SQL Server setup.exe within a custom msi causes StackOverflowException - visual-studio-2010

I'm trying to create an .msi installer that also installs SQL Server (if the user has the disk/iso file).
How it should work is:
it runs a batch file, and the batch file finds the setup.exe in whichever drive it is.
The batch file takes 2 arguments, the location of the configuration file and the install directory of the msi
it then searches for setup.exe and runs it with the config file, performing a silent install.
The arguments seem to be exactly the same which ever way I run it.
#echo off
::this file searches for the setup.exe and then installs the server.
::ARGUMENTS:Complete Path to the Configuration File
::ATTENTION: this will need to search for a more unique file in the future!
::loop through each letter for a drive
for %%A in (D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) Do (
::check if file exists, send any error messages to NUL, destroying it(e.g. no disk in drive) and installif found
DIR "%%A:/setup.exe" 1>NUL 2>&1 && call:install %%A %1 %2
::if we reach here the file ahsn't been found
if %%A == Z (
#echo Please insert the Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 disk and try again.
net user grp-db ..grp.. /add
echo Installing SQL Server 2008 R2 with %~2
time /t
::"%~1:\setup.exe" /ConfigurationFile="%~2"
DIR "%~2"
time /t
echo Creating ODBC data source.. with %~3
::"%~3"ODBCCONF.exe CONFIGSYSDSN "SQL Server" "DSN=GRP_DSN | Description=GRP Data Source | SERVER=(local) | Trusted_Connection=Yes"
Running the batch file from Command Prompt works perfectly as expected but in the msi it causes a StackOverflowException. Checking the Summary file in the SQL directory says
The user cancelled the operation. Exception type: Microsoft.SqlServer.Chainer.Infrastructure.CancelException.
Has anybody got ANY ideas where to even start with this one?

It looks like there is a conflict between the SQL Server installation and your MSI process.
Instead of using a BAT for installing SQL Server, you can try adding it as a prerequisite for your MSI:


Batch file - IF EXISTS statement "The system cannot open the device or file specified."

I have written a batch file to uninstall a faulty WiFi driver (Intel ProSet Wireless) and set up the appropriate wireless profile on a laptop. This script is intended to be run remotely through Symantec Management Agent.
The code starts by running a group policy update to pull down appropriate
network certificates from the server. Then the code checks to see if the WiFi driver is installed. If it is, the script uninstalls it. Afterwards, in either case, it will wipe the current wireless profiles and call another batch file to install the appropriate wireless profile.
My issue is, when I run the script, the console will report "The system cannot open the device or file specified." after the software is uninstalled and it will terminate. The IF EXIST statement checks to see if one of the software files is there.
Typically, I can just run the same script a second time, and the IF EXIST case will not be met, so the rest of the batch file will work properly.
I am attaching my code below -- am I using IF EXIST correctly?
gpupdate /force
IF EXIST "C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{552523b2-40ad-46b3-94f6-2b99d0860d5c}\setup.exe" (
cd "C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{552523b2-40ad-46b3-94f6-2b99d0860d5c}\"
start /wait setup.exe /uninstall
TIMEOUT /T 3 /nobreak >nul
netsh wlan delete profile name=*
cd "C:\Wireless_Settings\"
I have researched other posts, and I do believe I am using the condition correctly. I don't see any other post that matches my case. It always correctly checks to see if the condition is met, however I don't understand why the program terminates after the software is uninstalled. All that I believe should happen is the case is no longer met, so the script continues on.
Possible solution : (your if statement appears to be correct)
Insert a pushd statement before the cd and a popd after the start.
This will ensure you return to your original directory after the if statement invokes setup.exe
IF EXIST "C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{552523b2-40ad-46b3-94f6-2b99d0860d5c}\setup.exe" (
cd "C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{552523b2-40ad-46b3-94f6-2b99d0860d5c}\"
start /wait setup.exe /uninstall
If it works, fine and good. If it doesn't, It's easy to undo.
