I have problem with http vs https link in portlets. I work with jboss liferay 6.0 but it is not relevant in this case.
Portlets may be used in http or https mode. Portlet tag creates absolute URL. I would need this relative to work correctly with http vs https.
I know secure attribute, but I don't want it always secure.
<portlet:renderURL var="detailLink">
<portlet:param name="id" value="${recordId}" />
<portlet:param name="backURL" value="${backLink}" />
Please no javascript for this.
Thank you
On the server, you will know whether you are in http or http mode. So you could create it server side using something like this
PortletUrl detailLink renderResponse.createRenderUrl();
//set all the params on detailLink here
You can use the Relative URL concept here...
If you don't want to go ahead with javascript then you can create a Java method in your jsp page, preferably in a common jsp page like init.jsp and place the following method:
private String _getRelativePath(String cURL) {
if (Validator.isNull(cURL)) {
return cURL;
if (cURL.startsWith(Http.HTTP)) {
int pos = cURL.indexOf(
StringPool.SLASH, Http.HTTPS_WITH_SLASH.length());
cURL = cURL.substring(pos);
return cURL;
You can call this method on your url and it would return the string having path and parameters.
For example; if you pass cURL as
then it will return
Also you can use themeDisplay.getURLPortal() method to split absolute url to get required relative url out of it.
private String _getRelativePath(String cURL, ThemeDisplay themeDisplay) {
if (Validator.isNull(cURL)) {
return cURL;
String [] urlArr = cURL.split(themeDisplay.getURLPortal());
return urlArr[1];
This mechanism will fulfill your requirement.
I have implemented content negotiation so that a specific serializer will be used based on the accept header:
XmlFormatter fmtXml = new XmlFormatter();
JsonFormatter fmtJson = new JsonFormatter();
fmtJson.SupportedMediaTypes.Add(new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/json"));
config.Formatters.Insert(0, fmtJson);
config.Formatters.Insert(0, fmtXml);
I need to allow a client to specify the desired format using a url parameter, which would take precedence over the accept header.
To do this, I've started subclassing the DefaultContentNegogiator (although I don't know that it's the best idea.:
public class CustomContentNegotiator : DefaultContentNegotiator
public override ContentNegotiationResult Negotiate(Type type, HttpRequestMessage request, IEnumerable<MediaTypeFormatter> formatters)
string sMimeType = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(request.Url.Query).Get("_format");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sMimeType))
return base.Negotiate(type, request, formatters);
Then I replace the default content negotiator with mine:
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.Services.Replace(typeof(IContentNegotiator), new CustomContentNegotiator());
The idea with the custom content negotiator is that if a content format has been specified as a url parameter, I would locate the formatter that matches, otherwise I would just fallback to the behavior of the DefaultContentNegotiator.
I'm just not sure how to match correctly on the supported media types, or if there is a better, simpler solution to this...
I determined that using a custom content negotiator was a red herring. Instead I was able to use a MediaTypeMapping which matches against a specific url parameter instead of the accept request header:
fmtJson.MediaTypeMappings.Add(new System.Net.Http.Formatting.QueryStringMapping("_format", "json", "application/json"));
I need to rewrite not redirect certain requests to GET files to an external storage location (hosted on a different domain)
I am able to accomplish this with redirecting using rewriter middleware, however i would like to rewrite instead.
I need to use some logic to rewrite to a specific file location, so I followed https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/fundamentals/url-rewriting?view=aspnetcore-2.0&tabs=aspnetcore2x#method-based-rule tutorial.
When i set the Host and path i can see the absolute url looks correct but when the method exits i get "No webpage was found for the web address:" and url displayed is the original request Url
RewriteRule.cs (also holds redirect url logic in ApplyRule() that i don't want to use)
public static void RewriteStorageFileRequests(RewriteContext context)
var request = context.HttpContext.Request;
var path = request.Path.Value;
if (path.Contains("foo/bar"))
context.Result = RuleResult.SkipRemainingRules;
request.Host = new HostString("storage/space");
request.Path = path.Replace("foo/bar", string.Empty);
var test2 = request.GetDisplayUrl();
So essentially, if a call comes in as:
I want to rewrite it to:
app.UseRewriter(new RewriteOptions().Add(RewriteUrlRule.RewriteStorageFileRequests));
test2 displays the correct url in the debugger.
