truly minuscule amount of memory by modern standards (especially: little enough to fit in L1 cache quite easily).
Since the bits are stored in order, it's also trivial to compute and test by the factors up to the square root of the number you're testing instead of testing against all the numbers in the table (including those greater than the square root of the number you're testing, which is obviously a waste of time). This also optimizes access to the memory in case some of it's not in the cache (i.e., you can access all the data in order, making life as easy as possible for the hardware prefetcher).
If you wanted to optimize further, I'd consider just using the sieve to find all primes up to 109+7, and look up inputs. Whether this is a win will depend (heavily) upon the number of queries you can expect to receive. A quick check shows that a simple implementation of the Sieve of Eratosthenes can find all primes up to 109 in about 17 seconds. After that, each query is (of course) essentially instantaneous (i.e., the cost of a single memory read). This does require around 120 megabytes of memory for the result of the sieve, which would once have been a major consideration, but (except on fairly limited systems) normally wouldn't be any more.
The very short answer: do research on the subject, starting with the term "Miller-Rabin"
The short answer is no:
Looking for factors of a number is a poor way to check for primality
Exhaustively searching through primes is a poor way to look for factors
Especially if you search through every prime, rather than just the ones less than or equal to the square root of the number
Doing a primality test on each number of them is a poor way to generate a list of primes
Also, you should take in primeSet by reference rather than copy, if it really needs to be a parameter.
Note: testing small primes to see if they divide a number is a useful first step of a primality test, but should generally only be used for the smallest primes before switching to a better method
No, it's not a very good way to determine if a number is prime. Here is pseudocode for a simple primality test that is sufficient for numbers in your range; I'll leave it to you to translate to C++:
function isPrime(n)
d := 2
while d * d <= n
if n % d == 0
return False
d := d + 1
return True
This works by trying every potential divisor up to the square root of the input number n; if no divisor has been found, then the input number could not be composite, meaning of the form n = p × q, because one of the two divisors p or q must be less than the square root of n while the other is greater than the square root of n.
There are better ways to determine primality; for instance, after initially checking if the number is even (and hence prime only if n = 2), it is only necessary to test odd potential divisors, halving the amount of work necessary. If you have a list of primes up to the square root of n, you can use that list as trial divisors and make the process even faster. And there are other techniques for larger n.
But that should be enough to get you started. When you are ready for more, come back here and ask more questions.
I can only suggest a way to use a library function in Java to check the primality of a number. As for the other questions, I do not have any answers.
The java.math.BigInteger.isProbablePrime(int certainty) returns true if this BigInteger is probably prime, false if it's definitely composite. If certainty is ≤ 0, true is returned. You should try and use it in your code. So try rewriting it in Java
certainty - a measure of the uncertainty that the caller is willing to tolerate: if the call returns true the probability that this BigInteger is prime exceeds (1 - 1/2^certainty). The execution time of this method is proportional to the value of this parameter.
Return Value
This method returns true if this BigInteger is probably prime, false if it's definitely composite.
The following example shows the usage of math.BigInteger.isProbablePrime() method
import java.math.*;
public class BigIntegerDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// create 3 BigInteger objects
BigInteger bi1, bi2, bi3;
// create 3 Boolean objects
Boolean b1, b2, b3;
// assign values to bi1, bi2
bi1 = new BigInteger("7");
bi2 = new BigInteger("9");
// perform isProbablePrime on bi1, bi2
b1 = bi1.isProbablePrime(1);
b2 = bi2.isProbablePrime(1);
b3 = bi2.isProbablePrime(-1);
String str1 = bi1+ " is prime with certainity 1 is " +b1;
String str2 = bi2+ " is prime with certainity 1 is " +b2;
String str3 = bi2+ " is prime with certainity -1 is " +b3;
// print b1, b2, b3 values
System.out.println( str1 );
System.out.println( str2 );
System.out.println( str3 );
7 is prime with certainity 1 is true
9 is prime with certainity 1 is false
9 is prime with certainity -1 is true

Get N samples given iterator

Given are an iterator it over data points, the number of data points we have n, and the maximum number of samples we want to use to do some calculations (maxSamples).