Sure - in theory, you could change the cd to a PUSHD instead. There are many paths.
IF EXIST "C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{552523b2-40ad-46b3-94f6-2b99d0860d5c}\setup.exe" (
PUSHD "C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{552523b2-40ad-46b3-94f6-2b99d0860d5c}\"
start /wait setup.exe /uninstall
This should work.
Now that's interesting. I'm sure I've use pushd without arguments before. The documentation reads
Stores the current directory for use by the POPD command, then
changes to the specified directory.
PUSHD [path | ..]
which is not explicit when the option argument is missing.
I've also noticed that a dir list on my batch-development directory now lists a unicode-named file with spaces between the squares whereas it used to not contain those spaces. Maybe something has been silently changed... cmd version is dated 20170929
Setup.exe is trying to remove the directory from the Package Cache which happens to be your current working directory. Not a good way for a script to live.
#rem #set prompt=$G
#set "_setupExe=C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{552523b2-40ad-46b3-94f6-2b99d0860d5c}\setup.exe"
#gpupdate /force
#if exist "%_setupExe%" call %_setupExe% /uninstall
#TIMEOUT /T 3 /nobreak >nul
#netsh wlan delete profile name=*
#cd "C:\Wireless_Settings\"
I would add that debugging your script was complicated by the fact that you had a multi-line code block. You should avoid those at all costs. It's better to call a subroutine if you can fit it all on a single line.

Can't run as Admin

I have to execute the ewfmgr.exe which can be executed only when the Command window is opened as an Admin.
If I go to Start->type cmd.exe->Right click->Run as Administrator then the following Comand prompt windows appear. In this window, if I write ewfmgr.exe (which the EXE file that I have to execute), then the command is executed without any problem.
MY REQUIREMENT: My requirement is to execute the command through a script file (RunasAdmin.cmd file) and this script file will be executed through an NSIS Installer.
Since, the ewfmgr.exe can be executed only with Admin, so I have to escalate my script to get Admin rights. For this, I have the following script:
Script to Get Admin Right: "(RunasAdmin.cmd)"
:: Elevate.cmd - Version 4
:: Automatically check & get admin rights
#echo off
ECHO =============================
ECHO Running Admin shell
ECHO =============================
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
set cmdInvoke=0
set winSysFolder=System32
set "batchPath=%~0"
for %%k in (%0) do set batchName=%%~nk
set "vbsGetPrivileges=%temp%\OEgetPriv_%batchName%.vbs"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
if '%errorlevel%' == '0' ( goto gotPrivileges ) else ( goto getPrivileges )
if '%1'=='ELEV' (echo ELEV & shift /1 & goto gotPrivileges)
ECHO **************************************
ECHO Invoking UAC for Privilege Escalation
ECHO **************************************
ECHO Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > "%vbsGetPrivileges%"
ECHO args = "ELEV " >> "%vbsGetPrivileges%"
ECHO For Each strArg in WScript.Arguments >> "%vbsGetPrivileges%"
ECHO args = args ^& strArg ^& " " >> "%vbsGetPrivileges%"
ECHO Next >> "%vbsGetPrivileges%"
if '%cmdInvoke%'=='1' goto InvokeCmd
ECHO UAC.ShellExecute "!batchPath!", args, "", "runas", 1 >> "%vbsGetPrivileges%"
goto ExecElevation
ECHO args = "/c """ + "!batchPath!" + """ " + args >> "%vbsGetPrivileges%"
ECHO UAC.ShellExecute "%SystemRoot%\%winSysFolder%\cmd.exe", args, "", "runas", 1 >> "%vbsGetPrivileges%"
"%SystemRoot%\%winSysFolder%\WScript.exe" "%vbsGetPrivileges%" %*
exit /B
setlocal & pushd .
