PyCrypto compatibility with CommonCrypto in CFB mode? - macos

I'm trying to get somepython code to decrypt data that was encrypted using the OS X CommonCrypto APIs. There is little to no documentation on the exact options that CommonCrypto uses, so I'm needing some help figuring out what options to set in PyCrypto.
Specifically, my CommonCrypto decryption setup call is:
CCCryptorCreateWithMode(kCCDecrypt, kCCModeCFB, kCCAlgorithmAES128, ccDefaultPadding, NULL, key, keyLength, NULL, 0, 0, 0, &mAESKey);
My primary questions are:
Since there is both a kCCModeCFB and kCCModeCFB8, what is CommonCrypto's definition of CFB mode - what segment size, etc?
What block size is the CommonCrypto AES128 using? 16 or 128?
What is the default padding, and does it even matter in CFB mode?
Currently, the first 4 bytes of data is decrypting successfully with PyCrypto *as long as I set the segment_size to 16*.

Without knowing CommonCrypto or PyCrypto, some partial answers:
AES (in all three variants) has a block size of 128 bits, which are 16 bytes.
CFB (cipher feedback mode) would actually also work without padding (i.e. with a partial last block), since for each
block the ciphertext is created as the XOR of plaintext with some keystream block, which only depends on previous blocks.
(You still can use any padding you want.)
If you can experiment with some known data, first have a look at the ciphertext size. If it is not a multiple of a
full block (and the same as the plaintext + IV), then it is quite likely no padding.
Otherwise, decrypt it with noPadding mode, have a look at the result, and compare with the different known padding modes.
From a glance at the source code, it might be PKCS#5-padding.
CFB8 is a variant of CFB which uses only the top 8 bits (= one byte) of each block cipher call output (which takes the
previous 128 bits (= 16 bytes) of ciphertext (or IV) as input). This needs 16 times as many block cipher calls, but
allows partial sending of a stream without having to worry about block boundaries.
There is another definition of CFB which includes a segment size - here the segment size is the number of
bits (or bytes) to be used from each cipher output. In this definition, the "plain" CFB would have a segment size of 128 bits (= 16 bytes), CFB8 would have a segment size of 8 bits (one byte).


Significance of Bytes as 8 bits

I was just wondering the reason why A BYTE IS 8 BITS ? Specifically if we talk about ASCII character set, then all its symbols can be represented just 7 bits leaving one spare bit(in reality where 8 bits is 1 Byte). So if we assume, that that there is big company wherein everyone has agreed to just use ASCII character set and nothing else(also this company doesn't have to do anything with the outside world) then couldn't in this company the developers develop softwares that would consider 7 Bits as 1 Byte and hence save one precious bit, and if done so they could save for instance 10 bits space for every 10 bytes(here 1 byte is 7 bits again) and so, ultimately lots and lots of precious space. The hardware(hard disk,processor,memory) used in this company specifically knows that it need to store & and bunch together 7 bits as 1 byte.If this is done globally then couldn't this revolutionise the future of computers. Can this system be developed in reality ?
Won't this be efficient ?
A byte is not necessarily 8 bits. A byte a unit of digital information whose size is processor-dependent. Historically, the size of a byte is equal to the size of a character as specified by the character encoding supported by the processor. For example, a processor that supports Binary-Coded Decimal (BCD) characters defines a byte to be 4 bits. A processor that supports ASCII defines a byte to be 7 bits. The reason for using the character size to define the size of a byte is to make programming easier, considering that a byte has always (as far as I know) been used as the smallest addressable unit of data storage. If you think about it, you'll find that this is indeed very convenient.
A byte is defined to be 8 bits in the extremely successful IBM S/360 computer family, which used an 8-bit character encoding called EBCDI. IBM, through its S/360 computers, introduced several crucially important computing techniques that became the foundation of all future processors including the ones we using today. In fact, the term byte has been coined by Buchholz, a computer scientist at IBM.
When Intel introduced its first 8-bit processor (8008), a byte was defined to be 8 bits even though the instruction set didn't support directly any character encoding, thereby breaking the pattern. The processor, however, provided numerous instructions that operate on packed (4-bit) and unpacked (8-bit) BCD-encoded digits. In fact, the whole x86 instruction set design was conveniently designed based on 8-bit bytes. The fact that 7-bit ASCII characters fit in 8-bit bytes was a free, additional advantage. As usual, a byte is the smallest addressable unit of storage. I would like to mention here that in digital circuit design, its convenient to have the number of wires or pins to be powers of 2 so that every possible value that appear as input or output has a use.
Later processors continued to use 8-bit bytes because it makes it much easier to develop newer designs based on older ones. It also helps making newer processors compatible with older ones. Therefore, instead of changing the size of a byte, the register, data bus, address bus sizes were doubled every time (now we reached 64-bit). This doubling enabled us to use existing digital circuit designs easily, significantly reducing processor design costs.
The main reason why it's 8 bits and not 7 is that is needs to be a power of 2.
Also: imagine what nibbles would look like in 7-bit bytes..
Also ideal (and fast) for conversion to and from hexadecimal.
What advantage do we get if we have power of 2... Please explain
First, let's distinguish between a BYTE and a ASCII character. Those are 2 different things.
A byte is used to store and process digital information (numbers) in a optimized way, whereas a character is (or should be) only meant to interact with us, humans, because we find it hard to read binary (although in modern days of big-data, big-internetspeed and big-clouds, even servers start talking to each other in text (xml, json), but that's a whole different story..).
As for a byte being a power of 2, the short answer:
The advantage of having powers of 2, is that data can easily be aligned efficiently on byte- or integer-boundaries - for a single byte that would be 1, 2, 4 and 8 bits, and it gets better with higher powers of 2.
Compare that to a 7-bit ASCII (or 7-bit byte): 7 is a prime number, which means only 1-bit and 7-bit values could be stored in an aligned form.
Of course there are a lot more reasons one could think of (for example the lay-out and structure of the logic gates and multiplexers inside CPU's/MCU's).
Say you want to control the in- or output pins on a multiplexer: with 2 control-lines (bits) you can address 4 pins, with 3 inputs, 8 pins can be addressed, with 4 -> 16,.. - idem for address-lines. So the more you look at it, the more sense it makes to use powers of 2. It seems to be the most efficient model.
As for optimized 7-bit ASCII:
Even on a system with 8-bit bytes, 7-bit ASCII can easily be compacted with some bit-shifting. A Class with a operator[] could be created, without the need to have 7-bit bytes (and of course, a simple compression would even do better).

