How to add product rating on joomla module? - joomla

I created 1 module for joomla which shows product list with add to cart link and price of the product. I want to add product rating, product description and vote of that product.
Anybody knows how can I do this, I am new to joomla.
Thanks in advance

if you are using virtuemart 2.0 (latest) with joomla , navigate to components -> virtuemart -> Products (tab) -> Reviews and ratings


Update installment price on product configuration change Product Page Magento2

I created a template to display the installments price of the product, on the product page. I need to update this price when the user clicks the configurable product option.
I created a preference for Magento\ConfigurableProduct\Block\Product\View\Type\Configurable to create a new price_type_code but debugging the product page does not pass through the getJsonConfig() method.
I also created a preference for Magento\Catalog\Block\Product\View\Options and debugging the product page also does not go through _getPriceConfiguration().
Where should I enter the values for each configurable product option?
Magento 2.2.3, PHP 7.0.28, Mysql5.6
Any help is welcome. Thanks
I solved it by creating a preference for Magento\Swatches\Block\Product\Renderer\Configurable

Prestashop How update Cart when change order in BackOffice

In Prestashop, how can'i update Cart customer when i change order in BackOffice please.
Thank you
Menu Customers -> Carts
Good luck.

Joomla Not able to add new Currency while adding product

I am using Joomla VirtueMart 3.0.10, to add new product.
For Product currency its showing Euro as Default.
When i am trying to configure same, for select Currency and List of acceptable currency, dropbox is empty.. and its not allowing to select current.
I need to modify Default currecy be US $
Thanks in advance
Go to
Virtuemart -> Shop -> Edit Shop
In right page you can add all currency you want.
If not appear in the list go to
Settings -> Currency
And activate your currency

How to shows featured products in product page by category in magento?

I need to show featured products in product page by category, I created attribute to set featured product in admin panel, It working fine in admin panel,I need to get all the featured products by corresponding category in products page.
I am novice to magento , so please help me.
You can find detailed tutorial from Magento Wiki to create featured product.

Magento - 'samples_title' Product attribute

Magento - for what is the Product attribute 'samples_title' used?
When you create a Downloadable Product in Magento, it is the title of your Sample download -- a preview of what you're selling. You can upload a sample and set a title for it that gets displayed on the product view page.
See Admin -> Manage Products -> Add Product, then select Downloadable Product, then click Downloadable Information and select the Samples tab.