cd /d %~dp0
if '%1'=='ELEV' (del "%vbsGetPrivileges%" 1>nul 2>nul & shift /1)
REM Run shell as admin (example) - put here code as you like
ewfmgr c: -enable
cmd /k
PROBLEM: If I execute the script (RunasAdmin.cmd) just by double clicking on it, the script is executed and get the task done without any error. But if I execute the script (RunasAdmin.cmd) through my NSIS installer (EWFMGR_Run.exe) then, I get an error that ewfmgr is not recognised as an internal or external command
NSIS Installer Code: (EWFMGR_Run.exe)
OutFile "EWFMGR_Run.exe"
ExecWait "D:\Disk\RunasAdmin.cmd"
The Command window opened by NSIS installer after running the script (RunasAdmin.cmd) is following:
Queston: Both the command windows are opened as Admin and are into the same working directory. But how come the window opened by NSIS installer is not able to find ewfmgr.exe?
UPDATE-1: Bascially the problem is in the CMD window opened by the NSIS installer. Even if I move to the path C:\Windows\System32 manually using cd /D C:\Windows\System32 and try to execute ewfmgr.exe (which is available in that path), CMD does not recognize it.
References: The script file to elevate to Admin has been taken from Matt's answer given here.
What must be at least taken into account on elevating a command script (batch file) to administrator level?
The current directory changes in any case to %SystemRoot%\System32.
The environment could change completely if the current user is not in administrator group and therefore the user has to use a different user account to run the batch file with elevated privileges of an administrator, for example the local administrator account must be used instead of current user account. This affects environment variables and permissions on network resources.
The script is started initially always in environment of parent process which is on 64-bit Windows the 32-bit environment instead of the 64-bit environment in case of parent process is a 32-bit application.
The script could be executed with one or more arguments enclosed in double quotes which should be passed right to the script on execution with elevated privileges.
How to handle those 4 points?
1. Current directory
Many command line scripts (batch files) are coded to work with current directory and assume that the current directory is the same directory as the batch file. That the current directory is the same directory in which the batch file is stored is true on double clicking on a batch file stored on a local drive or a network drive, except the execution of batch files from network drives is disabled by security settings.
But Windows sets %SystemRoot%\System32 as current directory on running a cmd script as scheduled task using system account.
And Windows sets %SystemRoot%\System32 as current directory on using RunAs to run a cmd script with elevated administrator privileges.
And Windows sets %SystemRoot% as current directory after printing into console window the message below on executing a batch file with a double click which is stored on a network share opened using UNC path.
CMD.EXE was started with the above path as the current directory.
UNC paths are not supported. Defaulting to Windows directory.
Using UNC paths as current directory could be enabled as described for example by an answer on How to run batch file from network share without "UNC path are not supported" message?
The best would be to write the entire script code to work independent on which directory is the current directory.
That means not using just the file name of a referenced file, but "Full path to\FileName.exe", i.e. the file name with file extension and with full path enclosed in double quotes.
In case of all files to run or referenced from within a cmd script are stored in an unknown folder, but are always in same folder as the cmd script, the simple method to get path for all files is using the command line:
set "SourceFolder=%~dp0"
%~dp0 expands to path of the batch file always ending with a backslash and never being enclosed in double quotes even if the folder path contains a space character or other command line syntax critical characters like an ampersand.
Then all files are referenced with using
Note: There is no backslash (directory separator on Windows) as the environment variable SourceFolder holds the folder path already with a backslash at end.
Of course it is also possible to use cd /D "%~dp0" to set current directory to the directory of the cmd script, but this does not work for UNC paths.
But there is also the command pushd "%~dp0" working also with UNC paths if command extensions are enabled as by default.
For details on the commands CD and PUSHD run in a command prompt window cd /? and pushd /? and read the output help.
2. Environment variables
Windows creates a copy of the currently active environment table of current process whenever a new process is created.
