cudart32_31_9.dll is missing from your computer - visual-studio-2010

I have a visual studio 2010 c++ solution (with cuda and nsight), it builds just fine, but I try to run it, it tells me this:
The program can't start because cudart32_31_9.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.
I've looked and I have cudart32_31_9.dll and cudart.lib on my computer and in my linker options, I've set the Additional Dependencies with the link to my cudart.lib (which is suppose to be "linked" with the dll in question).
I've looked a on Google, but the only things I found seems to be related to a program called "Folding"... which isn't quite my problem.
Any hint would be appeciated :)

I'm assuming it's a "typo", but there is no point in linking against a DLL. To solve your main problem however, make sure that cudart32_31_9.dll is either in the directory of your executable, or that its directory is part of the PATH environment variable.


Missing libraries on compiled gtkmm program on windows (MSYS2)

after numerous issues I finally have succeeded in compiling (Using \mingw64\bin\g++) my program that uses GTK+ 3 (gtkmm3) on windows.
However, trying to run the .exe file now fails and it complains about the following missing libraries:
I guess something about my path may be wrong? However I dont really know what to do as I didnt face something like this before. I would appreciate any help and I am willing to provide any information that may be neccessary to resolve it^^
Edit: I know I could just download or locate these libraries to make the program run, but I would like to know why it can't seem to find them as they belong to gtkmm (at least thats true for libatkmm-1.6.1.dll)
I found the answer myself... I have added in my case C:\msys64\mingw64\bin to my PATH variable. But now I face my program immediately closing after opening it. Well I guess the challenge continues ;)

XCode Project - ld: library not found for -llib

Recently I ran into a CMake problem that can be found in this thread:
Cmake on OSX Yosemite 10.10.3 - GLEW: package 'gl' not found
Eventually it got solved, maybe partly due to my inexperience in XCode and CMake. (I mainly used visual studio to compile projects in the past.)
After the alteration in the linked thread I got warning about my GLEW libs in CMake
(Is this something I should be worried about or is it not important?):
MACOSX_RPATH is not specified for the following targets:
I simply ignored it and tried to compile my project in XCode with the ALL_BUILD target selected. In the sparky target it said the include files in main could not be found so I added the .h files into the inc folder of my project.
When I compiled again the compiler started complaining again
(I don't know what this error means and how I can fix it.):
ld: library not found for -llib
Googled it for the entire day now and I can't find anything to solve this issue.
It's so frustrating working with XCode as an IDE but I really want to learn more about different platforms and their most popular IDE's so I can make multi platform applications from the start instead of porting it afterwards.
And if it matters I am using OSX Yosemite 10.10.3.
To make my issue easier to understand, I've put a zip of my project on my dropbox.
Feel free to ask questions if I explained things to briefly and again, thanks to everyone who contributes here. I really learned allot after discovering these forums.
EDIT: Alright I booted up my windows machine, generated a visual studio environment and tried to build it on there. Seems that the same problem also happens here. I looked at the linker attributes/flags and saw a lib.lib file added to the linking process which doesn't look right at all.
When removing the file, the error disappeared and many others arrived! (Which are simply solved by linking the appropriate libs so I wont handle those here.)
I misunderstood the error on my mac and thought it was referring to a random library which I needed to hunt down but actually it's a inconsistency in one of my CMake files.
EDIT2: Now I only have to find out where the lib.lib comes from and how I can ditch the flags from the project so I can generate my environment and build right away!
So moral of the story. Sometimes the solution is right in front of you and still ends up more like looking for a needle in a haystack.
I removed the following from my root CMakeLists.txt file and the random lib.lib library was gone from my generated projects
I thought this added a folder containing libraries but actually what it did was adding another flag for a specific library because this variable was being fed to:

How to compile opencv 245 with visual studio 2010 and openCL support?

