how should I go about replicating VS2010's Publish command? - visual-studio-2010

I'm trying to build a publish script that doesn't use VS2010 -- I want it to be automated and in powershell (may use Psake soon). The biggest issue that I run into is that a project that will build and publish fine in VS2010 will either not build or not publish via the msbuild command. The closest I can get is (anonymized code):
msbuild /p:OutDir=c:\temp\publish\staging\myProj\myProj_1481\;Configuration=Debug;UseWPP_CopyWebApplication=True;PipelineDependsOnBuild=False C:\TEMP\export\myProj\1481\src\\myProj.csproj
That one is failing for a Could not find file error in one of the DLLs. Naturally it publishes fine from VS2010. Is there some sort of recursion that I need to do? I'm burning up quite a bit of time on this one particular portion of my script -- the one part I have the least control over.
if the proj will build in VS2010 I shouldn't need to modify the csproj file -- I don't want to hand this script off to someone else and have them stick in "fix your csproj" land for hours per project
have to be able to script it entirely at the command line
hopefully no additional installs needed
Trying to Build and Publish website from command line using aspnet_compiler (old)
_CopyWebApplication with web.config transformations (didn't fix my issue)


Add custom xml lines to project

I’m generating projects for unix and windows with cmake. For win we use certain version of vs build tools, which are a bit outdated already. As a result each time I launch generated project, I get project upgrade prompt, which is quite useless.
I’ve found that thread on how to disable it via certain oneliner:
The question is how do I insert it into project during cmage gen process.

In TeamCity how can I use an xcode build step on a project that is created in an earlier step?

I have a build system that takes an Expo React-Native project and 'ejects' the underlying iPhone app build project (the xcodeproj and workspace etc)
however as these files don't exist at the time I am creating the build steps the wizard that wants to help me find the scheme cannot find the file and so cannot set itself up.
What is my work around here? Do I have to devolve back to a command line only system (I am not sure how to do that!) or can I trick TeamCity in some way.
I don't have a solution for this yet... but it is clear that the command line is king here and my complete solution will involve in some way.

How do I include a file dynamically into a TeamCity build

I am fairly new to TeamCity and have recently been tasked with creating various builds, which I have done with no real issues.
What I am trying to do now though is include an external text file into the build output.
The external text file will be received from a service call made during the build.
These are my intended build steps:
Check out solution.
Restore packages.
Run tests.
Call web service with a configurable parameter and receive text file back.
Include text file in build.
Steps 1,2,3 and 6 are covered.
What are my options here? I must confess I do not really know where to begin.
I've spent some time today googling but it has been tricky getting the correct search term to return information on what I am trying to achieve.
I've seen some confusing articles on a 'meta runner'.
Any pointers to get me started in the right direction would be much appreciated.
Use a TeamCity command line build step -
I assume you are using build steps for all the other steps you listed so this is simply another of those.
The command line process would run somewhere under your checkout folder and thus anything it downloads would be made available as an artifact for your build

Is it possible to deploy aspnet vnext to azure from a mac?

The kpm pack command needs the runtime for the server - is it possible to install windows runtimes on osx just for the pack and deploy?
Ok, it seems that in order to recognise that the deployment is an aspnet vNext project and to handle that as a 'ProjectK Web Application deployment', you have to make it look like it all came from Visual Studio (or at least that was the only way I managed to get it to work right now)...
I did this by taking an example one from somewhere else...
I took a simple single vnext web project .sln file and changed the project name and project GUID.
I took the .kproj Visual Studio project file and did the same.
There isn't much that needs to be changed - only the name of the project and GUID. It's nice that there isn't any file lists in there so I feel that this might end up as a once-only activity...
I did find that there are some project structure rules that seemed to make it break. You seem to have to have the sln file in the top level folder and a folder underneath for the web project. If there is ONLY a web project then this might seem overkill, but I tried collapsing everything up to the top with the sln file correctly pointing, but that didn't work.
The other thing that you need to make sure you have is a reference to "Microsoft.AspNet.Server.IIS" in the project.json dependencies. Without this, the AspNet.Loader.dll and bin folder don't get deployed.
Apart from that, I am now able to use Sublime Text (or whatever I want on osx), test using "k kestrel", checkin through git and it gets deployed automatically to an azure web site! yippee!
Actually this makes much more sense because it is letting the target decide upon the binaries it needs to satisfy the deployments. Next challenge might be to get it to pull 'my' libraries from a custom NuGet source to get my binary libraries in there and avoid uploading ALL of the source to the website!
Oh - and another tip: Quit kestrel with 'Enter' for a clean quit instead of Z which leaves the port listening but non-functional!

Visual Studio: How to deploy a solution and continue developing it

I have a solution that I would like to run each day, but simultaneously continue development on it. While it is running, when I attempt to build a new version I receive the error that "Unable to copy file "obj\x86\Debug\Solution.exe" to "bin\Debug\Solution.exe". The process cannot access the file . . . ". This is perfectly understandable: the currently running version has a lock on the .exe, so a new one cannot be created.
My question is this: what is the best practice to "release" the current version to run each day, while keeping a separate "debug" version available for development? My current approach is to create a separate copy of the project, but that is very tedious. Is there a better way?
Thank you,
Build a Release Version, run it from folder. (Set Solution Configuration to Release)
Develop and debug in debug mode.
Assuming this is a Winforms or WPF app you can right click on your project, click on Properties and go to Publish tab. From there you can publish your app to a UNC path, install from there and run it while continuing development from within the Visual Studio IDE.
Edit: Additional advantage of this approach is that when you have a new version you will be able to publish to the same location and the next time you start your app it will be automatically updated.
Are you using any source control system? It's not clear if your problem is simply the mechanics of making a build, or how to keep a copy of your source that corresponds to each build. If the answer is b, then a source control system is designed to solve this problem.
You would make a build each day and publish/release the binaries, while at the same time checking in your source code. That way you have a "copy" of your source code that corresponds to each released build, while still allowing you to continue active development.
I would use a post-build script to simply copy the resulting EXE to a new location. You can run it from there easy enough. You can even execute it in the script if you don't like double-clicking ;)