Imagine a function calculateStatistics(Iterator it, int n, int maxSamples). This function should use the iterator to retrieve the data and do some (heavy) calculations on the data element retrieved.
if n <= maxSamples we will of course use each element we get from the iterator
if n > maxSamples we will have to choose which elements to look at and which to skip
I've been spending quite some time on this. The problem is of course how to choose when to skip an element and when to keep it. My approaches so far:
I don't want to take the first maxSamples coming from the iterator, because the values might not be evenly distributed.
Another idea was to use a random number generator and let me create maxSamples (distinct) random numbers between 0 and n and take the elements at these positions. But if e.g. n = 101 and maxSamples = 100 it gets more and more difficult to find a new distinct number not yet in the list, loosing lot of time just in the random number generation
My last idea was to do the contrary: to generate n - maxSamples random numbers and exclude the data elements at these positions elements. But this also doesn't seem to be a very good solution.
Do you have a good idea for this problem? Are there maybe standard known algorithms for this?
To provide some answer, a good way to collect a set of random numbers given collection size > elements needed, is the following. (in C++ ish pseudo code).
EDIT: you may need to iterate over and create the "someElements" vector first. If your elements are large they can be "pointers" to these elements to save space.
vector randomCollectionFromVector(someElements, numElementsToGrab) {
while(numElementsToGrab--) {
randPosition = rand() % someElements.size();
return resultVector;
If you don't care about changing your vector of elements, you could also remove random elements from someElements, as you mentioned. The algorithm would look very similar, and again, this is conceptually the same idea, you just pass someElements by reference, and manipulate it.
Something worth noting, is the quality of psuedo random distributions as far as how random they are, grows as the size of the distribution you used increases. So, you may tend to get better results if you pick which method you use based on which method results in the use of more random numbers. Example: if you have 100 values, and need 99, you should probably pick 99 values, as this will result in you using 99 pseudo random numbers, instead of just 1. Conversely, if you have 1000 values, and need 99, you should probably prefer the version where you remove 901 values, because you use more numbers from the psuedo random distribution. If what you want is a solid random distribution, this is a very simple optimization, that will greatly increase the quality of "fake randomness" that you see. Alternatively, if performance matters more than distribution, you would take the alternative or even just grab the first 99 values approach.
interval = n/(n-maxSamples) //an euclidian division of course
offset = random(0..(n-1)) //a random number between 0 and n-1
totalSkip = 0
indexSample = 0;
FOR it IN samples DO
indexSample++ // goes from 1 to n
IF totalSkip < (n-maxSamples) AND indexSample+offset % interval == 0 THEN
//do nothing with this sample
//work with this sample
ASSERT(totalSkip == n-maxSamples) //to be sure
interval represents the distance between two samples to skip.
offset is not mandatory but it allows to have a very little diversity.
Based on the discussion, and greater understanding of your problem, I suggest the following. You can take advantage of a property of prime numbers that I think will net you a very good solution, that will appear to grab pseudo random numbers. It is illustrated in the following code.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
const int SOME_LARGE_PRIME = 577; //This prime should be larger than the size of your data set.
const int NUM_ELEMENTS = 100;
int lastValue = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < NUM_ELEMENTS; i++) {
lastValue += SOME_LARGE_PRIME;
cout << lastValue % NUM_ELEMENTS << endl;
Using the logic presented here, you can create a table of all values from 1 to "NUM_ELEMENTS". Because of the properties of prime numbers, you will not get any duplicates until you rotate all the way around back to the size of your data set. If you then take the first "NUM_SAMPLES" of these, and sort them, you can iterate through your data structure, and grab a pseudo random distribution of numbers(not very good random, but more random than a pre-determined interval), without extra space and only one pass over your data. Better yet, you can change the layout of the distribution by grabbing a random prime number each time, again must be larger than your data set, or the following example breaks.
PRIME = 3, data set size = 99. Won't work.
Of course, ultimately this is very similar to the pre-determined interval, but it inserts a level of randomness that you do not get by simply grabbing every "size/num_samples"th element.
