Join lines based on pattern - bash

I have the following file:
i need a way to use cat ,grep or awk to give the following output:
How can i achieve this in a single command? something like
cat file.txt | grep ... | awk ...
Note that its always a string followed by a number in the original text file.

sed 'N;s/\n//' file.txt
This should give the desired output when the content is in file.txt

paste -d "" - - < filename
This takes consecutive lines and pastes them together delimited by the empty string.

awk '{printf("%s", $0);} !(NR%2){printf("\n");}' file.txt
EDIT: I just noticed that your question requires the use of cat and grep. Both of those programs are unnecessary to achieve your stated aims. If you have some reason for including them that you haven't mentioned, try this (uselessly inefficient) version of the line I wrote immediately above:
cat file.txt | grep '^' | awk '{printf("%s", $0);} !(NR%2){printf("\n");}'
It is possible that this command uses features not present in the original awk program. You may need to invoke the new awk program, nawk instead.

If your input file is always 1 number then 1 string, and you only want the strings, all you have to do is take every other line.
If you only want the odd lines, you can do awk 'NR % 2' file.txt
If you want the evens, this becomes awk 'NR % 2==0' data

Here is the answer:
cat file.txt | awk 'BEGIN { lno = 0 } { val=$0; if (lno % 2 == 1) {printf "%s\n", $0} else {printf "%s", $0}; ++lno}'


How to write a bash script that dumps itself out to stdout (for use as a help file)?

Sometimes I want a bash script that's mostly a help file. There are probably better ways to do things, but sometimes I want to just have a file called "awk_help" that I run, and it dumps my awk notes to the terminal.
How can I do this easily?
Another idea, use #!/bin/cat -- this will literally answer the title of your question since the shebang line will be displayed as well.
Turns out it can be done as pretty much a one liner, thanks to #CharlesDuffy for the suggestions!
Just put the following at the top of the file, and you're done
So for my awk_help example, it'd be:
# Basic form of all awk commands
awk search pattern { program actions }
# advanced awk
awk 'BEGIN {init} search1 {actions} search2 {actions} END { final actions }' file
# awk boolean example for matching "(me OR you) OR (john AND ! doe)"
awk '( /me|you/ ) || (/john/ && ! /doe/ )' /path/to/file
# awk - print # of lines in file
awk 'END {print NR,"coins"}' coins.txt
# Sum up gold ounces in column 2, and find out value at $425/ounce
awk '/gold/ {ounces += $2} END {print "value = $" 425*ounces}' coins.txt
# Print the last column of each line in a file, using a comma (instead of space) as a field separator:
awk -F ',' '{print $NF}' filename
# Sum the values in the first column and pretty-print the values and then the total:
awk '{s+=$1; print $1} END {print "--------"; print s}' filename
# functions available
length($0) > 72, toupper,tolower
# count the # of times the word PASSED shows up in the file /tmp/out
cat /tmp/out | awk 'BEGIN {X=0} /PASSED/{X+=1; print $1 X}'
# awk regex operators
I found another solution that works on Mac/Linux and works exactly as one would hope.
Just use the following as your "shebang" line, and it'll output everything from line 2 on down:
#!/usr/bin/tail -n+2
hi there
how are you
Running this gives you what you'd expect:
$ ./
hi there
how are you
and another possible solution - just use less, and that way your file will open in searchable gui
and this way you can grep if for something too, e.g.
$ ./ | grep something

awk load one file into array, test against another file

I have two files:
my desired output would be the lines from the first file that match a number from the second file:
I attempted to use awk, but it only returns lines matching the first number:
awk -F"\n" -v RS=">" 'NR==FNR{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) A[$i]; next} END {for (header in A) {if ( match(header,$1) ) {print header}}}' seqs.fa numbers.txt
Why is awk only looping through the "header" array for the first line in numbers.txt? And, if this is an XY problem, is there a better way to accomplish this goal?
after fixing the typo in your numbers file
$ awk -F'=|;' 'NR==FNR{a[$1]; next}; $3 in a' numbers.txt seqs.fa
In this special case you can use GNU grep like this:
grep -F -f numbers.txt seqs.fa
The option -f filename uses all the patterns found in filename for the search. The options -F tells grep, that the patterns are simple fixed strings.

