Events in ASP.Net MVC - model-view-controller

I read that there aren't events in ASP.Net MVC.
However, I added button and when I double click it a buttonClick event was made.
So, are there events in Asp.Net MVC or not?

That is because you are using the webforms view engine. This view engine includes all the page life cycle stuff from the webforms framework. That means that you can, theoretically, use anything from webforms in mvc if you are using the webforms view engine. However, I'd strongly suggest that you don't do that. You will miss out on all the advantages with mvc and you'd be better of just using webforms in the first place.
If you are new to mvc I'd suggest that you'd use another viewengine instead as that will help you learn the framework a lot better and faster. There is a viewengine from Microsoft called Razor that you could start with.

If you're seeing a buttonClick event handler created when you double-click a button, you are likely attempting to use the Button server control. Instead you should simply include an <input type="submit" value="Button Text" /> element within a <form>. The form's action will result in the controller's action method being called on the subsequent post request.
I highly suggest that you do some do some research on ASP.NET MVC. There are several good resources, but here's a short introductory video to start with:

There are not server control events like there are in webforms. There are jQuery and javascript events that can happen in the HTML/DOM though.
If you double clicked a button on a designer canvas in visual studio, and it created a button click method in another file with a signature like public void MyEvent(EventArgs e), then you are not working with an MVC project.


How to handle asp buttons in mvc

I am using HTML buttons in MVC, but is there any way to handle ASP buttons in MVC rather than HTML buttons?
No, buttons in MVC are pure html code. There is no "OnClick" event like in webforms.
There is a possibility to use webforms component in MVC (you can find some blog post if you search), but I discourage this. Stick with HTML

How can I handle the control event without using JavaScript in MVC3 Razor Application?

Replay me as soon as possible.
I want to handle different events in MVC3 razor application. I searched for that but the only option I get is JavaScript.
But I don't want to use it.
How can I handle Server Side events like available in .aspx file MVC Ajax - Disabling button in ajax.beginform?

I'm using microsoft ajax and ajax.beginform.
It's working great for model binding my partial view, but I need to conditionally disable some of the buttons in my form itself depending on what comes back from the server.
How can I go about this without using JQuery?
Have you thought instead about using two separate views instead, and have your conditional logic in your controller determine which view to display.

MyUpdatePanel.Update() in Razor

I am trying to convert my existing ASP.NET application to MVC 3 Razor. I use a lot of updatepanels, and I do conditional updates at the code behind using MyUpdatePanel.Update().
I am not finding this functionality with MVC 3. I can see a lot of blogposts talking about jQuery and how to use it to achieve the same, but I want to render other partialviews from my action conditionally. Is it possible to achieve it?
The way you'd work with Ajax in ASP.NET MVC is completely different from the ASP.NET way (i.e., Ajax toolkit with server-side controls such as UpdatePanel).
ASP.NET MVC is more basic and therefore more work. You handle Ajax calls on the client side using a library such as jQuery, and on the server side you implement a controller with Ajax methods.
Have a look at

Sencha EXTJS and MVC pattern

I am coming up to speed on modifying an application built in EXT,and I would like to use an MVC pattern with the overall architecture. Could someone point out how I can load views dynamically in EXT? For instance, to make a blind call to a controller that will return some kind of view that could be html, a grid, a window, etc...
I'm open to a javascript only solution, or one that calls and retrieves views from mvc.