This is called the Reservoir sampling

How to generate a random number from a random bit generator and guarantee termination?

Assuming I have a function that returns a random bit, is it possible to write a function that uniformly generates a random number within a certain range and always terminates?
I know how to do this so that it should (and probably will) terminate. I was just wondering if it's possible to write one that is guaranteed to terminate (and it doesn't have to be particularly efficient. What complexity would it have?
Here is a code for the not always terminating version
int random(int n)
int r = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ceil(log(n)); i++)
r = r<<1;
r = r|getRandomBit();
return r;
I think this will work:
Suppose you want to generate a number in the range [a,b]
Generate a fraction r in range [0,1} using a binary radix. That means generate a number of form 0.x1x2x3.... where every x is either a 0 or 1 using your random function.
Once you have that, you can easily generate a number in the range [0,b-a], by computing ceil(r*(b-a)), and then simply add a to get a number in range [a,b]
If the size of the range isn't a power of 2, you can't get an exactly uniform distribution except through what amounts to rejection sampling. You can get as close as you like to uniform, however, by sampling once from a large range, and dividing the smaller range into it.
For instance, while you can't uniformly sample between 1 and 10, you can quite easily sample between 1 and 1024 by picking 10 random bits, and figure out some way of equitably dividing that into 10 intervals of about the same size.
Choosing additional bits has the effect of halving the largest error (from true uniformity) you have to see in your choices... so the error decreases exponentially as you choose more bits.

Random Numbers with OpenCL using Random123

I have been looking at this lib Random123 and associated quote:
One mysterious man came to my booth and asked what I knew about generating random numbers with OpenCL. I told him about implementations of the Mersenne Twister, but he wasn't impressed. He told me about a new technical paper that explains how to generate random numbers on GPUs by combining integer counters and block ciphers. In reverential tones, he said that counter-based random number generators (CBRNGs) produce numbers with greater statistical randomness than the MT and with much greater speed.
I was able to get a demo running using this kernel:
__kernel void counthits(unsigned n, __global uint2 *hitsp) {
unsigned tid = get_global_id(0);
unsigned hits = 0, tries = 0;
threefry4x32_key_t k = {{tid, 0xdecafbad, 0xfacebead, 0x12345678}};
threefry4x32_ctr_t c = {{0, 0xf00dcafe, 0xdeadbeef, 0xbeeff00d}};
while (tries < n) {
union {
threefry4x32_ctr_t c;
int4 i;
} u;
u.c = threefry4x32(c, k);
long x1 = u.i.x, y1 = u.i.y;
long x2 = u.i.z, y2 = u.i.w;
if ((x1*x1 + y1*y1) < (1L<<62)) {
if ((x2*x2 + y2*y2) < (1L<<62)) {
hitsp[tid].x = hits;
hitsp[tid].y = tries;
My questions are now, will this not generate the same random numbers every time its run, a random number is based on the global id ? How can I generate new random numbers each time. Possible to provide a seed as a parameter for the kernel and then use that somehow?
Anyone who have been using this lib and can give me some more insight in the use of it?
Yes. The example code generates the same sequences of random numbers every time it is called.
To get different streams of random numbers, just initialize any of the values k[1..3] and/or c[1..3] differently. You can initialize them from command line arguments, environment variables, time-of-day, saved state, /dev/urandom, or any other source. Just be aware that:
a) if you initialize all of them exactly the same way in two different runs, then those two runs will get the same stream of random numbers
b) if you initialize them differently in two different runs, then those two runs will get different streams of random numbers.
Sometimes you want property a). Sometimes you want property b). Take a moment to think about which you want and be sure that you're doing what you intend.
More generally, the functions in the library, e.g., threefry4x32, have no state. If you change any bit in the input (i.e., any bit in any of the elements of c or k), you'll get a completely different random, statistically independent, uniformly distributed output.
P.S. I'm one of the authors of the library and the paper "Parallel Numbers: As Easy as 1, 2, 3":
If you're not a subscriber to the ACM digital library, the link above may hit a pay-wall. Alternatively, you can obtain the paper free of charge by following the link on this page:
I can't help you with the library per se, but I can tell you that the most common way to generate random numbers in OpenCL is to save some state between calls to the kernel.