I tried setting host to empty string and passing host value (storage/space) in path but still no luck.
Before Rewriter
After Rewrite
UPDATE: I was able to get rewrite to work by changing
context.Result = RuleResult.SkipRemainingRules;
context.Result = RuleResult.EndResponse;
However, when i get to the Url it returns 200OK but does not show the image.
(see attached file)
So, right now the only way i can get images is still with Redirect
Rewrite GET
We've discovered a strange new bug in a GWT application I'm maintaining, and I'm not sure when it became an issue. Possibly with a new Firefox version.
We're sending a POST request to the server using a FormPanel, essentially like many examples I've seen online. But since we actually want a PUT request, one of the hidden input parameters is named "method" and has a value of "put".
Now, when I look at the request in Fiddler coming from Firefox, it is being transformed into a GET request with all the parameters in the QueryString. In IE and Chrome, the parameters are in the body of a POST request.
I've displayed the value of FormPanel.getMethod() in an alert, and in IE and Chrome the string "post" is displayed, whereas in firefox it is showing "object HTMLInputElement". Unfortunately, hosted mode debugging does not work with this project.
It obviously looks like the FormPanel's getMethod() function is returning the hidden input parameter named method instead of the actual form's method in Firefox.
Technically I should avoid changing the servlet as this is from an OpenSource project that we use, though I've found I can fix the issue by changing the hidden input parameter's name to "_method" on both ends.
Has anyone ever seen anything like this? I can't find anything in Google.
UPDATE: We're using GWT 2.3 in case that helps
Some insight can be found here Are the PUT, DELETE, HEAD, etc methods available in most web browsers?
I would also suggest using XMLHttpRequest. In this case you [most probably] don't have to change anything on the server side.
In case if you use Submit button, you can write in its clickHandler function:
submitMyForm(yourTextBox.getText(), self);
// self - is the instance of main class (named UploadForm here), needs to be passed here for future reference
and then some more (you can adapt this for your needs):
private native void submitMyForm(String text, UploadForm handler)/*-{
var fd = new FormData();
fd.append("textValue", text);
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
var upload = xhr.upload;
readyStateChangeHandler = function () {
if (xhr.readyState == 4) {
if (xhr.status == 200) {
var serverResponse = eval(xhr.responseText); // optional
} else {
xhr.onreadystatechange = readyStateChangeHandler;
xhr.open("PUT", yourActionUrlHere);
I have a simple implementation of custom protocol. It's said that newURI method takes 3 arguments (spec, charset & baseURI) and "if the protocol has no concept of relative URIs, third parameter is ignored".
So i open a page like this tada://domain/samplepage which has XML starting with this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE Product SYSTEM "product.dtd">
But i don't see any request regarding product.dtd to my protocol (newURI is not even called). Do i miss smth in my implementation?
BTW: the page itself opens correctly, but there's no request to the DTD-file.
Cc = Components.classes,
Ci = Components.interfaces,
Cr = Components.results,
Cu = Components.utils,
nsIProtocolHandler = Ci.nsIProtocolHandler;
function TadaProtocol() {
TadaProtocol.prototype = {
scheme: "tada",
protocolFlags: nsIProtocolHandler.URI_DANGEROUS_TO_LOAD,
newURI: function(aSpec, aOriginCharset, aBaseURI) {
let uri = Cc["#mozilla.org/network/simple-uri;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIURI);
uri.spec = (aBaseURI === null)
? aSpec
: aBaseURI.resolve(aSpec);
return uri;
newChannel: function(aURI) {
ioService = Cc["#mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"].getService(Ci.nsIIOService),
uri = ioService.newURI("chrome://my-extension/content/about/product.xml", null, null);
return ioService.newChannelFromURI(uri);
classDescription: "Sample Protocol Handler",
contractID: "#mozilla.org/network/protocol;1?name=tada",
classID: Components.ID('{1BC90DA3-5450-4FAF-B6FF-F110BB73A5EB}'),
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIProtocolHandler])
let NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([TadaProtocol]);
The channel you return from newChannel has the chrome:// URI you passed to newChannelFromURI as its URI. So that's the URI the page has as its URI, and as its base URI. So the DTD load happens from "chrome://my-extension/content/about/product.dtd" directly.