What's the reason behind ZigZag encoding in Protocol Buffers and Avro?

ZigZag requires a lot of overhead to write/read numbers. Actually I was stunned to see that it doesn't just write int/long values as they are, but does a lot of additional scrambling. There's even a loop involved:
I don't seem to be able to find in Protocol Buffers docs or in Avro docs, or reason myself, what's the advantage of scrambling numbers like that? Why is it better to have positive and negative numbers alternated after encoding?
Why they're not just written in little-endian, big-endian, network order which would only require reading them into memory and possibly reverse bit endianness? What do we buy paying with performance?
It is a variable length 7-bit encoding. The first byte of the encoded value has it high bit set to 0, subsequent bytes have it at 1. Which is the way the decoder can tell how many bytes were used to encode the value. Byte order is always little-endian, regardless of the machine architecture.
It is an encoding trick that permits writing as few bytes as needed to encode the value. So an 8 byte long with a value between -64 and 63 takes only one byte. Which is common, the range provided by long is very rarely used in practice.
Packing the data tightly without the overhead of a gzip-style compression method was the design goal. Also used in the .NET Framework. The processor overhead needed to en/decode the value is inconsequential. Already much lower than a compression scheme, it is a very small fraction of the I/O cost.

Why do bytes exist? Why don't we just use bits?