Random number generators usually use a state, from which a new state and a random number are generated. In practice, this isn't complicated at all: you just pass an extra array that holds state. In my codes, I implement random numbers as follows:
uint rand_uint(uint2* rvec) { //Adapted from
#define A 4294883355U
uint x=rvec->x, c=rvec->y; //Unpack the state
uint res = x ^ c; //Calculate the result
uint hi = mul_hi(x,A); //Step the RNG
x = x*A + c;
c = hi + (x<c);
*rvec = (uint2)(x,c); //Pack the state back up
return res; //Return the next result
#undef A
inline float rand_float(uint2* rvec) {
return (float)(rand_uint(rvec)) / (float)(0xFFFFFFFF);
__kernel void my_kernel(/*more arguments*/ __global uint2* randoms) {
int index = get_global_id(0);
uint2 rvec = randoms[index];
//Call rand_uint or rand_float a number of times with "rvec" as argument.
//These calls update "rvec" with new state, and return a random number
randoms[index] = rvec;
. . . then, all you do is pass an extra array that holds the RNG's state into random. In practice, you'll want to seed this array differently for each work item.
0xdecafbad, 0xfacebead, 0x12345678 and 0xf00dcafe, 0xdeadbeef, 0xbeeff00d are just arbitrarily chosen numbers, they're not special. Any other number (even 0) could be used in their place -- I'll add a comment to the example code.
You can replace any of them with variables that you pass in; the only requirement for avoiding undesirable repetition in the output random "stream" is that you avoid repeating the (c, k) input tuple. The example code uses the thread id and loop index to ensure uniqueness, but you can easily add more variables to ensure uniqueness -- e.g. count the kernel invocations in the host code and pass that counter in, use that in place of one of the elements of k or c.
By the way, despite the name 'Counter-based random number generator', there's no requirement that the inputs (c, k) be 'counters', it's just that counters happen to be the most convenient idiom for ensuring that inputs don't repeat.

How to manually generate random numbers [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I want to generate random numbers manually. I know that every language have the rand or random function, but I'm curious to know how this is working.
Does anyone have code for that?
POSIX.1-2001 gives the following example of an implementation of rand() and srand(), possibly useful when one needs the same sequence on two different machines.
static unsigned long next = 1;
/* RAND_MAX assumed to be 32767 */
int myrand(void) {
next = next * 1103515245 + 12345;
return((unsigned)(next/65536) % 32768);
void mysrand(unsigned seed) {
next = seed;
Have a look at the following:
Random Number Generation
Linear Congruential Generator - a popular approach also used in Java
List of Random Number Generators
And here's another link which elaborates on the use of LCG in Java's Random class
static void Main()
DateTime currentTime = DateTime.Now;
int maxValue = 100;
int hour = currentTime.Hour;
int minute = currentTime.Minute;
int second = currentTime.Second;
int milisecond = currentTime.Millisecond;
int randNum = (((hour + 1) * (minute + 1) * (second + 1) * milisecond) % maxValue);
Above shows a very simple piece of code to generate random numbers. It is a console program written in C#. If you know any kind of basic programming this should be understandable and easy to convert to any other language desired.
The DateTime simply takes in a current date and time, most programming languages have a facility to do this.
The hour, minute, second and milisecond variables break the date time value it up into its component parts. We are only interested in these parts so can ignore day. Again, in most languages dates and times are usually presented as strings. In .Net we have facilities that allow us to parse this information easily. But in most other languages where times are presented as strings, its is not overly difficult to parse the string for the parts that you want and convert them to their numbers. These facilities are usually provided even in the oldest of languages.
The seed essentially gives us a starting number which always changes. Traditionally you would just multiply this number by a decimal value between 0 and 1 this cuts out that step.
The upperRange defines the maximum value. So the number generated will never be above this value. Also it will never be below 0. So no ngeatives. But if you want negatives you could just negate it manually. (by multiplying it by -1)
The actual variable randNumis what holds the random value you are interested in.