What you probably want to do is to set aURI as the originalURI on the channel you return from newChannel.
As Boris mentioned in his answer, your protocol implementation doesn't set nsIChannel.originalURI property so that URLs will be resolved relative to the chrome: URL and not relative to your tada: URL. There is a second issue with your code however: in Firefox loading external DTDs only works with chrome: URLs, this check is hardcoded. There is a limited number of supported DTDs that are mapped to local files (various HTML doctypes) but that's it - Gecko doesn't support random URLs in <!DOCTYPE>. You can see the current logic in the source code. The relevant bug is bug 22942 which isn't going to be fixed.
Boris and Wladimir, thank you!
After some time i have a solution. The problem was that the DTD-file could not be loaded from my custom-created protocol. The idea was to use Proxy API to override schemeIs() method, which was called in newURI method of nsIProtocolHandler.
So now i have this snippet of code in newURI method:
let standardUrl = Cc["#mozilla.org/network/standard-url;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIStandardURL);
standardUrl.init(standardUrl.URLTYPE_STANDARD, -1, spec, charset, baseURI);
return Proxy.create(proxyHandlerMaker(standardUrl));
proxyHandlerMaker just implements Proxy API and overrides the needed schemeIs() method. This solved the problem and now all the requests come to newChannel where we can handle them.
Important notes:
Request to DTD comes to newURI() method and does not come to newChannel(). This is the default behavior. This happens because schemeIs("chrome") method is called on the object which was returned by newURI() method. This method should return "true" for DTD-requests if you want the request to reach the newChannel() method.
newChannel() method is invoked with the {nsIURI} object which is not the same as the object which was returned by the newURI method.
If you want to handle both protocol:page & protocol://domain/page URLs by your protocol, you should use both {nsIURI} and {nsIStandardURL} objects
You can pass the created {nsIStandardUrl}-object (standardUrl in the snippet above) as a 2nd argument to the Proxy.create() function. This will make your baseURI (3rd arguments in newURI) pass "baseURI instanceof nsIStandardUrl" check. SchemeIs() method of this proxied object will also return true for the DTD-files requests. But unfortunately the requests won't reach newChannel() method. This could be a nice DTD-problem solution but I can't solve this problem.
I'm trying to host an MVC 3 application (FunnelWeb) on AppHarbor. For a reason that's still not clear to me, when my route is only a Controller+Action (e.g. mysite/admin is Admin+Index and mysite/login is Admin+login) everything works fine, but if I have anything else in the route (e.g. a variable like {*page}) my URL will be mysite:12345/mypage (where 12345 is a port number assigned by AppHarbor and mypage is the name of the page I'm requesting). This makes the request fail as the port 12345 is not publicly exposed.
AppHarbor uses load balancing to distribute the request between multiple IIS's. This is their way of doing stuff and this is why internally the requests are routed to some non-standard ports. I don't have a problem with that, but I have problem with MVC that tries to route me to that internal URL.
I'm not pointing fingers here; it's nobody's fault :) so let's move to the question:
Why there is a difference between requesting a route with Controller+Action only and requesting a route with a variable like {*page}? Be technical please :)
Here is an example of how to handle requests in AppHarbor, however, it seems that it requires me to modify all my controllers (OMG). Is there any way to implement this without modifying my controllers?
Any other suggestions are welcomed :)
Thanks in advance.