But this is not the case when a batch file elevates itself to administrator level. Therefore it is not possible to define environment variables on initial run of a batch file, then elevate to administrator level, and access now the environment variables as defined before in initial environment. It could even happen that the batch file was initially executed in 32-bit environment on 64-bit Windows on initial execution, but runs in 64-bit environment after elevation to administrator level.
So everything which needs to be passed from initial execution to elevated execution must be parsed via command line arguments or via a file on a local drive fully accessible in all environments, i.e. for everyone.
3. 32-bit versus 64-bit environment
Sometimes a 32-bit installer is used for installing either a 32-bit or a 64-bit application depending on bit width of Windows because of running on all Windows. The batch file is processed by 32-bit cmd.exe in 32-bit environment on using a 32-bit installer even when executed on a 64-bit Windows.
At least the following three Microsoft articles should be studied carefully before reading further:
File System Redirector
WOW64 Implementation Details
Registry Keys Affected by WOW64
It is definitely no good idea to depend on value of environment variable PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE as its value is x86 when a 32-bit process is executed on 64-bit Windows in 32-bit environment.
It is also not good to query the architecture of the processor directly from Windows registry. It is not guaranteed that there is a 64-bit Windows running on a computer with a 64-bit CPU. It is not often done, but nevertheless possible to use 32-bit Windows on a computer with a 64-bit processor on main board.
The environment variable ProgramFiles(x86) is not defined by default on 32-bit Windows as it is on 64-bit Windows which can be used to determine if a command file script is running on 32-bit or 64-bit Windows.
And the file %SystemRoot%\Sysnative\cmd.exe exists only for 32-bit processes running in 32-bit environment on 64-bit Windows because of special alias Sysnative existing only for a 32-bit process in 32-bit environment on 64-bit Windows which can be used to determine in which environment the batch file is currently running.
4. Passing arguments
It is easy to elevate a batch file executed without any arguments to elevated administrator level.
It is also no problem to pass simple arguments which do not need to be enclosed in double quotes to batch file running elevated.
But passing one or more arguments containing at least one space character or one of these characters &()[]{}^=;!'+,`~<|> which require enclosing the argument string in double quotes is really not easy, especially on creating a Visual Basic script from within a batch file to elevate to administrator level.
It is a real nightmare to try to encode double quotes in batch file correct to be passed via the VB script to the same batch file executed with elevated privileges. Most solutions provided in World Wide Web simply don't support double quoted parameters. Matt's Elevate.cmd - Version 4 is no exception. Running a batch file using this code with "%ProgramFiles%\Installation Folder" as first argument results on initial execution in "C:\Program Files\Installation Folder" being the first and only argument and on elevated execution after removing argument ELEV in the three arguments C:\Program, Files\Installation and Folder.
5. Possible solution for this task
For this task a 32-bit NSIS installer is calling a command line script which must elevate itself to administrator level and should run on 64-bit Windows in 64-bit environment instead of 32-bit environment as on initial run.
I have once analyzed the batch and VB script code of Matt's Elevate.cmd - Version 4, have removed all useless code, have enhanced it to support also arguments enclosed in double quotes using a much easier method than other posted, and have commented the code completely so that others can also understand it for answering UNC paths as current directories in batch file where admin rights are requested.
The batch script posted there is written to work independent on what is the current directory for working also with batch file being executed from a network share using UNC path which of course works only if the network share is still accessible according to permission settings of the share after elevation to administrator level. I found out today after a comment by Richard on his answer on Open Command Window in Windows x64 mode that the web page SS64 - Run with elevated permissions contains nearly the same code as I developed without having ever read the code there.
The adapted batch file code below should work for this task. It expects the executable ewfmgr.exe in same directory as the cmd script or ewfmgr.exe is specified with full path as first argument on executing the script in case of being in a different directory.