The trick is to get the remainder (the modulus) after dividing the seed by the upper range. The remainder will always be smaller than the divisor which in this case is 100. Simple maths tells you that you cant have a remainder greater than the divisor. So if you divide by 10 you cant have a remainder greater than 10. It is this simple law that gets us our random number between 0 and 100 in this case.
The console.writeline simply outputs it to the screen.
The console.readline simply pauses the program so you can see it.
This is a very simple piece of code to generate random numbers. If you ran this program at the exact same intervil every day (but you would have to do it at the same hour, minute, second and milisecond) for more than 1 day you would begin to generate the same set of numbers again and again each additional day. This is because it is tied to the time. That is the resolution of the generator. So if you know the code of this program, and the time it is run at, you can predict the number generated, but it wont be easy. That is why I used miliseconds. Use seconds or minutes only to see what I mean. So you could write a table showing when 1 goes in, 0 comes out, when 2 goes in 0 comes out and so on. You could then predict the output for every second, and the range of numbers generated. The more you increase the resolution (by increasing the numbers that change) the harder it is and the longer it takes to get a predictable pattern. This method is good enough for most peoples use.
That is the old school way of doing random number generation for basic games. It needed to be fast, and simple. It is. This also highlights exactly why, random numbers genaerators are not really random but psudo random.
I hope this is a reasonable answer to your question.
I assume you mean pseudo-random numbers. The simplest one I know (from writing videogames games back on old machines) worked like this:
You do that every time random is called and then you use however many low bits you want. *5+1 has the nice property (IIRC) of hitting every possibility before repeating, no matter how many bits you are looking at.
The downside, of course, is its predictability. But that didn't matter in the games. We were grabbing random numbers like crazy for all sorts of things, and you'd never know what number was coming next.
Do a couple things like this in parallel, and combine the results. This is a linear congruential generator.
Describes the different types of random number generators and how they are created.
By manually do you mean "not using computer" or "write my own code"?
IF it is not using computer you can use things like dice, numbers in a bag and all those methods seen on telly when they select teams, winning Bingo series etc. Las Vegas is filled with these kinds of method used in processes (games) aimed at giving you bad odds and ROI. You can also get the great RAND book and turn to a randomly selected page:
(Also, for some amusement, read the reviews)
For writing your own code you need to consider why not using the system provided RNG is not good enough. If you are using a modern OS it will have a RNG available for user programs that should be good enough for your application.
If you really need to implement your own there are a huge bunch of generators available. For non security usage you can look at LFSR chains, Congruential generators etc. Whatever the distribution you need (uniform, normal, exponential etc) you should be able to find algorithm descriptions and libraries with implementations.
For security usage you should look at things like Yarrow/Fortuna the NIST SP 800-89 specified PRNGs and RFC 4086 for good entropy sources needed to feed the PRNG. Or even better, use the one in the OS that should meet security RNG requirements.
Implementation of RNGs can be a fun exercise, but is very rarely needed. And don't invent your own algorithm unless it is for toy applications. Do NOT, repeat NOT invent RNGs for security applications (generating cryptographic keys for example), at least unless you do some seripus reading and investigation. You will thank me for it (I hope).
hopefuly im not redundant because i havent read all the links, but i believe you can get pretty close to true random generator. nowadays systems are often so complex that even the best geeks around need a lot of time to understand whats happening inside :) just open your mind and think if you can monitor some global system property, use it to seed to ... pick a network packet (not intended for you?) and compute "something" out of its content and use it to seed to ... etc. you can design the best for your needs with all those hints around ;)
The Mersenne twister has a very long period (2^19937-1).
Here's a very basic implementation in C++:
struct MT{
unsigned int *mt, k, g;
~MT(){ delete mt; }
MT(unsigned int seed) : mt(new unsigned int[624]), k(0), g(0){
for (int i=0; i<624; i++)
unsigned int operator()(){
unsigned int q=(mt[k]&0x80000000U)|(mt[(k+1)%624]&0x7fffffffU);
unsigned int y = mt[k];
y ^= (y >> 11);
y ^= (y << 7) & 0x9d2c5680U;
y ^= (y << 15) & 0xefc60000U;
y ^= (y >> 18);
k = (k+1)%624;
return y;
One good way to get random numbers is to monitor the ambient level of noise coming through your computer's microphone. If you can get a driver (or language that supports mic input) and convert this to a number, you're well on your way!
