Where to Store NopCommerce Custom Theme/Views? - asp.net-mvc-3

I'm new to ModX and have Experirnce with MVC3. I have a PSD that im coding into HTML and CSS. When I open the NopCommerce solution in Visual Studio, I see the themese folder. Is that where my custom theme assets should be saved?
After building the solution, do I need to run the prepare and deploy batches and copy deploy folder contents in order for changes to take effect?
Finally, where in the source code do I change Manufacturers to Restaurants?
Thanks for your help.

Themes go in Nop.Web.Themes. Create a folder there named after your theme and include your Content and Views folders. You should also have a theme.config XML file in your folder like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Theme title="YOURNAME"
If your site is already running, you should be able to just move your Theme folder to it for changes to take effect.


designing layout of magento 2 theme

I am new to Magento.
I am creating Magenta 2 site, I have managed to install Magento, and for it to use the luma theme.
I want to be able to edit the theme (through Inheritance), I understand it uses XML files to design the layout, how do I change these, should they be in the new theme folder, and change them there?
If so, where do I get the origonal Luma xml files, or does magento create these? - There are no themes within the app/ folder, is it here where I create the new theme (that inherits from Luma)?
Many thanks for any help, I am completely new to Magento.
You have to create a custom theme and make theme.xml and set a parent to LUMA.
Now app/design/frontend/customthemename
So anything that you want to customized used in customthemename folder
You should create a child theme to edit XML file. To create a child theme, there are 3 steps to do:
Firstly, create a new theme directory in app/design/frontend.
Secondly, declare the new theme by:
Creating theme.xml: this file identifies the name, parent and other
basic info of the new theme.
Creating Composer.json: this file is used to install the theme via Composer later.
Creating registration.php: this file is required in any Magento 2 Extension
and Themes.
Creating static files directories: this folder is used to store CSS, JS, image files.
Creating logo folder: this folder contains files that determine the location and size of your new theme logo.
Thirdly, apply and configure theme in admin: - Run Upgrade Command. - Apply the theme. - Deploy.
For more detailed tutorial, go to Guide to create Magento 2 theme.
The original XML files of any module and themes are located in vendor/magento//view/frontend/layout, with the module_name is the module related to the XML file you want to edit.
For example, with homepage CMS, the XML file is located in vendor/magento/module-cms/view/frontend/layout

Magneto theme installation

I am a newbie in magento.
I am trying to install the magenta theme in my system as provided by my client. The file my client provided is only the sources folder and i cannot see any app,js,lib,skin,.htaccess folder or file. The url of the theme i ma trying to install is https://livedemo00.template-help.com/magento_49364/ and the source folder contain db,pages,static_blocks etc.Screenshot of source folder
Thank You in advance.
Shared theme zip file is not correct. You need to ask for other files that contain Theme Package including template, layout and css files. In Theme zip file, Source folder only contain the SQL file, Product Images, Original PSD file and static block HTML content files.

magento manual theme install

Hi I am a newbie to magento I want to install a magento theme that I found on the internet manually
in the theme there are 3 folders that I see after unzipping it
3.Template full
4.Template only
now the extension folder has sub folders like
catalogue sorter,featured product,product navigator,theme switcher.
now each of these folders has sub folders having
skin folders
source folder has fonts and psd files in it
template full and template only has
themedata sub folders
with all these similar folders I can't just understand how to install this theme,all the tutorials in the net says that copy the app,js,skin files into the magento root folder and clean the cache you will,see the installer .But my problem is that in this theme there are multiple app,js,skin,themedata folders that is really confusing me.
Any kind of help is appreciated
thanks in advance
How to apply a new theme :
Possibly there are three ways to aply a new theme :
One:simply go to the theme folder and copy the required folder reading the theme apply instructions
And paste the copied foder in the C:\wamp\www\apparel location and find the theme name
After you download or placed your theme to the folder.
Navigate to System -> Design and click on Add Design Change.
Choose the theme you want, click on save and you’re done.
Refer this http://tutorialmagento.com/magento-theme-development-tutorial-for-designer-part-1
Hope it will help you.

Liferay 6.1: Custom theme not inheriting from "Classic" theme

I've created a new theme using the Liferay Eclipse IDE and have modified build.xml to change the theme.parent to classic. Here is my complete build.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE project>
<project name="deep-blue-theme" basedir="." default="deploy">
<import file="../build-common-theme.xml" />
<property name="theme.parent" value="classic" />
I'm not seeing any change in the theme. I still see the _styled layout being displayed. Is there anything else I need to do?
No, changing the value of the "theme.parent" property in build.xml to "classic" should be enough.
But note that classic theme doesn't contain files such as custom.css which you could easily replace "to override default styles in one central location for easier upgrade and maintenance". If you want to save all styles in the classic theme, I see two possibilities:
First approach
Copy custom.css from classic theme to "docroot/_diffs/css" folder in your project.
Then add your styles to the end of that file.
Second approach
Create custom_deep_blue.css file in your project. Here you will add your styles.
Copy main.css from classic theme to "docroot/_diffs/css" folder.
Add the following #import to the end of the main.css file:
#import url(custom_deep_blue.css);

How do I use a custom CSS stylesheet for Telerik?

I'm using Telerik grids, and want to customize the CSS. I've used Telerik's stylebuilder but I don't know what to do with it once I download the zip. Telerik says that I should
Simply add the files from this archive to your project, and your custom skin is ready go.
But I have no idea where in the project to add them, or even how exactly this is done. I moved the CSS files into the stylesheets folder (I'm using MS Visual Studio 2010) and linked to them, but no dice.
I've also read through this this and this but am still thoroughly confused.
Try the following:
Export theme from style builder, example classic.zip.
Contents of classic.zip
Folder: classic
File: telerik.classic.css
Extract zip to your project's content folder, c:\path to your project\Content\
Modify your master page style sheet regsitrar to include telerik.classic.css instead of the supplied style sheets.
<%= Html.Telerik().StyleSheetRegistrar()
.DefaultGroup(group => group.Add("telerik.common.css")