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
rem Define as application to run by default the file ewfmgr.exe in folder
rem of the batch file which can be a folder on a local drive or on a
rem network drive or even a UNC path.
set "AppToRun=%~dp0ewfmgr.exe"
set "vbsGetPrivileges=%TEMP%\OEgetPriv_%~n0.vbs"
rem The console application NET with parameter FILE can be executed
rem successfully only if the account used for running this batch file
rem has local administrator privileges. See the Microsoft documentation
rem https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/it-pro/windows-xp/bb490702(v=technet.10)
rem for details about NET FILE.
rem The output written to handle STDOUT on successful execution is redirected
rem to device NUL to suppress it. The exit code of NET assigned to ERRORLEVEL
rem is in this case 0 indicating a successful execution.
rem But on a failed execution because of not having administrator
rem privileges NET outputs to handle STDERR the two error messages
rem "System error 5 has occurred." and "Access is denied." which
rem are redirected from handle STDERR to device NUL to suppress them.
rem And exit/return code of NET is 1 indicating a failed execution.
rem Read https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/it-pro/windows-xp/bb490982(v=technet.10))
rem for details about using command redirection operators.
%SystemRoot%\System32\net.exe FILE >nul 2>nul
if not errorlevel 1 goto RunMainCode
if "%~1" == "ELEV" (
rem This condition is just for safety. If the batch file was started
rem already a second time with ELEV as first parameter and execution
rem of NET FILE failed nevertheless because of missing permissions,
rem the batch file outputs an error message, waits for any key press
rem by the user to make sure that the user had the chance to read the
rem error message and then exits the batch file processing without
rem doing anything at all.
echo %~nx0 should run already with elevated privileges, but it isn't.
echo Press any key to exit %~nx0 without doing anything ...
pause >nul
goto :EOF
rem This batch file can be started without any parameter resulting in %* being
rem expanded to nothing which results in environment variable BatchArgs being
rem deleted if already existing or with ewfmgr.exe with full path as parameter
rem which must be enclosed in double quotes in case of path containing
rem one or more spaces.
rem As the batch file needs to be executed once again in a separate command
rem process running as local administrator for full access at least on local
rem machine it is necessary to prepare the parameters/arguments list. Each
rem double quote in the arguments list must be doubled to be correct escaped
rem in the VB script file.
rem This is necessary as otherwise running this batch file with
rem "Full path to\ewfmgr.exe"
rem as first parameter would result in execution of the batch file by the
rem Windows Scripting Host as Full path to\ewfmgr.exe without the double
rem quotes as arguments for the batch file and therefore the first parameter
rem is on elevated execution "Full" instead of "Full path to\ewfmgr.exe" as
rem it was initially.
rem Many "run as administrator" solutions which can be found in World Wide Web
rem don't handle parameter strings correct which are enclosed in double quotes
rem because the parameter string has one or more spaces or other critical
rem characters requiring enclosing the parameter string in double quotes.
set "BatchArgs=%*"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
if defined BatchArgs set "BatchArgs= !BatchArgs:"=""!"
rem Everything output by the ECHO command lines within the next command block
rem is redirected into the VB script file created in the folder for temporary
rem files of current user with name of batch file in VB script file name. This
rem makes it possible that multiple batch files with different names can run
rem at the same time using same code for creating a VB script file to run the
rem batch file once again as administrator with elevated privileges.
rem For details on ShellExecute parameters see the Microsoft documentation
rem https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/shell/shell-shellexecute
rem The tricky part is quoting the arguments list correct which should be
rem finally passed to cmd.exe executed from the VB script. The command process
rem running the batch file with elevated privileges of local administrator
rem should automatically close after execution of batch file finished which
rem is the reason for first argument /C.
rem The second argument is the command to execute by `cmd.exe` which is
rem the batch file name with complete path which must be enclosed in double
rem quotes for safety in case of batch file name or path contains one or more
rem spaces. But additionally the batch file itself must be started with at
rem least two more arguments.
rem The first argument for the batch file is ELEV which is used as indication
rem to detect if this batch file is already started a second time via the
rem VB script using local built-in administrator account.
