How to use artifactId with different filename in dependencies - maven

Using Artifactory and Maven, how can one refer to a dependency with the correct group/artifactId/version but use a filname that differs from the artifactId-version.end style?
The problem comes with a dll that cannot be renamed, and the mandatory? Artifactory naming convention.
found one possible expensive way for this specific problem where the filename cannot include the dash-sign: creating a new Artifactory repository layout for which the pro-version is needed - so unfortunately, that is not an option!
partly solution for jUnit tests
using the maven-dependency-plugin and the maven-surefire-plugins one can make jUnits work. unfortunately, it does not solve the problem that the specific sapjco3.dll cannot be found when deployed within a war to a server.

Maven does not care for filenames, it cares for their coordinates. Add your DLL correctly to your remote repo and maven will do the rest.
A dependency snippet might be:
After you have done this, use either dependency:copy-dependencies or dependency:copy to change the filename at build time.


how to run maven war dependency using tomcat:run?

I am using maven for my current projects. Now, I have a war dependency:
I don't have any problem when I built the war artifact. For this, I have added this plugin:
But, when I run the following mvn command mvn tomcat7:run I can not see any javascript resource. It looks like war dependency had not been added.
Could someone help me with that?
Thanks in advance.
Welcome to Stack Overflow Emelendez.
You should read this post :
Indeed, the dojo-war dependencies allows you to add some files to your sources, but you must specify some extra actions to include it in the final war.
Dependencies, in Maven, can only be in the language you try to compile (well it's not really exact, but this is enough here). If you want to add other resources (files, images, javascript), contained in a zip/war/targz, you must explicitely extract them. This is what is mentionned in the link I provided previously :
<id>unpack dojo</id>
(Be careful, I'm not sure that this configuration is exact, your dependencie seems to be dojo-war according to your pom.xml, and not dojo as per doc said)
This will extract dojo libs into output directory, and then into your war.

Invoke a jar file in the M2 repository

I have a project, in which I want to invoke another Jar file in M2 repo during the post execution phase of the current project.
Sample skeleton of my POM
<arguments> <argument>-jar</argument>
<**workingDirectory**>/C:/path to repo</workingDirectory>
<dependencies> <dependency>
<groupId>GroupId of JarToInvoke</groupId>
I tried with maven-exec-plugin, but having the following issues;
Where I need to specify to JarToInvoke dependency ? As a project dependency or as a exec-plugin dependency ?
With hard coding the working directory(/C:/path to repo), I am able to invoke the JarToInvoke artifact. But it is not a good solution, because finally this project should run in any m/c with different OS's. So how can I make the exec-plugin to search for the JarToInvoke artifact in the M2 repo of the project(default classpath) ?
3.While hard coding the M2 repo path in the working directory, I was able to invoke the JarToInvoke artifact. But while running the JarToInvoke artifact, it throws another dependency issue, some of the log4j dependencies to the JarToInvoke could not find. I made the JarToInvoke as a shaded jar and it work as expected. But it is not a permanent or good solution(Because the shaded jar size is of 35 MB). How can I instruct the exec-plugin to look for the dependent Jars in M2 repo.
Please share your suggestions. Thanks in Advance.
This example page from the Exec plugin's documentation describes what you want I think.
If you could use the exec:java goal instead of exec:exec, finding the JVM is taken care of for you. You can also pull in either plugin dependencies or project dependencies by changing the includeProjectDependencies and includePluginDependencies configuration options of the plugin.
<groupId>GroupId of JarToInvoke</groupId>
<!-- Look up the main class from the manifest inside your dependency's JAR -->
<!-- Add any arguments after your JAR here --->
<groupId>GroupId of JarToInvoke</groupId>
The only disadvantage is that you have to explicitly specify the main class in the JAR to run. You can look this up by opening up the manifest in the dependency JAR and read the Main-Class attribute.
If you really need to use exec:exec, you could use the Maven Dependency Plugin's copy-dependencies goal to copy dependencies from your local repository to a predefined location (such as ${}/exec-jars) and then you can feed this directory in the exec plugin's workingDirectory configuration option.
Probably an easier way to locate the absolute path to the jar file would be to use maven-dependency-plugin with properties goal.
<workingDirectory>/C:/path to repo</workingDirectory>

maven-dependency-plugin unpack not being executed during phase

I'm packaging an ejb and I need to include some .classes from a dependency into the jar, I'm trying to use the maven-dependency-plugin to unpack the artifact and put the files in my ${}/classes directory during the package phase, but when I execute mvn package I dont see any log or reference to the maven-dependency-plugin (nothing happens), I even tried putting a invalid version of the plugin and It doesn't even throw exceptions.
Below my pom.xml
...repository and props
what am I missing?
PS: the artifact model is installed in the local repo and I have tried with other phases too.
If you remove the lines containing the text <pluginManagement> and </pluginManagement> the plugin should execute. Just those two lines, not the lines in between. pluginManagement is a marginally advanced feature.
PluginManagement provides configuration details to POMs that inherit from this POM. However this section provides only the configuration details. To actually be executed, the plugin must be explicitly referred to outside of a pluginManagement section.
See POM Reference

Maven and copying at test time

How can I have maven copy some resource files from another project right before the junit test cases are run?
I want this because the json files are maintained by the ui team for their testing purposes, so I want to use those same files to run against our layers so that we know we don't break the expected output when we change our code.
One option is to use the maven dependency plugin to selectively "unpack" the files from the project which has those files.
For example say the project in which the resource file is, so you can do something like
<!-- You could a phase of your choice based on needs -->
This will copy all .json files (just an example) to the current project's build output directory.
You can refer to the dependency plugin for more configuration options.
Hope this helps.

How to ignore maven-dependency-plugin copy goal errors?

I am copying a resource into another folder before packaging using the maven-dependecy-plugins copy goal.
The resource is not vital and it is likely possible that it is not accessible. That's why I want the build not to fail if it is not accessible. I already set the failBuild property to false but it had no effect. Is there a way to achieve this?
I guess you get a resolve problem, that the artifact doesnt exist or can't be found in any repository. That's how maven works, if you specify a dependency you need to be able to retrieve it.
I resolved my problem by using the copy artifact plugin of jenkins now.