I have much trouble compiling OpenCV 245 with GPU support. With some effort I managed to have cuda support up and running, but now I am stuck on opencl, here is the problem:
At some point during the compilation, the file kernels.cpp is generated, containing all kernel functions as strings. For what I understand, they are converted automatically from the .cl files with the cl2cpp.cmake script.
What I don't understand is that one file is excluded from the build: (which is on my disk, alongside all other .cl files) is not included, either in the visual studio project, or in the kernels.cpp that is automatically generated. This leads to an undefined error at link time.
I have tried manually adding the to the visual studio project. This does not change anything. In the CMakeLists.txt for ocl module, all the cl files seem to be automatically added with the line:
file(GLOB CL_FILES "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/kernels/*.cl")
I have tried manually adding nonfree_surf to CL_FILES, with no effect.
I have very little knowledge of CMake, hence I don't understand well what is going on. Can somebody give me a clue how I could find the reason of this behavior, namely:
Why are all .cl files added to my VS project, except ?
How can I correct this ?
Maybe I can execute cl2cpp.cmake script manually ? If so, how ?
Managed it by manually running the script:
cmake -DOUTPUT_PATH=c:/opencv/kernels2.cpp -DCL_DIR:PATH=c:/opencv/modules/ocl/src/kernels -P "c:\opencv\modules\ocl\cl2cpp.cmake"
For some reason (probably the same that makes nonfree_surf not be processed), not every necessary function are processed this way, so I juste copy-pasted the nonfree_surf string into kernels.cpp, and proceeded with the build.
If anyone needs the binaries, since they are a pain to compile, here they are:
Opencv 2.4.5 binaries compiled with VS2010 x86 (WIN32) including ocl and gpu library.

Compiling libexif as static lib with Visual Studio 2010 - then linking from Visual C++ project

Is it possible to compile libexif with Visual Studio 2010? I have been trying to do so and have been running into a whole slew of problems. I cannot find any information about whether anybody has successfully done this before. I know I can use MinGW to compile the library, but I am in a situation where I need it to be compiled with Visual Studio and then need to link to it from a Visual C++ app. Is this possible?
To answer your question: Yes it is possible... but it is a bit of a hack. Libexif uses functions that MSVC has chosen not to implement. See my working example VS2010 project below (if you don't like downloading files then skip to my explanation of what needed changing to get it to work below):
To elaborate, the issues that needed a "hack" (as hinted in the LibExif readme-win32.txt documentation) are:
Libexif uses inline in several places which is not defined in VS for C, only C++ (see this)
Libexif uses snprintf extensively in the code which is not defined in VS (see here)
You need to create the config.h yourself without a ./configure command to help you. You could read through the script but most of it doesn't make sense for Windows VS2010.
You will need to define GETTEXT_PACKAGE because it's probably setup in the configure file. I just choose UTF-8, whether that is correct or not I'm not sure.
There was a random unsigned static * that needed to be moved from a .c file to the .h file as C in VS doesn't allow you to create new variables inside functions in the particular way they were trying to do.
Read the "readme-win32.txt" file. Advice is:
hack yourself a build system somehow. This seems to be the Windows way of doing things.
Don't get your hopes up. The *nix way of doing things is the configuration script that needs to be run first. It auto-generates source files to marry the library to the specific flavor of *nix. The configuration script is almost half a megabyte. Three times as much code as in the actual .c files :) You cannot reasonably get that working without MinGW so you can execute the script. Once you got that done, you've got a better shot at it with a VS solution. As long as it doesn't use too much C99 specific syntax.

Using a .lib built with Visual Studio in Eclipse/CDT/gcc

I am having some trouble compiling a programm with gcc on windows which was initially developed with Visual Studio. So far I was able to resolve almost all problems like missing header files and such, but now I am stuck at one last thing: gcc fails to link to one of the third party libs my program uses (FlyCapture2.lib). It tells me that it does not find any of the functions/methods there. I already checked if the library is actually on the library path and that sort of things, but it still does not work.
I searched a bit around and learned that it might have something to do with the format of .libs created with the Microsoft compiler. Is there any way to convert such a lib to be compatible with gcc? Anything else I might have missed?
(I already found this similar question, but its solution won't work here)
In this page the author gives several ways to achieve what you want