Print a comma except on the last line in Awk

I have the following script
awk '{printf "%s", $1"-"$2", "}' $a >> positions;
where $a stores the name of the file. I am actually writing multiple column values into one row. However, I would like to print a comma only if I am not on the last line.
Single pass approach:
cat "$a" | # look, I can use this in a pipeline!
awk 'NR > 1 { printf(", ") } { printf("%s-%s", $1, $2) }'
Note that I've also simplified the string formatting.
Enjoy this one:
awk '{printf t $1"-"$2} {t=", "}' $a >> positions
Yeh, looks a bit tricky at first sight. So I'll explain, first of all let's change printf onto print for clarity:
awk '{print t $1"-"$2} {t=", "}' file
and have a look what it does, for example, for file with this simple content:
1 A
2 B
3 C
4 D
so it will produce the following:
, 2-B
, 3-C
, 4-D
The trick is the preceding t variable which is empty at the beginning. The variable will be set {t=...} only on the next step of processing after it was shown {print t ...}. So if we (awk) continue iterating we will got the desired sequence.
I would do it by finding the number of lines before running the script, e.g. with coreutils and bash:
awk -v nlines=$(wc -l < $a) '{printf "%s", $1"-"$2} NR != nlines { printf ", " }' $a >>positions
If your file only has 2 columns, the following coreutils alternative also works. Example data:
paste <(seq 5) <(seq 5 -1 1) | tee testfile
1 5
2 4
3 3
4 2
5 1
Now replacing tabs with newlines, paste easily assembles the date into the desired format:
<testfile tr '\t' '\n' | paste -sd-,
You might think that awk's ORS and OFS would be a reasonable way to handle this:
$ awk '{print $1,$2}' OFS="-" ORS=", " input.txt
But this results in a final ORS because the input contains a newline on the last line. The newline is a record separator, so from awk's perspective there is an empty last record in the input. You can work around this with a bit of hackery, but the resultant complexity eliminates the elegance of the one-liner.
So here's my take on this. Since you say you're "writing multiple column values", it's possible that mucking with ORS and OFS would cause problems. So we can achieve the desired output entirely with formatting.
$ cat input.txt
3 2
5 4
1 8
$ awk '{printf "%s%d-%d",t,$1,$2; t=", "} END{print ""}' input.txt
3-2, 5-4, 1-8
This is similar to Michael's and rook's single-pass approaches, but it uses a single printf and correctly uses the format string for formatting.
This will likely perform negligibly better than Michael's solution because an assignment should take less CPU than a test, and noticeably better than any of the multi-pass solutions because the file only needs to be read once.
Here's a better way, without resorting to coreutils:
awk 'FNR==NR { c++; next } { ORS = (FNR==c ? "\n" : ", "); print $1, $2 }' OFS="-" file file
awk '{a[NR]=$1"-"$2;next}END{for(i=1;i<NR;i++){print a[i]", " }}' $a > positions

Explode to Array

I put together this shell script to do two things:
Change the delimiters in a data file ('::' to ',' in this case)
Select the columns and I want and append them to a new file
It works but I want a better way to do this. I specifically want to find an alternative method for exploding each line into an array. Using command line arguments doesn't seem like the way to go. ANY COMMENTS ARE WELCOME.
# Takes :: separated file as 1st parameters
# create csv target file
touch $TARGET
echo #userId,itemId > $TARGET
while read LINE
# Replaces all matches of :: with a ,
set -- $CSV_LINE
echo "$1,$2" >> $TARGET
done < $SOURCE
Instead of set, you can use an array:
echo "${arr[0]},${arr[1]}"
The following would print columns 1 and 2 from infile.dat. Replace with
a comma-separated list of the numbered columns you do want.
awk 'BEGIN { IFS='::'; OFS=","; } { print $1, $2 }' infile.dat > infile.csv
Perl probably has a 1 liner to do it.
Awk can probably do it easily too.
My first reaction is a combination of awk and sed:
Sed to convert the delimiters
Awk to process specific columns
cat inputfile | sed -e 's/::/,/g' | awk -F, '{print $1, $2}'
# Or to avoid a UUOC award (and prolong the life of your keyboard by 3 characters
sed -e 's/::/,/g' inputfile | awk -F, '{print $1, $2}'
awk is indeed the right tool for the job here, it's a simple one-liner.
$ cat
$ awk -F:: -v OFS=, '{$1=$1;print;print $2,$3 >> "altfile"}'
$ cat altfile

Deleting the first two lines of a file using BASH or awk or sed or whatever

I'm trying to delete the first two lines of a file by just not printing it to another file. I'm not looking for something fancy. Here's my (failed) attempt at awk:
awk '{ (NR > 2) {print} }' myfile
That throws out the following error:
awk: { NR > 2 {print} }
awk: ^ syntax error
contents of 'myfile':
What I want the result to be:
Use tail:
tail -n+3 file
from the man page:
-n, --lines=K
output the last K lines, instead of the last 10; or use -n +K
to output lines starting with the Kth
How about:
tail +3 file
awk 'NR>2' file
sed '1,2d' file
You're nearly there. Try this instead:
awk 'NR > 2 { print }' myfile
awk is rule based, and the rule appears bare (i.e., without braces) before the block it woud execute if it passes.
Also as Jaypal has pointed out, in awk if all you want to do is print the line that matches the rules you can even omit the action, thus simplifying the command to:
awk 'NR > 2' myfile
awk is based on pattern{action} statements. In your case, the pattern is NR>2 and the action you want to perform is print. This action is also the default action of awk.
So even though
awk 'NR>2{print}' filename
would work fine, you can shorten it to
awk 'NR>2' filename.