UPDATE: Coincidentally, the behaviour that I observed matches the conclusion that I reached. However, the issue has nothing to do with ASP.Net MVC routing. The short story is, FunnelWeb forces lowercase URL's, so, whenever it receives a request to a resource it convert it to lowercase, if needed, and issue a 301 response. The problem is, when creating the URL for the 301 response, the request URL (absolute URL) is now the URL used when the request made from the load balancer to IIS and not the one made from the client; hence, the request fails.
This is known issue with FunnelWeb url generation on AppHarbor. When using standard MVC methods to generate relative URLs, this is not a problem. AppHarbor has a short guide and sample on how the generate public URLs in the knowledge base.
It's possible that the following is now all you need:
<!-- AppHarbor Setting to stop AppHb load balancer internal port numbers from showing up in URLs-->
<add key="aspnet:UseHostHeaderForRequestUrl" value="true" />
This is noted as an update on AppHarbor's support page at http://support.appharbor.com/kb/getting-started/workaround-for-generating-absolute-urls-without-port-number
MSDN says the following about UseHostHeaderForRequestUrl:
aspnet:UseHostHeaderForRequestUrl - If this value attribute is false [default], the Url property is dynamically built from the host, port, and path provided by the web server. If this value attribute is true, the Url property is dynamically built by using the host and port provided by the incoming "Host" header and the path provided by the web server.
There is a way, but it requires a couple of classes.
When ASP.NET MVC registers a route, it defines a route handler. This route handler returns a HTTP handler that handles the request. If you use a custom route handler that returns a custom HTTP handler, you can rewrite the HTTP context by using a couple decorator classes.
Start by creating a HttpContextProxy and HttpRequestProxy that derives from the base classes and wraps all methods and properties to an inner instance. I've made the hard work available.
Next create the decorators, first the HTTP context decorator:
using System.Web;
public class HttpContextDecorator : HttpContextProxy
public HttpContextDecorator(HttpContextBase innerHttpContext)
: base(innerHttpContext)
public override HttpRequestBase Request
return new HttpRequestDecorator(base.Request);
The HTTP request decorator:
using System;
using System.Web;
public class HttpRequestDecorator : HttpRequestProxy
public HttpRequestDecorator(HttpRequestBase innerHttpRequest)
: base(innerHttpRequest)
public override bool IsSecureConnection
return string.Equals(Headers["X-Forwarded-Proto"], "https", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
public override Uri Url
var url = base.Url;
var urlBuilder = new UriBuilder(url);
if (IsSecureConnection)
urlBuilder.Port = 443;
urlBuilder.Scheme = "https";
urlBuilder.Port = 80;
return urlBuilder.Uri;
public override string UserHostAddress
const string forwardedForHeader = "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR";
var forwardedFor = ServerVariables[forwardedForHeader];
if (forwardedFor != null)
return forwardedFor;
return base.UserHostAddress;
As mentioned, you also need to override the MVC classes - here the HTTP handler:
using System;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Web.Routing;
public class CustomMvcHandler : MvcHandler
public CustomMvcHandler(RequestContext requestContext)
: base(requestContext)
requestContext.HttpContext = new HttpContextDecorator(requestContext.HttpContext);
protected override IAsyncResult BeginProcessRequest(HttpContextBase httpContext, AsyncCallback callback, object state)
httpContext = new HttpContextDecorator(httpContext);
return base.BeginProcessRequest(httpContext, callback, state);
protected override void ProcessRequest(HttpContextBase httpContext)
httpContext = new HttpContextDecorator(httpContext);
Then the route handler:
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Web.Routing;
public class CustomMvcRouteHandler : MvcRouteHandler
protected override IHttpHandler GetHttpHandler(RequestContext requestContext)
return new CustomMvcHandler(requestContext);
Finally, you'll need to replace the associated handler for all registered routes (or map them properly from the beginning):
var routes = RouteTable.Routes.OfType<Route>().Where(x => x.RouteHandler is MvcRouteHandler);
foreach (var route in routes)
route.RouteHandler = new CustomMvcRouteHandler();