Can I have one Maven assembly descriptor depend on another? - maven

Here is a snippet from my pom file.
I would like descriptor b.xml to depend on what a.xml generates (a jar with included dependencies).
Is this possible? How would I specify this in my b.xml descriptor?

Use two executions, one for a.xml and then one for b.xml.


Error: Could not find or load main class while executing jar

I have used maven assemble plugin to generate executable jar with dependencies.
I am trying to run the jar and getting Error: Could not find or load main class.
I have tried with and also tried option to specify classes folder.
Here is my pom.xml
Try to use configuration block inside of an execution one:

Maven assembly put jar-with-dependencies into tar.gz package

I am using maven assembly plugin to package a fat jar, and then I want to put the fat jar into the tar.gz package, which is also generated by mvn-assembly plugin.
The thing is assembly will not put the fat jar into the tar file, but put the small jar,which only contains code and no dependencies in it.
Here's my pom file:
And assembly.xml:
solved this

mvn output jar file is executable only inside target folder

I have a mvn built jar, which is working fine inside the target folder.
But if I copy the jar to different folder/machine.I get a class not found exception. I understand the jar is unable to access the dependencies. how can i fix this?
my pom contains,
<!-- exclude junit, we need runtime dependency only -->
Thanks In Advance,
Make a fat jar with dependencies using maven-assembly-plugin:
<!-- get all project dependencies -->
<!-- bind to the packaging phase -->
The target folder would have additional jar-with-dependencies.jar; you should be able to use this anywhere.
I removed the maven jar and dependency plugins from my pom. Added
<id>make-assembly</id> <!-- this is used for inheritance
merges -->
<phase>package</phase> <!-- bind to the packaging phase
This created a jar with dependencies which can be executed anywhere. Also with the specific jar name.

How to avoid WARNING message "already attached to project, ignoring duplicate"

I've tried to avoid the maven warning message which comes from assembly plug in (I compile 2 jar files which are compiled from the same module)
Part of my pom.xml :
During the compilation process I'm getting the next WARNING msg :
[WARNING] Artifact already attached to project, ignoring duplicate
What should I add to pom.xml in order to avoid the warning ?
Just add <attach>false</attach> to the configuration of both executions

maven build jar with test resources file only

I have a project which will be built has jar.
structure of project as below
> src | - main
> |- java
> - resources
> | - test
> | - resources
so now i want to create 2 jar files using maven
1) main/java and main/resources
2) main/java and test/resources
You never specified what is happening for you that is not what you're after, but looking at your example, it looks like you've got two different versions of the same plugin defined in your POM to try and hack what you want.
You can do what you're after by using the <execution> tag to define the desired behavior.
<!-- jar plugin -->
<!-- use these to define different execution tasks during the package phase -->
<classpathPrefix>lib/</classpathPrefix> <addDefaultImplementationEntries>true</addDefaultImplementationEntries>
After running this, you should have two jar's in your output directory, one named [your artifactID]-[version].jar and one named [your artifactID]-[version]-tests.jar