A byte consists of 8 bits on most systems.
A byte typically represents the smallest data type a programmer may use. Depending on language, the data types might be called char or byte.
There are some types of data (booleans, small integers, etc) that could be stored in fewer bits than a byte. Yet using less than a byte is not supported by any programming language I know of (natively).
Why does this minimum of using 8 bits to store data exist? Why do we even need bytes? Why don't computers just use increments of bits (1 or more bits) rather than increments of bytes (multiples of 8 bits)?
Just in case anyone asks: I'm not worried about it. I do not have any specific needs. I'm just curious.
because at the hardware level memory is naturally organized into addressable chunks. Small chunks means that you can have fine grained things like 4 bit numbers; large chunks allow for more efficient operation (typically a CPU moves things around in 'chunks' or multiple thereof). IN particular larger addressable chunks make for bigger address spaces. If I have chunks that are 1 bit then an address range of 1 - 500 only covers 500 bits whereas 500 8 bit chunks cover 4000 bits.
Note - it was not always 8 bits. I worked on a machine that thought in 6 bits. (good old octal)
Paper tape (~1950's) was 5 or 6 holes (bits) wide, maybe other widths.
Punched cards (the newer kind) were 12 rows of 80 columns.
B-5000 - 48-bit "words" with 6-bit characters
CDC-6600 -- 60-bit words with 6-bit characters
IBM 7090 -- 36-bit words with 6-bit characters
There were 12-bit machines; etc.
1970-1980s, "micros" enter the picture:
Intel 4004 - 4-bit chunks
8008, 8086, Z80, 6502, etc - 8 bit chunks
68000 - 16-bit words, but still 8-bit bytes
486 - 32-bit words, but still 8-bit bytes
today - 64-bit words, but still 8-bit bytes
future - 128, etc, but still 8-bit bytes
Get the picture? Americans figured that characters could be stored in only 6 bits.
Then we discovered that there was more in the world than just English.
So we floundered around with 7-bit ascii and 8-bit EBCDIC.
Eventually, we decided that 8 bits was good enough for all the characters we would ever need. ("We" were not Chinese.)
The IBM-360 came out as the dominant machine in the '60s-70's; it was based on an 8-bit byte. (It sort of had 32-bit words, but that became less important than the all-mighty byte.
It seemed such a waste to use 8 bits when all you really needed 7 bits to store all the characters you ever needed.
IBM, in the mid-20th century "owned" the computer market with 70% of the hardware and software sales. With the 360 being their main machine, 8-bit bytes was the thing for all the competitors to copy.
Eventually, we realized that other languages existed and came up with Unicode/utf8 and its variants. But that's another story.
Good way for me to write something late on night!
Your points are perfectly valid, however, history will always be that insane intruder how would have ruined your plans long before you were born.
For the purposes of explanation, let's imagine a ficticious machine with an architecture of the name of Bitel(TM) Inside or something of the like. The Bitel specifications mandate that the Central Processing Unit (CPU, i.e, microprocessor) shall access memory in one-bit units. Now, let's say a given instance of a Bitel-operated machine has a memory unit holding 32 billion bits (our ficticious equivalent of a 4GB RAM unit).
Now, let's see why Bitel, Inc. got into bankruptcy:
The binary code of any given program would be gigantic (the compiler would have to manipulate every single bit!)
32-bit addresses would be (even more) limited to hold just 512MB of memory. 64-bit systems would be safe (for now...)
Memory accesses would be literally a deadlock. When the CPU has got all of those 48 bits it needs to process a single ADD instruction, the floppy would have already spinned for too long, and you know what happens next...
Who the **** really needs to optimize a single bit? (See previous bankruptcy justification).
If you need to handle single bits, learn to use bitwise operators!
Programmers would go crazy as both coffee and RAM get too expensive. At the moment, this is a perfect synonym of apocalypse.
The C standard is holy and sacred, and it mandates that the minimum addressable unit (i.e, char) shall be at least 8 bits wide.
8 is a perfect power of 2. (1 is another one, but meh...)
In my opinion, it's an issue of addressing. To access individual bits of data, you would need eight times as many addresses (adding 3 bits to each address) compared to using accessing individual bytes. The byte is generally going to be the smallest practical unit to hold a number in a program (with only 256 possible values).
Some CPUs use words to address memory instead of bytes. That's their natural data type, so 16 or 32 bits. If Intel CPUs did that it would be 64 bits.
8 bit bytes are traditional because the first popular home computers used 8 bits. 256 values are enough to do a lot of useful things, while 16 (4 bits) are not quite enough.
And, once a thing goes on for long enough it becomes terribly hard to change. This is also why your hard drive or SSD likely still pretends to use 512 byte blocks. Even though the disk hardware does not use a 512 byte block and the OS doesn't either. (Advanced Format drives have a software switch to disable 512 byte emulation but generally only servers with RAID controllers turn it off.)
Also, Intel/AMD CPUs have so much extra silicon doing so much extra decoding work that the slight difference in 8 bit vs 64 bit addressing does not add any noticeable overhead. The CPU's memory controller is certainly not using 8 bits. It pulls data into cache in long streams and the minimum size is the cache line, often 64 bytes aka 512 bits. Often RAM hardware is slow to start but fast to stream so the CPU reads kilobytes into L3 cache, much like how hard drives read an entire track into their caches because the drive head is already there so why not?
First of all, C and C++ do have native support for bit-fields.
#include <iostream>
struct S {
// will usually occupy 2 bytes:
// 3 bits: value of b1
// 2 bits: unused
// 6 bits: value of b2
// 2 bits: value of b3
// 3 bits: unused
unsigned char b1 : 3, : 2, b2 : 6, b3 : 2;
int main()
std::cout << sizeof(S) << '\n'; // usually prints 2
Probably an answer lies in performance and memory alignment, and the fact that (I reckon partly because byte is called char in C) byte is the smallest part of machine word that can hold a 7-bit ASCII. Text operations are common, so special type for plain text have its gain for programming language.
Why bytes?
What is so special about 8 bits that it deserves its own name?
Computers do process all data as bits, but they prefer to process bits in byte-sized groupings. Or to put it another way: a byte is how much a computer likes to "bite" at once.
The byte is also the smallest addressable unit of memory in most modern computers. A computer with byte-addressable memory can not store an individual piece of data that is smaller than a byte.
What's in a byte?
A byte represents different types of information depending on the context. It might represent a number, a letter, or a program instruction. It might even represent part of an audio recording or a pixel in an image.