rem The second argument for the batch file is the application to
rem run with full default path which is the batch file folder.
rem And last all parameters passed to this batch file on initial run should
rem be also passed to second execution of this batch file under the different
rem environment of local built-in administrator account.
rem This nesting of batch file arguments in command processor arguments written
rem into a VB script file which requires additionally escaping each double quote
rem within a string with one more double quote results in a strange syntax for
rem the line to write into the VB script file.
echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^)
echo UAC.ShellExecute "%SystemRoot%\System32\cmd.exe", "/C """"%~f0"" ELEV ""!AppToRun!""!BatchArgs!""", , "runas", 1
rem Now the created VB script file can be executed with Windows Script Host.
rem Then the VB script file can be deleted as no longer needed and processing
rem of this batch file under current user account ends resulting in returning
rem to command process which results in closing the console window if not
rem executed by cmd.exe started with option /K to keep the console window
rem opened like on opening a command prompt window and running this batch
rem file from within the command prompt window.
%SystemRoot%\System32\WScript.exe "%vbsGetPrivileges%"
del "%vbsGetPrivileges%"
goto :EOF
rem Here starts the main code of the batch file which needs to be
rem executed with elevated privileges of a local administrator.
rem First is checked if the first parameter of the batch file is ELEV
rem which indicates that this batch file was started a second time
rem using administrator privileges or local administrator account.
if "%~1" == "ELEV" (
rem In this case the second argument is the application to run with
rem batch file folder passed from initial run to this second run of
rem the batch file. The current directory is now not anymore the initial
rem current directory, but %SystemRoot%\System32 as set by Windows on
rem starting a command process using RunAs and administrator account.
rem This must be taken into account on further batch file processing.
rem For this batch file it does not matter what is the current directory
rem as it is written to work with path of the application to run defined
rem on starting the batch file (initially). So there is no need to use
rem CD /D "%~dp0" or PUSHD "%~dp0" as many "run as administrator"
rem solutions use to change the current directory to directory of the
rem batch file. There is also no need for CD /D "%~2" or PUSHD "%~2"
rem here which of course could be also used.
rem The two additionally added arguments ELEV and the application to
rem run are removed from the arguments lists by using twice the
rem command SHIFT to restore the initial arguments list.
set "AppToRun=%~2"
shift /1
shift /1
if "%ProgramFiles(x86)%" == "" goto RunApp
if not exist %SystemRoot%\Sysnative\cmd.exe goto RunApp
%SystemRoot%\Sysnative\cmd.exe /C ""%~f0" %*"
goto :EOF
rem If this batch file was started (initially) with a parameter string,
rem interpret the first parameter string as application to run with
rem full path if the specified executable file exists at all.
rem Then run the application with full path and its parameters.
if not "%~1" == "" (
if exist "%~1" set "AppToRun=%~1"
"%AppToRun%" c: -enable
6. Best solution for this task
But it turned out after I finished writing and testing the code above, writing this long answer and before posting it, reading the comment written by Richard on his answer on Open Command Window in Windows x64 mode, the best solution is most likely using the NSIS code as posted at
How do you request administrator permissions using NSIS?
And use in the command script just the few lines at bottom also posted as my answer on Open Command Window in Windows x64 mode to switch from 32-bit to 64-bit environment.
Try modifying RunasAdmin.cmd to use Sysnative instead of System32:
set winSysFolder=Sysnative
I am guessing that EWFMGR_Run.exe is launching a 32 bit cmd window and windows is forcing the c:\windows\syswow64 override on your attempted override of set winSysFolder=System32
According to this article, you should be using the Sysnative virtual folder instead.
The 'Sysnative' folder
As explained above, accessing the 64-bit System32 folder from a 32-bit application by simply inserting "\System32" in the folder path is not possible. A redirection to the SysWOW64 folder is made automatically by the system if you try that. But there is another folder name that can be used instead: Sysnative.