It has also been researched in how to get "true randomness" - since computers are nothing more than binary machines, they can't give us "true randomness". After a while, the sequence will begin to repeat itself. The quest for better random number generation is still going, but they say monitoring ambient noise levels in a room is one good way to prevent pattern forming in your random generation.
You can look up this wiki article for more information on the science behind random number generation.
If you are looking for a theoretical treatment on random numbers, probably you can have a look at Volume 2 of the The art of computer programming. It has a chapter dedicated to random numbers. See if it helps you out.
If you are wanting to manually, hard code, your own random generator I can't give you efficiency, however, I can give you reliability. I actually decided to write some code using time to test a computer's processing speed by counting in time and that turned into me writing my own random number generator using the counting algorithm for modulo (the count is random). Please, try it for yourselves and test on number distributions within a large test-set. By the way, this is written in python.
def count_in_time(n):
import time
count = 0
start_time = time.clock()
end_time = start_time + n
while start_time < end_time:
count += 1
start_time += (time.clock() - start_time)
return count
def generate_random(time_to_count, range_nums, rand_lst_size):
randoms = []
iterables = range(range_nums)
count = 0
for i in range(rand_lst_size):
count += count_in_time(time_to_count)
return randoms
This document is a very nice write up of pseudo-random number generation and has a number of routines included (in C). It also discusses the need for appropriate seeding of the random number generators (see rule 3). Particularly useful for this is the use of /dev/randon/ (if you are on a linux machine).
Note: the routines included in this document are alot simpler to code up than the Mersenne Twister. See also the WELLRNG generator, which is supposed to have better theoretical properties, as an alternative to the MT.
Read the rands book of random numbers (monte carlo book of random numbers) the numbers in it are randomly generated for you!!! My grandfather worked for rand.
Most RNGs(random number generators) will require a small bit of initialization. This is usually to perform a seeding operation and store the results of the seeded values for later use. Here is an example of a seeding method from a randomizer I wrote for a game engine:
/// <summary>
/// Initializes the number array from a seed provided by <paramref name="seed">seed</paramref>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="seed">Unsigned integer value used to seed the number array.</param>
private void Initialize(uint seed)
this.randBuf[0] = seed;
for (uint i = 1; i < 100; i++)
this.randBuf[i] = (uint)(this.randBuf[i - 1] >> 1) + i;
This is called from the constructor of the randomizing class. Now the real random numbers can be rolled/calculated using the aforementioned seeded values. This is usually where the actual randomizing algorithm is applied. Here is another example:
/// <summary>
/// Refreshes the list of values in the random number array.
/// </summary>
private void Roll()
for (uint i = 0; i < 99; i++)
uint y = this.randBuf[i + 1] * 3794U;
this.randBuf[i] = (((y >> 10) + this.randBuf[i]) ^ this.randBuf[(i + 399) % 100]) + i;
if ((this.randBuf[i] % 2) == 1)
this.randBuf[i] = (this.randBuf[i + 1] << 21) ^ (this.randBuf[i + 1] * (this.randBuf[i + 1] & 30));
Now the rolled values are stored for later use in this example, but those numbers can also be calculated on the fly. The upside to precalculating is a slight performance increase. Depending on the algorithm used, the rolled values could be directly returned or go through some last minute calculations when requested by the code. Here is an example that takes from the prerolled values and spits out a very good looking pseudo random number:
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves a value from the random number array.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>A randomly generated unsigned integer</returns>
private uint Random()
if (this.index == 0)
uint y = this.randBuf[this.index];
y = y ^ (y >> 11);
y = y ^ ((y << 7) + 3794);
y = y ^ ((y << 15) + 815);
y = y ^ (y >> 18);
this.index = (this.index + 1) % 100;
return y;