Counter Size in AES Driver in CTR mode in linux kernel

I have seen multiple open source drivers for AES(CTR) mode for different Crypto Hardware Engines, I was not really sure on counter size,nonce etc.
Please can any one provide some info on the following
How does AES driver identifies the counter size during the CTR mode of operation?
looks like AES in CTR mode supports "countersize" of multiple lengths as below:
1: First is a counter which is made up of a nonce and counter. The nonce is random, and the remaining bytes are counter bytes (which are incremented).
For example, a 16 byte block cipher might use the high 8 bytes as a nonce, and the low 8 bytes as a counter.
2: Second is a counter block, where all bytes are counter bytes and can be incremented as carries are generated.
For example, in a 16 byte block cipher, all 16 bytes are counter bytes
Does Linux Kernel Crypto subsystem increments the counter value for every block of input or is it needs tp be taken care by Kernel Driver for the respective Crypto H/W ?
counters and nonces are something which will be extracted from the IV i.e., IV = nonce + counter .Note if "l" is length of IV then first "l/2" is length of nonce and next "l/2" is length of counter.Please let me know if my understanding regarding IV,counter and nonce is correct or not?
Any information regarding the above is really appreciable.
& Sanumala
How does AES driver identifies the counter size during the CTR mode of operation?
It most likely doesn't. As long as it sees the IV as one big 128 bit counter then there isn't a problem. If the counter would be 64 bit and initialized on all zeros then you would only have a problem after 2^64 = 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 (16 byte) blocks of data; that's not likely to happen.
Does Linux Kernel Crypto subsystem increments the counter value for every block of input or is it needs tp be taken care by Kernel Driver for the respective Crypto H/W ?
It needs to be taken care by the kernel driver. I only see an IV as input in the API. This is commonly the case for crypto API's. You cannot get any performance if you have to update the counter for each 16 bytes you want to encrypt.
counters and nonces are something which will be extracted from the IV i.e., IV = nonce + counter .Note if "l" is length of IV then first "l/2" is length of nonce and next "l/2" is length of counter.Please let me know if my understanding regarding IV,counter and nonce is correct or not?
Yes, you understand correctly. You would only have a problem if the protocol uses a separate nonce and counter and both are generated randomly. In that case you may have a problem with the carry from the counter to the nonce field.
Note that it may be a good idea to limit the data size to, say ~68 GB and use the top 12 bytes as a random nonce to avoid being bitten by the birthday problem.

Can AES algorithm work the same over plain text and over bytes sequences?

It's clear how the algorithm manages plain text as the characters byte values to the state matrix.
But what about AES encryption of binary files?
How does the algorithm manages larger than 16 bytes files, as long as the state is standarized to be 4x4 bytes?
The AES primitive is the basis of constructions that allow encryption/decryption of arbitrary binary streams.
AES-128 takes a 128-bit key and a 128-bit data block and "encrypts" or "decrypts" this block. 128 bit is 16 bytes. Those 16 bytes can be text (e.g. ASCII, one character per byte) or binary data.
A naive implementation would just break a file with longer than 16 bytes into groups of 16 bytes and encrypt each of these with the same key. You might also need to "pad" the file to make it a multiple of 16 bytes. The problem with that is that it exposes information about the file because every time you encrypt the same block with the same key you'll get the same ciphertext.
There are different ways to build on the AES function to encrypt/decrypt more than 16 bytes securely. For example you can use CBC or use counter mode.
Counter mode is a little easier to explain so let's look at that. If we have AES_e(k, b) encrypt block b with key k we do not want to re-use the same key to encrypt the same block more than once. So the construction we'll use is something like this:
Calculate AES_e(k, 0), AES_e(k, 1), AES_e(k, n)
Now we can take arbitrary input, break it into 16 bytes blocks, and XOR with this sequence. Since the attacker does not know they key they can not regenerate this sequence and decode our (longer) message. The XOR is applied bit by bit between the blocks generated above and the cleartext. The receiving side can now generate the same sequence, XOR it with the ciphertext and retrieve the cleartext.
In application you also want to combine this with some sort of authentication mechanism so you something like AES-GCM or AES-CCM.
Imagine you have a 17 byte plain text.
state matrix will be filled with the first 16 bytes and one block will be encrypt.
Next block will be 1 byte that left and state matrix will be padded with data in order to fill those 16 bytes AES needs.
It works well with bytes/binary files because AES always consider bytes unities.Does not matter if that is a ascii chunk or any other think. Just remember that everything in a computer is binary/bytes/bits. Once data be a stream data (chunks of information in bytes) it'll work fine.