Sysnative is a virtual folder, a special alias, that can be used to access the 64-bit System32 folder from a 32-bit application or script. If you for example specify this folder path in your application's source code:
the following folder path is actually used:
I'd like to point to an NSIS specific way about dealing with UAC and elevated rights.
If your NSIS installer needs to run anything with elevated permissions, you have to indicate that in your NSIS script like so:
RequestExecutionLevel admin
Once you do that, when you start the installer, it will pop up the UAC prompt and in succession won't have any problems running external scripts or programs which need elevated permissions.
This is pretty much in line with #5 of Mofi's answer - I still post this one as I think it boils it down to the need-to-know. NSIS seems to be the show-stopper here for you.
For reference:
NSIS - Could not write updated PATH to HKLM

the installation package could not be open batch file

I've been working on a batch file all day, that I can't get to work open through GPO (another day, another question). So I decided to do it manually with every computer. I have two exe's and one MSI. The exe's work perfectly fine. They get installed, and it all works out. The MSI, however, doesn't. It gives me the error: the installation package could not be opened. Verify that the package exists and that you can access it, or contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package.
Now when I go to the network share and use it from there, it works perfectly fine. So there must be an issue with my code.
Here's the code:
#echo off
IF NOT EXIST "C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\ICA Client\" (
pushd "\\KOPI-DC01\ACCURO Cloudwerx\ACCURO\1\"
.\CitrixReceiver-4.4.1000.exe /silent
IF NOT EXIST "C:\Program Files (x86)\triCerat\Simplify Printing\ScrewDrivers Client v4\" (
pushd "\\KOPI-DC01\ACCURO Cloudwerx\ACCURO\2\"
msiexec.exe /i ".\Screwdriver.msi"
IF NOT EXIST "C:\Program Files\Cloudwerx\CloudwerxPlugin\" (
pushd "\\KOPI-DC01\ACCURO Cloudwerx\ACCURO\3\"
.\cloudwerx-setup.exe /silent
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
I am guessing that your problem is the distinction in powershell between the current location (set by the pushd command) and the working directory (unaffected by the pushd command). You can see the working directory of the powershell process using the [Environment]::CurrentDirectory property:
# C:\> [Environment]::CurrentDirectory = "c:\"
# C:\> [Environment]::CurrentDirectory
# C:\> pushd C:\Temp
# C:\Temp> [Environment]::CurrentDirectory
# C:\Temp> Get-Location
WHat is probably happening is that msiexec.exe is using the working directory (i.e. [Environment]::CurrentDirectory) and not the current powershell location at invocation. I would just specify the full path to msiexec:
msiexec.exe /i "\\KOPI-DC01\ACCURO Cloudwerx\ACCURO\2\\Screwdriver.msi"
MSI installation packages build with an older WIX utility would throw the error whenever installation was attempted from a batch script that was accessed on a shared drive using UNC path instead of a mapped drive letter. On the other hand whenever the batch file was executed with a mapped drive letter the installation would work normally.
I'm not blaming WIX here because I'm not certain whether they are responsible. I'm just describing symptoms here. It might just be the result of invoking plain vanilla Windows batch script that in turn executes msiexec with a bunch of command line parameters.

How to start 2 programs simultaneously in windows command prompt

I am using Windows 7 64bit
Here is the code snippet I am using to start
#echo off
call "C:\Program Files (x86)\LOLReplay\LOLRecorder.exe"
call "G:\League of Legends\lol.launcher.exe"
But unless I close LOLRecorder.exe it won't start my lol.launcher.exe.... basically I want both running and the cmd prompt exit after they start. Whats wrong here? I checked out another stackoverflow answer Here but it refers to the same method I am using.
With the start command it just starts 2 terminal windows and nothing starts!
#echo off
start "C:\Program Files (x86)\LOLReplay\LOLRecorder.exe"
start "G:\League of Legends\lol.launcher.exe"
With the start command it just starts 2 terminal windows and nothing starts!
The problem is the quotes (which are unfortunately required, due to the spaces in the paths). The start command doesn't seem to like them.
You can work around this by using the short DOS names for all the directories (and remove quotes), or by specifying the directory separately and quoting it (which the start command seems to be able to deal with).
Try this:
#echo off
start /d "C:\Program Files (x86)\LOLReplay" LOLRecorder.exe
start /d "G:\League of Legends" lol.launcher.exe
Or, if your batch files become more complicated in the future, or your program names have spaces in them, this:
CALL :MainScript
CALL :RunProgramAsync "C:\Program Files (x86)\LOLReplay\LOLRecorder.exe"
CALL :RunProgramAsync "G:\League of Legends\lol.launcher.exe"
REM ~sI expands the variable to contain short DOS names only
start %~s1
start requires parameters for window title.
start "Lolrecorder" "C:\Program Files (x86)\LOLReplay\LOLRecorder.exe"
start "Lol-Launcher" "G:\League of Legends\lol.launcher.exe"
This will give the cmd-windows started by start the title of "Lolrecorder" and "Lol-Launcher"
Specify a title and the /c switch to tell the STARTed window to go away after its command finishes.
start "recorder" /c "C:\Program Files (x86)\LOLReplay\LOLRecorder.exe"
start "LOL" /c "G:\League of Legends\lol.launcher.exe"
This reference has so far answered almost every question I've ever had about CMD.
call is for batch files only, and it waits for the callee to return. You should use the start command to start programs backgrounded. As an added bonus you can specify a priority for the process. If you need to run something as another user, use runas.
Someone wandering may be interested in checking correctness of all drives in the same time. Here is a simple .bat file for that:
#echo off
for %%a in (c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z) do if exist %%a:\ start cmd /c "echo %%a: & chkdsk %%a: & pause"
Script waits for key after checking each drive. Each drive has its own cmd window.
You should avoid checking and fixing (above is only checking) drives, where one drive is a container in another (eg. VeraCrypt container, VHD, VHDX).

The UAC prompt shows a temporary random Program Name for msi, can the correct name be displayed?

I'm building an MSI installer for windows and sign the installer using signtool. When I run the .msi to test it, the UAC (User Account Control) prompt shows up to ask me if I want to allow the installation to proceed. That's fine, but the prompt shows a number of fields, and for the Program Name field it displays something like "403b3.msi". This is not the name of the msi I'm running.
How can I get the correct Program Name to be displayed?
Use the /d command line argument with the required program name when executing signtool to sign the msi.
It appears that the windows installer creates a temporary copy of the msi file and assigns it a generated name before running it. If you don't use /d with signtool, you get to see the temporary filename which isn't very useful for your users.
this is an applied version of #Scott-langham's comment.
this was directly from the PostBuildEvent of a visual studio installer project - VDPROJ file
set signtool="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Bin\signtool.exe"
set timestampurl=http://timestamp.digicert.com
set certpath="$(ProjectDir)CodeSigningCert.pfx"
:: Setup in your user environment variables
:: using something with low sort order to force off screen ZZCODECERTPASSWORD
echo must set code signing certificate in ZZCODECERTPASSWORD environment variable. stopping build.
exit /b 2
:: need the filename with extension that is being generated
FOR /f %%i IN ("$(BuiltOuputPath)") DO (
SET outputfilename=%%~nxi
%signtool% sign /t %timestampurl% /f %certpath% /p %CODECERTPW% /d %outputfilename% "$(BuiltOuputPath)"
echo failed to sign MSI
exit /b 3
%signtool% sign /t %timestampurl% /f %certpath% /p %CODECERTPW% "$(ProjectDir)$(Configuration)\Setup.exe"
echo failed to sign boostrap setup EXE
exit /b 4
